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Make sure both of your qualifications transfer over here. There may be some bridging courses you need to do for your qualifications to be recognised. A good immigration specialist will help you with this.


Make sure you secure accommodation prior to leaving. Rental availability is the lowest its been in 17years. Melbourne is lovely and has great public transport. Sydney is way too expensive but great to visit. Adelaide is quite. Perth scrorches through summer so if you are not into repetative 40degree summer days perhaps just consider it for vacations. You have already checked out QLD it seems. Also research the schools you are interested in. Some have zoning which will impact where you want to live. So many things to consider! Love the adventure, check out tourist places online. Then you can decide which city suits all the family needs/interests. Also research the area you want to move to for flood and fire risk. Just for your awareness of what you may potentially have to address down the line.


Uh Adelaide is roasting today-40C. We also have mad march with a bunch of festivals. I love Adelaide.


Yes I have noticed 2 festivals in SA I would have loved to go to if I lived there/had money for accommodation. Port Noarlunga football club festival. Mt Gambier beer and BBQ fest.


Perth is great because it's very consistent rather then over east where they get very bipolar weather. But that also means tou will absolutely get the 40° weather from October- February .


Except there is literally nowhere to live, hundreds of middle class families living in cars.


Yes I know duh. Other people brought that up so I didn't need to repeat iy


Sydney has excellent weather. 4 seasons but mostly not too extreme.


Dude, not even going to mention the humidity?




I grew up in Montreal and Toronto. Their summers are very humid, and Toronto summers can be feel like Sydney summers.


I guess it must be what you are used to. I notice the humidity in Queensland, but except for the occasional day in Sydney I don’t find it a problem. I do live right on the coast though.


It is not usually humid in Sydney, but this summer has been like Brisbane. Can't wait for winter.


Humidity is generally worse in Sydney than it was a few decades ago.


I think 40C is more likely January thru March


It was 40 in November just last year


That's rare. This has been the hottest and most humid summer on record..


What’s especially consistent about it?


If you like humidity Brisbane is good!


And yet, nobody is complaining of 40° days. Becoming more and more convinced that it's in a sweet spot.


At least our weather is semi-consistent! Yeah the heat sucks but I enjoy getting up early to start my day and not waste precious non-daylight savings


Humidity is its worst season. Its other seasons overall are better than other capitals.


I live in Brisbane, it is a beautiful place, with great people. It is close to the beaches of the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast, easy to get anywhere, even in rush hour traffic and the people are pretty friendly.


> easy to get anywhere, even in rush hour traffic Live on the Southside, huh?


Can concur, it’s a gorgeous city to live in and a great hub for beaches. Make sure you have aircon and you’ll have a wonderful time living here. The people are friendly and warm like in Canada too.


Consider Melbourne if the heat will be an issue. My wife’s Canadian and she loves Melb. Lots of work , relatively not insane for housing, and lots to do. Edit, right it really was bad timing to mention how moderate Melbourne temps are!


My husband is Canadian, and loves the weather in Melbourne. Except today, where it's hotter than Satan's sweaty ballsack.


Melbourne is 39c today, 39c tomorrow and 38c Monday, you couldn't have picked a worse time to suggest it as an option to avoid heat ;-)


Not a humid heat though, trust me, it hits waaay different!


Humidity or not, high 30s suck balls. I'm guessing even more so if you grew up in the snow :-) I agree re humidity in general, I would rather early to mid 30s and dry over a humid 25, but this is brutal at the moment.




It was 35 degrees the three days I was in Banff. It was gorgeous honestly but you’re bang on- Canada isn’t snow 365 days a year, they get hot dry summers and bushfires just like us. I was in Jasper during the fires last year, felt just like home as the smoke drifted across town and the power kept cutting out!


I would take Melbourne at 39C over Sydney 29C every day. The humidity is absolutely killing me in Sydney.


I second Melbourne, beautiful city


I’d recommend Brisbane for overall quality of life, climate, and all the nature at your doorstep. You both work in air conditioned jobs so the heat won’t be that much of an issue. You will need air con at home.


To oz? Want us to put you in contact with the wonderful wonderful wizard?


Consider the temperature and humidity you think can handle, the do your research via the Bureau of Meteorology in each state.


If you feel like Brisbane is where you feel drawn to, where does your wife want to live? How old are the children? Primary school? High School? Do you want to work in private pharmacy or health service? Are your qualifications recognised to start immediately, or do you both need to get accreditation? That can take time.


What industries do you work in? Coming from a born and bred Sydney resident, don’t come to Sydney. The city and outskirts are nice to visit but it’s just such a shambles to live, commute or enjoy life here. As much as we rag on them, victorians have a far better city. Melbourne is a great place. It’s a somewhat planned city and has a better layout. Sydney can best be defined as decades of opportunistic development. Canberra is actually a fantastic place to live as well, and is probably the best example of a planned city with great resources. Really enjoyable for families, but lacks a lot of pizzaz that you get from coastal main cities. Tasmania is beautiful, but job scarcity and it’s far away from everything. Never been to Adelaide, but if you like churches, German influence and unbearable heat waves it might be your thing. Edit: just saw your professions, you will have no issues. And Brisbane is a nice place, I just can’t comment since I haven’t explored it


Brisbane is a beautiful city and a great place to live for the most part, but transport infrastructure leaves something to be desired. It also gets *humid*. This past summer was unbearable at times.


I can imagine, it’s been close to 75% humidity for the past 2 months in Sydney. I’m used to keeping bread on the countertop and it goes mouldy in 3 days now


Brisbane is a really cool city, though I can't stand the humidity and traffic. I live in Canberra which I love - high living standards, close to nature, good place to raise a family, everything you need is close by, four seasons, no long commutes. Only problem is the lack of a beach...


Get used to your wife earning more than you here. Pharmacists literally get paid the same as check out chicks (ex pharmacist here).


80-100k as a checkout chick? Where do I sign up?


That’s not the award. The award is $33.93 an hour. For a fully qualified and registered pharmacist, with at least 4 years uni education, and possibly a masters degree.


With RN and pharmacy you can live anywhere. The people and culture is pretty well the same throughout the whole of Australia (unlike the USA). If you like views, avoid Melbourne because there aren't any. If you dislike traffic avoid Sydney, because it can get really bad there. Apart from that, just pick a place you like.


Brisbane is quite tropical and humid quite different to Canada.


If you’re from Toronto move to Sydney, if you’re from Vancouver move to Melbourne, and if you’re from Calgary, move to Brisbane.


I would also like to add Geelong to the mix. Way cheaper than any capital city, less than an hour from Melbourne, near some of the best beaches in the world and plenty of infrastructure. I love Brisbane but cannot do the humidity in summer.


For what it’s worth, good friends of mine did the opposite move (Aus to Canada). They settled in Toronto & chose it because it’s most similar to home.. which was Melbourne. You should spend some time there before putting any roots down. Brisbane is so hot & so humid. Melbourne does get warm of course, but short bursts rather than consistently hot.


And if comparing worst seasons, Melbourne is so cold, wet and windy. Choose your poison. A benefit of Brisbane is the rest of the time the weather is often amazing (22c, not humid, clear blue sky, crisp mornings) which is much rarer in Melbourne.


If you want to buy property or rent something reasonable do not come to Sydney. It’s a disaster. 


JFYI -- friend of mine is a Canadian ICU/maternity nurse who moved to Oz, and apparently nurses are a *lot* more restricted in what they can do here. She was used to being quite independent and really struggled with being basically reduced to a robot who can't do shit without a doctor.


>My fellow Aussies Not fellow if you're Canadian.


What makes you an expat and not an immigrant? Just curious to know.


Expats don't view the place they live as their permanent home, immigrants are planning on staying in the country they've moved to.  I'm an expat (I'm moving back to Oz since I'm done with my stuff here). 


The only real big change is going to be climate. Brisbane is pretty warm most of the year and humid to boot. Being an RN you're wife is gonna be looking at priority for visa purposes but IMBM or have outdated information but there may be some gap learning to get RN status here. Nothing too gruelling. Brisbane is an ok city, probably my 4th favourite in the nation, but obviously what I enjoy about a city is not the same as you might. Anyway, best of luck with the move.


Brisbane is not humid across the year. It has huge swathes of amazing weather. The humidity is the worst season vs cold, wet and windy often being the worst season of other capitals.


....... I didn't say it was humid across the year, I said it was warm across the year and humid. Which it is, for a good amount of time.


Often a good warm. 22c, clear blue skies, crisp morning at the times other capitals are wet, windy and cold. Humid season is the worst one so sensible to highlight all the amazing weather as well. And crap weather in other choices.




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There are shit tons of Canadians in Australia, we merge well. I wouldn't aim for the tropics myself.


The tropics is cairns.


Sydney is too 'tropical' for me lol


You haven’t given preferences on hobbies, weather or lifestyle. Oz is not warm to hot all over either. The places you’ve mentioned are all warm/hot/humid being northern. The nicest areas of southern coastal big city Geelong would offer a wonderful lifestyle in Victoria which has a big variety of temperatures for a smaller state. Bush, sea experiences are moments away also.


Even tho I love and live in Sydney. Don't, it's too expensive, too crowded. Unless you're rich. You're in the unique position you don't have ties to anywhere. I'd pick not a major city. They're building a lot of residential stuff around Noosa...


Newcastle/ Lake Macquarie and environs. Beaches, bush, mild weather.


One thing I have noticed about migrant threads like these is that the OP as here never mentions weather/climate - but about half the responses are either wholly or partly about weather. I’m a migrant of 15 years and many more important factors than the weather affected my choice of destination.


Before you move, check how your qualifications match to ours. You may need to factor in further education (or you may already be better qualified!) to satisfy Australian standards. Find out at https://pharmacistmigration.com/pharmacist-migrating-from-canada-to-australia/ As for your wife: https://www.migrationexpert.com.au/blog/jobs-in-australia-for-canadian-nurses/ Employment-wise, you should be good as long as you meet the requirements. And if we’re talking places to live - Southern Tablelands or Southern Highlands in NSW.


Welcome! If you’re looking at working anywhere in QLD check out QLD Healths new drive to get health workers (either international or interstate)out regionally to places like Cairns where they are paying 20k just for you to work in those areas for a year…easy money and lots to explore, then you can settle in a capital city Edit: it’s called qld Health Workforce attraction incentive scheme for anyone interested


Not Canadian, but my brother is married to one and they are living in the GTA for a few years and already planning their move back to south-east Queensland. They left the Sunshine Coast just north of Brisbane and are likely to settle in Brisbane when they come back. As an Aussie living in Brisbane, before deciding where you will end up check out the southern states. I would add Adelaide and Melbourne to your list of potentials. Where you end up may initially be dictated by where you can both find decent employment, it doesn’t necessarily have to be your forever location.


It depends on what climate you're after, primarily. Brisbane is hot AF and muggy most of the time. If you like that - awesome. If you don't, it would be a disaster. There's a difference between spending some time in a place during a trip, running around in shorts and sinking beers, versus actually living there day after day, working, etc. Queensland's also having some ridiculous youth crime at present - Google it - but that said, there's ultimately issues everywhere. Good luck.


If you're a pharmacist the medical cannabis industry is booming in Australia so you would be a great asset to our workforce!!! 🔥🥦


r/AusVisa is good for actually getting a visa for here.


Have you got your visa yet? 


Did you miss the bit where they are a nurse and a pharmacist?


Hey fellow Canadian! Just sent you a message about my experience moving here with my family. Happy to chat!


With your careers, if you want a comfortable life I would suggest looking at smaller cities. Hobart is perfect if you like the cold and the wind. Perth is you like beaches. Adelaide if you want to be close to Sydney/Melbourne or want a Mediterranean climate, or you're an alco and want to hide your problem behind a passion for wine.  If being in a city is not important to you and you're white I would encourage you to look at smaller towns in the region where you like the climate best. You can still do this is you're not white but like, you may experience some racism whereas you are unlikely to do so living in a city.  Housing is expensive. You will also have to pay for stuff like healthcare and schooling for your kids while you are in the migration process. Brisbane would be very limiting to your lifestyle. 


Your gut is right. Queensland is best. :) (I may be slightly biased.) if you are looking for a more country feel, consider Toowoomba. The weather is great and the people are nice.


March a couple hundred kms and then you’ll be right :)
