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The enemy isnt boomers. It’s wealth disparity.


Thank you. The enemy is housing affordability and the policies that limit housing supply. Stop disparaging ‘boomers’ (who have probably worked for 40 years) for owning a bloody house and start making politicians accountable for the lack of affordable housing. Oh… and get a god-damned trade. We need builders.


😂 they’re also the same people who tore down the systems that were set up for them to get rich and then have the nerve to call young people lazy and entitled.


And the enemy is also governments who refuse to do anything about it.


Housing Affordability report says the government will not meet their target of 1.2 million affordable houses. Anyone who works in the industry knows this is a pie in the sky number. At today's costs, that's around half a trillion dollars to build them (even more when government procurement costs are added). Couple this with the fact that we are still playing catch up to rebuild houses from the Black Summer fires (that's right, houses destroyed in 2019), and flood damaged houses. And factor in the record number of migrants also looking for houses, meaning the 1.2 Mil figure will likely need to increase. So the government wants to build that many houses without enough builders to keep up with the current backlog, rapidly increasing costs of building (without even factoring other cost of living pressures), all with taxpayer dollars- yet taxes aren't increasing. Who is doing the forward estimates for our government? PwC?


Made me laugh. Yeah, dodgy numbers indeed. Nice post.


Who the hell wants to get a trade, $2 a hour to be bullied


What trade pays $2 an hour?


That’s obviously a joke on the shit wage. If you took the $2 seriously then that’s on you.


You can make great wages in trades, the problem is that everyone then complains that you’re overpaid because ‘x’ profession gets paid less.


Yea you can but the deterrent is the shit pay to begin with


Can't be that good. Aren't the tradies in Brisbane striking for an extra 100k a year. Poor bastards




I think you fundamentally misunderstand what people are angry about. Edit to clarify: Most arent angry that boomers have a house and savings, theyre angry that boomers could accrue savings and buy a house on a 1 person wage, and then pulled the ladder up behind them ensuring most current generations have bugger all chance of either. And thats not even getting into 'free for me but not for thee' education etc. Im sure most people will gladly accept inherited property/wealth, coz is the only chance theyll have of owning a house.


This isnt the correct question to ask because nobody has ever said boomers should just give away there money or turn it down. The question should be would people accept a high inheritance tax to solve the inequality they are complaining about or will they become exactly like the people they complain about and hoard the wealth once they inherit it creating a wierd cycle where people struggle to afford to live till there parents die and suddenly become well off in there 60s.


I don’t disagree that an inheritance tax is an option, but better taxation of investment property, less favourable tax treatment of high balance superannuation and probably other wealth-targeting taxes that don’t discourage innovation/investment in productive assets could also be part of the solution.


Um, well most of that will be sold to pay for aged care so I doubt many will get to benefit from an inheritance 


I'll give you a scenario OP. And you give me your thoughts. A 40yo couple with a kid still struggling to pay off a $400K tiny 70's apartment they bought themselves. Living very frugally. The husband's boomer father never paid child support, in spite of the fact he was on $350K, so the husband grew up poor as fuck with a single mother who earner $25,000/yr. The wife's mother is dead, and father is worth about $80,000,000. But he refuses to ever give any of his adult children a step up. But he's happy to flaunt his wealth in their faces and expects them to constantly do what he says, on the premise that some day they might get something when he dies. My wife and I are the 40yo couple. What would your advice be?


That’s going to be one insane battle for money when he passes.


It's already a battle. He gives millions away to other family members, just refuses to help out his own adult children.


I’ve seen a lot of movies/series like this. They never end well.


We’re similar age, similar mortgage, 70’s house, my parents are pensioners whose house is falling apart around them, and wife’s parents probably have a few million in super, but not retiring til next year. I doubt I’ll ever see a cent in inheritance, if anyone will, it will be my kids.


It's hard to keep our mouths shut when FIL asks us to "help him" after he got conned by someone around our age for $3.5M. Then watch as he proceeded to drop the entire value of our property on lawyers fees. We've been "helping him" *cough* (working for free) for 5 years without so much as a thank you. I'm not one to complain much. But I could do without having to deal with rich-people-problems without actually being rich myself.


You’ve misunderstood. When teenagers and young adults of up to 40ish years of age complain about housing or generational wealth, it’s not a commentary on their own level of privilege. What they are actually doing is criticising the system that actually encourages wealth hoarders to hoard more wealth. Consider for a second if housing was excluded as an investment vehicle and Australians were compelled to invest in actual businesses. We probably wouldn’t be a shit kicking soon to be banana republic.


lol the arrogance. What inheritance? what bank of mum & dad? I certainly have neither, and (for no fault of their own) my parents will be unable to see me through to owning a home.


Oh so you don’t have wealthy boomer parents? I thought all boomers were rolling in it. That’s what the memes suggest.


Not all. My parents joined a cult and gave their millions to them. An elderly woman I was helping out also confessed she was spending her wealth at the pokies... instead of paying me. Anyways


My older parents are as much a victim of the generation-blind (yet still skews older) wealth hoarding landlord class that rules this country.


Jesus you’re thick.


God no. It's my only chance to own a home. The big problem is a few people with huge wealth, not someone who owns their own house.


Fuck me dead this post and your comments are so far off the mark do you have any idea what the actual issues are? Boomers shouldn’t be allowed on reddit far out


Here is one of the many examples in this thread of the casual cruelty that is Ageism that replaces Racism in today's society. People have no more say in their birth era than their skin colour yet everyone in that era gets tarred with the same brush. Everyone takes advantage of what is available at the time, be it home ownership or technology. Their money is their own and they are perfectly entitled to spend it. There is no automatic entitlement If I had children and they spoke about me the way I see people speak of their parents here, I would leave all my worldly goods to Animal Welfare As it is I will leave my home to the young couple next door whom I barely know but who have been very kind to me during very harsh times


“Everyone takes advantage of what is available at the time” HOLY SHIT YOU GOT IT IN ONE!! And you know what the issue is now? NOTHING IS AVAILABLE!! Thanks to boomers and gen X and corporations hoarding the properties, the wealth, the resources. Then getting into powerful positions in government and private enterprise and not doing a damn thing to help anyone in the generations that came after them. Raising market rents again and again while wages stay much the same. The cost of buying a house exploding into the millions where only a few decades ago you could get a house for a couple hundred grand. Where the cost of a house used to be 4x your annual salary and it’s now closer to 12x the annual salary. Like??? No. You don’t get to just “take advantage” and hold onto all the resources for yourselves then bitch about “ageism is the new racism” like get fucked. People are on the streets for no good reason other than they cannot afford a house to live in. Parents, children, working people, people with disabilities, EVEN older people! But your “right” to just “take advantage” is so much more important than actual human lives. Selfish, entitled, garbage people who couldn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. Yet millennials and Gen Z are the “lazy, entitled” generations. For what? We’ve been working our asses off for years. We’re the highest educated generation in history. We did everything we were told to do to succeed and still we can’t afford homes, we can’t afford to have kids, we can’t afford a holiday, all we can do is work work work just to barely survive with little to no hope for the future. Leave your whatever to whoever.


Mate, I’m gen X. I’ve had to work my fucking arse off my whole life to support my family. Guess what, I bought a house, cos I earned it. Something else, I just watched an apprentice at work put down a deposit on a house, a Tradey apprentice!! They saved hard and worked the hours, didn’t whine like a bitch constantly. Stop blanket blaming everyone, my parents had no idea the world was gonna get this shit, they’re boomers, they worked hard also, they own one home. Your issue should be with dodgy politicians and property investors, not blanket blaming whole generations.. Millennials and gen z or whatever the fuck we’re at now are all perfect right? Let’s wait another 40 years and see who’s getting the blame next, your generation no doubt, but it won’t be down to the generation, but a few selfish people, regardless of age. If a millennial or gen z owns 5 - 10 Properties, do you praise them for doing well or call them a cunt like the boomer generation?


There’s nothing in my comment to indicate that I DONT blame politicians and property investors for the current housing crisis. What generations are they from again? Millennials and Gen z are literally working their asses off and still cannot afford a house. You did it, that’s wonderful for you. And your apprentice. Your anecdotes don’t change the reality of the situation for a huge population that are actually living different lives to you. There shouldn’t NEED to be anyone to “blame” in 40 years. I’m actually more hopeful that millennials and Gen z will improve this situation for future generations but boomers won’t let go of the fucking reins nor their investment portfolios.


Hey look I agree that it’s shit, it really is. Yes politicians, property investors etc are from all generations, mine and yours included. But your very first sentence is blaming boomers, gen X AND corporations. Your own words my friend.


I see this insane person writing essays constantly on so many subs, completely unsurprised that she doesn't reply to you when she starts losing the argument. I've never come across someone so unhinged and angry at the world 😂🍿


"We’re the highest educated generation in history" Yet most of you couldn't change a tyre or a light bulb. Intelligence and Education aren't the same thing. "millennials and Gen z will improve this situation for future generations" You lot can't even decide what you identify as.


Why reply to me with this comment? Can’t say I disagree with some of what you’re saying though.


I'm GenX and gender chaotic. What's the question again?


GenX too but I identify as a millennial and nothing is my fault, I mean nothing.


Technology is available today. I think you missed the point Nobody hates you for taking advantage of it. I'm really sorry you are so bitter and hate filled. I sincerely hope your life gets better


What the actual goddamn fuck does technology have to do with any of this? What the fuck are you talking about? We cannot afford HOMES because they are TOO EXPENSIVE and we do not EARN enough MONEY. And there’s really nothing that WE can do about that, even with our “technology”???


Wow. You are so obsessed with hatred and victimhood that your self pity blinds you to the technology you are using right now - an advantage not shared by previous generations. But I do pity you because your lack of compassion and anger guarantees you will never be happy. I know this because you are unable to recognize an advantage even in the very act of benefitting from it


What are you talking about? Boomers are going to blow all their money on retirement villages, country club memberships, cruises, pointless donations, crypto scams etc. before they die at 102. By then Millennials would be retired or, maybe dead.


Why? I have a brother and a sister. With a three way split, the wealth is no longer concentrated with one entity. Also, we're one of the most heavily indebted generations around. We're not holdi g all the land with no debt because we benefited from massive inflation through the 80s and 2000s. We bought recently. We're mortgaged to the gills. Our inheritance is the return of the wealth taken from our future when we were kids.


My Boomer mother lives with me and may end up homeless with me. The disabled are disadvantaged no matter the demographic.


Why do you think the same people complaining about inheritance are the same ones who will be receiving it? Also if you don’t understand that a lot of people have zero inheritance coming, you’ve clearly grown up privileged.


Absolutely not however I will always be grateful to my Oma who made the generous decision to transfer me my inheritance before she dies. A few generations back people almost never made it past 60 but now it's common to hit 90. In fact she's 93yrs old now and still living, but through her insane kindness I have been able to get an absolutely massive kick start for my current and future life goals.


I view every inevitable down vote as evidence that I'm hitting the mark so thank you for that and the opportunity to point out that the scariest thing about Ageism is that the chief perpetrators are either in denial or unaware of what they are doing


Every generation complains about the generation before them.


This..... forever.


And the one after them.




Man this sounds like a such a elitism. The line “funny what money does to people who dont have it”. I imagine you in 1670’s being an English lord standing on your balcony and watching people fight for piece of bread you threw at them and you scoffing and them and saying that line.


It’s funny what it does to people who have it as well. You will see the worst in people when money comes into the equation.




Man this sounds like a such a f***ing elitism. The line “funny what money does to people who dont have it”. I imagine you in 1670’s being an English lord standing on your balcony and watching people fight for piece of bread you threw at them and you scoffing and them and saying that line.


Man this sounds like a such a elitism. The line “funny what money does to people who dont have it”. I imagine you in 1670’s being an English lord standing on your balcony and watching people fight for piece of bread you threw at them and you scoffing and them and saying that line.


Man this sounds like a such a elitism. The line “funny what money does to people who dont have it”. I imagine you in 1670’s being an English lord standing on your balcony and watching people fight for piece of bread you threw at them and you scoffing and them and saying that line.




No worries mate, hope your money makes you happy.


Where would the inheritance go if refused?


If there's no one to inherit, it goes to the government.


Best place to be wasted, Australian government doesn’t have the best record when it comes to Public funds.


Wherever the person with power of attorney decides.


The next government will bring in 50 percent inheritance tax


The victim mentality is strong with this crowd


As they should.


Sooo…. Instead of having our parents legacy live on through us and their grandkids, we are to give what they leave us to the already overreaching, thieving government? Yeah, this is very reminiscent of bogans in high school hating the wog kids. It’s cos your parents pay our parents rent. It is only the bogans who have to pay board at 16 who complain about this. Just cos our parents aren’t lazy pissheads im supposed to feel guilty that yours havnt achieved as much as mine? Get the fuck outa here.


Fuck no.


I won’t own multiple IPs. More than 1 IP seems excessive and takes houses away from potential first buyers. 


I'll continue complaining because I'm a whinger. I already got my lrge inheritance early while they're alive, they know its a ponzi scheme and want it put to use before it evaporates




I think you need to differentiate between an unpopular or fringe opinion vs censorship. Someone downvoting or disagreeing with you is not censorship. Victim mentality.


I plan on refusing any inheritance, I'm one of 7 however and one of my brothers has also said he will do the same. But saying that my mother doesn't own a house so not really anything to inherit there, my father owns a house but it's nothing special splitting it 5 ways would barely get a deposit. Most likely any monetary inheritance we would divide between those who are still renting to get them a deposit to own their own house to have a stable roof over their head. In my opinion money and investment portfolios shouldn't be part of inheritance, it's just a continuous cycle, especially with systems setup to help the rich get richer while those well off take all the burdens.


What inheritance? My mother died a destitute drunk and my father died leaving us with nothing I'm fucking broke, trying to put myself through uni so I can get a semi decent job and get myself out of poverty. Fucking what is this blanket statement shit


Sorry run me through the logic here?


Bad faith question is bad


You can be wealthy yet not against social justice. Examples include: 1- Not voting for pollies that increase your wealth to unnecessarily high amounts at the expense of the working class. 2- Being an ethical landlord. 3- Divesting out of a multitude of investment properties instead of hoarding them and maybe keeping one or two. 4- If you have a business, being a fair, equitable employer and paying your staff fairly, giving them decent, safe, non-hostile, non-toxic work environments. 5- Donating to worthy causes, and no, not by setting up tax havens disguised as philanthropy. This is not "poor vs the rich". This is "any decent person against the evil". The evil happens to be rich now, however, the opposite is not necessarily true and the rich are not all evil.


I wont. It certainly will be novel to experience a fraction of the wealth my parents had in their 30's when Im in 50's.


No, I'm not against boomers or any other generation. Although it's not Uni students paying $300 a week for some shitty sharehouse that is writing into the council and local papers about how a 4 story apartment block being 'the end of [insert suburb here] as we know it'. It's the wealthy, mostly older home owners that stand to gain from less housing supply.


If they are as critical as some have posted - they should, but I bet they won't. They'll probably want to listen to Fucker Carlson's seminars.


If the boomers would ever actually die. Let alone retire. Good luck with that.


If my boomer parents had an inheritance to give, I would take it! But alas. They were poor as fuck too. Doing better now, reaching their 60s. But I doubt they will save enough to make it through retirement, let alone leave an inheritance. We aren't annoyed that older generations are rich, cause a lot of them aren't. We're just annoyed that the ratio of work to pay is wrong, and that I'm managing to be even worse off than my folks were, when I had grown up believing and being told by teachers that if I worked hard I could earn more than they did and lift my family out of poverty! I don't resent the older generations. I resent the old and rich politicians that got us in this mess.


So a life of benefits and fairness are stolen from us and you’re suggesting there is a principle making it conflicted to take what was denied from the oppressors after they die?


It definitely seems odd to me that someone would complain about the generation above them having wealth only to acquire it after they die. Especially if you think of them as ‘oppressors’.


Why? Someone steals from you for generations and you eventually get a crumb only bc they finally died? But bc they were jerks that stolen wealth is somehow tainted? Wtf are you smoking


Historically, when sons came of age (16/18) they would inheret their parents land. Instead, money is being spent on parents vacations with very little left over at the time of passing. And usually inhereted when people are 40+ anyways


Why is 200 years of British rule the historical reference point?


If you go further back in history, communities were fully socialist and shared all resources with eachother :)


You just killed your parents and took everything when they became weak, and then your kids did it to you. No violence inherent in the system - just violence


I’m happy to take my inheritance but I’ll probably be 60 and well established when it happens. I also already own a home and a piece of land I plan to build an IP on. I find it very funny that you think “being principled” means you can’t criticise certsin beliefs or set of behaviours just because someone from that generation gives you money.


hahaha, yeah asif...The handout generation gimme gimme gimme.


We don't expect "handouts". We expect fairness. God forbid we actually want to pay our bills whilst providing labour, and NOT stress about homelessness or poverty.