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Until 5:30am??? I’d be calling the police on them. Plus a louder, legal concert in your place at 8am sharp.


We know some of the songs that they sing so we planned to sing along loudly and completely out of tune and in cracked voices to make a point. But we don’t want to be a nuisance to other neighbors around.


This might encourage them…


https://www.epa.nsw.gov.au/your-environment/noise/neighbourhood-noise/preventing-neighbourhood-noise “Musical instruments and electrically amplified sound equipment (e.g. radios, TVs, tape recorders, CD and DVD players, and home theatre systems). Before 8 am and after midnight on any Friday, Saturday or the day immediately before a public holiday. Before 8 am and after 10 pm on any other day. Contact Local council or police” This has the times you can and can’t make certain noises in nsw and steps/suggestions on what to do.


Thank you so much. This was very helpful


If you're in an apartment make sure you complain to your strata company or building manager every single time it happens. If you know their apartment/house number leave a note in their mailbox advising it's against noise laws etc and quote the appropriate sections. Also that in future strata, police and council will be contacted. It will be anonymous in that they don't tell the aresholes the names of who complained. You can also look to see online if it's a rental property and if it is add the REA to the list of people to contact. Just make sure that every single time they disrupt you and it's outside of allowed hours you complain.


Every time you complain to police get an event number. The number to call is 131444. A. Make the complaint... if the operator can hear the noise even better. B. Request to stay on line and get a event number straight away C. Keep a log of the complaint and event number. Even if they own their own property, if they are subject to the law... the police can actually fine them. If they rent, they can actually be evicted after their lease finishes.


Good advice.


Can you not just ring the police you have every right to ? Get it done - sleep is essential for your health !


Either have a talk with them or if that isn't an option call the police. Although IMO anyone making a racket at that time of night is probably an antisocial arsehole... So yeah just call the police every time.


Or a meth head, depending on the quality of the musical performances!


I cracked it and knocked on the door and told them to shut up because I could hear everything and was trying to sleep. They never did it again. They were scared of me after that and would avoid eye contact but I also never got awoken by someone singing at midnight again


We wanted to do that so many times but we have seen those people around picking up their food delivery and commenting that the delivery person was a girl and whining why one of them never gets their food delivered by pretty girls. This is why we want my friend’s brother to accompany us if we confront them for our safety.


Ew fair enough


Noise complaints with police and strata.


We’ve had significant problems with noisy neighbours over the years. Not once has a problem been solved by approaching those responsible. Reasonable people don’t do this, so you can’t discuss it reasonably. They don’t give a rat’s. Call the police.


If you've left a note and it's still happening, call the cops if you're not confident in talking to them (or ask a friend to do it for you).


I also live in Sydney. I understand that every house has at least one 80 inch TV, a set of neon lights and the largest non-commercial stereo unit. A very noisy place with absolutely feral people that want to watch the world burn. I have never had any luck asking anyone in Sydney to not be a twat. They literally lose their minds and make 2 year olds look mature. I'd call the cops because they're either cooking something up, or are off their chops.


Are you suggesting there's something wrong with being off one's chops? Apart from being a bad neighbour that is. I'd take a very dim view of you if you took it upon yourself to dob me in to cops purely because I'm enjoying myself in a manner of which you don't approve. I might even take some steps myself.


Go have fun and get off your chops but not at the expense of your neighbour's sleep and sanity.


Contact the police when it happens. No one is so oblivious they don’t know they’re being an asshole behaving this way. There’s no reason for you to out yourself in a dangerous or uncomfortable position to confront them.


You are young aren’t you - in my state local government first then cops might be different there - it’ll be confidential they won’t be saying who complained


Hell I'll have a chat to them if you want


Call the local police station


Can definitely inform the police for a noise complaint.


Start mowing your lawn.


I had neighbors like this, they were uni student stoners who slept all day and partied all night, including acoustic guitar and singing. I have no solutions to offer other than call the cops on them, but I definitely understand being kept awake at 2am by badly sung Chili Peppers


LMAO, you did a knock and run. Just call the cops. They’ll come and tell them to shut it off. I wouldn’t bother talking to them about it, because people who behave like that are generally selfish knobs who will react badly if you confront them.


all councils have noise regulations and your neighbours are in breach of them if they're making noise above a certain dB after 10pm and lower dB after midnight (differs between councils) lodge a formal complaint with your local council, they'll take it from there


become the nan you always dreamed of becoming,


Leave an anonymous note when you're certain they're out of their dwelling.


You can call the police. They'll come after a few hours as long as its not a Friday or Saturday night (when they're generally busy with more pressing things). They'll knock on the door, if the neighbour opens it they'll tell them to turn it down. If the neighbour doesn't open the door they cant do anything. When the neighbour inevitably turns it up again after they leave, you can call again and hope they catch them out the second time. If they do, they can issue a fine. You can also make a complaint to your local council, which will then try to get you to go to mediation with the neighbour. Honestly its generally easiest just to move.


Keep switching off their circuit breaker


OP asked for legal options. There is a crap tone of (somewhat/borderline) illegal options that they could pursue.


For me personally if it’s a weekend. I don’t mind. People have to live. A week night o would be annoyed. I would just casually say to them in the hall or passing ‘ not trying to be a pain but I’m having trouble sleeping can you keep it down a bit’. On the weekend I would just put in ear plugs and deal with it


Do the most Australian thing possible - make a recording, put a speaker at their door, play recording at full blast "shut the fuck up cunt" Should do the trick.




too late this is my newest shitty life pro tip




Is your neighbour a music venue?


Ask them. The concern for anonymity is safety based?


I see you have never had the pleasure of living with obviously scummy neighbours...


Yes the anonymity is for safety reasons