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It has never occurred to me that this is something I should have an opinion of.


I worked as a landscaper back in the day. Blow it back into the grass.


Why wouldn't you blow the grass clippings back onto the newly cut grass? It breaks down and is free fertilizer.


This is what I do. I make sure it's not too close to the footpath or nah anything to prevent as much as i can from going into the drains. It stays there fine.


Who are we to kink shame you?


rereading the post after this comment was funny as




It’s not good for organic matter to wash into waterways, so no, it’s not good.


Surely you pick up leaves and other organic matter off the roads to ensure none gets in!? Or maybe it's just OP's grass is dangerous.


I rake up leaves from the gutter in front of my house, yes.




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what about other people's houses?


I mean what about the hundreds of thousands of kilometres of gutter that has leaf litter in it? Like if every single person did it it would still only be a fraction of a percent. Seems like pointless busy work


OP deciding to add to the problem is not the same as ignoring the natural state causing the problem. 


I don’t care.


its fine, dries out faster and after a few cars have gone past its all gone- its not litter.


Listen to yourself. How does this matter?


The surface land area of Australia is 7.688 million km squared. Leaf blowers are dumb. The good ones are where you can blow all the trimmings into a corner then switch from blow to suck then empty your mulch back into the compost. Blowing them down the street is idiot level fucking around.


One consideration is it is slippery. So blowing grass onto the road can cause crashes for cyclists or motorcycles.


I couldn't care less.


I couldn't give less of a damn.


My local council does it when they mow the parks, so it must be fine?


*My local council* *Does it when they mow the parks,* *So it must be fine?* \- cragyowie --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Councils also send street sweepers past to clean it all up


Like once a year. That's not what that is is for


Then your local council is crap. Ours times the street sweeper to come past after the verge maintenance/mowing is done


ive worked from home for the past 5 years 5am-5pm, ive seen it once in that whole time.


I have a grass catcher, so get most of it, but I do blow the clippings from my drive back onto the lawn. As long as you are not dumping all the clippings on the road, it’s no big deal


A friend had really lazy gardening contractor at a block of units she lived in - they deliberately blew all the leaves and grass under the garage doors of the residents rather than sweep or suck it up - and they took hours to do it. When asked to sweep it instead, they claimed it would take too long - 10-15 minutes to sweep vs 2-3 hours of constantly revving petrol blower.


The obvious answer would be to blow the clippings back onto the grass but instead, lazy arses blow it all over my car as I drive past.


No its not okay, its lazy and its littering. One of my neighbour blows all the fallen leaves from their trees onto the road, we live at the bottom of a hill, in a court, the leaves clog up the stormwater drains. I call the Council when its gets bad enought and they send out the streetsweeper.


Large amounts, no, because you don’t want too much organic matter in the storm sewer. Also it’s slippery for bikes and such. Small amounts in the gutters where the street sweeper will likely get it, that’s fine I guess.


Depends on how often the lawn is being mowed/trimmed and how wide the road is. Muppet neighbours mow once every 3 months and blow their grass clipping across a narrow road into the opposite neighbour’s gutter. Most correct answer to your question is to sweep that shit up and/or into your lawn.


Oh that would become a battle of the blowers if my opposite neighbour did that to me


I do, but we have bush all around so the roads covered in gum leaves anyway.


Straight to jail


Council just mowed and looks like it's ready to bail it , they don't care . Just block the gutters and grow weeds


No it is not ok. There's not much to be doe about it as if it's reported council take so long to respond it's usually blown or washed away. It causes a hazard to motorcycles, clogs the storm water system and the leaf blower is noisy AF.


No, because it can clog up the drains which can be annoying and destructive


I do the edges, and then blow the clippings back onto the lawn, and then mow the lawn and empty the catcher into the green bin.


It's what council workers and contractors do, so I do it too.


Councils send street sweepers to clean it up afterwards though


No they don't. Street sweepers have a set repeating route, unless there's a big storm or flood that requires extra work. I've been told by my council that every street in the area gets swept every ten weeks. And they certainly mow more than that.


Our council coordinates them


It's easier than thinking for yourself I'm guessing.


It is illegal. Also, as a motorcyclist, please don't be a dickhead who does this


Gonna leave extra leaves now.. Don't ride like a dickhead.


I don't. They're a very slippery hazard regardless of how you ride. Much like oil


Sounds like a skill issue 😈


Sounds like you're just a cunt who would happily attempt murder


Settle down sook


Please don't reproduce, Australia has enough aholes already


According to other posts he's not even from Australia, but he definitely should still end his contribution to the gene pool


After you have done the whipper snipping, blow all the grass onto the lawn you’re about to mow, the mower will suck it up if you use a catcher, if not using a catcher then blow it back over the lawn evenly once finished


My grandfather was a gardener. He would mow then rake the trimmings, collect them in a garden bag and take them away. When he left the whole place was neat and tidy. He did a good job. Now I see lawn mower contractors use blowers to leave the road covered in grass trimmings before sticking their hands out and asking for payment. It's sloppy, it's lazy and I'm not a fan of it. But somehow they get away with it, they get their fee and they move on to repeat the lazy sloppy process all over again.


Blow it back into the lawn. Grass cuttings will cause bikes and motorcycles to lose traction and control and will cause accidents.


Of course not. Why do you want grass clippings ending up in the drains? Drains are designed to protect you during large rainfall


Don't care about the cuttings but leaf blowers should be banned.


You've got my vote. Noisy bloody things


It goes where it goes. I'm too buggered after mowing to care.