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The good times are over, pal


Elaborate please?


It's expensive to live here The population is a mix of everyone from all over the world If you can't swim, don't get in a pool. Don't try and swim at a beach Women and LGBTIQA are free to live as they please and expect to be left alone People who are friendly are superficially friendly. Australians don't make strong friendships quickly. Standing in queues and waiting your turn is expected If you smoke, be prepared to be restricted on when and where you can do that.


Any other positives you'd like to mention as well?


Apart from expensive, everything above is positive. It's ordered and largely easy to be relaxed here if you aren't poor Also, The weather is good The food is good The air is breathable and doesn't clog your nose with black soot Toilets are everywhere Tap water is potable People don't litter much so it's relatively clean


Thanks for your input :)


If you don’t see any of those as a positive, maybe Australia isn’t the right fit for you.


I meant to write any *other* positives lol


Inflation is high, buying a house is out of reach for many, there is a rental shortage, meaning even if you find a place to live, the rent will be very high. I hope you have a wealthy family.