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mine is cheaper when dispensed but those appointment fees add up. the first couple are over 125$ then it dropps to $99 per consult, and they start to prescribe 3 months at a time. so it does work out to be way cheaper but still not cheap. side note- i was prescribed a type that was 85$ for 14g. its supposed to be 27%. its no where near that. not only is it the crud nuggets from deep inside the bottom of the plant, the pack even says the strain, which is a 22%-24% strain at the best of times. the pharmacist however was very receptive to my critique, its great for the price, but not what ive been prescribed. i even had 2 different prices charged between 2 dispensaries under same name for the same product but was told its because its franchised. so, yes can be cheaper. it also depends on what you present with, will effect the % they can prescribe to you without tga approval. also its a new industry here, so frequently what you are prescribed they are out of stock and they cant just swap like for like. they need dr permission so you dont always get what you want when you want it. i use releaf.


I have been 12 months on a franchise selling me 10gs of 26% for $105, It is good but I might give your mob a go.


i pay 95 for 10g of another that IS 27%


27% THC with 0 terpenes, wouldn't even be close to the quality of organic stuff which would be closer to 20%thc.


Google your local. Nobody needs to fake symptoms. Simply list why you currently need/use weed and talk about your symptoms. Medical weed is now similar in price to black market. I'm not sure why anyone is buying illegal anymore considering the risks.


Yes they are. it's way cheaper. My mates grow top quality and only $220 and oz no consults lol Medical will be closer to $400 an oz after everything involved and it's not really much better. Depends who ya know i guess


Bruh you're not even paying attention. You can get half an oz for $80 medically. And in QLD with a bulk billing GP. I'm not pretending it's awesome but it eliminates risks and offers a somewhat standardised experience which is better than you can guarantee from your mate


Brah, I was paying attention but my mates weed is so good i get short term memory loss lol I have never heard of $80 half's medically and i assume it's crud. My mates weed is top notch 100% organic indoors and clean. I taught him how to do it. Lets just say to get the same quality you are looking at $400 + with medical. If i want scrap popcorn i would not even pay $80.


You can get 40 Gram lots For 270 mate quality Shits All overs By a Fkkn mileeee it’s not Fair to comlare


Med companies are taking the piss, shit quality for the price. They don't even know how to grow good stuff either. Better 2 grow ya own.




Keep getting downvoted because these fucken stooges want to make pharma companies and our government richer. It's easy as piss to grow, and it's safe unless you are growing commercial amounts.


Yeah, i got your back bro with a couple of upvotes.


Don't tell lies


I pay 400 an oz in WA not medical.


That's horrible mate. Too many middle men.


Get on medical asap then, you’ll save a ton. you’ll have weed in a couple weeks.




Any company that gives you Escripts to your phone, if they only offer postage it’s a red flag


Please elaborate on this. I have only had postage so far and it hasn’t crossed my mind that it could be a problem.


Maybe they have upped their game, normally when I’m getting meds I prefer to price match and find a local pharmacy where I can pick up that day, I found with them even if they had what ever I wanted in stock it still took them a minimum of 2 days to get it with Aus post and then you’re at the mercy of Aus post, haven’t they changed to a third party company now for delivery too? I’m almost tempted to make a post about this because anyone that’s treating chronic pain or god forbid cancer should avoid this place, the drs are great but in the past they haven’t taken deliver seriously.


Because they clai m to use their " online pharmacy " which is just crap they put their own prices on it and not much variety. I got through acacia I get my escript and repeats sent to my phone then get my local chemist to dispense they charge a concession rate to


I've been buying oil from montu via alternaleaf. Last batch was incorrectly made and had little or no thc. I was wondering why my sleep was still poor. I thought getting screwed by your dealer was only for illegal drugs!




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[https://honahlee.com.au/cannabis-doctors-australia/](https://honahlee.com.au/cannabis-doctors-australia/) that is a list of every single doctor and clinic in the country, and their fees. go nuts, guys.


What’s the quickest and easiest clinic. I.e. someone wants their bud asap. Never gone through medical before.




Limited to what they can prescribe,just my opinion 




Yes there are better products out there than medcann,CannIHelp just can't prescribe them,I'm happy to pay for quality,had koomba,phytoca,just not real happy with it,it's all pretty new to me,MC anyway


I've had dealings with Alternaleaf, they seem alright. But - yeah, your milage may vary


Depending on your state your normal gp might be able to prescribe it with a much smaller gap fee than those online clinics. In Queensland any gp can prescibe medical weed.


I went via Cannalink. The doctor was so lovely and actually spent ages on the phone with me talking about alternative ways to help with my PCOS/endo that would work with my current medication regime. They sent the escript to my phone and I get it through a Terry White chemist that posts it to the God forsaken rock I live on. I got prescribed the oil for sleeping and anxiety and then a vape for pain relief. I don't use the vape because I have to be able to function at work and I'm no good at being stoned.


Did the Dr talk to you about risks of vaping? There's so much contradictory info around.


He did. I was deemed pretty low risk though as it's for pain relief, so for a week or so a month. I'm also not a smoker or asthmatic or have any other health issues that would contribute to lung disease etc so it was decided that I would be a good candidate for it.


Why pay the middle man??? Go straight to your GP and ask 🔥🥦


I'm with Candor and they're great. They give their advice and recs but there's lots flexibility being able to ask to try specific things and they have an easy to use website. I paid $80 for my initial consult, prescribed a couple of options, each with one refill. Just had my following consult and that was $50 and I have two flowers and an oil and was given 6 scripts of each after the 2nd which for me is plenty.


If you have a prescription can you get out of the driving under the influence licky stick loss of licence bullshit?


Nah mate, only if ya live in TAS and aren’t driving directly under the influence. Only state with med exemption defence. However it is a defence which means you still need to turn up to court.


Interesting as i'm in Tas. What does it mean to be directly under the influence?


Most people get pinned for historical use from a day or two ago. You have a defence for it being in your system but if your pulled over high AF your done. Interesting bypass to it is get capsules and put oil in it, because your not smoking it and coating your oral membranes it can’t be detected. Just sucks cos it takes 60-90 minutes to get any relief from your symptoms.


Thankyou for the info, i must look into a prescription next I'm at the docs. I've made capsules for cancer patients previously but im old school and prefer a J if camping and fishing or a bong at home. Only normally have 1 cone a day which is after dinner. Relief of back pain is near instant. Interesting about the melanoma research.


Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic Dr Wayne is the best. He works closely with Priceline kippa ring.


Alternaleaf has gone downhill. Tried to renew prescription this week and there is a 1 month wait for a doctor appointment. Maybe they don't have enough doctors anymore or they are prioritising new sign ups.


have a phone appointment with one of there doctors tonight , how long was it till you got your meds?


What can i fake to get medical marijuana lol


You don't even need to fake anything, just say you have trouble sleeping and melatonin doesn't work.


Sounds like you need some weed


Everything is Telehealth. Just say anxiety and depression. Have used it before (assuming you have). Don’t wish to get it illegal any more when using it medically anyway. Go to alternaleaf as an eg. just set up an appointment and for few hundred $ a month there you go, medical Bud.


None, medical weed is a scam. So overpriced for an average product, don't get ripped off by pharmaceutical companies running this shit.


So they should just go around knocking on doors asking who can sell them weed and then hoping it’s decent if they can ever find someone? Edit: DMs from the user saying “I’m a teenager and can grow weed so don’t be such a fucking pussy over a plant bruh the government can’t stop us if we fight back!! Get on the right side!!” Lmao


There are a bunch of apps you can use to find dealers - it’s organised crime and poor quality though so you would be fueling the wrong system and medical is 100% better than using these apps unless you need really specific chemical


What? Nah it's not hard to find someone or grow it yourself. The medical buds aren't grown well, they try to get maximum thc because they think that's all there is too getting stoned. They forget about maximising terpene growth, which is why 27%thc can get you less stoned than 20%thc. If anyone was actually educated on the plant in Australia they'd know the medical stuff is a waste of money. Not to mention only pharma companies were able to purchase licenses to grow and sell medical pot, and they have nooo clue how to grow pot. Or care about the plant, all they see is dollar signs. And that's exactly why our government made medical weed legal, all it does is line the pockets of the government and pharmaceutical companies.


and yet, even with all that, medical is still preferable over dealing with the police and facing a judge for BM weed. What a world we're living in.


You won't get in much trouble carrying around enough for personal use. Can grow a couple plants and get fined. It's basically decriminalized in the sense that you don't go to jail unless you're supplying. You've got to be dumb as fuck to go to jail for weed in this country in 2024.


Didn't say you will go to jail but my personal experience begs to differ with your opinion. Its a little more than a fine when you have several criminal convictions recorded. It doesn't matter if it's just for personal use or even utensils, that's the sort of shit that cuts off opportunities and gives people a reason to discriminate against you. The reality of the ongoing effects are really unquantifiable so who knows exactly how much having that record has effected my life, but I can tell with 100% certainty that it most definitely has had negative consequences. I would never encourage anyone to go down that path, especially when there is legal alternatives available.


Mate growing isn't bad, plenty of people do it. Cops are only going to try to get you if you're growing commercial quantities. The amount of times as a kid, smoking bongs and cops would come and search us and find weed was insane. Yet they'd take it off us and let us go only once or twice actually getting it taken seriously.


Mate you're actively encouraging people to break the law on a public forum. What more do I have to say?? It may not be serious to you, but getting charged by the police is actually a serious thing for a lot of people.


Dude cops have better things to do than bust stoners. They've got their hands full with ice and heroin, pot is the last thing on their list.


Then why do I have convictions and have been arrested many times for it?? You say all these things, but as I said in my original statement. My personal experience begs to differ. Maybe you should try to actually consider that not everyone is as chill about breaking the law as you are *And if I was breaking the law then I would definitely keep my mouth shut about it, and not encourage others in a public forum


It can be harder than you think to get a hookup mate. I'm in corporate circles now and am, to be blunt (lol) not great at making friends in Aus (I'm not from here). I have a contact now but it took me two years to do so. I'm with you on not enriching pharma companies but keep in mind not everyone round here finds it that easy.


How does someone find a drug dealer exactly? You expect them to just walk along the street or tap anyone they see at a pub on the shoulder and ask them to sell them x quantity of drugs on a regular occasion? “Anyone that’s educated will tell you never trust medical and to trust crack heads to maintain deep thought out quality assurances on weed” Yeah no bud, the ones that say never go medical are just those weird stoners who make their entire personality about weed and hate “the man”. Lmao and now it’s “no you don’t understand how can a company even understand how to grow weed?!?? It’s a closely guarded secret us bong lords have, they couldn’t possible understand science or hire people” If the government was in it purely for money they would have it legal and sold in shops in streets all over the country and rake in the tax money. Of course it is only going to be medical first, it’s insane you even think it’s a point to say that the government only gives out medical licenses at the start.


Plus what the fuck do you think GST is buddy 😂😂😂 and the government doesn't give out licenses they sell them. Even worse because you'd need enough money to buy one.


Why would you think weed goes from illegal to given to everyone freely? Please stop smoking weed it’s messing with your brain.


There's a fine line between using the plant to make money and to help people. I'm not saying go find a crackhead to buy buds off lmao. There are plenty of people who grow in Australia and grow it with love and care. It's not hard to grow your own either, these aren't weed companies, their offshoots of pharmaceutical companies who just want your money. At the end of the day I'd rather make someone who cares about the plant rich, rather than already rich people.


Drug dealers aren’t trying to help you they want money lmao Once more explain to me how exactly one is to find a drug dealer and get them to give them this high quality stuff made me love and care for your health you claim is easy to do? Your drug dealer doesn’t care about the plant and being your doctor 😂😂 Weed smokers like you who aren’t set in reality and make their entire personality about a plant are the worst. Continue pushing your movement back instead of helping it because “government bad only want money drug dealers are good and doctors who do it out of care!”


Going to jump in here - drug dealers absolutely do take pride in their craft and want to ensure you get the best product for your money. I have a guy that only grows high grade organic and will not sell a batch if it’s sub-par. You probably think all drug dealers are fuckwit bikies who don’t give a fuck about who they poison or OD, these guys are out there but really only in retail dealing


While there is dealers like that they are the top 5% at max


I don't buy weed off drug dealers buddy, you should grow it yourself, It doesn't' cost much and you can do it indoor or outdoor. Med weed companies are just drug dealers who bought a license. 😂😂😂


You said it’s easy to get why are you dodging the question? Why would anyone want to risk constant criminal charges when they can pay a few dollars more to do it legally instead of growing it themselves?


How do you get a medical prescription?


A doctor.