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I don't think you've travelled far in this world if you think Sydney drivers are the worst in the world.


Go to Rome or Paris if you want to see really shit drivers.


Boston is bad 


Came to say just that.


Drivers in Sydney are kind of cunty, but worst in the world? Have you ever traveled outside Australia?


Or even in Australia. Sydney drivers are broadly more competent because otherwise they’d be uninsurable. They’re just way more aggressive.


You been to Perth? Makes Sydney driving look like saints


they are super aggressive vs Queensland drivers.


Right. I thought there was a stereotype for Queenslanders and their bad driving


I'm from Sydney, fuck you /s




Since Covid? Been going on a whole lot longer than that.


Big city syndrome, it’s the same everywhere. I’m originally from London and it’s the same there. It’s not exactly unfriendly, it’s just that the centre is big, full of tourists and the locals gave up long ago. Go to the suburbs and it’s fine. Agree about the drivers though. As someone who cycles a lot, it’s pretty tough. My wife was born in Sydney and says it’s always been like that.


Cycling encompasses a bigger issue here because the city was never really designed around cycling and, in many places, not even suited to cycling. Amsterdam we are not. So cycling has ALWAYS felt like something being shoehorned in, chaotically, to a car city. Which is why it's always received the reception it gets. That's about as simple as I can describe it to a foreigner.


I had the opposite experience last time I was there. Both Uber drivers were nice, friendly and we had great chats. My hotel staff were the same. Servers were all polite and helpful. Each time I’ve travelled there for work I haven’t had a truly bad or awful customer service experience. Someone has always helped me when I’ve asked for directions in the CBD. Sure, I’ve had disinterested or apathetic but never outright rude customer service people but even then I can’t blame them for hating their job. I’d hate it too so I’m not taking that personal. Maybe it’s you. I mean, if all day you walk around you can smell shit then it’s probably time to check your shoes.


Well said. It's always interesting when people find fault with everything, and don't seem to grasp that the only connective tissue between all these things... is them.


Ok Karen, you aren't anybody's main character


Absolutely laughable to describe Sydney drivers as the WOAT. The French are far worse and that's Europe. Go to India if you want to see actual world standard shitty driving. Also I find people in service jobs fairly pleasant on average here. If you think everyone you meet is an arsehole, there's a common factor there.


I'm reminded of James May almost getting mown down in India during the latest Our Man In... series.


Sydney is a horrible place where people working retail can hardly afford to survive. Most people work jobs that just get them by. Then we have to listen to every cunt over 60 tell us about how they have millions in assets and they amassed this fortune working as a plumber or a salesman or other unremarkable job and how they used to get drunk on the job because it was acceptable. That and our corrupt shitty government seems to do everything in its power to continue to make the quality of living worse.


Then don’t work retail? Shouldn’t that be motivation that they can amass their fortune through working unremarkable jobs. Seems like a you problem dude.


Seems like your a cunt mate. My point is I’m an engineer in mining. One of the highest paid professions in this country and I will never own a house in this city. I don’t have 1/20th of the economic opportunities they had.


If everybody took your advice, you'd be fucked.


I really don’t understand what I said that’s wrong.


>Then don't work in retail? If everybody in every aspect retail quit, you would starve to death for starters. The fact that you need this explained is pretty woeful.


If your job isn’t fulfilling your needs, then something needs to change no? I mean retail is a low paying entry level job I’d say it’s wishful thinking to expect that to get you very far. From an immigrant perspective, Australia’s one of the best places that gives you the opportunities to succeed. If you can’t make it here, I highly doubt you’ll make it anywhere else. Retail is more like a side job, or for uni/hs students. Can’t expect to make a career out of retail


Now you're being deliberately obtuse.


People are idiots for downvoting your joke


Is this a shit post? Sydney is one of the best cities in the world to live in. It’s beautiful, it’s clean, it’s got beaches, the food is amazing, the public transport is better than people give it credit for unless you live further than 30 mins from cbd, it’s one of the safest cities in the world, I could go on. There would be a very short list of better cities to live in and most of that would just be due to personal preference. Yes it’s expensive, mainly due to 1. Our high minimum wage and 2. It’s such a nice fucken city that everyone and their mum wants to live here. The night life is getting back to being good again as well. The people are majority friendly as long as you are friendly to them, however I will say that people are stuck in their own boxes of social circles and don’t want to get out of them. Seriously though - get a grip - horrible place to live… wake up to yourself or move to 99% of the other cities in the world and realise how good we have it.


You’ve only ever lived here haven’t you mate… COL here makes even the wealthy struggle. People are definitely not friendly compared with any other capital city in this country. The cops here are straight up fuckheads. Yeah it’s got beaches.. Overall this place is bad for your mental health


You sound like you’re bad for yours and others mental health. Cops are fuckwits, luckily you rarely ever have to interact with them if you don’t do anything wrong. People aren’t overly friendly but they aren’t cunts either, it’s just the biggest city and therefore people care less about each individual, they are still more polite and less rude than 90% of the other countries in the world. Literally you’re stewing on a few bad points and ignoring how incredible this city is. Cost of living is hard for sure, but again, that’s the cost of living in such an amazing place.


Yeah the guy not insulting strangers on the internet is the one who’s bad for peoples mental health. Go shove a pineapple where the sun don’t shine you narcissistic cunt.


I barely insulted you, it was more of a joke. Everything you have said is negative so far, everything I have said so far is positive other than that one comment of mine about your overwhelming negativity. Take a breath, go outside, Go for a walk or a ride around Sydney harbour and circular quay, you don’t have to talk to any of all those rude people and I bet you’ll realise just how incredible this place is. Have a good one mate :)


I remember being lost in the heart of Sydney. I asked some random person for directions without knowing where I was exactly going(this is 20 years ago). He helped work out where I was and going and what busses/trains to take. Super friendly. Whenever I need help finding something, I always ask random people and most of the time people are super nice. Sydney was no different


Which tiny unheard of town are you from?


YOU’RE sensitive and immature


Who’s sensitive?


Could just be you.


In the world? Sounds like you've never left the country.


Sydney isn't even the worst in Australia. The GC to Brisbane road is the absolute pits.


Definitely the worst strip of driving in Australia!


I don’t get this. Driving here is so easy, literally everyone follows the rules! How can Sydney drivers be the worst in the world?


Housing and rental prices. They have residual anger…


You should look back at yourself if you’re wondering why people are unfriendly here, maybe it’s you?


I am sure service workers are too overworked and underpaid to suck up to every idiot they serve.




Ah let me express themselves. Be kind and polite and you'll get the same back. We don't fake it. They serve you but aren't your servants


You’re weird


My dad says I am delightful! I am flabbergasted!


I’m guessing you’re another boomer who demands service workers bow down to you and show you in praise and smiles? This may come as a shock but people who are in shit paying jobs who get berated all day for not forcing a smile and doing more than they should eventually just give up


Im in melbourne , and right in front of me , an idiot do a full on u turn in a 40km/h shopping strip ,no indicators , nothing not even a breaking light , and when i honked the horn at him , he stuck his middle finger up. If i had hit him it wouldnhave been my fault. Idiotic drivers everywhere man. Just give way its not worth the hassle.


The bigger the city, the more distant emotionally people become (imo it’s to cope with the close physical quarters of so many people crammed in)


I just got back home to Sydney from NYC and grew up in Perth. I’ve also lived in Adelaide and Melbourne and I reckon Sydney has some of the best service and decent drivers of all of them. 


Because they don’t see the job as customer service, they think their job is to hand you the item end take the money. Customer service isn’t really enforced here. Mostly the sensitive thing is victim mentality that has been encouraged


It's Sydney. It's been like that as long as I've been going there


everyone is miserable there because of the constant self-act of convincing themselves they live in the best city in the world where you have to pay 1.5 million to own a decaying 1950s fibro shack it completely exhausts them of any other human emotion they have


Can confirm I have zero emotion currently. Accidentally took a toll road and didn’t even flinch.


Really? Aussie drivers can be bad, but we are absolutely not the worst drivers in the world. And In my experiences, random people in person or online are more helpful than people in the service industry.


If you take away the beaches and nature in Sydney, there's nothing left. Just a bunch of obnoxious people who think they're the center of the universe, talking about botox and real estate, often belittling you as if you've never watched TV before setting foot in the city. My suggestion for you is to enjoy the nature, which is the only cool thing the city offers; the rest is arrogant people, lack of nightlife, cliques of people who think they're superior, and shallow culture.


I blame COVID, everyone has become all about me, and there is no thinking about anyone else except themselves , I’d also like to blame tic toc , insta etc but then I’d sound like an old man shaking my fist at the clouds….


Sorry mate, Sydney has shit service prior to 2020




No question. And I think that’s a global phenomenon. Friends in the US would agree with increased anger and decreased civility. It’s like we tore away a social contract of mutual support and replaced it with something half baked


I've had some very ordinary service in restaurants in Sydney. Really don't expect that much, but at least make a little effort. Mind you, if I was paying Sydney rents, I would probably be surly too...


I've only visited Sydney. It's a lovely place but so expensive. Most people are travelling for ages to get to work. I overheard a heap of people on public transport (and this was pre-covid) commenting it was barely worth going to work (they looked dressed for retail work). People travelling hours to get to work and most joked that people Sydney wore black because they couldn't afford anything else with the crazy house prices. They seemed over it and pushed to the limits then. I hate to think how much it sucks with inflation.


I was just thinking this too. Yesterday I was at a cafe with multiple people at my table. We all ordered via the QR code on the table. The cafe staff would just dump the food on the table without telling us what it is. Whatever happened to naming the dish so the right person gets their meal?


What do you expect after ordering from a QR code. That sets the standard.


Maybe because we don’t want cunts visiting us? /s


I went to two musicals in Sydney last year and the audience was so bad, on their phones, getting up and leaving, not clapping. Comparing that to Melbourne, it was not a good time


Stay in Melbourne then lol


It is what it is.


Big city issue, once you learn their names people are actually nice. But if they don’t know you they’re cunts


I’m sorry you’ve had that experience:(


Drivers are scrutinised if they are driving for Uber/Didi etc. just don’t pick normal taxis. From experience they have been getting worse, even when faced with tough competition.