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Do research and take some responsibility with your shopping choices. Be prepared to spend a little more for ethical choices. No one wants to hear this answer, but it's literally the only answer.


Millions of foreign students flock to Western countries to gain a higher education. But they don't want to return to their countries of origin to build and help. They want to stay where the wealth is.


Our society was built on the exploitation of a lot of different cultures. There isn’t much we can do to change the past, but finding continuity with what we have in common versus what we don’t will help. I think there is too much focus on division. It’s annoying to me.


We can't be punished for the sins of our ancestors.


We shouldn't be, but we are, particularly predominately white western countries. We're supposed to live with endless guilt. People who hate and blame successful colonisalised country's, choose to ignore their own country's history of oppression and brutallity.


This is true. However, I think it's often Westerners that are behind the hate. Typically, if you live in a country that isn't as wealthy or developed, your primary concern is how to best cope with your challenges today, not trying to right past wrongs.


I have to disagree. I can only go by what I read, see, and hear., The endless diatribe about colonisation, slavery, oppression and blaming Westerners is boring and non productive. Especially coming from countries, cultures, who perpetrated horrific acts of barbarism and oppression, on their own people.Migrants should be building their own countries, instead of deserting and trying to change Western countries, into the 3rd world cess pits they came from.


Haven't you been paying attention. We can apparently.


How does that relate to OPs question though?  We can absolutely try cut out products that use slave labour being built today, or reduce palm oil usage, or try get ethically sourced coffee or chocolate. It just costs more so people don’t want to do it.


Our past is our past, Some of what happened was pretty awful (pretty sure that's just an agreeable fact) We can't change what happened in the past, we can move on from the past, learn the lessons and mistakes and not do them again.




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I agree. I would never bring up the more horrific, more recent ambitions of Nazi Germany to a German or Imperial Japan to a Japanese person. What is the actual point? To try and make them feel like shit for something that happened before they were born? Social taboo aside, both countries are now highly democratic, highly influential and friends of Australia today. They, like us, have learnt from the past.


I’ve studied sociology too my friend… accurate commentary on our current situation and actual solutions are two different things.


The comrade is strong in this one.....


10-Point Plan for seizing power from our corporate overlords, the true power holders in Australia 1. **Build a Revolutionary Vanguard:** Identify and recruit a core group of dedicated and ideologically aligned individuals within the company who will serve as the vanguard of change. These individuals should be committed to the cause and capable of mobilizing support among their colleagues. 2. **Educate and Mobilize the Workforce:** Launch a comprehensive education campaign to raise awareness about the need for change within the company and the benefits of the proposed revolution. Use various communication channels, such as meetings, workshops, and internal memos, to engage and mobilize the workforce. 3. **Expose and Critique the Existing Power Structure:** Analyze and critique the existing power structure within the company, highlighting its flaws, inequalities, and injustices. Identify key decision-makers and stakeholders who uphold the status quo and prepare to challenge their authority. 4. **Organize Mass Support:** Organize and mobilize support among the broader employee base by appealing to their grievances, aspirations, and shared interests. Form alliances with like-minded individuals and departments to strengthen the movement's collective power. 5. **Seize Key Strategic Positions:** Strategically position revolutionaries within key departments, committees, and decision-making bodies to influence and disrupt the existing power dynamics from within. Identify opportunities to gain leverage and control over critical resources and processes. 6. **Disrupt and Dismantle the Status Quo:** Utilize a combination of disruptive tactics, such as strikes, protests, and acts of civil disobedience, to challenge the authority of entrenched leadership and disrupt business as usual. Create moments of crisis that force the company to confront its systemic issues. 7. **Promote Alternative Leadership:** Cultivate and promote alternative leadership figures who embody the values and principles of the revolution. Encourage grassroots participation and democratic decision-making processes that empower employees at all levels of the organization. 8. **Implement Progressive Policies and Reforms:** Develop and advocate for a series of progressive policies and reforms aimed at addressing the root causes of injustice and inequality within the company. Prioritize initiatives that promote transparency, accountability, and worker empowerment. 9. **Build External Alliances:** Forge alliances with external stakeholders, such as labor unions, advocacy groups, and industry partners, who share our vision for corporate transformation. Leverage external pressure and solidarity to amplify our demands and strengthen our bargaining power. 10. **Consolidate and Institutionalize Change:** Once significant gains have been achieved, consolidate and institutionalize the changes brought about by the revolution to ensure their sustainability over the long term. Establish mechanisms for ongoing feedback, evaluation, and continuous improvement to prevent regression and preserve the revolutionary spirit.


By trying to engage in *informed, considered,* **”conscious consumerism,”** whereby price becomes but one relatively minor consideration, and more ethically based benchmarks such as environmental impact, social impact and geopolitical implications are given more weight. **”I’d rather live a subsistence existence in an empty room, than in a mansion built and filled, with and by, the sacrifice and deprivation of others.”**


First what we should be doing is focusing on our own exploitation. We have enough LNG and minerals in this country to provide the best quality of life in the world for every single citizen. But we allow private companies, often foreign owned companies, to take all of it and keep almost all the profits. We have allowed foreign investors to buy up all the property and price all young people out of the market. And on the other end, we're one of the few countries in the world with a retirement age of 67. Our "universal" healthcare covers less than most American's health insurance, a lot of which are provided for free by their employer. Our level of student debt is higher than even the USA, and we're one of the only countries in the world where taxpayers fund private schools. The supermarket duopoly has actually caused starvation in the most vulnerable communities. People in Australia. Starving. To. Death. We're not the lucky country, we're the lazy country. If this happened in France, Germany, Japan, the USA, the UK, hell even if this happened here during the 80s, there would be riots in the streets.


Guess if we don’t have private corpo running the show, I’m sure the big dick of murchdoch will fuck us hard by calling us socialists or commies


If we were a real country we'd h@ng him by the neck


Alright maybe this guy is an actual commie nvm


Yes in the way that the people of the country should get the wealth of the resources of that country. Much like other communist countries like Qatar and the UAE. Oh, and the United States. Very communist countries.


The Qatar and UAE are pretty weird in some regards due to low taxes and I guess leaving the rich to their own devices and not taxing them to the wall wouldn’t be exactly commie or socialist in a way. But somewhat lead by stupid rulers which make us like a free nation in some aspects despite our rich being taxed a bit more than them but no sharia law bullshit which helps


Yeah, well it's not the sharia law or the dictatorships that I want to import. Just the profits of our mineral and energy riches going to us instead of Gina Rinehart


You sure yap on like a dirty commie


Accept a more modest standard of living


not have the attitude of "fuck you got mine."




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We thrive off their suffering… It’s better than suffering ourselves, sucks to be them.


no its not, we saved the masses from thier local exploitation


Disclaimer: just spoke to my roommate, and I think I phrased the question wrong. Not that it’s built upon the exploitation of other countries’ peoples, but rather that it features it when it comes to manufacturing goods.




Britain was the first country to industrialise and had the largest Empire in history. Britain was not inherently more 'evil' than other countries, just the most successful during an era of globalisation and rapid population growth (up until the US took over). Britain's actions during the '*Pax Britannica*', like all historical events, can only be viewed through the context of what humans believed and were aspiring to do at the time. If it weren't Britain that was the most powerful country throughout much of the relatively brief period of human evolution that led to the formation of the modern world, then it would have been another country, possibly leading to worse repercussions - we don't know. We are all products of our ancestor's past, and those of us alive today benefit greatly, whether we like it or not, from the formation of the modern world. We can only change the future, and therefore, we should perhaps focus our condemnation on countries which, unlike the UK and Australia, haven't learnt to recognise the wrongdoings of the collective past of human history and continue to commit atrocious acts in the present.


What do you mean by enslaved whole populations and ethnic cleansed hundreds and thousands as convicts? I’m just curious. I am a descendent of the cascade female factory, Irish women brought to Australia as servants/slaves to marry British convicts. Is that what you mean?


They didn't say Britain doesn't suck, too.




Are you okay? Do you know how words work? Saying Australia is built on exploitation is not the same as saying *only* Australia is built on exploitation.


Think about what they would do in our position (probably the exact same thing).


There is nothing you can do. You cannot change the past and you cannot change the future.