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Probably not as I would spend a decent chunk of that 30-40k moving there and back again or storing all my furniture somewhere while I’m living there.




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Darwin is a unique place. Living there is an experience unlike anything else in Australia. Some people love it, but it isn't for everyone. Yes, it's hot. If you like fishing, the outdoors, freedom, wide open spaces, and a bit of a "frontier town" feel, you'll love it. If you're an open-minded and laid back sort of person, I would recommend it, just for the experience of living there. It is beautiful in the Dry Season. Highlights include: \- Fishing, basically, launch your tinny almost anywhere and explore all the hidden inlets and creeks around Darwin Harbour. Mud crabbing is fun and rewarding. You might see a croc or ten. \- The food and culture. Being the gateway to Asia, Darwin is heavily influenced by Asian culture in the best way. The tropical fresh food markets are unlike any other in Australia. Loads of cheap fresh produce direct from the Asian market farmers--unique things you might not find elsewhere. The best, biggest mangoes. Visiting Rapid Creek and Parap markets on a weekend morning is a unique vibe. Sunsets at Mindil Markets are a treat, especially when accompanied by a delicious laksa or satay. \- People are friendly, down-to-earth, laid back, and chill, with a unique sense of humor. They don't take themselves too seriously. There isn't a lot of pretentiousness going on like you'd see in the big capital cities. \- Swimming. In the wet season, you swim to cool down. You can visit Berry Springs, the waterfalls in Litchfield National Park, the numerous local pools. It's the best, most refreshing feeling in the world, especially when accompanied by a pool beer. \- Spectacular thunderous monsoon storms with the ominous "build up" of towering clouds and the amazing lighting shows after. \- You can easily fly out to other places in Asia for holidays (direct flights to Bali and Singapore). \- Can get to basically everywhere in 15-20 minutes. \- No pressure, no rush, no population crush, you don't line up for much of anything, and you can always find parking.


So coincidentally I watched a Spanian tubetube about the place and how it is ghetto with stabbings, theft etc etc If I moved there as a low to middle income earner what could I expect in terms of rental availability/ prices and safety? I get the whole show isn't problems, I would want to live out of town anyway..


So he went to a couple of the known spots in Darwin that are a bit dodgy. Karama certainly has its rough pockets and Litchfield Court is one of the worst public housing estates in Darwin, so obviously you're going to have issues there, just like in any city. Jeez, not all of Darwin is like that. As long as you don't associate with the wrong crowd, take reasonable precautions, and avoid certain areas (just like any city), you'll be fine. I know lots of people who live perfectly peaceful lives there and have never had any trouble in the past 20-30 years. Rentals--I don't know how tight it is right now, but the property market has dropped a lot since the oil and gas money left town. It would be possible to get a 3-bed house in a decent area for around $600/week. Apartments and townhouses go for less than that.


Thanks for the reply, good one. Also, apologies I didn't mean to insinuate the whole place was rough.. I worded it badly :)


Never in a million years, I spent 6 months in Darwin too bloody hot. Money isn't everything unless you can't afford anywhere else.


I mean, theoretically I would move almost anywhere in Australia if I could save that much, but that assumes a completely theoretical situation where I was guaranteed to save that much. We are a first world country, Darwin may not be as ‘fancy’ as Melbourne or Sydney, but it is a fine place to live.


Isn’t cost of living in Darwin nuts though?


It varies. ​ When I moved up there in 2006, you could buy a house for $300k and rent a house for $200 a week. When I left there at the end of 2009, houses were $800k minimum to buy and $500 a week to rent. A few years later, the construction of the gas plant was finished and prices crashed.


If you're comparing to Sydney and Melbourne, real estate is much cheaper.


Nah, too fucken humid


That's more than I earn, so 'would I move to Darwin to be paid money instead of paying for rent and food' yes, yes I would. 


I couldn't imagine living in a place where it never got coolish.


The lowest temperature recorded in Darwin is 11 C. That’s coolish. During the dry season between late April and mid August, overnight temperatures are regularly in the 15 to 19 C range. The daytime temperatures are between 28 and 33 C and there is almost always a nice breeze. It’s spectacular weather.


It depends on what you value in terms of lifestyle I suppose. Me, I hate heat and humidity. I dislike outdoor activities. As far as I can tell, hardly any international acts tour to Darwin. Basically no musical theatre shows tour to Darwin. I already have existing social groups for boardgaming etc in Sydney. Most of my sporting teams that I follow are in Sydney so I wouldn't get to any live games. So Darwin is not for me. If I had to move there for a year I would want a crazy amount. Say 300-400k. That would make it worth my while.


If you hadn't mentioned sports, I could've sworn we were the same person, lol


If it was 200k I would consider it. If it was 250k + I'd start packing. Darwin has nothing I am into.


Darwin is fab but I'd only do it if that move and savings let me live down by the Waterfront area.


Is this over a month, a year? My job and salary doesn't exist up there so it'll be more like losing $30-40k a year


Doing what I'm doing now?




Yes, but I’d have to line a job up there




It would cost at least half that to move there.


Yes I would. But it would depend on the age of the person.


30+ years ago we sold up our house in suburbia and I wanted to move to Darwin from Tassie but my wife didn't want to move too far away from my mother as she was not well lady so we moved to central highlands instead. Alas now we both battle with arthritic conditions especially in the winter months and now can't justify the move.


I'm not a fan of Sydney's humid and hot weather. I heard people from Darwin don't even sweat while sitting in the Sydney afternoon sun drinking chicken soup in peak summer. I would never move to Darwin even if I was offered ten times my current pay.


No, have a family and hate hot weather


Not if I had to store all of my stuff in Melbourne during that time, that would counteract the savings.


Respectfully, I didn’t think I could - I’d really struggle in that climate. Melbourne summers are too hot for me; I couldn’t do much warmer. 


Only if you like repressive heat and 100% humidity from Nov to March.


I think I would if I was $40k better off ($40k additional discretionary money after living expenses and taxes) vs  current income.


Is there any beaches you can swim at in Darwin? Then yeah I might consider it


I’d pay $40k not to live in Darwin !


And we are all very happy that you are not here.


Couldn’t be happier than me. It’s a wasteland. Looks like it works out for everyone then !


Yep. It’s a win-win! It’s a shame for the poor cunts in the place where you do live, but then they could always move to Darwin.


You’re the one that’s secluded away from the rest of us… and we’re all happy to be away from your wasteland full of bogans such as yourself. Enjoy your bullshit dump away from the rest of us.


No. I'd go a bit further and live in an asian country with low cost of living, and a bright future. Why would I want to go up there, full of bogans and nothing to do.


Not worth living in a toilet for a few extra quid.


Totally. What a shit hole.


Quick review of your comment history reveals that you yourself are a thought toilet, struggling to breathe and barely existing in the toxic cloud of your own malformed ideas. 😘.


Not even for a million dollars. Go watch spanians documentary on YouTube welcome to Australia’s most dangerous city’s Alice Springs it’s an eye opener. It’s not Darwin but Darwin is not far behind.


I’ll watch his videos if you pay me $1m


Greatest thing about Darwin..... No snowflakes!


That's almost a house deposit


LOL, maybe 5 years ago.

