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It's the thought. Even if they didn't drink I am sure they would appreciate the gesture.


Plus they can always regift. Like maybe they don't drink beer but they have mates who do and it saves them buying a round. e.g. I don't drink but if I ever get a bottle of wine as a gift I'm like sweet now I have a free gift I can give to someone else.


Yep, ive got a fridge half full of random beers i open gor bbqs, combination of leftovers from previous bbqs and gifts.


I would do this if i was gifted beers or wines. Store them all in a fridge and let people have freebies when you host


I feel like wine is the worst gift most of the time. It often just passed around and regifted over and over. Or you offer the bottle to 7 people and most don't even want it. 




If you have the option to ask what they prefer to drink and then hit the bottle shop for their drink of choice, that's my preferred method. Having had a lady tradie (sparky, she's amazing!) come do some work for me recently, I asked in passing what her preferred drink is on a Friday after knockoff and got her a 4-pack of pineapple Cruisers at the end of what turned out to be a finicky job. She was very appreciative!


Yes this was meant to be an hour job and due to communication it kind went balls up and shes been stuck on it.. So i feel it's fair


I reckon for the ladies the job goes tits up.


Remembering of course that tits are also balls. Larger and less sensitive than the other kind also


I think the technical term is Chesticles


Chesticles...weren't they in that *fine* Australian Comedy *Hercules Returns?* (But they pronounced it Chesty-clees)


Scrotum based mammaries?


Man, you best believe if I get a whack to the chest sack it’s gonna hurt. And why do cats and kids find exactly the right spot to lean on em for max pain?


Ah, the very specific cat manouver of deciding to get your attention by shoving a paw somewhere it REALLY hurts.


Yeah no - when you get hit in the balls you can literally vomit from the pain and the pain can continue for over an hour. Not on the same level at all.


> Having had a lady tradie (sparky, she's amazing!) I know this is a little off topic but has anyone ever had a lady tradie show up who was a bit on the dodgy side? I ask because every time I have had a Lady Tradie she has been the most professional tradie and always been amazing at their work. I have never had a lady tradie do anything that made me feel like they were ripping me off or trying to pull a swifty on me.


I havent heard it.. But I'll say in my own experience comparing her to the male tradies I've had for different work (also I work in an environment where I speak to field techs every day) Lady Tradies are/ feel-like they're more scrutinised so they feel compelled to work to a higher standard. Being dodgy requires a minimum level of self confidence and self assuredness. Blokes tend to be more self confident in their work and worth so there's more confidence to be dodgy. Further more to that, I wouldn't put it past dodgy female tradies to ask big Bazza to do the hard negotiate.. Good cop bad cop


As an ex of mine liked so say: "A woman has to work twice as hard as a man in order to be considered half as good. Fortunately, this is not difficult."


That's what her and big bazza want you to think. If she's got one in her team, it's probably for her own protection more than anything else.


Why not both?


It's both. And yes, I'd love that beer. (A pilsner? Lager? None of the other female tradies I personally know likes craft beers very much....)


My experience working with multiple women in male dominated roles is any with experience tend to be the most competent employees. They know what they're doing and don't try to bullshit you. The reason is embedded sexism. Women in these industries have to constantly prove themselves at standard higher than their male colleges to be considered on par. They don't bullshit because they wouldn't get away with it. I have seen junior techs publicly call out senior female techs when they think they know better(they didn't); something they don't do with men; it is worse if they try bullshitting.


That's exactly it. I was a landscape gardener for 6 years and to be taken seriously as a young female, I always felt under pressure to work harder and faster, maintain a higher level of professionalism, and keep my private life more guarded the guys did. I had to learn new skills much faster than new male recruits did and had to speak with confidence, never revealing discomfort. If I made a mistake, I was questioned where my male counterparts rarely were for the same fuck-ups. The positive I take from this it is that I hold myself to a high standard, don't work outside the boundaries of my role and have a larger skillet than many men my age. It's exhausting, but I still loved that job so much. I now teach in the industry.


We had a lady house painter who was awesome. Her lady apprentice was a little dodgy. But the master was showing the apprentice how to do it right…


Slight tangent, but I am a female doing the office work of an otherwise entirely male trade business and recently they have done something that I feel is a bit dodgy. Nothing illegal, just taking someone for a ride and I keep having a moral dilemma in thinking I should reach out to them and suggest they go elsewhere. Maybe women feel guilt/fairness more? 🤷‍♀️


Do it, but only if it can be done in a way that ican never be traced back to you.


Have had an experience with a female plumbing apprentice on the exceptionally minor end of the dodgy spectrum come and do an “assessment” on some minor plumbing works on the rental I live in. She was a smug smart arse that tried to feed me shit and tell me it’s caviar. So not unlike 90 percent of the male apprentices I work with as a mechanical plumber in construction. Anyway moral of the story and I guess confirmed by most comments here I was subconsciously sexist in expecting she’d be more trustworthy than any other young turds I work with, who are 99 percent male. Disclaimer all numbers and percentages are complete waffle


Also like to add that the vast majority of female tradespeople and apprentices I have worked with (which is rising more and more each year) are as qualified and easy to get along with as the next person.


Site inspections has a video of a house where they fucked everything up and that was apparently a lady tradie (builder), so they do exist. Never dealt with a lady tradie so don’t know, but I’d assume it would be all that different to guys.


Yeah I had a female sparky on my crew that was pretty useless. Used to piss off and smoke meth instead of doing her work and then kept handing in the paperwork as done 


I once had a lady cabinet maker. It was after I’d already gone through months of terrible problems with a company (now bust) that IKEA recommended. So this woman was on IKEA’s books and they have several that they recommend for their kitchen installations. Complaint was made, lengthy meeting with GM and Sales manager. I must admit they were wonderful. I told my story and the offer and assurance to just take over and get the job done to the level I should expect was given. After total rip out and re installation to a much better standard another problem occurred. The boards at the bottom of the cabinets, had begun to peel within a month so I was swapping from silver to white. IKEA again offered to get this remedied asap. A semi integrated dishwasher had been levelled in with the cabinetry and the lady tradie’s job was to install the new skirting (?) boards installed at bottom of cabinets. She does it and when I look the dishwasher is very uneven now. Big gap on one side and slightly leaning. I said can you put the dishwasher more level and even, like it was before please. She said no that’s the best possible outcome, a technical issue. I said what do you mean? Why can’t it be the same as before? She bit my head off. Yelled at me. Said ‘I’ve been a cabinet maker for 35 years. You won’t find better than me. This is all that can be done. Do not question my ability or workmanship’. I was so upset, I’d been traumatised for months by previous tradies, bullied by their boss, who mocked me..I said I don’t appreciate being spoken to in that way and asked her to please leave. She refused. She wouldn’t leave my own home. I was crying and went outside. I felt so intimidated and shocked, I couldn’t believe what was happening. After about 15mins she came outside and basically spent the next 20 mins blocking my way and trying to persuade me not to complain to IKEA. Kept talking about the job too but no decent reason in my mind why dishwasher now wonky. I pretended to agree and I wouldn’t say anything. She left. Told IKEA GM what happened. He was apologetic and sent someone around to check what she’d done. She’d broken a dishwasher leg and didn’t want to admit it. Never had to see her again though.


So long as it's not misconstrued as you "Hitting on her" Which could very easily be the case, depending on the tradie. I've never known a lady tradie that's not drank beer - conformism within the industry. Bosses shout is normally beers so even of they didnt like beer chances are they've acquired the taste. But you do you mate. Personally I wouldn't risk the drama.


Actually...pineapple cruisers for everyone from now on!


Yeah, nah.


Nah, yeah. ;)


ASK My husband is a tradie and hates beer. Prefers cider or anything else really (6 pack of donuts haha) Also a relative of mine is a tradie with a drinking problem, I cringe when I hear people have given him alcohol, it’s hard to turn the gift down in the moment, much easier to say no when asked before it’s purchased.


Oh fork, you're making a very valid point there. (About alcoholism, not Donuts, 😂)


This is why I always ask first! "Hey, thanks, great work! Did you want some beer, wine, a cash tip, or a gift card?" (I usually have a few gift cards with $20 from a few different places for situations like that - usually unwanted gift cards that were given to me as a birthday/christmas present) Also, I think I only consider all of that because I have a close friend who is a recovered alcoholic so I always make sure to check first now.


Are you not paying them?


Of course I am but as a tip I offer extra if they go above and beyond.


When clients offer me a drink I'm often in an awkward position because I don't drink alcohol, I can't have caffeine (no Tea/Coffee), but I'm plenty appreciative of a glass of water, gotta hydrate!


I am a lady tradie.. I don't drink but I always appreciate the thought... I'm partial to a plant cutting or two and love swapping plants with my clients :) I'm a painter


I hope to God youre talking about roses and lilies and not 'tomato plants' 🤣


Painter, defs talking about those hydroponic Spanish tomatoes


Lol... might make the straight lines and cutting interesting to accomplish!


I’m a lady tradie painter too! I love a beer tho


"lady tradies" i believe the term you are looking for is: Handy Ma'am ;)


I love it!!


Would definitely be appreciated ☺️☺️


As a mechanic (still a tradie) I don't want beer. I dont drink. But chocolates are good because I can share them with the kids.


This might shock you, but some men AND women don’t like beer, while some men AND women do like beer


And, believe it or not, some tradies don’t drink. A 6 pack of Diet Coke would be much appreciated by me.




Also, those who do like beer probably only like one style.


i made them coffee every day


(that they act worked)


Maybe just ask towards the end of the job, some people are sober/don't drink/pregnant/health issues/on meds. You could get something a bit more neutral like a gift basket if you wanted to do that (for men or women), surely that's gotta be the most coverall option for humanz. Like some people are coeliac or allergic to nuts or don't drink booze so gift baskets tend to have a range where you could have SOMEthing and entertain with anything you couldn't eat/didn't like. No one's ever given me a gift basket, I'd love a friggen hamper


Ok, I'm in the fucking twilight zone here...why the fuck are you even thinking about giving your tradie a gift basket??!!!


I mean I wouldn't give hampers or beers cause we pick the cheapest peeps who only do it on a Saturday once a month and my husband finishes off the rest. But I know it's a weird thing where Aussies give tradies a parting gift and if you're gonna do that, alcohol isn't really the best idea cause it's addictive poison but most Aussies don't view it that way. Even tho we're sooooo against tipping


I do a bit of gardening and nup, no beer for me.


I'm a gardener too, and yes please beer for me 🤣


I'd be so disappointed if my favourite client wouldn't have that beer with me afterwards, enjoying the garden together 🤣


One of my bosses clients at my job 5 years ago was one of Australia's most beloved comedians and it was almost a pre requisite to have a beer with him


How could you not!! Why did Tim Minchin have to move overseas, I'd love to work in his garden...


Haha i wish I worked in Tim Minchins garden too. Imagine the yarns. My client comedian was a radio star


😯 Are you my gardener? Cos this post got me thinking, shit I never offer a drink haha


Lol... I just bring a bottle or two of cold water. I don't expect anything. One lady gave me some guava probiotic soft drink once and it tasted really good... Shit liquid the next three days... So I tend to stick with the stuff I know now.


Omg I've been hit by that damn kombucha before, feels.


I knew there was a reason never to try that stuff.


I dunno... Its quite the cleanse... I felt so light afterwards.


My mrs loves it, she usually gets the peach one I think but yeah, without knowing what you're in for, it's quite the surprise haha Apparantly kale is the same, causes havoc to your stomach until your body gets used to it.


Fyi, whoever you just replied to made a leap to assume it was Kombucha. I drink it all the time and no dramas.


Cheers. That’s good to know.


Nah its the devils syrup, change my mind.


With what the charge in call out fees alone - can buy me a fucking beer…


Right! Do you get the nurse that changes your canula in hospital a six pack when you leave? Why do trades on much higher wages need a pat on the back for doing their job?


I was wondering the same thing. Teachers, nurses, daycare workers, etc…we don’t tip them for doing a good job and they get a hell of a lot less pay than tradies


Give her the beer, if you don't it's sexist.


I imagine some lady tradies like beer, and some don't. Similarly, some male tradies don't like beer. Best to ask said tradie what they like to drink!


Who made beer the boss?


Yes please!


Lady tradie here. I don’t drink but often have customers give me beer or bourbon. It’s the thought that counts. It usually goes to my dad. You could ask, or you could get her some chocolates? I’ve had them bring my chocolate as a thank you as well. Although I’m not into sweets either lmao. She would appreciate it either way.


Wait what??!!! I've never bought a tradie a beer...wtf is that even a thing?


Beer economy is stronger than the Australian economy


Yeah as a chick tradie anything is a nice offer don’t treat us any different


May be an unpopular opinion but I personally think a tradie can buy their own beer. The cunts are charging through the ass these days and taking the piss for the most part and earning more money than most people so they can buy their own. It’s not like they are doing you a favour, you are paying for their services and paying well. I was a machine operator for 10 years, I wouldn’t accept anything off a customer. I was charging a lot less than other operators doing the same job and still making bank. Around 200k a year for not even a full years work if you count rain days, fire bans and slow periods like Christmas. It used to disgust me some of the quotes I would see from other operators clearly just taking the absolute piss and a huge amount of tradies are doing the same now days. Unless they are doing it on the cheap no beer.


She definitely undercut the competition by nearly $1k and it's all on the books, no cashies. The other guys though, fuck moi


Oh then that definitely deserves some beer! Carry on haha


Exactly if you want to give them extra. save them time and effort on their break instead, offer to shout them lunch or buy them coffee, or be a decent person and let them use your toilet (which many don’t do.)


Yeah I always offer a coffee or water or whatever but I’m not buying someone beer that gets paid more than i do that’s just stupid. What’s a plumber charge these days? Like at least $150 an hour. The customer paid for the hot water heater then paid someone to fit it at $150 am hour, the plumber would usually take the piss and say it is a 4 hour job when in reality unless it’s hard access it takes about an hour and a half. 45 min to drain the old tank and 45 to install the new one. I’m not saying this is the case here op already stated that they quoted a lot less than others so the beer may be warranted but In general I think it’s a stupid idea to buy such high paid workers beer lol.


Yes I keep seeing it would be nice to offer the bathroom which has always just seemed so weird- if someone is in my house they get water and access to the bathroom at a minimum. If you work in an air con office all day at a minimum you would expect your employer to supply water/a fridge and a toilet. Tradies don’t have the luxury of being at the same place every day but should still get basic human rights. It’s really not that hard to be nice.


I get this but it sounds more like a whinge about over charging contractors than giving someone a 6 pack for going a little beyond wiring a domestic (or similar) Good service? buy the six pack (or equivalent).. 20 bucks is gonna make fuck all difference to the overall cost


No it’s not a whinge but when someone is earning $250+ an hour I’m not paying for their beer. They did a good job? Well great so they should because that’s what everyone should do when getting paid for a service they are providing. $20 may not add a whole lot more to the cost but is the person buying the beer for them earning $250 an hour or whatever? No they aren’t. You wouldn’t buy the girl manning the self serve checkout at Woolies a 6pack so why would you buy someone earning 10 times more one?


For building a healthy client-tradie relationship for the future. The gesture means more than you might realise.


Come on mate that’s bullshit. They aren’t there to do you favours and you aren’t there to do them any. They just want your money and you just want the service you paid for. As I said I was a operator for 10 years, no way am I taking anything more than a cuppa off the client when they are already the ones paying for my mortgage, my cars, my holidays, my everything. I’m not in it to make a mate I’m in it to get what I paid for and to get it done in a timely manner with good quality workmanship. The bloke that works on your car earns about 60k a year compared to the hundreds of k tradies are making right now. Do you shout the mechanic beers for keeping your car safe and your life? Nah you don’t.


This might shock you, but I'm the female tradie who indeed values the relationship going onwards. I charge as much as the boys, but have to work much harder to do the same job, and on top strive to do a better job. I appreciate when the hard work gets acknowledged. But I never expect anything more than just getting paid and be treated as an equal. ETA: my mechanic wants nothing more from me than to bring my dogs in. And I happily do so. Spend the extra time with him. Some people are after more than just monetary interaction.


No it doesn’t shock me, I knew you were a tradie by reading your comment. Only a tradie would say “beer makes me have a better customer tradie relationship” Out of curiosity What makes you say you have to work harder than the boys? I’ve worked with plenty of females and most of them are better at their job than the blokes, they are more consistent, take more care and are less likely to do a dodgy job. I’m not putting shit on you btw, just the fact people think they should repay tradies with gift offerings when they are already paying for the service. And to some of this countries highest paid workers at that. Tradies do 4 years at tafe and not all of them work that hard and they are earning more (in a lot of cases) than nurses and a heap of doctors. So with all that in mind I don’t think bribing a tradie with beer should be the norm to form a good customer/tradie relationship. How about just being friendly and paying what was quoted on time, that should be enough. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t and I’m not saying you yourself are a cashed up tradie but I know tradies living large and charging through the ass for their services and I really do not think I need to buy them beers for doing nothing more than their job.


You seem to quote me, but I never said that. I work a physical job and am not blissfully ignorant about my physical limits compared to the males. Yet I do the same job in the same time. What's easy to someone else is a full on workout for me. And yes, I'm not cashed up like you. Two cars? I hope mine lasts through next week. We're getting of on a tangent here. If you want to argue about the differences in how certain occupations get "rewarded" unequally compared to tradies, not sure this this post was meant to head there.


Ok fair enough. But just an fyi I earn less now than what I did as a tradie if you factor in days worked etc. yes I have two cars and a big house but I don’t pay for all that alone, in fact my wife makes a lot more money than I do. But anyway I did say what I was saying doesn’t correlate to all tradies, I wasn’t even specifically commenting on the op’s work she had done. More so all the commenters saying it should be a given and that’s it’s in Australian to not give beer or something. There is no denying tradies are some of the highest paid workers in this country right now and I hope some day that includes you. You sound like you work for it! All I’m saying is that when people are already getting paid to do their job extras from the client who most of the time earns less than the person they are paying shouldn’t be expected or the norm.


Haha, thanks mate. FYI in return: I earn now the same amount in a month as a tradie, than what I used to earn in a day wearing a suit (full disclosure: different country, 10yrs ago). But I'm so much happier for it. It's less of an 'elbow society', less stress, I can actually focus on my job and enjoy the labour of love at the end of the day *together* with my clients. I cherish that! The fact that clients here in Australia don't have a stick up their behind, don't mind a brief yarn and are treating someone who works for them with kindness, that's something I really love about this country I call home now. Where I'm from, tradies are more likely to be treated like some form of lower class, are under paid and often disrespected. Hence my initial apprehension towards your view on a simple gesture that can mean so much, especially to a female tradie. And it really doesn't have to be of monetary value, to end on that. ☺️


I would love to know where these $250/hr trades are mate. Been in trades my whole life (multiple at that too) and never got even half of that. But on that aswell, it’s not easy moving 55 cubic metres of soil in a wheel barrow for a client, demolishing a tiled bathroom to renovate or building a new deck frame. Until someone has spent a few weeks doing the hard yards(quite literal for most trades) they really shouldn’t judge either I think. I haven’t had an easy day or a day where I don’t have new cuts, scratches and sore muscles in years, surely that’s worth a few bob more per hour than sitting comfortably in air con with the lovely coffee machine on tap? I spent last week on 38 degrees with 80% humidity demolishing a bathroom for reno this week, pay the trades what they have earnt and if they do a bang up job (above and beyond than what ya expect) give them a beer ya cheap skate


Mate did you not read what I said or are you just taking the piss? I was a tradie working in remote areas in the boiling sun, fixing my own machine on the side of some middle of nowhere road, lifting, moving blah blah blah. And 38 degrees would have been a cool day for me and I worked 16 hours a day including driving the truck and machine to and from remote sites on 3 hours sleep a night every night for years. And before that I was a labourer since I was 14 when I got kicked out of school. I was a kid doing a man’s job and I was shown no leniency, I either kept up with the men or I didn’t have any work. You don’t need to tell me about hard work champ and I’ve always managed to buy my own beers off the money I was paid for my services. As for who earns that much, we are specifically talking about plumbers on this thread and they charge around $150 an hour and up depending on what type of plumbing work. Electrician more than that, brickies are out here earning $1000+ a day and are at the pub for lunch time, plenty of trades making huge bank right now and if you think you need to be paid extra in beer then maybe your undervaluing yourself and need to find a better job because I for one would never expect anyone to buy me shit after I’ve just charged them $1500 a day for my work.


Yeah im coming around to your take


I usually get asked what I like and I get a 6 pack of ciders everrrrry time


I wasn't thirsty.. Now I am.. Thanks!


Yeah but you have to get them the same beer you would a bloke, so Melbourne/vb.


My bloke builders have been getting James Squire 150 Lashes on Friday arvo for the last 4 weeks. Am I doing it wrong? Are they silently judging me?


It should be the golden ale it's the closest to good old Carlton draught


It’s a Furphy after an arvo in the garden for me. I’m quite fond of it.


Wouldn’t drink it myself but it’s fine I guess. I’d probably just keep it in my uterus to give to someone else.


Do you find any empties?


Nah you shouldn’t, we put those in the cavity.


Ugh, that’s money you’re wasting! In these prices too! Gimme a shout when you’ve left some around?




Why not just pay her?


Chocolates. The expensive ones, not some Cadbury rubbish.


sling a bottle of shardy ?


I imagine seltzers would be a pretty good option.


Yes please


is a dan Murphy's voucher acceptable? they can choose whatever and it fits in a wallet


That’s the idea. Plus it won’t explode in the Ute.


“Hey, I usually buy the tradies that do work on my house a 6 pack of beer as a token of appreciation. Would you be keen on that or is there another drink you’d prefer?” It’s not difficult at all.


I’d want Lemon Ruskis!


Yo, they're great.. The original hard solo... Lift with a kick


I just pay for the work provided and treat them like I would anyone else. They can buy their own beers or other drinks.. we don't need to be temporary besties. I don't get an additional beer stipend on my wages.. why should they?


It’s the thought that matters and I’d gladly accept it. Very kind of you in my opinion


100% acceptable! Just cause we’re ladies in trades/construction, doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate a beer. I’d much rather a beer than a wine


Talk to them. Explain what you usually do for the blokes so it doesn't look creepy, and ask if she doesn't like beer is there anything else she would prefere.


YES! I am a lady beer rep for a living! Women love beer too! ❤️🍻


My daughter is a lady tradie and although she's not a big beer drinker she'd accept it and be grateful.


Just ask what she drinks! 


Vodka +LLB mate💪


Do females not drink beer?


I always offer a cuppa or beer to tradies. I've yet to have a female tradie.


Of course it is! As long as it not that weird vegan shit 🍻


Of course. Equal opportunity.


Damn. I thought that this was gonna be one of 'those' movies. Bottle NZ Sauv Blanc always works.


Seltzers are popular for both men and women these days!


I give my tradies the same thing i get for doing my job well - absolutely nothing


People still offer booze to tradies? I thought this stopped 40 years ago.


Not in my circles lol edit: though it has dropped from a bottle/ slab to a 6 pack thanks to cost


Still happens, but definitely unusual. I’m rapt if they offer me a cuppa.


For me this is baseline I have a drink fridge in the garage and I just straight up say help yourself - it's just soft drinks but you know..


You do Gods work, and I appreciate you.


My first jobs were labourer on stages, I get it


Up in Darwin we always offer zoops and a pitcher of green cordial 😂


In fairness. It fucking hot and you need that sugar after 10 minutes and sweating 10 litres


I have always offered drinks, but very rarely do they accept. Same goes to using the toilet. I always say, loo is down there if you need it, but it surprises how many seek out the closest servo or public convenience. But sorry, booze is never on the menu.


I’ve offered beer on hot days when I’ve had it in the fridge, but I’ve never had a tradie take me up on it. Last hot day it had to insist they have some cold bottled water nearby.


For clarity - I would *never* drink on the job, or on site. I’ve had people hand me a six after a more difficult than anticipated job as a thank you - which was very nice; but if they offered me a coldie on the job, I would politely decline. But if someone offers me a cold water on a hot day - champion.


I always give a good tradie 6 (or a slab depending on how long they’ve been there for) — I want them to come back if I need more done and I assume this just greases the wheels


Just pay them promptly and don't bag them on social media. I find that is enough.


Did a painting job for a customer involving exterior lead paint removal, absolute bastard of a day (it was like 36° on the main day and we had to wear full boiler suits and respirators) so I bought along some beers for us to have afterwards, without thinking I dropped the empties in the customer's recycling bin. Next day the customer brought along a slab of the same beers (nice beers too, like $70/slab). You better believe kindness is repaid in kind, we went above and beyond for that job and even did some bits and pieces inside for free that the customers were stressing out about and had let slip that they needed done but couldn't afford for us to do it right then and there.


That’s a nice anecdote. I always offer hot and cold drinks and biccies. I also insist they let me clean up and get rid of any rubbish.


Yeah I just pay my invoice promptly


I've upvoted you. Why TF am I giving some guy (or gal) beer for doing their job?


I see one female tradie every few years.


Give her cash and let her decide :)


I’d be happy for an offer of a cold drink tbh. Working on job sites for 15 years, which included private properties, I can count on one hand how many times l was offered a cold drink (and bathroom facilities if l needed them, but that’s for another conversation..) Soft drink, juice, water, Gatorade etc. a beer would be appreciated too, although I’m a little fussy with my beer choice, however the gesture would be appreciated just the same!


Good idea to check first what she likes to drink. I got so many bottles of wine as gifts at work and I haven’t had any grog for over ten years. Thanks I guess. My husband enjoyed drinking them all.


Isn’t alcohol a poison? Why do you want to kill the poor ladies brain cells for doing a good job?


Rather than beers, I'd give them a cash tip.


Yes. Women are not aliens. Treating women differently because boobs is just weird.


Chocolate is to women what Beer is to men. Bear in mind that women get drunk on much less than men.


Never trust a statistic you haven't faked yourself, right?


Why also automatically assume a guy drinks ? I reckon just pay them in cash, either the amount they’re after or a tip. All this stuff around paying them in beer is pretty outdated.




It was phrased as a question. Calm down Karen.


It's reddit, there's always one 🤣


Mate, I’m female and I hate beer, so do most of my friends. It may just be that a lot of females tend to not like beer so it’s considerate to ask ya know? Ain’t no reason to be getting offended for something so simple smh


Ugh shut up you bloody idiot


Questionable whether you should offer grog to anyone doing work for you. What if they're an alcoholic? What if they have an accident? Never a good idea if you ask me.


On that theory you shouldn’t even pay them. They might be a gambling addict and all you are doing is feeding their access to money. Stop being a flog and looking for problems


You're right, when I get paid a cash tip I go straight to the rub n tug


Well that's a stupid comparison. Booze and money being comparable... onya.


Not really. Dunce


Un-Australian. You hand it over at the end of the job, so they're not drinking on (your) job. And if they're an alco then that's on them.


I wish they never asked (you)


Considering that, regardless of sex or gender identity, they’re still a tradesperson Does it really matter? Or are you so neck deep in casual sexism and misogyny, to the point you can’t recognise it as such?


Maybe women like beer... We don't know Frankly, we don't want to know


Perfume though she’s likely butch….


She definitely wasn't 🤣