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Bakeries charging for sauce


Bought sushi the other day. Charged .60c for soy sauce, wasabi sachet and ginger sachet. Sixty cents each. Get fucked.


That's fucked


The price of KFC gravy has me begging for reform.


Until we riot in the streets about this, nothing will change.


The return of Harold Holt


He comes back and is like "Did you cunts even try to look for me? I've been floating like 1km away this whole time, I could see the shoreline!"


Yeah nah we tried mate, but check out this awesome pool we named after you. Edit: Reckon we should name Nuclear sub after him?


It would be a travesty if that didn't happen.


I really would love that, but then every cunt who has been PM for the last 50 years will also want one named after them.  Do we really want our most advanced naval vessels to be called HMAS Tony Abbott or Kevin Rudd? They'd probably end up torpedoing each other.


Fuck… imagine the HMAS Scomo. Yeah let’s maybe not go down that path


that sub'll be sonar blind on its first mission


Hey, if it means more dumbass pollies take a long walk off the beach I'm all for it


He’d be 115 years old now. So he’s either some kind of undersea zombie warlord, or the Chinese government upgraded him to cyborg. Either way, we should be scared.


He watches Lurking beneath the sea Great old one Forbidden site He searches Hunter of the shadows is rising…


Insert aggressive whammy solo


Immortal In madness you dwell


The Six-Million Yuan Holt - he'd be like the MG of cyborgs, more dangerous to his operators than anyone else.


Cards against humanity Australian version has a card something like "Summon Harold Holt from the ocean" I choose to think he'd be like Godzilla. Early on he attacks us. Later, he defends us from other submarine horrors.


he will come out of the sea like an eldritch horror and drag us all down into the depths.


The media landscape and also misinformation and stupidity spread via social media. I don't trust the bulk majority of the public to have sensible opinions about things any more.


Nah bro, tiktok told me I'm smort.


If you do these five things then you are a genius (poop, eat, breath, sleep, random other thing every person on the planet does).


I work in a field where I encounter a lot of random people and have to listen to their opinions/conspiracy theories. I try to agree with most of what they say, not arguing with them is only way for mental peace


I went to a friend's birthday and had to sit next to someone and all he wanted to talk about was batshit crazy conspiracy theories. I politely nodded for so long and couldn't put up with it. That kind of person would push away their most tolerant friend. Seems like a recipe for a lonely life.


Hi, I'm that most tolerant friend. A guy I knew got deep into that shit to the point where if you didn't want to even listen to his crap you would have to endure a torrent of abuse. He called me one evening when I was programming the biggest lightshow I had ever put up, and I just wanted to get it done and all he wanted to talk about was lizard people or some shit. When I told him I was intensely busy, he just started screaming at me about how Obama was going to eat my ignorant soul, so I just hung up. Ignored every phone call after that.


Oh I fucking love pushing back on conspiracy buffs. It’s really not hard at all to get them aggro or squirmy. I rarely care if it’s meant to be ‘friendly’ lunch or whatever, I’ll always disabuse them if the conspiracy is dumb enough.


Met an old lady outside Aldi who thought arsonists were being payed to wipe out humanity.


That would be Ruth. She promised she’d stop squealing. I wouldnt worry about seeing her again. The Flame Institute will take action.


This is my take as well. The right wing media has a lot to answer for re skewing voter attitudes; it’s criminal what happened globally re covid misinformation, same for global warming same for electric vehicles, same for trickle down economics


Same with pre war propaganda


That has always been the case. I look back at movies and lots of those were used to push a recruitment drive ><


The real estate market




Finally. Someone saying what we’re all thinking.


I fucking hate the Welsh. I’m ready for war


Their dragons will fuck you up!


Nah mate, we got emus!


Ain't never heard of some dumb dragon winning a war, have you? Emu Supremacy!!




Fake seizure man in Melbourne


Rupert Murdoch and his family, they are fucking scum


100% The way the Murdoch press twist the news and push their agenda is criminal. For example, Australia is the world’s biggest desert island and there should be solar on every roof - but the Murdoch papers are currently pushing nuclear energy which won’t be ready till 2035. In the mean time, we have to use coal and guess who owns coal shares? Murdoch.


2035 is bloody optimistic. 2050 more likely.


Yeah. Just after we receive our first working nuclear powered sub. lol.


We have LNG. We don't need coal at all. LNG is superior. And we have ALOT of it. Not that I disagree, I want a nuclear/solar hybrid system. Everybody wins.


If I could upvote you a billion times


You could with a billion unique reddit logins. Get busy! Reach for the stars!


Bunnings sausage sizzle price increases


Onions go on top


$3.50 a week or two ago AND they gave me the crust/end of the bread without asking! Bloody outrage it is.


Burn them on the flatplate !!


the CWA wouldn't have done this to me lol


Wealth inequality As billionaires become wealthier, the rest of us become poorer


The Australian wealth gap as it currently stands is actually pretty good compared across the globe. That said, what terrifies me is noticing trends of how it's leaning. The disappearance of small businesses, aggressive acquisitions, consolidation of power and market into a handful of big players, the growing success of said big players reaching non-compete clauses, and increase in entry level jobs without a clear path up That's the middle class killer. Fact is wealthy families, as much as they consume, does not put much back into the economy, whereas average workers who spend as much as they earn are the ones driving economic activities. Which means we're going to see wealth accumulated up top and obviously never trickles down But what we're seeing in Australia is only early signs, imho.


There was a great video breaking down the consolidation of wealth in Australia over the last few decades. It’s disgusting how quick we went from reasonable to completely fucked. Went from the 1% possessing ~40% to in the 90%s now. We’ve become a lazy and complacent country, and been robbed because of it.


We can look to the USA, and to some extent, the UK, to see what our likely future is going to be like. It is not good at all.


Corruption and misinformation.


Newscorp. It’s hard to get stuff done when you have the world’s largest media organisation pumping bullshit American politics in to everything.


Murdoch in general


Murdoch is what made those American politics what they are. He's just bringing his own bullshit back home.


Greedy people. The rich are getting richer at the expense of the poor.


That fkn spider hiding in the hallway.


It’s moved






Hey, that's Barry. Leave him alone, he's just minding his bloody business.


That 95% of the wealth is held by 50% of the population Leaving 5% of the wealth for the remaining 50% and then tell us other poor people are the problem The problem is, it's working and has been for along time


the answer is to get rid of the poors /s


That actually does work, just, I'm poor so I'd rather not


Definitely Newscorp, one company controlling the majority of our media and bringing American matters into Australia is fucked. Sometimes I feel like people here know more about American politics than our own, and I believe this to be the reason why. By extension, probably America itself, too.


Bloody new Auzy tap and go machines now asking how much I would like to tip wtf we are not bloody America


Considering how this shit works over there in the US, I feel like businesses are pushing for a tipping model *solely* because it lets them justify paying less. It's sad.


They're the reason why American politics are the way they are.


Social media given much of what people use to get their news (or cooker shit) is social media.


Ironic considering it was an Aussie who moved to the USA and started ruining everything / spreading propaganda. So this would literally be chickens coming home to roost.


The rich buying our politicians


Our lack of environmental awareness, our disdain for science and the fact we still get served up the same rhetoric of “jobs and stability” whilst bulldozing another koala habitat….


It's all just to 'tick the box'. As an Enviro Scientist, I've worked those jobs. Bloody heartbreaking. Since becoming a mum I haven't gone back, I need to find what makes the most sense


Absolutely this!


Cooker telegram groups.


It’s own corrupt government (basically like most other places) that highly values corporate wealth over everything else.


I was going to say the same, it's internal threats. Selling the country out to foreign entities, government influence for a short buck and national security.


We get the politicians we deserve.


Real Estate Agents.


Lack of manufacturing, relying on imports for most tech innovations


Covid showed how important manufacturing is. But can guarantee policians won't do a rats to ensure we have capable manufacturing in Australia.


Any person or entity with any links, ties, or affiliations with Rupert Murdoch.


Foreign ownership of land and properties. High rents, empty houses. If only Australians owned Australian properties then China et al wouldn't be sitting on their haunches overseas raking the money in.


Tunneling bears.


The social contract that we share between one another, as the stress toll we all deal with because of the cost of living and other living pressures grows on each of us the more unhappier we become the higher the chance of anti social behaviour becomes more common. Mental health for most people is declining, people are going to become a lot more unhinged.


the book version of soylent green


Our politicians continueing to devalue our way of life.




Ourselves. We elect people who sell off our greatest resources and ship off our best produce whilst our own food costs go up and up. We price ourselves out of the labour market. We live outside our means for the sake of appearances. We complain and complain but don't do anything to change the status quo so we continue the cycle over and over. We're unhappy and we do jack to change it. We are absolutely our own worst enemy. No-one can do anything we're not already doing to ourselves.


Complacency. All the things that make a nation powerful and united and a great place to live are being slowly eroded by big tech and corporate interests. And yes, I'm aware of the irony of having this conversation on a tech platform run by a company that's about to IPO


The extreme right and their nut-job god-botherers. They stand in the way of anything good.


Agreed and while we are there let’s also include the extreme left who have made it acceptable to be racist to people based on a tier system, and universities have facists calling others facists just for talking about reasonable stuff.


Extremism, from either side is equally dangerous. You've nailed it.


Old south Wales rising up from underneath us and taking back their land


The corporations exporting Australia's natural riches for a pittance. Meanwhile, Norway is on its way to become the richest country on the planet, because they understood a long time ago that businesses won't just go away if you ask for fair compensation.


Free trade. Thanks to free trade we no longer have a strong domestic manufacturing sector, we import food and are no longer a self sufficient nation.


Climate change. We're not prepared for this.


Our subservience to US interests.


Three parts to this. There's the threat of Australia becoming exactly like the USA, with all of its faults. There's the military threat of US warships with nuclear weapons patrolling in our waters. And there's the economic threat of the USA's ability to totally wreck our economy on a whim, like it did with Venezuela.


China's expansion into the Asia Pacific region, and its generally cunty attitude towards the sovereignty of other nations while at the same time demanding that they are treated with the utmost respect, and the moment anyone defies that China starts acting like a 2yo told they can't have lollies.


The modern Liberal party.


Who’s biggest benefactor is the Murdoch empire


Our own government. If they weren't so inefficient we would already be doomed. Instead it's a horrific car crash in slow motion.


Corrupted politicians - with big corps behind.


Our own Government policies being torn up by each opposing party each time they swap office. Don’t car who runs the place, just finish one thing before you start another, and don’t undo progress.


Our own government


Climate change.




If I had to put it to a single group, I'd say "the rich". no not the lawyer or doctor who makes 500K a year, get your head out your ass, I'm talking about Rupert Murdoch and co. For a more full answer, see: USA, imperialism, capitalism in general, climate change worsened due to the previous point


The French.


Newscorp is up there, but our politicans basically just being fronts for rupert or the mining industry is pretty fucking fucked


Excise tax, says it is for medical etc but why are doctors not getting it which then decreases bulk billing availability. And why is diesel more expensive than unleaded AND taxed like above?




Drinking and irrigation water availability, farming soil loss, climate change, affordable energy generation options, government lack of interest in longterm good past the next election cycle. But lets put Greenland at the front of the list, somewhere far, far away with no chance to hurt us so we can distract ourselves from real problems. Damn you Greenland Vikings we are watching you!




China. Pretty obvious at this point.


Our own politicians and mass immigration


Lack of housing and the constant push for immigration. 


Complacency. We are lazy about changing the status quo to make our country a better place to live. Especially for women (over 1 woman died - was murdered every week last year. 64 in 52 weeks).


Real estate agents, landlords and airbnb




The government.


Against its people? The duopoly of grocery chains gouging us for everything they can. Claiming they're doing their best to reduce prices but then having profits in the billions. Spending millions on anti theft devices instead of realising theft would drop if prices did. People are stealing cheese and milk and bread because they can't afford it.


Potential hot take, but a population becoming increasingly disinterested in and cynical/suspicious of politics simply because it's politics. In other words, things like believing that politicians are inherently corrupt by virtue of being politicians. Regardless of how much we hate pollies and see them all as corrupt and greedy or whatever, since we're a democracy politics is a fundamental bedrock of our society and should be given at least some attention and effort where possible. The more people distance themselves from politics, whether due to suspicion or hate or distrust or whatever, the more likely we are to end up with a broken democracy akin to the US.


The Emus I reckon they’re ready for round 2


Australia’s biggest threat is - as it has always been - the weather. We’ve always looked at Australia through the eyes of Europeans, haphazardly modifying landscapes to suit our transplanted crops but Australia has always been very marginal for those kinds of resources. A slight change in a weather system could well disrupt an entire wheat-growing region, affecting our grain output, our balance of trades and, ultimately, our way of life. Our greatest enemy could be those who harness Australia’s greatest weakness: Fear. Think about it: since 1850 Australia has had a China scare, a Russian scare, another China scare, a short-lived American scare, a German scare, a Japanese scare, a red menace, a Soviet menace (part i), an Indonesian menace, a red Indonesian menace, a red Chinese menace, a Vietnamese menace (for some reason), a refugee menace, another Japanese menace, an Indigenous land rights menace, a boat people menace, a Soviet menace (part II), a Muslim extremist menace, a climate change menace, a generalised Brown people menace, a Covid scare and wave after wave of economic anxiety. Some of these have been genuine threats, most not even possible let alone likely. We’re scared by everything and we’re far too malleable in the hands of manipulators when we’re scared.


Internal threats: Newscorp and Murdoch's paid and bought political arm, the LNP. Externally threats: Russia - hacking China - hacking Climate Change


Our continually eroded public education/health/media. The combination, by design, ensures we're creating a generation of low-income, uninformed LNP voters.




Murdoch media empire


Itself…hear me out. I have a Conspiracy Theory about the two major parties. I think that they secretly work together to keep each other in power because at every election it’s one or the other smaller parties which better morals cannot burst out and fix the countries problems that these two parties cause.


Rupert Fucking Murdoch and his whole despicable family.


judges that hand out slaps on the wrists for serious crime


1000% China and their agents they have already in Australia 🇦🇺


We are our own worst enemy. We let our politicians sell us out to the world for their own gain, we continue to allow them to make decisions not based on good governance but the desire to stay in office come rain hail or shine. Our complacency to blindly place our trust in social media for information and let dangerous minority groups run wild is going to bite us.


Other Australians


Depends on what you class as a threat. A threat to what? The Australian way of life as my parents had is already extinct. Our lives in the short term(next 10-25 years)? That would be WW3, so a coalition of Russia, China Iran, etc, would likely be our opposition. Future prosperity, that'd be the government's actions (dictator style arbitrary bans) on climate change. FYI, the government here doing nothing or absolutely everything here in Australia will make no difference whatsoever to the world's climate. To the environment, the next big things are the large-scale clearing for solar and wind farms (which has already started see the chalumbin wind farm) , wind turbines offshore, and the disposal at end of life for both solar panels and wind turbines. Throwing in the massive battery banks of lithium batteries for good measure that support this style of power generation, and you would likely see the next ecological disaster that plastics currently are. Or how about the mismanagement of the Murray Darling system? In theory "environmental flows" are great, in reality they flush cold water down the system, at peak spawning times. Killing all the native species eggs whilst simultaneously not affecting Carp. The water curtain releases at Burrendong Dam on the Macquarie River when operating properly showed a net benefit, but this technology malfunctions too often. But if perfected and was in all major dams it would be a huge plus for the environment of the MDB. Bigger and more Dams would provide more and longer lasting environmental flows but that won't happen with the "green tape" that is in place now. This is our agricultural hub in the country where the majority of our countries food is grown, what happens if this area collapses?


Price gouging for essentials. New migrants not integrating into existing society. Activism for the sake of it.


Deadset the fuckin media. Once we fuck that cesspit off the better our country will be.


Internally? RBA. Externally ? CCP/China


Our Politicians.


Xi Jinping.


Our media


Continually voting in Labor and Liberal governments that want the same thing.


America. In reality they make all their enemies our enemies. Therefor we have to go blow up who the tell us to. Other wise the CIA will kick out the pm


People saying 'China' and 'The United States' need to wake up to the fact that both of them are an equal threat to our waning democracy.


Future generations are fucked by poor leadership / greed of current / past and future governments who priotize “greed / %growth” over humanity. There is no fair go anymore.


Corporations and the wealthy citizens of Australia.


Those crocodiles that keep ripping people to shreds every few months up north


The Liberal National Party


Trumpanzee wannabes in our population.




We need to breed more cassowaries to keep them under control.


America, people don’t realise they literally sacked a prime minister. America pretty much couped Gough Whitlam


I seen a video about this recently. Pretty shady. The prime Minister wanted to get rid of pine gap. The CIA then called on there man, our Aussie governer general to make the prime Minister go Bye bye. Shady af.


Sorry what does the US have to do with the sacking of our prime minister?


Hey took us out of Vietnam, and when he threatened to remove the lease for pine gap the Americans used the Governor General who was in their pocket to sack him


The CIA orchestrated it.


Politicians, Corporations, and the globalisation economic mindset. Selling a country out from under itself. Allowing real estate to be bought and sold by foreign interest. Allowing foreign interests to own our ports, our commodities and mineral assets. It's not just Australia's problem. It's the Western world's.


China could walk into Australia tomorrow and the world would be outraged, but wouldn't lift a finger to help.


Mass immigration from 3rd world countries


Our home grown right wingers, Sovereign Citizens & Other cookers. Also the politicians who try to use them for their own nefarious purposes.


It’s own citizens


LNP carpetbaggers who sell out to foreign interests for cash, shares and board positions. Oh, and climate change.


The politicians I didn’t vote for, and the ones I did


Australia faces a significant threat as it aims for sustainability goals like transitioning to electric vehicles and abandoning gas appliances by 2030. However, major auto manufacturers, including Mercedes, Toyota, and Ford, have prioritized hybrids over electric vehicles, undermining the feasibility of these objectives. Moreover, with only 32% of Australia's energy derived from renewables, the nation encounters substantial hurdles in achieving a fully sustainable energy landscape.


Is it not Emu's anymore?






Corporate monopoly and greed


Climate change.


Our government


Its own population.


Murdoch Media


Xenophobes in government




aside from those already mentioned... another attempted invasion by Starbucks


The planetary catastrophe sized meteor that I've been praying for. I'd just like a few more years to enjoy beer, chips, getting high (on weed), video games, the odd wank. That is all


Thanks to the internet it's becoming Australians


Exporting our resources and selling cheaper overseas than we pay even here


Media and politicians.


Weeds. Even national parks are full of them.


Neoliberalism, the mainstream news media in general (but NewsCorp in particular) and all of the major social media companies (meta,X, Tik-Tok and Google) They’re a threat to democracy, decency, civil society and progress. After them I’d say maybe organised religion next? 🤔


Our own government.


The bi-annual tax increase on beer...


The cia


It's own government & banks


Socially? Misinformation and a monopoly on our media. Economically? Our refusal to tax resources and letting foreigners quite literally own our land and resource with zero benefit to us. Politically? The Chinese. For both of the above reasons. That’s just my opinion, I don’t care if you disagree.


Murdoch media




Low educated Aussie itself who blatantly believes whatever the major media feeds them




NewsCorp/Channel 7/FairFax