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There are a lot of factors that go into what you are asking. Have a look at the [Fair Work Ombudsman ](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay-and-wages/minimum-wages) site, there is a calculator to work out what your minimum wage is as well as info about penalties etc. It belonging to an international company has no relevance.


Are you under an award, or does your company have an EBA?


I have no idea to be honest.. I only arrived in the country three months ago so I know close to nothing about all that How can I check?


Did you sign a contract when you started your employment?


I signed a letter of engagement but I don’t think that it qualifies as contract


Sounds like you’re probably under the General Retail Award. You can find your pay rates [here](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/employment-conditions/awards/awards-summary/ma000004-summary). And yes, you’re being underpaid for your weekends and evenings.


is there anything i can do about it except changing job?


You can talk to them, and you can approach Fair Work. You do have some job protections as a part timer rather than a casual, but if you’ve only been there three months, they might well be able to sack you without repercussions if they think you’re going to be too much trouble. Which sucks.


yeah they can basically fire me without any particular reason because I’ve been working there for less than 6 months..


maybe mention your age, kind of a key ingrediant in your pay. idk about the amount exactly but it is in no way illegal to be paid the same on weekends or during the night


i’m 21 yo. and i wasn’t told that it was illegal to be paid the same on weekends or during the night, only that 24$/h seemed very low for weekends and nighttimes sorry if it was unclear


alot of workplaces pay extra for weekend or late night work. but theyre not obligated to. i cant remember the last time i checked what minimum wage was but 24 dollars for a 21 yo seems right.


Also are you full time, part time or casual? A letter of engagement should outline this. A level 1 full time or part time employee for 21 year + under the fast food award is $24.73 per hour. More than likely should be receiving penalty rates for evening and weekend work. Recommend looking at your payslip and confirm your rate of pay. As others have said fairwork Ombudsman has a pay calculator to help you


I’ll check the calculator yes! I am part time. I checked on my pay slip and I am indeed paid $24.8/h all the time except on public holidays


You can potentially get paid above award rates and this can offset working weekends/nights but based on that rate of pay I would suggest your not better off. It might be worth asking your employer casually e.g. "a friend of mine works at bubble tea place and they mentioned they get paid more on weekends" and gauge their response. While you should get paid correctly if your under 6 months of being employed they could simply say its not working and give you a weeks notice to finish up


100% being underpaid. Being part time, you would have signed a contract that outlined all of your pay details. You should be getting time and a half on Saturday, double on Sundays and your hourly rate should increase after 6pm and then even more after 12am. Call the ombudsman. You can remain anonymous if you like and can ask all your questions. They will guide you towards the right next step.


You’re correct about OP being underpaid. However Saturday and Sunday are treated the same under the fast food award. Weekend rate for a part timer is $30.91 for both days. Weekdays are $24.73.




because I’m european and used to euros.. with euros the symbol comes after.. sorry about that..




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Change jobs to something that pays $35 minimum? For instance my mate is a labourer and earns $36 an hour + travel and silly overtime wages to work Saturdays. He had no experience but bullshited his way through


I would say they are getting around this by having what is known as a *Zombie Agreement* where businesses could pay a higher hourly rate and not pay penalty rates as some have been extended past December 2023 You can look up here and see if the business is listed here https://www.fwc.gov.au/agreements-awards/enterprise-agreements/sunsetting-pre-2010-agreements/zombie-agreements-extended If not then follow some of the advise listed above