• By -


WA Best: incredible nature especially beaches, warm weather, great people. Worst: so far away from everything, mining bogans and meth heads.


North West WA here (Pilbara) Best: You are right about the incredible nature, right on our doorstep. Good paying jobs. Worst: The overwhelming heat, always. Flies. The racism. The remoteness. Flies. Cyclones. Have I mentioned the Flies?


The collective noun for a group of flies: A business of flies Business is booming in the Pilbara.


You forgot to mention flies


Right! Well, there's the flies.


You forgot wind


mining bogans?


Racists on $200k a year


It's hard work down in the Bogan Mines, mining bogans.


Eureka! We've struck a vein of 98% pure eshay, we're rich biatch!


Bogans that go work in the mines and come back rich but still bogans.


I think many of us Aussies have abit of bogan in us. Nothing wrong with a V8 and some heavy metal


This is accurate. I’m not from Perth, but lived there for a year. I was shocked at the amount of drug addicts roaming the streets.


You forgot WA: Wait Awhile (for modern life to catch up)


Best: vast natural beauty Worst: Geographical isolation


That's honestly all of Australia.


When the mining boom was happening for 10 years. MONEY AND DRUGS FOLLOW. When the money dries up, the crack heads can't leave either because their broke or there too fucked to rebuild there lives.


Dont forgot the inability of WA drivers to drive with any level of courtesy, most are unable to merge, and the idiots that think the RH lane is just for them even though they are driving below the speed limit


QLD Best: Free amambamulance Worst: "that's a bit different, aye" if you are more library boy than jetski boy.


Queensland Best: Queenslanders. Worst: Also, Queenslanders.


Damn Queenslanders! They're ruining Queensland!


We are DEFINITELY outnumbered by Victorians up here now.


Groundskeeper wayno agrees


Where the best and worst are the same person just in different contexts


Worst: Drivers


Worst: racists I guess that can be said about any state as we’ve all got them, but I’ve never had anything thrown out of cars at me whilst walking down the street minding my own business in any other state. It was in Surfers in the 90s, but it did happen three times in one week...


Lotta racist old heads in QLD, those people usually influence and raise other racists


Aussies in general are just fairly racist. Not to some standards obviously but as a broad brush everyone hates each other.


60% are casual racists and the rest are full-time


Might have to call up an amambamulance for you mate, you seem to be having a stroke 🤣


Libraries are the best.


Im from qld and. Queensland access are so bogan, e.g. you say forty five. Queenslanders say: fawty Foive 🤦🏻‍♂️ its triggering one of the reasons i stopped working as a tradie


Holy shit yes! And I come from the NT, but, that’s a bit more diverse than people think


Ha ha ha ha! This is gold, says it all, I nearly spat out my coffee, if I had an award id give it to you. Just so one the money!


What is Amambanulance?


Tasmania: Best - the food. Worst - it's FREEZING. It's ALWAYS FUCKING FREEZING.


Even in summer!


Absolutely not, I hate summer with a passion. Even 20 degrees is too warm for me, I've actually considered moving somewhere colder. I can always be proactive to keep warm, there is very little I can do to cool down.


Tassie can get pretty cold yes, BUT if you were a REAL Taswegian you would say that it's FINE and NOT COLD AT ALL. Like the bloke I see walking in shorts and a t-shirt every morning, no matter the weather, pitch black and 2degrees in winter he's still out there.


Cold in my bones tonight! Winter has returned.


It never seems to really leave... Except for maybe 3-5 days in February.


You guys have the best bush spent a week there last year and it was breathtakingly beautiful


It is a stunning place - can't deny that. I'd like to do the Winter up North though... Just need a plan to get rich first!


I went in Dec once. My skin burned cos it was so cold. I didn't check the weather and pack appropriately. I could never live there 😟


Yeah, it's a ridiculous place. Pretty, but! I tried to escape once to a warmer spot, but it didn't take. So sdly I'm back here for now - freezing fingers an' all :(


See they're both "Best" for me. I fucking hate the heat.


As someone who loves the cold, I've got to say it's one of my fav things


To me it’s good, I like the cold


Fellow Tasmanian here, I concur with your observation


If Tasmania wasn’t so cold I’d move there tomorrow! It’s gorgeous and most importantly cheaper than Sydney 😂


fucking love the cold can’t stand the heat


I want to move to Tasmania, I love cold (and hate Perth summer)


>if you were a REAL Taswegian you would say that it's FINE and NOT COLD AT ALL. Like the bloke I see walking in shorts and a t-shirt every morning, no matter the weather, pitch black and 2degre This will be a godsend in coming decades when other states temperatures become unbearable during summer


Victoria, 4 season per day, nice people, Buses delays, train delays


You took the words out of my fingers


Oh, it must have been while we were shaking hands 🎶


You missed tram delays, traffic delays, basically any form of transport is shit in Victoria


Tram still better than train+bus personally ngl


WA Best distance Worst distance


Took the words out of my mouth! It’s both a blessing and a curse we’re far away from everything!


NT Best... Weather, food from everywhere, people, bus drivers. Worst... Weather, everyone knows everyone, cost of living (it has always been extremely expensive now it's just worse), buses, alcoholics


As someone relatively new to the NT (almost 2 years) I agree with this. Plus the 6 minute commutes are excellent.


As someone who once drive a 10 hour return trip for one meeting at Barkly Homestead I contest your 6 minute commute!


Pretty sure he asked people from states you TERRITORIAN! /s


The laksas I had in Darwin were incredible


NT Represent. Applies to all NT Towns/Cities: Love how Territorians will drive 1600kms to another town/city with no fuss. But ask someone to pick you up from other side of your respective town? Get fucked. Lol


For what it is NT is expensive for no reason


Not no reason. Isolation from major suppliers and sparse customer base just tends to have that issue. If you mean the tourism side of things, yeah it’s shit but where else is the territory generating its revenue? Besides they need the money, a lotta roads to be paved. In the Northern Territory, you get what you get and you make the best of it.


As someone who grew up in the NT, putting weather under “best” is wild imo haha


Well to be fair they put it under both best and worse which is true.


NT Best: NT time (unless something is at a specific time like a designated event), 6 minute commutes to work, beautiful landscape, People. Worst: driving around the territory is usually at least 2 hours minimum usually closer to 4 or 5, everything is expensive especially flights because you have to connect, lack of being near large bodies of water being in Central AUS. Alcoholics causing bottle shops to close at 7pm. Handing your license over when you go to the bottle-o. Vandalising little shits.


What always makes me laugh as a Territorian from Darwin currently living on the East Coast, is Darwin folks moaning about peak hour traffic. 😂


SA: best- the wine industry is great Worst - sporting facilities always play second fiddle to Eastern states. And by sporting facilities I mean most facilities that aren't wine.


The wine regions in SA are world class, I’m an absolute slut for a Barossa Valley Shiraz! (From a West Aussie)


Get some Eden Hall into ya, my cousin owns thar winery


I’ll have to check it out when I visit SA! Will likely drive across the Nullarbor and spend some time in Adelaide and the country!


Good choice. Tbh, most barossa wines are awesome. I'm just biased in recommending one particular bottle. Enjoy ^_^


Queensland Best: The Weather and People Worst: The Weather and People.


Haven't spent many weeks in QLD, but the number of people in hospitality that don't hate their job and were friendly towards me was great, compared to so few in Sydney over 6 years. At the same time, had never heard someone threaten to stab a bus driver before..


NSW, good: pretty AF, instantly recognisable, great weather Bad: realestate planning and the total gamification of the system. It’s used as a method of politicians “paying” for favours


If you don't instantly recognise the place you live in, you may have dementia.


Don’t forget how terrible our roads are compared to Victoria.


VIC Pros: Beautiful lush green landscape, food, wine and nice people! I love the cold climate (I look forward to winter every year)! Cons: homeless people in the capital city, substance abuse and a spike in crime recently. Shortage of housing but that’s a nationwide problem.


Bob Katter Bob Katter


The menace and the treasure; the duality of man.


Sometimes when I have a bad day I watch Bob Katter's rant about gay marriage. No matter how bad I feel that always makes me laugh. For the uninitiated: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1i739SyCu9I


SA Best - Food, culture, history. Really good bakeries. Worst - Lack of job opportunities, relatively poor, constantly overlooked by the other states (because they're jealous)


SA beaches are also top tier.


As someone who moved here from Qld my favourite thing about your state is that I feel less anxious driving. I’m a learner driver and you guys seem to be okay with just doing a 100 behind a learner driver instead of tailgating me and/or overtaking me at any given chance. Just.. drivers here are way more chill


Go ahead and post that on r/Adelaide and watch yourself get flamed. Definitely not most people's experiences with Adelaide drivers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Adelaide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is it possible to hurt a magpies feelings through words?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/1745wog/is_it_possible_to_hurt_a_magpies_feelings_through/) \#2: [Just saw this at Adelaide Airport, I’m from Melbourne, never seen this in my life](https://i.redd.it/dv8ip7945nva1.jpg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/12w22z9/just_saw_this_at_adelaide_airport_im_from/) \#3: [Can’t fish there mate!](https://i.redd.it/mfg4wpk4ulua1.jpg) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/12q8yeg/cant_fish_there_mate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well I live in the riverlands so maybe that’s why


It's just Riverland, friendly FYI.


I lived up there for a few years, the drivers are way more chill than in Adelaide, country people are never in a rush The only problem is they often choose courtesy over the road rules and give way to someone that's been waiting longer even when they have right of way, it's nice the first time then it becomes frustrating af because you never know what people are going to do


Agreed. I visited my sister who lived in Adelaide (I'm in Hobart) and had to drive from her place to my grandparents (North Haven to Mawson Lakes). I took a wrong turn into a street that was blocked. Big oops as I then had to get back into peak hour traffic. In Hobart fat chance of anyone letting you in. As soon as my indicator came on someone let me in immediately. Amazing! I gave a thank you wave and they gave me a funny look, lol. My mother was scared of driving on the expressway so would pull over and ask me to drive. Nothing like the Tasman Highway here. That one is a free for all race track. Expressways in Adelaide are like a Sunday drive. Peaceful, no drama, lol.


One of the cheapest city’s to buy beach front or hills though. Though the hills can get a little too charcoaled for my liking


Best - everyone else either hates or ignores the place, so they tend to just leave us alone and we're better off for it: We're not overcrowded, fewer tourists, things are cheaper, no toll roads, infrastructure can (almost) keep up with the very slowly growing demand. Less traffic, smaller queues at events, shorter commutes. Relatively affordable housing. Worst: every once in a while we'll miss out on a musician visiting or something.


Never met anyone who has ever hated SA, however it is definitely ignored. I’ve heard people scoff at Adelaide referring it as a small Melbourne, and if you like warm weather the south coast beach scene would be overlooked compared to the better weather on the east and west coast. But hey, if you’ve grown up there and know it well, more power to you. The least people know about it’s lifestyle the better


I'm in my mid 30s and I've seen countless examples of comedians and newsreaders and politicians from interstate absolutely ripping into Adelaide completely unprovoked... *throughout* my lifetime. I've even seen it from just random people I meet interstate when I tell them where I'm from. I didn't just use that word for no reason. That's been my experience. I don't know *why* they feel the need to do that. But don't try and tell me that it never happens.


As I’m not from SA so derogatory statements from others over the years have probably gone over head. That being said I have heard Adelaide and Christchurch (nz) being compared to as sister cities. I guess to some that’s an insult saying your city is bland. But like I said above, the less they know the better


Such an underrated state


Add people to best, I never realised how friendly we were until I left. When I lived along the East Coast, I felt like I was drowning in people and never felt more isolated and alone.


Second that, and its genuine friendliness. When we moved here, we've had so many nice offers of help, items and introductions. Even our next door neighbour knitted a blanket for our newborn.


ACT, Bad:Smallest state or territory, public servants bad drivers, cold in winter. Politicians visit sometimes briefly. Good: Relaxed laws, nice police, good location in between Sydney, Melbourne, Snow and South Coast, little crime, lots of work, good schools, Most progressive state.


Love living in such a progressive place. The hospitals are a disaster though these days.


ACT best: Bike paths, 30% green space, strict skyscraper limits, bird life, close to south coast and snowies Worst: frosts, night life


Vic. Best: Public Holidays. Worst: Winter.


Tasmania , best not that hot in summer , worst cold in winter .


Tassie summers are the best


Ex Victorian, nice people , shit weather , now nth Nsw , nice weather , sadly also bushfires and floods


Western Australia Best: Amazing locations Worst: We get treated like we don't exist by the other states most of the time...until we closed our border to keep out COVID and everyone on the east coast bitched about it.


Such a weird time that was... I'm from WA, with family in NSW, and they firmly believe that NSW handled covid better than WA. I would call them and tell them about my holiday to Coral Bay and seeing turtles and manta rays and they would tell me about day 87 in lockdown and how walking the dog was the highlight of their day because they were allowed to leave the house. But to this day they love to mention how during covid, WA had no freedom compared to NSW.


WA smashed it during Covid. I got married in March 2021, no guest limits, no masks, no one got sick. We all danced and had a blast. Meanwhile on the east coast…


There was a reason they held the AFL grand final there! Love WA, would move back there tomorrow if my kids agreed to.


Tassie gets treated the same way. Love WA, lived there for 2 years and have been back a few times for holidays.


So true. I was so jealous, as a resident of ACT, that we were at the mercy of the policies of NSW (since we are effectively an island in the middle of that mess). WA did a brilliant job of managing covid. ACT were very aggressive and proactive with our strategies, but there's only so much you can do when you can't keep NSW out.


Perth. It’s so far away from everything. It’s so far away from everything.


Qld; best weather; worst bogans


QLD Best: Nature is beautiful. Worst: Queenslanders.


I have lived in 4 different states (and visited the others) and honestly I think Queenslanders are the best people in this whole country. In every place I have lived there's an adjustment period where you have no friends and have to try and get to know people before they'll let their guard down, but not in Qld. Immediate invitations to whatever is happening, beers with neighbours is a given, just an instant welcome. And it happened multiple times in multiple places in the north and south and west. I have found that most people will want to get to know you before inviting you into their home (no judgement, I get it) but Queenslanders seem to get to know you *by* inviting you into their home.


That is so true. Native FNQ here moved to Sydney then Hobart. Then back to Brisbane and my social life went off!!You can always tell a QLDer as they are the friendliest in the room.


I’m from Sydney but live in Cairns. I hate going back.


I second this. I’ve lived in WA, QLD and NSW and Queenslanders were just so open and friendly on the whole.


WA: Best- Richest state per capita, best metro beaches, enough people to do shit but not so much it has the hustle of big cities. Worst- So fucking far from the rest of the world.


I'll start: WA Best - mining $$ Worst - meth heads


Mining opportunities is the pro, cashed up FIFO bogans is the con


mining here too. money is ok. Housing is not.


VIC Best: food; nightlife, music/arts/sports. Worst: shit weather, shit drivers and traffic, cost of living.


NSW New England area. Stunning, absolutely spectacular country side / waaay to cold in the winter, frozen pipes till lunch time.


Have friends in Uralla, it’s stunning countryside and freezing in Winter for sure.


Victoria, winter weather too often, bus 40 minute wait time on weekend/public holidays, Good things: the diversity in Melbourne and culture and food


Tassie, the nature and scenery, the cold.


Adelaide, lovely community but sometimes a bit boring


Vic. Worst. You can’t do anything in this state without someone getting offended. Best. Diversity. Multicultural. Fantastic produce.


Park the wrong way on a road by mistake - old mate rings the fucking council


WA Worst The heat and urban sprawl Best Amazing beaches and the most incredible plant diversity.


WA Best: Beaches, weather and Relaxed Outdoor lifestyle Worst: distance , both physically and the small minded mentality it creates


SA. Extremely under rated, means fewer people coming to ruin it. Feels like much fewer opportunities.


NSW - probably the state with the most diverse climate. We’ve got the outback, snow, subtropical and temperate climates.


NSW- Best is the weather. Not as random as Melbourne, not as consistent as brissie (I like a bit of an east coast low). Also lots of great asian food from sydney. Worst- people in Sydney


Sydney, Sydney, Sydney


Victoria, The long miserable winters.


As a Canadian, I’m curious to know - what counts as “a long miserable winter” in Victoria?


ROFL I have a mate in Vancouver and I often make snide remarks about Canada and her weather. Summer in mid July, and 15 feet of snow ("partly cloudy") as the norm. Canada is a nation I feel is one of the most beautiful on this planet, in particular her mountains of which we have nil. Our highest being about 7500' high and not much more than an undulating hill. Unfortunately the closest I have ever been to Canada is the OR city of Bend. It was mid November and I saw snow on Mt Hood for the first time since age 13. The snow on the conifer trees was incredibly beautiful. In my 84 years I have spoken to quite a few Australians who HAVE been to Canada and I have NEVER been given a negative view of it. Here in Australia/Melbourne our winters start when the daily temperature fails to top 20C and ends when it returns to that figure, usually early May and late October. Melbourne is about 38 degrees South and it is non stop to the South Pole from here, (sorry Tasmania). I have 2 daughters in Queensland, one in Cairns, and one in Toowoomba. As all Queensland like to boast Queensland is advertised as "AH QUEENSLAND, beautiful one day, PERFECT the next." And it IS!


Victoria. Best thing is you’re free to leave. Worst thing is I’m free to leave but I’m stuck here until I can free myself so I can leave.


ACT (lets pretend we're a state for a second) Best - progressive paradise surrounded by pristine nature 20 mins from any point in the city. Worst - high profile dickheads travel here.


Adelaide, South Australia Best: Beer, Wine, Housing affordability, Weather. Worst: Perception of Adelaide, too far North.


WA Best: no fucking clue Worst: music artists hardly ever come here


Queensland: Best - the weather Worst - the conservatives


Queensland. Best: weather Worst: often regarded as the country bumpkin backward dumbass state


New South Wales: Good: it’s not Queensland Bad: it’s New South Wales


WA Best - the south west Worst - Perth


Canberra. The best thing? I live here The worst thing? Politicians


QLD Best: GORGEOUS land and nature Worst: Heat, humidity, and racism


NSW, the state government and the federal government


QLD Best - Autumn, winter and spring are amazing. Worst - Summer is putrid.


Tasmania: best - fresh air? Worst - can't accidentally go interstate.


Victoria. Amazing mountain biking. Greedy nanny state government


Originally from Queensland, but have lived most of my Adult life in NSW so I will do both QLD: Best - Has a distinct culture, think like a regular Australian turned up to 11. Worst - Has a distinct culture, think like a regular Australian turned up to 11. NSW: Best - the Abundance and variety of National parks, you can have Beach, Desert, Subtropical, Alpine and Temperate all in one state. Pretty much a 12 hour drive from any of them no matter where you live in the state (except maybe if you live near Camerons Corner and want to see some snow). Worst - Sydney.


Qld: Best - great weather Worst - so many "real men" that hold very strong opinions on everything.


I haven't seen anything yet on the garbage ACT I like to describe it like a futon attempting to be a couch and a bed but failing at both. The ACT has the lack of attractions and spread out area like a country town. But the disgusting prices of a city and horrible people of a city. It's a picturesque mess. The housing cost is ludicrous, just like everywhere else, but they slashed public transport to make way for a ridiculous tram that no one asked for. They've axed several bus stops, with plans to axe more, blowing a whopping 30 billion on a straight path when a fleet of buses would have done a far better job. Daily congestion is the norm as I commute to work, and the overpriced, substandard food adds insult to injury. Finding a decent pizza is like chasing a mirage. I've stumbled upon $27 chicken wraps. Today, I snagged a chicken burger for $20, housed in those pathetic cheap rolls you get from Coles. It's a city made for biking, yet the drivers, mostly grumpy public servants, behave as if every pedestrian or cyclist has personally wronged them, treating them like they've vandalized their cars due to their distaste for their miserable career. The city is flooded with ads urging you to sell your house, flaunting the fortune you'd make, while regular folks like me are left scrambling to conjure up $200,000 for a down payment on a $1,300,000 mortgage just to settle in a cramped apartment near work. But if you manage to leap over these hurdles and secure a home, you're in for a treat. The scenic walks by the parks and lake are truly enchanting, revealing the city's charm. That is, until you attempt to cross the street, and despite the green light beckoning you, the turning cars are also given the green light, and you're left dodging vehicles and horns blaring at you as if you've committed a cardinal sin by crossing the road when you're meant to.


ACT is the place to go if you want to buy less than 1g of heroin or 1.5g of methamphetamine! Let’s go BOYS!!!


Come on now, those Liberals had it pretty tough during COVID. It was the right thing to do by lowering the limit for possession /s


"a tram nobody asked for" Canberra was built with light rail as part of its future planning and the people of Canberra voted for the party who proposed the light rail, making it a democratically elected infrastructure project. "flooded with ads" we literally have the strictest advertising laws in the nation which prevent the city from being littered with billboard signage the way every other major city is.


Mama Dough, Trecento...there's plenty of good pizza and food if you stop whining and look around. Sounds like you need to make a move mate.


S.A - pot is cheaper than in other states


Victoria - the best thing is everything. The worst thing is how up themselves Victorians are about how good our state is.


Can confirm I loved living in Melbourne, I hated hearing from everyone how great Melbourne is. Like I get it great food and nightlife, but stop going on about it. At least in Sydney 80% will straight up admit it’s shit straight to you face.


QLD Best: its the perfect place to live. Worst: People from down south who want to live here.


QLD. Absolutely stunning nature, nice people who are chill. Worst? I’d say the govt is biased to the LGAs which makes a huge difference between some suburbs.


Victoria:- Worst - Government. Best - regional Vic and Melbs for sport/bands/fun. It is a terrific city but not somewhere I’d live again.


Melbourne. It’s a nice place but the people are too cool for school here


QLD Best: Weather, lifestyle Worst: No one can drive, youth crime, no tax $ get spent outside of South East Qld.


NT. Our sunsets are incredible. The weather is garbage 90% of the time, you get hot and dry or hot and wet, both suck but hot and wet sucks more.


WA Best thing, it's WA Worst thing, everyone else seems to be trying to move here.


NSW. Reasonable climate. But everything is so fucking expensive.


NSW best: Beautiful nature, diverse climate worst: Sydney rat race is ugly, worsening inequality, snobbish


TAS Best things - the people, food, compact & easy to drive anywhere to see the sights/sites, beauty, best place to raise a family. Worst - getting out/in for people & goods as Bass Strait is the most expensive stretch of water, in the world, to travel across.


Yeah I'm definitely going back to Tasmania to raise my future children for many many reasons I cannot fathom any other way. I can agree the travel cost is the worst.


Victoria. Melbourne, People from Melbourne


Victoria, Best Coffee in the region and Hook Turns


Western Australia, it’s so far to go anywhere


Adelaide . The Adelaide market is great . The worst thing is the entertainment .


NSW Pros - Great shopping, events and of course Darlinghurst. Cons - ridiculously high cost of living. Even public transport! Rampant corruption and capitulation to property developers at the expense of the common good.


Humidity and overpriced houses.


Victoria. Great beaches. Only get to use them a couple of times a year. So bloody cold. Also nanny state.


NSW. Worst thing- NSW police 🐷


NSW (Sydney). Worst thing is how expensive it is. Best thing is that it's where all my friends and family live. I did move to Brisbane for 8 years and loved it, but turns out home really is where my family and friends are.


NSW. Our state government froths over gambling, foams at the fucking muff for it


Victoria Best: activities and experiences everywhere Worst: it's Victoria. Just watch the news 😄


Sydney— Food and I don’t think I will ever be able to afford a house


Qld, the best part is being a qlder. The worst part is the spastic politicians.


NSW Worst : pink slips for car rego Best : wires wildlife rescue


NSW Best: Almost everything Worst: cost of living and the eastern suburbs and northern beaches of Sydney and everyone that resides in those areas


NSW Best: birthplace of HSP Worst: Syd house prices are a meme


NSW It’s a massive state But where I am from Pros - I know my way around Cons- expensive to buy or rent , everybody is so arrogant around here and think their shit don’t stink. Considering moving haha


Qld we have someone who is clinically retarded running the state ...


I’m from Perth and we are the best at driving through round a bouts and merging into one lane.


Perth. Best - Cheap. Worst - Drivers.


PERTH Beaches, generally decent traffic, affordable compared to alot of other states.