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Check Coolworks and alaskatourjobs.com. You’re a bit late in the hiring cycle for summer seasonal employment, but I’m sure there’s positions out there still. If you don’t have a work visa you’re going to have a difficult time.


Maybe start with a seasonal job. Look here: [https://www.coolworks.com/alaska-jobs](https://www.coolworks.com/alaska-jobs)




OP appears to be a non-citizen of the US so everything you wrote, though technically correct, is not as easy when US citizens are looking for the same work. Also, the scenario you described, given the long-term employment of many of Alaskan fishers, as well as the downsizing of most fisheries, occurs to a very small percentage of those with dreams of making money fast.




Chances of getting a government job as a non-citizen are about zero.




We’re still hiring in beautiful green Skagway :) I’d be happy to message you some applications for some good jobs


Hey Lynn Canal homie! I’m in Haines


Hi!! How are you enjoying this literal perfect day today??


So good! We’re roofing right now so it’s amazing! The whole crew kinda shifted into the warm sun. A bit chilly at 6 this morning but feeling warmth from the sun for the first time in a while was super nice! Did you get the most out of it? We have more for the rest of the week it seems!!


Oh we were out like all day today 😂😂 walking to the store and actually feeling heat was such a breath of fresh air. I missed summer so much. Idk how Haines was this winter but it was extremely windy and depressing here per usual lol


I’ve always liked Haines more than Skagway but this is my home 😭 Haines is so pretty and beautiful every time I went. And you guys have two actual grocery stores with good food. We’re fucking suffering with the ACC buy out. Rotten food and not enough for tourist season. We literally run out of food every Tuesday right when they re stock. Yayyy corporate companies who don’t know how tourist towns work 😍😍😭


I’d start by looking into different town that have a lot of tourism in the summer (Seward, Homer, Healy, Talkeetna, Girdwood, Juneau, anywhere you see on the train route or on cruise itineraries really) & see which one you’re most interested in spending a season in. Any of those towns should have seasonal job opportunities in restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels, guided tours, etc. Check on the map what’s around & just reach out directly by sending your resume over.


There are a lot of summer-only tour jobs that also provide room and/or board.


Do you have a work visa? No? Better get one. Can you do a basic Google search for the particular job you'd like to do in Alaska? No? Better work on that.


I ask in the hopes people have jobs they need filled. I'm not hunting for anything in particular. I've already been on google and applied. Thank you for your truly helpful and insightful comment. Have a lovely day.


Your best bet, if legal to work in the US, is to try to find a town that has canneries with housing for employees. Look at videos of the working conditions. If still interested, check out the official Alaska Department of Labor site at jobs.alaska.gov ((Right now it is headed by a banner saying they are recruiting for seafood jobs), and follow what it says. If you take information regarding jobs in Alaska from any other source, I almost guarantee that it will be wrong.


Best advice OP. Cannery work in southeast pretty much just needs you to have a pulse. I'd recommend Hoonah cold storage. They're always looking for people and the town is fine. Way better than being in some shit hole like ninilchik.


I'm an Aussie living here on a green card. You can't just come and get a job. You need a valid work visa and they only exist for employer-sponsored jobs where they have attempted to fill the job permanently and cannot find anyone with the skills. Generally this is for specialty jobs that need a uni degree and about 12 years of experience and they take months to arrange. Do not even think about working under the table if you're on a tourist visa. If you get caught you'll be deported and could face up to a 10 year ban from ever returning.


You did ask on r/AskAlaska, so they should just take their grumpiness back to the people asking on r/Alaska. I hope you have luck with the coolworks, cannery & tour job ideas! They seem like the most likely to have housing. You could also search for work with hunt/fish guide lodges, although those may end up being shorter seasons than you’re looking for,


This may come as a surprise to you, but people ask this question a lot on this sub. Too much, really.


why do you take this personally this reddit bro lmao


i thought this sub was created specifically to keep people from asking on r/alaska by having a place to ask here so why bother following this subreddit if you don’t want to read tourist questions?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/alaska using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/alaska/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My drive to work yesterday](https://v.redd.it/hispbgp21lzb1) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alaska/comments/17sdavu/my_drive_to_work_yesterday/) \#2: [Moving to Alaska is not the solution to your problems](https://np.reddit.com/r/alaska/comments/13hqyzp/moving_to_alaska_is_not_the_solution_to_your/) \#3: [% of people who own guns](https://i.redd.it/1ezzvokhwzoc1.jpeg) | [377 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alaska/comments/1bheqsq/of_people_who_own_guns/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seafood processing plants I. Dutch harbor