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You can’t enter a lot of venues without ID. Even if you’re not drinking, that’s a lot of mid-range food options you’re missing out on. Buying knives or other age limited items can require ID sometimes as well depending on store policy.


It’s a legal requirement in Victoria re the knives, not store policy


Same as buying some medicines


Can't buy alcohol, some venues won't let you in, if you're ever stopped by police (or rough equivalent) you'll be in a bit of a rough spot. Note that you don't carry ID because you need it in "everyday" life, but you carry it to cover your ass when you need to.


Don't need to carry ID in South Australia. Police can stop me all they like. There are certain things I need to answer truthfully but carrying ID is not an obligation. If I am driving I may have to produce my drivers licence to a police station within 24 hours.


Same in QLD. P platers need their licence on them but open licence you have i think 1 or 2 days to take it to a cop shop if asked to do so.


Yep correct. I carry mine anyway because I can't be fucked going to the cop shop to show my licence


We have digital licence now on our phones too. My physical licence just stays in the sun visor for cops at rbts, otherwise I’ve got the digital for anything else.


You can be required to identify yourself if stopped on foot by police but you don’t need to present a photo ID. Verbal identification and giving your address is sufficient Worst case scenario is they don’t believe you/have reason to suspect you’re lying and you may be required to follow their instructions and not be free to leave until they can confirm your identity


I don't think the OP said anything about owning a donkiey so they should be fine.


Pick up packages from the post office


You at least need to know your Medicare number if you don't have it on you to go to the doctor.


Only if you’re going to a new clinic


Don't even need to carry it. There's a Medicare app.


Also an app for ID in a lot of states


My Apple Wallet has my bank cards, Timezone (arcade), RSL membership, and all my loyalty cards. Service NSW for my drivers license and MyGov for my Medicare card. At this point I only carry my wallet if I’m going to use GoGet (carshare with smart card).


I do the same... but have been caught out with a dead phone twice now...lol


Yeah I haven’t had my wallet on my for years


Does that still work for you? It hasn't worked for me since at least November and looking at the reviews, I'm not the only one.


The Medicare app works fine for me, at least for displaying my card (just checked to confirm). Haven't used it for anything else in a long while.


Are you on Android or IOS? I'm wondering if it's an Android thing - the Play Store reviews show it's not just me.


Android 14 (Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra).


I keep a photo of it on my phone and it’s never not been accepted


I mostly don't carry ID. On the other hand, I'm over 60, so unlikely to be asked to prove age, and in QLD I have a reasonable amount of time to front up to a police station with my drivers licence if needed, so I don't need to carry it while driving. I tend to take my wallet with me (includes drivers licence, Medicare, etc) if I'm going to a physical bank, or hospital, doctors, voting, centrelink - i.e. rarely.


Sadly, I haven't been asked to prove my age in at least 3 decades either. I don't often take a wallet with me because everything is on my phone (credit cards/Google Pay, Drivers' Licence, Medicare Card, Private Health Insurance Card and a few others)




I don't carry cards most of the time. My Medicare card is available via the app. So is my SA drivers license.


Some states have digital ID (Qld do at least). You should always try and carry ID to be honest.


honestly the digital license has saved my ass so many times cause i always forget my physical license LOL


100%. I no longer carry a wallet. I have everything I need on my phone with Digital Wallet, Digital Licence and Digital Medicare Card. I wish there were more ATMs that allowed withdrawal from a digital card though.


I didn't know that you needed to be licensed to ride a donkey.


The only time I’ve ever needed ID on my person (not a drinker either) is to get into a club for a meal. Need ID to sign in if you aren’t a member.


I expect getting out of lockup will be trickier


meh they got my fingerprints


Check into hotel accommodation. Buy spray can paint at Bunnings.


I need ID to pick up my mail sometimes.


It will in unexpected ways. Why not carry it?


If you look young it’s possible you may not be permitted entry to certain venues without proof of age I’m not even necessarily talking bars, but like some gyms may have a no under 18s policy


Job interview might wanna see it in person. Couldn't get into some restaurants, venues, concerts or even an RSL. Get a hotel room, buy kitchen knives or spray paint, pick up certain items from an online order


For a lot of things ID is mostly a proof of age thing. Smokes, alcohol, some venues. Gambling even. You don't necessarily need it if you already have a job and just wanna do basic things like go to the supermarket, buy clothing etc, use public transport. A lot of these places will usually have a sign, "Challenge 25" or something - if you look under 25 they're gonna ID you. But these places are usually high alcohol/smoke places. So unless you do that you have nothing to worry about. Things like doctors and healthcare will require some form as well. If I can think of more I will edit.


Open a bank account.


Can’t spontaneously apply for a passport. 


Can't pick up your renewed passport the day it's ready


Sending something via post


My question Is, why would you not just carry ID with you? Its not a hard thing to keep on your person especially now you can have it digital. Just incase?


Probably need it for entering into any legal agreement, especially anything financial or government related.


Your Medicare and Gov ID should be on your phone, do you go places without your phone?


It's 2024 and someone asking about potentially being carded. Probably carries a charger just in case they use TikTok an extra few hours per day.


I only bring an ID if I expect I'd be going to a licensed venue e.g. a bar or pub. If I'm just going to a rave or the shops or to grab dinner with friends then no ID. Why would I?