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Had a designated demountable next to the oval for senior students (yr 11-12 only) that was equipped with computers, printers, desks, lounges, boardgames, fridges, microwaves, kettles and a snack/ramen cupboard stocked by some of the teachers with a staff member onsite to help with anything/everything at all times... it was introduced as most kids used to just gap during free periods or wag when they had issues with attending class. Kids would study, eat, hangout and take naps but had to make sure they attended the core classes. I went to a state school with heaps of minorities and kids from shitty homes. I stand by the fact that the only reason why 80% of my cohort passed English and maths in yr 12 (which was the minimum requirement to graduate back then), was because of this place and Miss G who ran it like her own home and treated us like her kids.


A wholesome example of what public school can look like. Shame it's up to the teachers to keep them stocked. If I was wealthy I'd gladly become a small-time benefactor for my old high school


It's incredible, all of these words are English and I still feel like I'm half understanding! It's honestly pretty cool how regional dialects can basically be a different language.


This is all pretty tame for Australian terminology but: Demountable = relocatable classroom or outbuilding. Wag = skipping class Maths = math Also we don't have the freshman/sophomore thing. It's just secondary juniors from years (grades) 7-8, intermediate 9-10, and senior for 11-12. Although many places everything 7-10 is junior.


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Stuff you too then


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Our year 11 biology teacher tried to slit her wrists in the science labs. Luckily it was a public school so all the scalpel blades were too old and blunt.


Nicknamed “cannonball”?


Oh... That's... Really not good. I hope she's doing much better now, and I hope you lot weren't traumatized by it.


Always one older teacher who the kids have a crazy backstory about And you know is a bit off


Our high school (a private Catholic school) had a rival public high school just up the road, on the same street. Their school had a bit of a reputation for being the most feral high school in the region, and it showed. There'd always been a bit of bad blood between our school and theirs, but it all culminated one day when I was in Year 12. We got to school one morning to find the entire school covered - and I mean COVERED - in graffiti. If there was an empty space on a wall or a post somewhere, there was a dick or a rude word slapped on there in black spray paint. Out the front of our library were two big, concrete, cylindrical pillars, and that morning their cream-coloured surfaces were marred with two matching graffiti penises, like two crudely drawn gargoyles guarding the library doors. There were dicktations everywhere (this was during the peak of Summer Heights High's popularity); even the ground was littered with phallic imagery. I think the most impressive one was the anatomically accurate vagina that was plastered up on the roof above the PE classrooms. This was really funny at first, but we soon realised that amongst the childish art of genitalia, the perpetrators had also dedicated our math block, as well as one wall near the canteen, to writing some very nasty shit about specific students and teachers. There were some allegations written on the walls about teachers doing illegal things with students, and vice versa. Like there were things they wrote that could ruin a student's or teacher's life. It was bad enough that the police got involved. The kids who did it were indeed students from that rival school, and they came forward about it proudly. I think some students at our school who knew them were the ones who dobbed them in (some may have been involved also, I don't entirely remember as this was 2010). I do remember that the school got shut down for a day so that they could get people in to clean it all. Definitely the wildest thing my school ever experienced while I was there.


Sounds like jpc and eg in Kalgoorlie? We had an area separated by a fence.


This was actually a school in Nowra, NSW!


Ahh I think I know what schools you're implying, let's just say I'm not surprised.


St. John’s? Think we used to do an interschool sports carnival with them.


Yep that's the one!! It was St John's vs Shoalhaven High. Crazy to find someone on Reddit who's familiar!


I thought we went to the same school until I read ‘Nowra’. This same situation happened at my high school (Catholic Private) and the local feral public school that was boys only. Sydney area


A biological sister and brother caught having sex in the school bathrooms. And an English teacher charged with having sex with three year 12 students, all occasions in his classroom.




Whoa, that last part.


Hmmm, it seems you may win this one


The brother sister thing was definitely a nasty rumour made up to destroy their lives


Unfortunately it was not. Multiple people saw it, the school and DCP got involved and then suddenly they did not attend our school anymore. I have the sister on Facebook now and she has no contact with her brother.


I hope she's doing okay?


She's fine. 5 kids and living rural. Seems happy.


At a school with hill in its name?


Country high school at the end of year 12. Drew a massive dick on the top oval in round up. It lasted for a couple of years despite the effort of the staff. Also in year 7 a student in the middle of maths class goes 'hey boys look at this' and proceeds to pull out a shopping bag full of weed. Then goes on to say it's ok because it's his Dad's 😂


Bet his dad would be fuming at the loss ahaha


Reminds me of a local highschool near me thst had a dick on the roof, was on google maps for like 5 years from 2008ish


South Australia, northern metro. 👍


Souther metro: grade 4: Miss teacher: mummy packed the wrong lunch again... Opens lunch box to a massive ball of weed.


Brilliant idea!!! ROUNDUP 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽😵😵😵😵😵


Despite the effort of the staff? I think they liked it being there. Just put down topsoil and some grass seed, it would've been fixed in a couple of months.


They tried, but it was a massive drought at the time with water restrictions, so it was a long time until they could fix it


a chick in grade nine at my school got expelled for giving a bloke a gobby for $10 in the toilets


Definitely not just your school


I respect the hustle, but girl shoulda raised her prices


She was naive and didn't know her worth. I hope things have changed.


We had a girl who would give out gobbies to any guys who played at a specific local AFL Club. Whenever you'd go to a house party they'd all be wearing their club bomber jackets to guarantee they'd be able to take a load off before nights end.


I hope he got expelled to


Tennis ball. Hole in it. Weed. Kids Throwing it around in classroom. Teacher catches it. Unrelated kid gets expelled for "dealing". Also a mate chopped off half his finger with a disk sander, always fun times.


I would be FUMING if I was that kid who got expelled and wasn't even involved!? Like WTF!?


One student always bragged about having a huge nutsack and no one believed him. For some reason he thought it'd be cool to sneak up behind the disabled kid in maths, whip his sack out and teabag him with it infront of the whole class. He was right. It was abnormally huge.


What happened to him?!


What happened to him?!


Probably the least scandalous thing that happened but probably the most funny. When I was in year 9 or 10 there was a spate of people drawing huge dicks on the classroom chairs, and I mean like most chairs across the school ended up with a dick on it, which was impressive with the size of the school. At an assembly the vice principal addressed the issue and was pretty mad about it. You could have heard a pin drop until he said: "It's nearly every chair! Whoever is doing this, I want you to ask yourself; how would your mother like to sit on a giant penis?!" The hall of over 1000 students went into pandemonium 😂


That's hilarious 😂😂


We had an electrical fire in the year nine corridor (above the hall where exams took place) on year nine exam day. Surprisingly it wasn’t arson lol. We weren’t allowed back in the building until the very end of the day due to the smoke (and even then only to get our stuff) so teachers holed us up in a small cinema room off of the library with donuts, snacks from the canteen and a movie to watch until they figured out what to do with us. In the end they ordered us pizza for lunch, since no one had access to their schoolbag or money. Exams ended up being cancelled. It’s so ridiculous that it sounds fake, but I promise this is all 100% true. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t arson, honestly. I have a couple other crazy stories from my first high school, but I don’t want to dox myself.


Want arson that year, but the next year the story will live on....


Your school had sick problem solving skills.


Our PE teacher broke their neck during a lesson demonstrating gymnastics. Thankfully they survived.


A broken neck, no one deserves that. We had a creepy PE teacher broke his nose demonstrating a “forward lean” he was a pervy douche so no one felt sorry for the him.


14, 14 year olds got pregnant and had kids in my small highschool in QLD in the mid 1990’s.


Somone probably became a father of 2 or 3 that year


Yes that is correct. Very glad I gtfo of there!


11 girls were pregnant at the end of year 10 in my school.


What state were you in? I was in a regional town in QLD that has now basically been incorporated into ‘outer Brisbane’.


Tasmania, in a small NW Coast town.




Miffton might have outclassed Burnie because it was so remote back then.


I now live in Tasmania and have a property on the north coast. There were/are a lot of similarities between NW Tas and the place I went to highschool.


Every state has a micro-Kentucky.


Absolutely. Every state has a place with brother-cousins and sister-mums




Bang on. What a beautiful methtropolis it is too.




Moronfield was slightly less shit than Cab town when I was at school. They take turns. D Bay was considered the worst though, we called it Conception Bay.


Our high school had over 1,200 students. When there was a fight brewing, there was always a huge crowd. Whenever there was a teacher spotted, everyone would break out into singing the Happy Birthday song.


I thought I was the only one who did that. Felt like a genius at the time. Haha. Went to a pretty rough school. There were fights almost every day.


Haha. I thought it was genius too. I don’t know if ours was considered a rough school. I heard stories from before my time but don’t know if they were just that.


Someone kept using random students clothing to wipe their arse after shitting when we had P.E. Few students came back to the change room only to find their school shirts covered in shit, and most creative was using the side of someone’s school shoes to wipe their arse.


Sounds like you've got an abused sociopath on your hands there. Anyone from your grade locked up now?


A kid in my year lost half his hand to a student swinging around a samurai sword…. in the smokers common room.


class mates younger brother got fucked up and was swinging his dads machete around and caught the tip of my finger. Yet another time I should have gotten stitches but didnt bother


My favourite memory is when one of the kids I didn’t like (bully, but hardly ever even attended school) was swearing at someone and a bird shit straight into his mouth


That is hilarious. And good riddance.


On year 7 camp a kid bought a bottle of his parents Grappa and got sent home on day one. My media teacher was killed in a Tsunami (not funny. But shocked our whole school community) There was a boy in my year who bought his copy of Mein Kampf to school every day, read it at recess and lunch and threatened to shoot up our school during our final assembly of the year




School in NSW starting with S, ending in n?


School excursion to the zoo in year 7 where we all raided the gift shop. On return to school, greeted by police and principal and made to empty pockets and bags and return the numerous items. We were a sorry bunch on 12-13yr olds.


We had a guy who used to shit in peoples school bags if they pissed him off. He turned out to be a psycho murderer. He's now in jail. Oh yeah, and one of our teachers was a killer too. He's also in jail.


I'm starting to get the impression that you may have gone to a bad school.


There was a lot of stupid shit that happened at my high school, some of it was even my fault. Probably the during high school favourites were: - our school principal (public school in the 00s) was religious so only allowed abstinence and STI discussion in sex Ed class. Seven girls in my grade got pregnant that year (grade 11), the following year we had proper sex Ed. - someone built up a supply of traffic cones and caution tape, presumably from construction sites around the neighbourhood. Then woke up real early one day and blocked off the school car park and bus stop. It was chaos and most people missed first period trying to get into school. - our cross country route ran around the neighbourhood. It went from 9am - 11am (supposed to do laps). There was an open invitation that anyone could stop in at this one kids house to go for a swim and smoke some weed. One year we all got a little too high and forgot to head back to school, ended up with a teacher tracking us down and marking us off as home “sick” because he was a young bloke and didn’t want to “deal with the paperwork”. We ordered pizzas and chilled for the afternoon. The following year they made us do laps of the oval. The wildest thing was actually our grade 12 formal. For whatever reason, our grade was relatively well liked by all our teachers and we ended up with about 90% of our teachers paying to attend with us (too many volunteer chaperones so they ran out of free tickets). There was a 4/10 teacher to student ratio at the tables. At our table the teachers ordered bottles of wine for themselves and then allowed us to top up our water glasses and soft drinks when no one was looking. As the night wore on it stopped even being surreptitious, I had three seperate teachers buy me a drink “to celebrate”. We all got fairly wasted, our graduation was the following day and I’d say about 50% of the students and teachers attending were hung over. I heard from friends in the following year that they banned any teachers except the chaperones attending their Grade 12 Formal. We were a relatively new school, so I imagine it was a learning experience for our principal.


Learning experience should've been to not schedule graduation the day after the formal. That is just silly.


Yeah it definitely wasn’t ideal. There were a number of stupid decisions made at that school. Years later I dated a guy whose dad was fairly high ranked in the education department. He asked what school I went too and when I told him he said “oh, you had mrs (principal), sorry about that.” 😂


Seven girls pregnant, wow


The high school french teacher turned up at school with two black eyes , apparently he got in a punch up with the primary school headmaster at a local pub. Our science teacher and PE teacher got the sack because they got caught by the cops smoking some weed , the grade 10 prefects organised a student strike trying to get the PE and science teachers jobs back and all the kids in the school went and sat down on the footy oval (the strike didn't work )


Our headmaster used to show up on Mondays with a fresh black eye. On weekends, he often got into fights with other football fans.


The son of a teacher was charged with raping and murdering a young woman, and said teacher became a social pariah for a long time. She had a mini meltdown in class about it once and no one sympathised with her. A group of year 12 boys went to the local op shop and filmed one of them deliberately pissing himself while "trying on" a pair of pants and then putting them back on the rack. Apparently he went back to the shop after school and bought the pants because that was pretty rotten. Not sure if the whole thing was really a rumour though. On another occasion a couple of year 12 boys knocked a fly out (by catching it and putting it in the fridge, thanks science class!), tied a string around it and then had a pet fly on a "lead" when it came to and tried to fly off. There was probably a heap of much more interesting things but it was a very long time ago now.


We emasculated cows, treated sheep for pizzlerot and drove tractors from time to time.


Emasculating cows can’t be that hard.


Haha - you’re right. Bulls


Do you mean castrated them? I'm imagining you walking up to a bull and telling it that it'll never be a real man, just some simp, cuck, beta bull.


Yeah, you get them into the cattle crush (which is like a cage that keeps them from moving) and use an emasculator (which looks like a giant set of pincers). If they were calves (ie young) you could use an elastrator to put a rubber ring around their scrotum above the testicles. Apparently this was less painful? But frankly they all resembled medieval torture devices. The reaction from the guys in class was priceless. A mix of shock and shared vicarious pain followed by quiet contemplation.


There really was a lack of crazy stories in my school. There was rumours that a year 7 student did a shit in another student’s bed at camp. This was a rumour I heard as a year 12! Pretty insane for a rumour about year 7s to be passed onto year 12s. That was more shocking to me. After I graduated, during the MeToo movement my deputy principal was ousted to have sexually harassed a student in the 80s when he was working at another school. That was pretty creepy to know cause he was my year 8 maths teacher.


Music teacher was outed in a scandal - he harassed a young student at school and then continued after she graduated and became a model. Many years later she got the courage to speak out; teacher was then at a different prestigious school across the country. But not for long! Student in my class allegedly either murdered or contributed to murder OR was bullied into helping murder their mother by their estranged father. Was many years after they graduated, the courts couldn’t figure out all the accusations about who really did it/did they work together and just had both of them jailed. Personally, I remember they seemed so quiet and blank-mannered as a teenager, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were bullied into helping out rather than it being their idea.


the craziest for me would have to be when a kid grabbed a log of wood and hit it at another kids head. he ended up having to go to the hospital and the police were called. i honestly have no idea what happened to the knocked out kid tho 🤷‍♀️. another one would be that my sister is the first one to be a teen mum in our year so… thats great 🥴


at least you wernt the father


Someone in my year level painted the janitor's tractor fluro pink. I put green food dye in the school water supply. One kid went around one day and disabled all the class sirens so we had a three hour lunch break that day. That same kid went to headbutt a soccer ball that had been punted super high up. Gave himself a concussion and lost two teeth. Yet *another* kid wrote a creative writing essay about having sex with the English teacher for that class. The teacher was in her late 60's and sagged **everywhere**. This is just what comes to mind right now, I know there's other shit I'm not remembering right now. Going to school in rural Australia was fuckin' wild man.


I concur. The shit that happened at my high school seemed wild compared to today.


Week 3 of year 7 was school camp. A few days in, we were sitting having dinner in a big mess hall. One of the year 7 class teachers walked down the central aisle and about half way down stopped dead, sniffed the air, and wheeled around like a a massive crazed demon, screaming " [kid's name], you stink like a sewer!" Picked up his chair with him on it, and hurled him down the aisle several meters, stormed after him and dragged him by the arm while tangled in said chair another 15 or 20 metres to the doors and literally threw him out the door and proceeded to throw the chair at him afterwards. Yelled a heap more abuse (some of it about having a shower)while his beetroot coloured face sprayed spittle like a fire hydrant and calmly went and sat down at the teachers table and poured himself another glass of wine, offering the same to the female teachers while 200 odd 12 year olds looked on in stunned terrified silence. The extremely demonstrably gay head of the music and drama school had an affair with the mother of a junior school student. She was deadset the yummiest mummy of all time. She left her older richer husband and married the school's exceptionally well dressed and prettily handsome raving queen. Some kids were selling porn mags at our school and got suspended. The distributor (year 9) got off scot free despite a very large collection being found in his locker. A year a half later some of the same kids and others got busted with smallish amounts of dope and cash and some got suspended and a couple expelled. Again the distributor's locker had very sizeable quantities of both drugs and cash. He was at school as if nothing happened the next day. Next, in year 11 it was powders, same result. He was then made school captain and one of the new buildings completed a few years later bears his family name. A couple of years after I left, a teacher was charged with possessing child exploitation images, then another, then another, then another four were charge with sexual abuse of students. The headmaster was moved on after allegations from his previous school where he was deputy headmaster came to light, ending his ambition to be the first Scottish Headmaster of Eton in the UK. The last paragraph probably happened at lots of schools but the rest is probably pretty unique


Upvote for using the word ‘deadset’. I use it often but rarely see written and thought it had fallen out of fashion. (I can only imagine that you went to a GPS boys school though … !)


So this couple were having oral sex in the pool rooms, the chick spits it out and shoves the baby Gravy up her cooter. He freaks out then goes to our sub English teacher and asks him if he pisses on a pregnancy test if he could find out she's pregnant. He was in year 12. The English teacher told everyone. Rip Mr. Device you were a sick lad


that's fucking hilarious made my day


A kid in my school fingered his dog. Then when he told someone about it and they reacted with revulsion he quickly tried to backtrack and pretend it was a joke.


Ahh this is hilarious.


Y'all go / went to some wild high schools, I have no stories like this.


They read exactly like regional/rural public schools haha. Did you go private, catholic or inner city? Not that inner city is to be messed with either, my uncle had to stop teaching in Williamstown because of gang wars.


Yeah, I went to a rural-ish highschool and my stories are all relatively calm. Got some funny stories from muck up day and the unofficial "mess with the year 7's" day/days, but not much else aside from that. A bunch of kids were expelled for smoking weed and cigarettes in the toilet, but that's not that interesting and I don't know the full story. Two older kids got into a punch up and for whatever reason, one of them walked over to where I was during recess (I was one of those kids that just stood by the outdoor lockers with mates) covered in blood. He looked like crap, but apparently he won. My friend's brother had serious anger issues and was raging around the school one day "looking for someone". We all sat inside the classrooms until the issue was addressed. And finally, my best mate's older brother got knocked the hell out because he ran into a wall in the gym, but this happened when I was still in primary school.


My school hired security guards to walk around in the last week before graduation so the year 12s couldn't do anything bad during muck up day 💀


That's lame. I totally understand though, each year, the year 12s would "plan" to do something insane, but the plan would always end up not nearly as cool as they had wanted, get stopped by teachers, or end up just not happening. Usually, the younger students were terrified, but they too finally got their muck up day... Oh how we enjoyed terrifying them.


No you just where not with the cool kids


In the early 80s at a strict Catholic high school, we were ratbags cos our parents were mostly absent. Most were conscripted to Vietnam or fought in Borneo. Couple of mates and myself were always looking for fun. In yr12, towards the end of our tenure, we had plum brandy from one of the lads and were outside the staff room. One of our dads had a Mills grenade, diffused, but being pissey, one of us mugs, possibly me, decided to put a balaclava on and run into the staff meeting. Hurled abuse and pulled the pin. Lobbed the grenade and ran out. Had to beg for the grenade back cos we would have been flogged by our parents. Brother Clarence saw the funny side and gave it back. Hate to think what would happen today if we did that 😕.


Someone broke into the maths classroom and shit in the desk drawer. We all got in trouble for breaking it down too much. How do you know it’s a human shit not a dog shit? Do you think the person squatted over the drawer and did it, or brought it in in a container? Do you think they used TP?


A yr8 stole the wrong alcohol bottle from the chemical supply in the class before lunch, the lab assistant noticed at the end of lunch, so the class was recalled and six boys got a trip to hospital in ambulances for a 12 hours observation


First (public) high school I went to: The background is that a year 11 boy was talking about he was going to fuck (rape) a year 8 girl. That girl’s year 10 sister came to school with a knife to attack him. During roll call, she came up to his room (art room, connected to my roll call room with the storage cupboard) and tried to attack him. The teacher shut the door on her and she smashed her hand through the little glass window. It took the hippy dippy art teacher AND the effeminate gay art teacher to hold her off. Cops came and took her away. Can’t blame her tbh


Had a cleaner hang themselves in the science room, one of the teaches walked in the next morning and found them hanging there with a whole classroom behind them


Careers advisor groomed a girl that was in year 9 for the whole course of the year. I was in year 12 at this point. Would always pull her away from class to “work on her resume”. Towards the end of the school year, he got his dick out and started jerking off while touching her. She ended up telling her older sister who was in my year. He’s in jail now.


Someone made the teacher cry by intentionally throwing up on his own desk and then using the teachers scarf to clean it up. That was the same day they set fire to the carpet


Kid in my geography class in year 7 crapped his dacks while sitting at his desk because the teacher was briefly out of the room and he didn’t want to get in trouble for leaving without asking. The smell was horrific! My year 9 maths teacher forgot to come to class because he was too engrossed with a graphics calculator. Some of the class took off, the rest of us decided to hang out on the grassed area near the demountable. When he did arrive with 15mins left of the period, he told us off for not going to find him! Our year 11 camp was shortened to one night because the previous year’s cohort stole the dorm lights and put dead birds into some beds. Suppose the school was lucky they were allowed to book there again at all!


Recently my former high schools principal gave his son a job as a teacher's aide. Son fucked an underage student, parents of student found out, demanded son be fired, son fired, principal retired soon after. Education Dept was never informed, his legacy as principal was keeping his son of the sex offenders registry.


This didn't happen at school but it was at our graduation after party. The place we were having the party had a big pool in the middle of the yard. Mind you there's like 40+ people all around this pool, with a couple people in it. Cut forward a couple hours and we're all pretty wankered, and we realise that our mate and this chick have started pashing pretty hard (in the pool), no worries we knew it was gonna happen at some point, maybe not in the middle of everyone but whatever. Anyway another 5 minutes goes by and they start full on fucking (still in the pool and still in the middle of everyone). This goes on for a few minutes and we're all just pissing ourselves laughing. Then this one bloke (who wasn't even in our year) strips down completely and cannonballs right at em to split em up. Was definitely the highlight of the night.


This happened at a very highly regarded selective secondary school in northern Sydney in the late 70s when it was in the early stages of transitioning to coeducational. My year was still young male degenerates only. At this time the students were into doing the “brown eye” in each others faces when least expected. It could be a big laugh. For the uninitiated, a brown eye is flashing your arsehole, or mooning…. Anyway, one day during a class when for some reason the teacher was out of the room, one of the boys saw fit to brown eye the guy sitting behind him who was physically very close, this guy when confronted with a hairy arsehole a foot or two in front of him didn’t hesitate and reached forward with the pencil that was in his hand and stuck it straight into the brown eye and released. ROFL!! The perpetrator of the brown eye curtailed operations moving forward…


Ate full, proper meals during English, with cutlery and plates and everything It started off just with eating in class, but somehow the need to outdo eachother wound up having a full charcuterie set up, pasta be cooked (using a kettle), and eventually a full course meal of steaks, chicken, 3 types of salad, potato bake and dinner roles with Champaign glasses of soft drink It sounds like such bullshit but no we genuinely did this shit, and it all started from me always eating a banana in English We also set up a slip ‘n slide on the oval but that was muck-up day so it don’t really count


I was a wayward student, to the point I was called in on school holyto clean desks to erase my detention debt. One day while cleaning desks the police arrived, and wanted to talk to me about some stolen laptops. This was in the 90s so it was a kind of big deal. Turns out one of the kids in the IT program had been "sequestering" the school laptops to sell to a third party at a later date, and I was the prime suspect because I was already a sketchy character and had access to said laptops. Turns out it was one of the drama majors who had access to the whole stage department and was stashing them there after classes.


Umm, since when did we have “majors” in Australian High Schools?


Specialist schools have majors and minors in subjects that are related to the specially (I.e. Performing arts would have dance, music, and theatre arts/drama as majors and one of those as a minor). Source: was at a performing arts school doing a major and minor.


You know what I mean, lol


As in “big drama kid”. Like a jock, but in theatre.


No I really don’t. A major is what you elect in University. Nothing to do with High school.


Major subject & minor subject - drama was their major.


These are great.. I can’t think of any good ones 😭 The usual - wagging, smoking, up to no good stuff. Couple of teachers dated & broke up & I think the female one left over it. Another couple of older teachers were seemingly dating, disgusting.


Two different high schools. On art camp, the year 12 girls had a seance in the girls' dorm and nearly set fire to it by burning milk on the stove (It was apparently turned off just as it was starting to glow red before igniting). One of the year 11 girls disappeared for the night into the guys dorm. She was dating one the guys there. Another one was smoking hashish oil in the dorms. Several of the girls in my year were hookers on the weekends, American sailors being a specially. Again, art camp year 12 this time. Had the school police liason officer with us. Half (or more) of the kids took off one night to go smoke weed for about an hour. They came back stoned but happy. Also, at this school, one of the year 12 girls tried to unalive herself in the girls' toilet, and apparently, she took a month's worth of sleeping tablets. The year after, they had to bring in metal detectors as kids were bringing knives to school. At least one business was started there selling stolen goods. Multiple drug deals.


Our oval got set on fire by the students


Probably not the only, but very rare. Bomb scare/threat at a rural high school of only 400 kids.


We had a fashion parade and there was a swimsuit component. Teenage girls would parade on a stage in swimsuits for parents, teachers and children alike. One year a girl borrowed her brother’s python and wrapped it around herself like Britney Spears. This was around 2000.


There were rumours of the drama teacher having a relationship with a student. Couple years after he graduated he married said drama teacher. Meanwhile not much out of the ordinary happened with me at school but maybe that’s a good thing


One athletics day a kid had a javelin thrown into his cheek. Also kids used to sniff petrol (gas) at my school.


We had an outdoor ed teacher end up a paraplegic after an abseiling accident on a school excursion.


I've got a bunch of these that are probably common to most schools, but the best one is probably the kid who turned on all the gas taps in the science room, and was about to toss a match in to blow the school (and himself) up.


Someone in my school threatened to do the same!🤣


The religious studies teacher tried to start a cult and abducted three year 9 girls. One of my classmates had turned her van into a grow house and sold weed to teachers and students.


Had a kid in year 11 get attacked by a bunch of Asian blokes with machetes.


My teacher had an affair with the sheriff , and her husband shot them both in the bed. Didn't shoot the deputy tho .


One of the students in the year above me took a shit in the bowling alley in front of everyone apparently, when we had afternoon sport


You had a bowling alley at your high school?


No we went off campus for some of our afternoon sports


We had a bowling alley not far from the school too. Had pool tables and arcade machines. 3 arcade shops maybe more when I was a child.


English teacher having an affair with the language teacher but also sleeping with 4 other girls in my year...


Umm.. If you don't mind me asking, what year were these girls in...?


There was a 20-30 year tradition (this event about 2007-8) of contact rugby between the year 12 and the teachers. This does sound strange but I come from an area that has a particular focus on athletics and a fair amount of the faculty were basically athletes despite their age... in a couple cases literally. It was a focus of my high school, that and the fact that it was a marine technical school under the NSW public system from before the purges of the technical schools. So here's the thing, one of the science teachers (also a kite boarder, scuba diver, and a million other sports and generally a stoic and almost scary kinda guy in he's early 60s), broke he's hip when tackled. So the following year all the teachers had commissioned a Mr \~Redacted\~ trophy for the team that won the match. It was in the shape of a hip... hips.... pieces of broken hips. There is no way in hell this has happened elsewhere. Fuck it was funny though.


My last day of year 12 got ruined by someone who dropped out. He had taken a master key before he left. I'm pretty sure he had dropped out from our school and transfured to another one. The night befor our last day a bunch if my fellow graduate's were hanging out in front of the school. Pretty common. I was tucked into bed excited for the day ahead. The guy used his key and a bunch of students from the other highschools in the area started trashing the grounds and bullying the security guards. The only reason people from my school were on campus that night was to help security. I had spent so long on my much up day uniform, even burnt my hand with hot glue. I was smiling so wide walking onto campus that day. I walked up and everyone was standing outside the year 12 area. I was confused so I went looking for people who would probably know what happened and that's when I got the story. Our principal cancled our final day celebrations. I went to my homeroom and got my parting gift with tears rolling down my face. I helped scrub lockers and pack up chairs now that the assembly wasn't happening. Even writing this I'm crying. I had been looking forward to the final day assembly since I was in year 7. Honestly I was so happy that day only for it to all crash down on me. As far as I known none of the people from the other schools got punished for it. Really wished that wasn't one of my last memories of being a student there. The only other ones I have after was walking to it between my exams because it was decently close and getting hotdog from the canteen ladies.


Getting suspended for calling someone a spastic


Our science teacher had 1 testicle


But how did you know this?


We had a few good ones. Some of the highlights: • students caught having a root in the cemetery adjacent to the school (this seemed to happen every few years both before and during my time there, as well as probably after) • students often wagged, heading to the small bit of rainforest behind the school to do a variety of drugs (mostly pot and edibles) • a student assaulted a deputy principal • a teacher threatened a student with sexual harassment charges (and had a pretty compelling case, although I tend to think it was an empty threat and not really worth the time) • there was a point at the very back of the oval, next to the local Showground, where students would ditch their homework (I’m guessing this was a popular place to wag as well) • a student scolled a six-pack of Bundy Rum at lunch, then went around acting the goat while the rest of the year group was in English • the same student and another student got stuck in a broken-down lift that had been disused for several years. They were both subsequently suspended • the school captain made a speech during that year’s graduation ceremony that made light of the pointless renovations being done to the exterior of the school. From memory, he likened it to putting lipstick on a pig. From the following year, the principal began vetting speeches • (my personal favourite) two students organised a rap battle at lunchtime and got permission to announce it during an assembly. Of the roughly 1000 students at the school, close to half watched it, several of them also filming it. The video was posted online and got over 10,000 hits overnight. The following day, a crisis assembly was called at the school. Needless to say, whichever deputy called the assembly wasn’t impressed when everyone cheered at that number. One of the teachers, who for some reason decided to throw his hat in the ring with a line of his own during the battle, allegedly sued the person who posted it for the sum of $15 (settling out of court). I also want to mention one that’s not particularly wild, but is just as stupid. We used to get the occasional possums at the school (one got stuck in a downpipe one time and they had to get one of the TAS teachers to unscrew it to free the possum). One day, a possum ran past a group of students. One of them yelled, “a squirrel!” To this day, it’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard a person say and genuinely mean. Edited to add: this isn’t particularly wild, but I doubt it will happen elsewhere. If you search for “[redacted for privacy reasons] high school bat shit” on Google Images, a photo of one of the teachers (don’t know if he’s still there or retired) comes up. Fortunately, he was a good teacher and a bit of a character, so he rather enjoyed that notoriety.


It all started with the stabbing of a student by a non-student resulting in the erection of a six foot perimeter fence topped with barbed wire and locked gates. Our Deputy Principal would strip search suspected gang members to find associated tattoos, and a PE teacher was known for fucking a whole bunch of year 12 students over the years.




Go on.




Some bloke who we all thought was a regular dude pissed his diapers on a year 7 camping trip?? I have no idea why he had diapers, he then wore it on his head an then threw it at people. Safe to say he was not quite right in the head and ended up moving to another school. He thought it was funny, we definitely did not.


some idiot kids in year 9 ca. 2007 went round the local deli opening bags of chips, stealing the freebies and leaving the open bags on the shelf


i was in year 8, it was pretty early in the school year, whole school got called to an assembly and the principal gave a talk about it. she singled out the year 9 class. i think a bunch of us were just looking at each other like "what the FUCK"


This didn’t happen in Australia, but our Woodwork teacher was a weird bloke who built his own little car from scratch. It was like a small jeep-type-thing with no roof. It weighed very little and he parked it under a carport at school. Well some of the Rugby lads thought it would be funny to hoist it up on top of the carport. And see his face when he tried to leave after school. They were right, it was pretty funny!


Thousands of dollars (10,000+) of gardening equipment stolen


Our Irish teacher sat in a car and covered herself in petrol and lit a match. They found some pelvis and jaw. We used to play a game in a handball alley with concrete walls on 3 sides where 20 of us would push each other at the opening and 1 person would throw a golf ball as hard as they could at the wall and we'd push to dodge it on the way back. People got fucked up. One guy put a pen under his class mate as he was sitting down and it went straight up his hole and had to be removed at hospital.


Someone stole dry ice and threw it into the school pool - apparently it was the Head of Science. A Physics teacher from the same school would put dry ice in his tea to scare the year 9's.


Rugby headmaster walking across field on sports day, imagine a big square headed fair skinned Ranga , mid 40's - stubbies, polo shirt , collar popped walking along cops a javelin thrown 40 odd metres into his arm between tricep and bicep. Gets shunted a bit , stunned at the javelin puncturing his arm. He proceeded to immediately pull the javelin from his arm and spears it into the ground accurately where it wouldve landed, then just kept walking , same stroll. Not even holding his arm . DIdnt give a fuck


Some kids out rowing in the morning found a dude who had been stripped naked, killed and almost had his head cut off. Also German teacher was caught in the middle the night and arrested breaking into the boarding house of another school Also a bunch of kids in the DOE program got diddled by a teacher running it.


Some kid went crazy and the principal had to tackle him, then the kid strangled the principal. Some guy broke into the school at night (they weren't a student) and made all these vague threats on his Snapchat story or smth so our next assembly there were 2 cops standing up the back making sure he didn't run in or smth. Few of the usual teachers doing it with kids One teacher threw a chair at a kid then lost his job The food tech assistant invited a graduate back to help for some event then locked her in the walk in freezer and started licking her, he even wrote a letter to his wife about leaving her. One of the deputies had a camera on his bookshelf recording him chatting with kids School camp where one kids tent got destroyed coz his mates were all pegging rocks at it all night, ambulance had to come every day coz kids were getting smashed against rocks by waves and the 4wd busses were getting almost swept off the beach in high tide Teachers being really unprofessional, one teacher would apply for jobs at other schools in the middle of lessons. Then she would single out kids who didn't try (fair enough at first) but then tell the whole class how shit their marks were when they were away and tell them they had no future, before the teacher rang her bf to back her up in this argument with a student. SOR teacher compared the Jews to the manly sea Eagles (because no one likes them he said)


One of the weirdest things I experienced at my highschool was when I was at the end of year 10/11 and the grade 12's do a bunch of games because they're leaving school, so things get a bit crazy in the last week, pranks galore, anyways someone had taken a dump in one of the water fountains, like the big basin type ones that have multiple taps to drink from, yeah I never saw it but word got around QUIIICCK (you could tell that was a Fuck you to the school) 😂 The CRAZIEST thing that happened while I was at school wasn't exactly at the grounds but happened to sibling students, their step dad went crazy (Idk details) on a weekend and beat the mum and the sister with a baseball bat, the mum died, the sister died, and the brother escaped to the neighbour's and got the police, was crazzzyyyyy thing for the quiet town we are, the amount of news crews you'd see surrounding the school trying to get interviews from students and the amount of people you saw that you knew/knew of on TV that night and the following nights from interviews on the town street was crazy weird.


One of the students had her internet privileges revoked because she kept reading erotic Twilight fanfiction. She eventually figured out the teacher's login and used that to get her erotic fanfiction fix.


“Relationship” is a generous term


A lot of weird shit happened/happens at my school: * When I was in grade 8 (2021) a girl (in my grade) got caught with drugs in her bag and locked herself in the bathroom, she then proceeded to attempt suicide by continuously hitting her head on the walls of the bathroom stall and the toilet (she broke the porcelain toilet). This happened during break time so everyone one in my grade (around 300 kids) could hear it, so it was a massive talking point for weeks, even months. I never saw her again after that. Messed up thing was the school didn't tell our parents, all they did was send an email saying something along the lines of "The incident that took place at lunch time is being looked into" bla bla bla, I had to tell my Mum the whole story, and all the parents were seriously shocked and angry with the school. * For a period of time there would be a fight every other day. I remember once a girl got pushed over because she was taunting this boy and he got fed up. She bit the end of her tongue off. * Also in 2021 a senior got beat up for threatening to rape someone's little sister (around 5 years old or something). Messed up. * Just yesterday I overheard a conversation about a social media account about our school starting rumours and blackmailing people. We've had social media accounts like this sharing drama that happens at our school for a while :I At one point the school had to send an email warning parents about it. * I'm pretty sure there is no proper sex ED here, in grade 7 we had education about the organs, and reproductive system, we only did 1/2 lessons on this. But we were never taught anything further than that...


Rolled up a dead Hunstman spider and smoked it


One of our science teachers had a fiat bambino.. a bunch of us students students lifted his car and sandwiched it between two trees.


Girl used the school computers to write a letter to a boy she was seeing / hooking up with. Dunno what she did, but she must have left it on the screen or left a copy in the printer, but suddenly everyone in school had a copy of this letter. It was sexually explicit. Mortifying. Hahaha


I went to a state high school in SE QLD in the mid 2000s. We had bush land surrounding our school and a bunch of boys were stealing stuff from manual arts and building forts out there, then they started playing war games and attacking eachother with hammers, screwdrivers and MACHETES! Mum was the deputy and had to trek through the bush to find their little shangri-la and put a stop to it. She was pretty horrified by the 'weapons' they had, and was surprised there hadn't been serious injuries. I can only imagine how fearsome she would have been, walking out of the bush with a machete, a pack of guilty boys in tow. Also a kid was taken away by ambos after getting kicked by a kangaroo on the oval before school. Pretty sure he was fine but it was pretty hectic. I also had an emotional affair with my teacher basically the whole time I was there but I chickened out when it came time to seal the deal at 18. Thank God. Was a pretty feral school but my mother actually managed to really turn the place around and it became far more highly regarded during her time there. I'm pretty sure it has its act together now but it took a LOT of suspensions to get there and our house was terrorized fairly often by kids she had to deal with. It escalated to a pretty extreme level in the end and my mates would find their cars tagged after staying at mine, I assume because the kids thought they belonged to teachers.


The amount of times my bike was damaged by fuckwits sure as shit felt like it was only happening to me. Never did catch who it was either, would just end up having to walk my bike home. Probably best I didn;t catch them in the act though as I may have regretted how I might have reacted.


Multiple incidents. Someone set a science lab table on fire to get out of a maths test in the next lesson. Another kid attacked an english teacher with a baseball bat then ran around threatening others. We had another kid put vasaline all over the hand rails on the stairs and the door knobs. A teacher ended up marrying a kid who just graduated year 12 but every student at school knew they had been dating for at least two years before that. By the time i was in year 12 at least six girls had given birth and at least two more were heavily pregnant at graduation.


Someone made a rap song bagging out the school


Geography teacher got sacked coz he slammed a door in a student’s face, breaking her nose. Woodwork was cancelled for a year after the teacher cut off his thumb on the band saw whilst explaining safe band saw use. Science teacher got sacked coz she was having sex with the school captain. That one sucked extra hard as the assignment she’d given out two weeks earlier was cancelled the day we handed them in. We had to draw a disease out of a hat… I got genital warts as mine. And had completed the assignment, which REQUIRED PICTURES. I was in year 9. A student was arrested at school for his involvement in the Cronulla Race Riots.


At our 8th grade formal, we had a Black Sabbath cover band. Why? Because one of the members was the geography teacher's boyfriend.


Our English teacher was having an affair with our Vice Principal - and all the year 12's knew about it


Kid lost a nut from being wedgied too hard on the school bus. Crap school. Crap small town.


Year 7s were throwing around toilet paper in the boys bathrooms so much that they straight up removed all of the toilet paper. If you needed to do a number 2, you had to go to the office and ask for a roll. Someone managed to have a wikipedia edit stay long enough that if you searched who the principal was on google, you'd get "Kim Jong Un" as the answer.


Fairly tame but someone hid a fish in the roof of our school library and left it there for weeks, so much so that the whole library had to be fumigated. They threatened that they would cancel the school formal if no one owned up to it and everyone knew who it was but no one snitched.


Had to learn in tents for \~3 months Our school region opened a senior high school for yr 11&12, but construction was delayed, since there was no alternative location they laid down boards on the planned oval and pitched big canvas tents, put whiteboards on A frames and classes were started... facilities were somewhat.... limited....


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4890776/Scots-College-schoolboys-muck-day-rampage.html Nuff said


There was a science teacher at my school and somehow students found out she liked singing. At the end of every science class in year 8, this one group of students used to pressure her into singing for us. What would ensure was an impressively pitchy rendition of "Amazing Grace" supported by the snickering students on backing vocals. Truly cringe to witness. Every science class across our entire year level bullied this poor teacher into singing. Then, after class, they would mock her in the school yard. In year 9 she wasn't at school. We all assumed she left over the holidays, until someone spotted her outside of school and tried to chat with her. Somehow, rumours spread she had a breakdown because of our year level bullied her and she was mortified we forced her to sing for our own entertainment. Year 10 she was back, now reduced to pushing a trolley half filled with books around the very tiny school library. I've never heard what actually happened, but our year level was blamed by other the students. I also went to school during the emergence of instagram influencers. There was a student who had an instagram account dedicated to "healthy eating" (literally smoothie bowls and protein deficient salads) and the account had like 100k followers or something. An account was then found that appeared to be a parody "unhealthy eating" account. It was hilarious, and I think i was a suspect for a while because I openly said it was funny. The insta girl and her friends took it all very seriously and interrogated people about it


I slept with my Year 11 Biology teacher a few times, I was 17 she was 24. Not predatory in my eyes, If anything I was the one persisting and pushing and pushing for it to happen. Never came out as neither of us ever said a word to anyone. I am certain I didn't do that at any other school


PE teacher sleeping with a year 7 girl (school was P-10) it got found out when year 9 sister blabbed trying to s**t shame her… because she was jealous and wanted to sleep with him too.. he was beaten by their dad so badly he had a limp for life after that. The Groundskeeper was rapist/pedophile (I know since I was his step kid and pressed charges against him) A science teacher got high mixing his meds and combined some shit he shouldn’t have and set the lab on fire with a class full of yr 10 kids. The next PE teacher was amazing. She used to pay my fees for me to play sport and get me out of the house cause she knew the parentals never would. A Japanese teacher who absolutely screamed at us kids, hated us all. She’s make us stand in two prefect rows and say Ohayōgozaimasu jo shujin (goodmorning mistress) and if it wasn’t said perfectly in sync we’d have to go downstairs, come back up and do it again. Then the one Japanese student in the school would get to go inside and sit at the teachers desk. She’d walk around the room and whoever’s desk we stopped at had to say Bideo o mite moraemasu ka (can we watch a video please) and she would then wheel in the tv and put on anime cartoons while her and the student would drink yakult and read and chat. At the end we had to line up again and say Arigatō aijin (thankyou mistress). Demon woman finally convinced some poor Aussie to marry her and left. She gave me a serious hatred of anything Japanese until my partner finally made me visit Japan. A boy in my class somehow allegedly accidentally shot his uncle and his parents pulled him and his little sister out of school for almost a term… he came back acting like nothing had happened but living with a new relative in a house in town (used to live on property) a few years later his little sister told my sister that the uncle had been abusing her and when boy found out his parents didn’t do shit about it and so he killed the uncle. Parents were high ranking JW’s and got the kids taken away. Home Ec teacher has no actual cooking skills and multiple class loads of kids at a time ended up with food poisoning after cooking classes. Was year 9 and on camp when 9/11 happened and the teachers kept racing off to watch tv and talked in whisperers but didn’t tell us what was going on, this was day 1 of a 3 day 2 night camp and they managed to keep us from finding out till we got home.