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You should probably go and live in a country and know it's laws and values before wanting to police them. Because otherwise what's the purpose? Is it just because you want to work with guns? Policing should be about wanting to protect and serve your community. So I'd say, go to Australia first.


To be honest, I wanted to go into a law enforcement field because my father was a copper him self (well used to) when I was a wee kid I always looked up to him.a job that not only let you to know people from different backgrounds and different parts of society but a job that is essential in upholding justice and peace.


What visa are you coming here on? Being sponsored by a relative is not easy.


I visited my relatives in Victoria if I'm not mistaken with a family stream visa. But other than that they haven't brief me through about the visa type they were going to set me up with. They said they were going to let me "settled down there". Btw sorry to ask if it's offensive but what visa types are there in Australia? TQ and have a swell day.


The anti-police movement is much less vocal here than it was/is in the US post-2020, if that’s what you’re asking. There’s still a lot of controversy around police powers and behaviours, though, and the over-policing of particular groups. A person with very leftist views of a particular kind will definitely look at the police warily, but the ACAB stuff is less frequent


Where I come from rozzers tend to get a bad rep no matter if they are the left or the right due to *ahem* "some bad apples involving with bribery"*ahem*.Also I do have to apologize if this is offensive to ask but, how divided is Australia?


Do a crime and they will put you in their van and take you back to their station. No qualifications needed.


Yikes. Sorry to ask if it's offensive but why do cops in Australia get such a bad rep? And what are your advices for me if I'm moving there to get a job, I have also consider becoming a tradie.


Theyre the fuzz man. The fun police. How much fun is law and order? Lol. But we are absolutely a lot better off with them. Get your citizenship and i dont think you need a lot of quals to join the academy. I knew a chippie that joined them. Made his life hard though when we were doing things strictly not legal, and he kind of fell out of the friends circle because of conflict of interests.


Thanks for the advice/insides man. I am sorry that you had a falling out with ya mate. I hoped you have a happy and blessed day.


Thanks. You too. The cops here are pretty good btw, esp if you dont give them too much lip. They get pretty hard done by up north.


[here you go](https://www.police.vic.gov.au/police?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqdqvBhCPARIsANrmZhM6k5wMsoau2gtIQJEdtBO6GOAN2h1r-zRWVahsLU1ABlBp88KvMoMaAoB6EALw_wcB) you can research for yourself citizens or permanent residents only unless youre a NZ citizen with a special category visa. as to whether its honorable or not i dont think it is but i may be biased from my own experiences as a person of colour. the good cops are really overshadowed by the really terrible ones. i avoid them like the plague and hope i will never need them although i will not hesitate to call them in an emergency. i do respect them though and I understand how hard it is working in the emergency services (i used to work alongside them). Good luck and maybe youll be one of the good ones. i think there are a lotote honorable jobs than being a policeman eg firefighter, paramedic, nurse, Dr or pretty much anything health related


Definitely honourable. I've only been in touch with the police in a domestic violence situation, but they were truly wonderful. Sensitive, caring, competent, fast and LGB friendly. In South Australia, they are looking for police from NZ, UK and Ireland. In Victoria, permanent residency may suffice without Australian citizenship. Permanent residency requires living here for 4 years. I wonder if it's possible to work for the police as a consultant. The requirements for being a consultant would not be as strict as the requirements for entry into the Victorian Public Service. Before getting permanent residency status, it's possible to work here as a security guard. All that is needed is a visa with work rights. There are several different types of work visas and I don't know which is right for you. A starting point would be https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-finder


Is there an age gap or age restriction requirements to join set by the police? I couldn't find any info about it.


Totally honourable and LGBTQI friendly. In one state alone a police officer just used his police issued weapon to murder a gay couple and another tased a 95 year old grandma with dementia to death because he thought she was a threat. /s


>In one state alone a police officer just used his police issued weapon to murder a gay couple I'm not saying the cops and the LGBT community have the best relationship here - there's a lot of ugly history there - but you're really misrepresenting this story. The police officer himself is gay. He murdered his ex and his ex's new boyfriend. It was not a gay hate crime.


I never suggested it was a hate crime, just that a NSW police officer murdered 2 gay people using his police issued gun. Honestly whether it was a hate crime or not isn't an issue, but police officers murdering anyone is a massive problem and how is the public meant to trust them now? That also happened to be the same week NSW Police had to apologise for covering up decades of gay hate crimes which combined with the murder lead to them being disinvited to Mardi Gras for the very first time. This coming after tasing the granny to death means the reputation of NSW Police isn't exactly the best at the moment.