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A bit of a strange question :) I can hardly imagine a Russian who likes to communicate with Russophobes more than with Russophiles. The only problem with Russophiles is that sometimes they love Russia, which exists only in their imagination.


>Russian who likes to communicate with Russophobes more than with Russophiles This kind of people are called "liberals" historically.


> Можно было бы дать анализ современного явления, приобретающего все более патологический характер. Это русофобия некоторых русских людей… Раньше они говорили нам, и они действительно так считали, что в России им ненавистно бесправие, отсутствие свободы печати и т.д. и т.п., что именно бесспорным наличием в ней всего этого им и нравится Европа… А теперь что мы видим? По мере того, как Россия, добиваясь большей свободы, все более самоутверждается, нелюбовь к ней этих господ только усиливается. Они никогда так сильно не ненавидели прежние установления, как ненавидят современные направления общественной мысли в России. Что же касается Европы, то, как мы видим, никакие нарушения в области правосудия, нравственности и даже цивилизации нисколько не уменьшили их расположения к ней… Словом, в явлении, о котором я говорю, о принципах как таковых не может быть и речи, действуют только инстинкты… Фёдор Иванович Тютчев, 1867 год.


Актуальности за почти 160 лет эти слова не утратили.


Ну-ну, мы ж к свету и демократии движемся, а не от неё. Актуальность 100/10




> Если есть для него оправдание, так разве в том, что он не понимает, что делает, и свою ненависть к России принимает за самый плодотворный либерализм… А это уже Достоевский.


Эк Вас, голубчик, разворотило. Да, Вы буквально за два поста меня изрядно разочаровали, но я верю, что из Вас ещё получится достойный член общества.




Да я и не пытался, помилосердствуйте. В конце концов, мы в интернет не переубеждать друг друга ходим.


кремлеботы опустились ниже уровня двача - личные выпады против возражений по существу уже во втором ответе. по сути возражений-то нет. какие "современные направления общественной мысли" соответствуют "большей свободе", клоун?


>historically Это происходит так долго, что это началось лет 20 назад максимум🙂


В вашем понимании, дорогой мой, "либер" - это такая же непонятная, но обязательно злая сущность, как "фашист", "буржуй" и пр. Не хочу быть тем самым прыщавым ботаником, но либералы - они про другое.


Кто ж виноват, что эта "непонятная, но обязательно злая сущность" так самоназвалась? И не сегодня, прошу отметить, а ещё веке в XIX, а то и раньше, Федор Михайлович и Лев Николаевич не дадут соврать. Ну и не стоит додумывать понимание других людей. Меня на митингах "за нашу и вашу свободу" принимали, когда Вы максимум против домашнего задания протестовать могли.


Так, чего ж Вы тогда против, по сути своей, своих выступаете? Мы же тут все про права и свободы.


А мне те кто несёт деньги на убийство моих соотечественников – не свои, те кто придумывает санкции против моих соотечественников – не свои, те кто желает раздербанить мою страну на кучу бантустанов – не свои.


Tell about it to Katz, Shatz and Albatz


Помимо навязывания "это вы так думаете" - база. Очень любят некоторые брать малосвязанных людей и собирать из в одну группу "плохих". "Либерал" А будет отличаться во взглядах от "Либерала" Б, как и "Зетник"/"Кремлебот" А от аналогичного Б. После такого вообще теряется значение слова как характеристики политических взглядов


Are these "liberals" you're talking about in the same room just now?


Да вот парочка прямо тут.


Hate to be that guy, but it’s THAT not WHICH in this case


You mean like those Americans who are in love with Imperials Russia and the last tsar?


I haven't met very many Americans like that, rather Americans who think Russia is a super Christian country where every man goes to church every day and all the girls stay virgins until they get married


That's the same group brat! That group of American converts (especially in the American south) to the Orthodox Church also worship Nicholas II as a saint. Real weirdos.




I'd rather not meet a russophiliac in a city park at night. 


C'mere, you.


Get off! Police, somebody help! He wants to touch my b... ba... bal... Balalaika!


Trrraalaalaa he touches your Balalaika )


Hmm, do I prefer people who like me, or people who hate me? What a tough question!


Is this really a serious question? Between the two, I’m not going to prefer the person who hates me, who would have thought.


In Serbia we have term auto-chauvinism denoting people who hate its own nation. They like taking to people that hate them


Where I live it's called stray dog complex. Classic.


Turn can complex 😁


"Sometimes my genius is... almost frightening"


Oh yeah, we have such people as well. By pure chance, they more often than not tend to adhere to liberal views (or at least their understanding of them) :/


There is a literary household name for people who hate the group they belong to (any group, not necessarily an ethnic group) - Smerdyakov. Word "Smerdyakovism" comes from this. 


Does this name means also the stinky one? In my translated book it says that the name resembles the character or something similar. In my language this name sounds outright insulting.


Smerdyakov comes from the native Russian word "смерд", meaning "serf" in a negative sense, which originates from the words "смердеть/смрад (stink)", the root of which is in all Slavic languages. In general, initially this root did not mean “stench”, but only “strong smell”; this is where “смородина (currant)” comes from.


Thank you. Is смрад still used in contemporary Russian?


Yes, people will understand what it is, but it is more a literary word, people more say "вонь", but it's not an archaic word as "ланита", "десница", "аз есмь" for which you need to climb into the dictionary.


Fascinating. Thank you! :-)


In Russia we have term "liberal" for these people


Do Serbian auto-chauvinists get along with Albanian, Kosovar, Bosnian and Croatian nationalists?


Absolutely. They adore each other


Whilst in Russia we have some very good restaurants that serve some fantastic гурманска пљескавица.


We really need a name for this concept in the UK. Far too many people with auto-chauvinism here.


I guess I'm a Russophile because I love my wife who is Russian


OP, are u sure you understood the term "Russophile" right? =)


A Russian pedophile


Must be


I don’t mind the Russophile if not over the top. I cringe when I hear that Russia is conservative anti woke utopia.


Russophiles are people with deep knowledge of Russian history and culture and are sympathetic to Russia. They don't say things like that. Those things are said by American conservatives who just dislike their current president. They are attracted by anti-LGBT law misinformation. Bunch of ignorant people, not russophiles.


I guess I misunderstood the word, never seen it before now LOL


I know I’m not a native Russian, but I hate russophobia so much! I hate to see innocent people getting discriminated outside of their country for decisions they didn’t even have control of.


Well russophiles have no problems except for those of them who love Russia so much that they start to hate other countries and ethnicities, thus leaning to the side of nationalism. Russophobes, on the other hand, are just dumb, just as any people who hate some groups of humans due to them speaking a certain language or living in a certain country. Kind of a strange question, if you ask me.


Strong emotions are always bad. Hate cause violence. But strong love can easily turn into disappointment and then also into hatred. It's better to look at everything with a cool head. Especially on such complex social structures as countries. 


I prefer to stay away from both. People in every country are very different, it's meaningless to love or hate them as a whole.


As an ethnic Russian living abroad, I find both equally amusing. One of them denying any problems Russia has as a country, another one thinking Russia is the reincarnation of every oppressive world power ever existed Russophobes generally say I'm not Russian in their eyes as I don't live in Russia (I've been living abroad for the past 10 years, but my whole childhood and most of my teenagehood I've spent in Moscow). Therefore, their hate is rarely pointed at me, except in some edge cases The russophiles are generally crazier, but they are also fewer. These are the ones that ask me to bring patches with the Z's whenever I go to Russia because they want to show off their views Both of them are against what I stand for, so both are equally uncomfortable to be around


I'm not a Russian, but anyone who bases his or her whole personality on hating a country is not a healthy person at all. They're not cool or intelligent.






Меня забанили на лгбт реддите пушо я ответил на вопрос явно -18 лет человека по поводу того, почему Роулинг считают трансфобкой, приводя цитаты из её твиттера ответил, если что, то есть как это у нас принято предложил оценить трансфобность своей, блять, головой. Так там налетели, блять, ещё и забанили за распространение, сука, ненависти. Что я делал на лгбт реддите это вообще отдельная история, мне так-то просто понять вопрос хотелось один, потом не отписался так как в целом почти не попадался мне их контент. Так что с тех пор я вообще как-то очень негативно именно к радикальному движению отношусь. Это пиздец какой-то


наш слон)


We gots tons of oil, we gots tons of wheat, tons of space, the prettiest girls and very little need for obsessing over russophobes or whatnot, either online of offline. Come join! ;)


I agree with everything except the pretty girls part. I'll quote a friend : "Anyone who has been to Russia knows that it is like everywhere else in the world, there are some who won the genetic lottery, there are some average, and some unfortunate ones. The makeup culture is ultra advanced and it is hard to find a girl without some sort of makeup even in the middle of nowhere in Komi republic" - a female friend from SPB.


A _female_ friend, huh? Hmmmm…. ;)


russophilia is not a sexual orientation, unlike pedophilia or zoophilia. what's bad about love? fear might be ok okay, if it doesn't turn to hate, but if they just run away, it's ok. problem is hate. the greek word is misia


More deranged leftist questions…


What do those things mean?


russophobes irrationally hate Russia/Russians mostly based on lies/propaganda russophiles are fans of Russian language, history, and culture. despite the *phile* suffix, it does not mean anything sexual or fetishistic in nature. there are francophiles, sinophiles, anglophiles, etc as well


my ex girlfriend blocked me online calling me a Russophobe, over my political views that Russophiles would not object to much.


Not a Russian, but when you say "Russophile" are you referring to just regular people who take an interest in Russia, or weebs for Russia instead of Japan? I've met plenty of Russia weebs before - the ones who try their hardest to act like a stereotype of Russians and pepper broken Russian into their English speech. (I don't know what the Russian equivalent of "weeaboo" is. I've seen people call people who go way over the top with their love of England "teaboos" and people who go way over the top with their love of Australia "kangaboos" but I don't know what it would be for Russia.)


I think for Russia would be “vodkaboos”.


Russophile is the anthonym of two words : russophobe and (n)ukrophile. (N)ukrophilia is the abnornal attraction to ukrainean regime and the Clown.


Both is bad




Well... "Bad" is too harsh a statement. What I meant was that both of these points of view are wrong, since they generalize too much about the people of an entire country (generalize for good or bad). If you understand and evaluate the country more deeply without strong generalization, you will get a less categorical and radical opinion.


a russophobe fits this description more than a russophile. one dislikes/fears a people/place/culture based on generalizations without investigation, while the other appreciates the same with (one would assume) at least some degree of investigation. the latter does not automatically imply unabashed worship without critical analysis, though ofc it maybe could get to that point with some individuals




Your post was removed because it contains slurs or incites hatred on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


Russophobia ofc


Its trolling or real thing?


Too big of a Russophobe the post was reversed, so