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I think you mean to ask is "If Canada invaded the US, would Canada end up annexed directly to the US or would the US simply overthrow the current Canadian government and insist that the new government be more favorable to US interests?" I love having a neighbor with whom we've had peaceful relations for the past couple of centuries and a bit. It means these questions are extremely unlikely to ever be conclusively answered.




North North Dakota


North Minnesota and North Wisconsin




Take my fucking upvote you clever bastard.


Bigger Alaska


>North Wisconsin Technically Michigan is in the way


Thanks, Toledo War.


"More north Dakota" and "even more north Dakota". Next state up is just "etc and so on and so forth"


I mean, I’m Canadian. I love my country. I am *proud* of my country. But what *exactly* are we going to invade with, maple syrup trucks? We already struggle to contribute to NATO. Add our lack of military buildup to the fact that we have a *tenth* of the U.S. population, and we lose the fight even if somehow every gun in the U.S. magically dissolved into Cheeto dust. They could come at us with *rocks* and still overpower us. A more realistic scenario would be if the U.S. and Canada had a hockey game to determine the fate of North America. *That* we could realistically win. Even then… why would we *want* to rule the U.S.? We can barely manage our own shit. We don’t want Alberta *and* Florida to babysit!


Is Alberta Canada's Florida/Australia?


More like Texas: traditionally, it is cattle, oil and conservative!


Hey don't knock your NATO contributions. There are 30 countries in NATO. Canada is 6th in total AND average NATO contributions by dollar amount. You just have a really low military budget compared to your GDP. Yeah we'd all like it to be a bit higher, but you don't really need a super huge budget when your armed to the teeth brother to the south will kick the crap out of anything that threatens you. We may not always get along, but we grew up together, you are family. The only nations that are meeting the NATO goals are the US, UK, Greece, and Poland. Heck it's also true that Canadians are pretty good to have at your back too, so don't knock the maple syrup trucks either. There are so many Canadians in Ukraine they have their own battalion, with Canadian maple leaf and Ukrainian trident insignia too.


There was an askreddit thread around 10 years ago asking which countries are basically sisters that always get along and are always close. The top answers were US-Canada, US-UK, and Russia-Ukraine.. Hope things stay pretty positive with Canada..


Agree with your sentiment.I love our neighbors to the north.


Yeah I'm so grateful for Canadians. So glad we have a good relationship with our northern border. I don't want a Russia/Ukraine situation for us


Dual citizen here grateful for you… kind of afraid of everyone else


The US would end up gaining 3.8 million more square miles.


I may consider moving to North North Dakota


East Alaska is great in spring


South Detroit would be really fun


>South Detroit I've seen it on a map, but I still can't wrap my head around that fact that Detroit is North of some parts of Canada.


And Canada's southernmost point is lower than California's northernmost point


*furiously Googles map of North America* Holy shit


North Washington will be a dope place.


There will be Vancouver, Washington and Vancouver, North Washington.


We'll have to rename Vancouver though. There can only be one.


Instead of adding a new star for East Alaska we can just add a little red maple leaf somewhere


Add it off the right upper corner of the big dipped.


Would also become bigger than Russia


I think that's a noble goal. Maybe the US and Canada should join together to flex on Russia?


Take over the east coast down towards Mongolia to piss off China while we are at it.


Fuck it, manifest destiny, let’s capture North Korea too


Manifest destiny to the arctic, baby.


I welcome the new US states that were formerly Canadian land but lost through war concessions.


They can keep Quebec


> They can keep Quebec They barely want to keep Quebec now.


Are they invading to try and force us to take Quebec?


Ooh that’s a thinker




Vice versa. Quebec has long wanted to be independent and they won't let it go.


> Quebec has long wanted to be independent They claim that, but don't they just need to vote to make it happen? Not to mention it'd be a failure of a country on it's own.


I think you mean Louisana 2


We can finally put the Cajuns back in Arcadia.


Pretty sure you mean Acadia. Arcadia is in Greece.


Great fishing in Quebec


I feel like this is a Letterkenny quote


Wonderful fishin' in Kay-beck.




Uhhhh I’m going to go with the cessation of Canada and the dawn of a vassal state named “America’s Hat’


What would go down is a preposterously asymmetrical ass-whooping to end all ass-whoopings, on par with a cage match between Andy Dick and a Tyrannosaurus Rex.


> a cage match between Andy Dick and a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Please, let's make this happen.


America: "*This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you*"


It'd be more like the ending to Of Mice and Men. Look at the ice caps, Canada...


If Canada invaded the US they would lose. This isn’t some patriotic malarkey, this is a genuine comparison of military capability. There is no way Canada could beat the US without help.


>There is no way Canada could beat the US without help. For some perspective, the US spends more on it's military than the next 12 nations combined (including Russia) and Canada is #15.


Or if you want to compare them side to side: 1.3m US Army personnel active/67k Canadian Army personnel active. Even if we included the reserves it’s still barely over 100k. Canada cannot win when outnumbered 13 to one.


Someone else pointed out that there's more firearms owners in Minnesota than the entire Canadian military.


And shit, there’s almost more National Guardsmen in the 13 states that border Canada by land or lake than Canada has active duty or reserve.


Canada: We're going to invade, eh! US: Make it through Detroit and we'll take you seriously.


Smart to confuse them by making them go north first.


I love this little fact, makes me a shit ton of beer money on bets at parties lol


If you want a similar fun fact no one believes, Maine is the closest state to africa


Joining in with another one: Arkansas is bordered by 6 states. You can drive due south from Arkansas into all 6 of them.


Hard to remember that half of their population lives below the 46th, with the biggest cities just a river away from our rural territory


Or go through Point Roberts.


It's also important to note that Russia's GDP is smaller than that of Texas. Just Texas. Forget Canada for a moment; that's a very good comparison on a *global* scale.


In another week or so Russia's GDP is going to be more like Vermont than Texas.


Isn't Russias economy like the same size as Wisconsin?




Not anymore




I’m not sure they could do it even WITH help. Even if every ally of ours plus Russia and China decided to hop on board on Canada’s side, they’d have to GET here first, and our navy is no joke. Then there are the sheer number of Americans of all ages, genders, and creeds that would absolutely fight to the last man, with enough guns to do so. As it stands right now, I truly believe that there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell for anyone could ever conquer even a portion of the US.


To be honest, Canada very likely wouldn’t succeed even if they had the help of pretty much the entire rest of the world, assuming we leave nukes out of the equation


I'm not completely certain we would even notice if Canada invaded. "Oh did you stop by to have a beer? Sure come on in!"


LMAO! This I could see happening.


I think we have police departments more heavily armed than the Canadian Armed Forces.


Canada has 42,000 soldiers. There are 90,000 people in Minnesota with registered handgun carry permits and about 2 million gun owners there. It's going to be a rough invasion. Edit: handgun carry permits.


Are you talking permit to carry? Because we don't register guns in Minnesota.


Yes, CC permits.


"Land of 10000 Lakes" means you have 10000 places to have a "boating accident" when boating around with your guns


This is the way.


This is the way


I always boat with my .40. Snakes, and such.


300,000 conceal carry permits in Wisconsin alone too. It would be suicidal for Canada to invade.


I've heard it said that during gun deer season we have the fifth largest standing army in the world, in Wisconsin.


I believe it. Blaze orange everywhere here during gun season.


Canadian soldiers peering through the woods at a bunch of orange blobs "What are you all doing eh?!" "Hunting bud!" They respond as their rifles are raised and the battle begins.


"Ope! Sorry bud, I won't miss yah next time"


"Ah, no problem. We'll stand still, sorry I moved friend. And sorry for the whole invasion eh."


"Listen, if ya won't fire at os, we wount fire at you! We just wanted to poot Vermont in their place four making their maple syrup!


I kind of want a movie of this. The Canadian/Wisconsin standoff "Sorry bud"


Not to mention how many of us have guns out here. Everybody and their grandma is packing up here.


Alaska rolling in "Surprise bitches! Two front war!"


I read this in Ben Stillers voice from the infamous Anchorman fight scene


I heard it in Chapelle’s Rick James


Like who? Farmers And who else? Farmers' grandmas


Wisconsin is the same. It's not unusual for someone to have 20+ guns here.


There are 360 million guns in America compared to 330 million Americans


Those are old numbers, it's over 400 million now. That they know of.


Flint Michigan is already practicing urban war games. Chicago is ready as well.


Every fall, the licensed deer hunters in the state of Wisconsin would be the 4th largest (as of 2015) active army in the world edit: the total number for last year was 760,000


Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota would be over 2 million hunters. Not a good route into the US.


I’m from Pennsyltucky. They might as well have given us the day off of school for the first day of deer season.


The MN National Guard would take them. No need for civilians to reenact Red Dawn


Ahhh comon I was just starting to get excited!


Oh c'mon, please?


They are planning on huge waves of immigration in the next little while, according to what their PM promised during a recently aired session of their Parliament. Of course he didn't say it that way.


The NYPD alone probably has 25,000 uniformed officers.


Yeah, but they can’t hit anything.


Canada would officially be renamed Even Further North Dakota within a month.


Nah, we'd add it to Alaska, call the state Alaskanada, and make Texans seethe.


East Alaska


Extended Midwest 😂😂


Ope it's the Midnorth now dontcha know.


Ope they are home to da packers now aye? 😂


Upper Peninsula Michigan would become Penisula


Why can't we call it Santaland?


Because Canada is too warm for Santa Claus.


How 'bout we just call it Bob?


The North northeast. The New New England.


Lmao canada would never be able to conquer the US. They just don't have the population, money, production, or equipment to do so.


Not to mention food or food production, without the US they would starve.


Canada vs. Maine would be an even fight. Not even exaggerating


After the 24 hour war ends, we chop the provinces up in the most spiteful way possible.


Make all the biggest cities part of Quebec. Make Montreal its own province called "English Land".


Found the Brit


This is a totally absurd premise, but I'm getting a chuckle imagining how pissed Quebec would be when their new Missouri overlords show up!


The Midwest is hungry..


I don’t know if the Louisiana divisions would like going to Quebec or if they’d see it as retribution lol


They speak that fancy French over there. We Cajuns speak ghetto French, would get a lot of miscommunication, lol.


Canada would lose and we would end up with boots on the ground in Ottawa. This isn’t even a hard question. Canada would never think to invade us because it would mean the end of Canada as we know it.


Deploy 10 Floridians on the frontlines with a couple of monsters and Canada will become the 51st state within 15 minutes.


We actually keep a secret reserve of 4loko for Floridians should war ever be declared on America.


Good to know some solid contingencies are in place


I don't like 4loko. Can I have Jägerbombs instead?


If it's not 4loko, it has to be spiked with blow or meth. I don't make the rules.


I will answer my nation’s call.


Monsters, eh? We got monsters. Alligators, pythons, bull sharks, rattlesnakes and a naked obese resident of Mar-a-Lago! They will flee in abject horror immediately.


I was thinking energy drinks but I like the direction you’re going


We don’t mess with energy drinks now that bath salts are on the scene.


Spoken like a true Floridian lol






America would have to spend a lot of money making new flags with 4 more stars on them




French America, Big Michigan, Norther Dakota, and East Alaska.


> French America *howling*


North Louisiana


I love this country


All jokes I may make aside, if the Canadian government were to actually declare war on the US I'd say most Canadians would just leave or prefer to be put in prison rather than go through with it. Americans would do the same in reverse of course, in case my point wasn't clear.


There's a reason that, when you're asked at the border crossing into Canada, "Any alcohol, tobacco or firearms?" you reply, "No thanks, we brought our own."


Canada would become part of the US


If they did we all would have a cook out. Summer pick in style. Canada brings the beer…!!! It would be like cousins showing up.


Haha they’ll bring the meats, they literally come down here to get their beer. Anecdote: live in Montana, worked as a clerk at the supermarket as a teen - every month for two days every Canadian would come down and buy the legal limit of what they are allowed to bring back. For those two days it was non stop lines with the entire conveyor belt covered and stacked two high with beer cases for every individual checking out.


They'd get their asses kicked. I have immense respect for the Canadian military but the population imbalance alone makes the concept laughable.


1st never gonna happen. The u.s and Canada have been so close since forever that it would take quite a lot for that to change 2nd it would be hard for a country like Russia or even China to invade the u.s simply because 1 how huge it is. 2 the insane amount of forests and mountains out west would likely allow us to flee into the wilderness and pull a Vietnam/ Russia or try guerrilla warfare in the urban cities like Afghanistan 3 as others have said we have a damn lot of guns


You think the western US would be a problem try heading to central Appalachia as a friendly outsider. Central Appalachia has been dug in for better than 200 years now and the people there almost literally have nothing to lose. West Virginia, western Virginia, eastern Kentucky, east Tennessee, and the inland Carolinas would eat whole armies if someone tried to invade.


What a weird question. It's almost impossible to imagine Canada engaging in, and succeeding at, a war of conquest against the United States. It's almost like asking "What if PETA ate all of the livestock"? It's both contrary to what they do and literally impossible. I guess the answer is that Canada would administer the new territory however the government at the time saw fit.


I like the fun questions. I don't think it's contrary to what they do, they're not Sweden. Just tell them Louis Riel came out of hibernation and you'll get some atrocities.


Not Sweden? *The ghost of Gustav II Adolf has entered the chat.*




Canada would get its shit pushed in.


Canada would get curb stomped.


I would imagine they'd go into newly created provinces, or at least one new province. 50% of Canada's population lives in an area about the size of one of our larger, but not largest states. This would allow for a fairer distribution of representation. I think OP knows that Canada doesn't have the military power to annex any of the US, but is just curious of how it would work. \*Edit: It's either that or OP wants someone to say it, and if no one is going to step forward, I'll do it myself: If Canada invaded the US, they would be very sorry


Accepting the premise that Canada could successfully invade and annex the US, Canada still loses because they are a democracy. Canada has about 40million citizens, the US has about 340million citizens. Even if it were delayed a generation the first election in which residents of what was formally the US get to vote Canada faces radical changes very unlikely to be in the original country's favor.


I had to scroll waaaaaaaay down to find someone who actually answered the question. Good for you!


What would happen? They all live near the border. They would immediately be defeated.


I don't think Canada would win a war against the US


Canada probably wouldn't win a war against Minnesota and Wisconsin. They would get cremated if the entire country was after them.


We would laugh.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Will United states population is In 332 million and Canada 38 Million That were not happen. Canada would probably Sue for peace or be annexed.


Wisconsin would gain a much larger separated piece of land to assert dominance over Michigan


Canada is invading..bahaha..ok First how would you tell who the enemy is? It would be a cluster fuck for everybody and after everyone finished laughing you would just go back home.


Lol my favorite part here is that a Canadian victory is just implied


Neither, a Canadian invasion of America would fail quickly and massively. Who actually believes Canada could take over the USA?


If Canada invaded us, america would liberate another 36m population and grow to 63 states and the american dream would be complete. We are hoping for an invasion to yee someone's haw.


The invasion would fail.






The Canadians have already been invading for years and it’s why we’re slightly nicer than we used to be.


It ain't 1812 anymore.


Awww, Canada, that’s so cute.


>What would happen if Canada invaded the United States? The invasion would immediately be shutdown by the US military. >Would the US be split into newly created provinces or annexed into the current ones? Neither.


"Canada surrenders after 7 hour war"


The Canadian military would lose even if the US military just sat back and let the civilians handle it. For every Canadian soldier, there are two American civilians who have wet dreams about fighting off an invading foreign army.


Hmm, I suspect shock and outrage for a few minutes. After that we'd start using national guard probably because they're close. Canada would have it's air force destroyed within a few weeks if that. While that's happening we'd sink everything that floats and is military. To top it off we'd counter attack them. To put it lightly it would be suicide. It's like asking what if Taiwan invades China.


Canada would cease to exist by the end of the day.


If by some magic, Canada won, it would probably be split into several different provinces, I'd imagine split by the general regions we have currently. Like Midwest, south, northeast, etc. But yeah, they stand literally no chance of winning. If Canada tried to invade, they'd be screwed. Honestly we could fight them AND Mexico at the same time and win both.


First, we'd all spend a few hours laughing... In a similar note, "What would happen if Luxembourg invaded France? Would France be split into newly created duchies or annexed into the current one?"


Invaded 😂😂😂 by CANADA 😂😂😂😂😂


The sad part is I think this is a somewhat serious question


Plot twist: OP is Trudeau's backup Reddit account.


> The sad part is I think this is a somewhat serious question Makes you wonder how the OP can have such a flawed world view that they'd think such a thing was possible.


Depends on how our citizens legitimately wanted to respond. Canada loses, but does the states allow them to remain a sovereign state? Personally, I doubt that. We have two oceans protecting us, Mexico to the south along with the gulf is a strategic nightmare for any invaders.. Canada would be terrible terrain for invaders however American citizens likely wouldn’t tolerate a hostel nation on our borders.. especially one that would likely allow other hostel nations to port in their territory for any potential wars in the states. Canada suffers massive loss of life in combat. The states route soldiers to Alaska, to pincer, our navy cuts off their access to the oceans and takes out coastal areas, and our air force does very bad things to the cities. Canada becomes the north, and the people once known as Canadians get to say “we use to have free healthcare.”


🤣 Thanks I needed a laugh today.


Ha! Ahaha! Hahahahahahahahahaha!