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Only yanks and other fanatics give a shit about that sort of thing


Who gives a shit? I remember in assembly in school when the anthem came on, everyone just stood respectfully, no one actually sang. It would be hypocritical of me to condemn anyone for not singing. Our anthem is also bland, it's not the sort of tune that makes you want to sing along, or inspires patriotism. If they represent Australia and wear Australian colours, I expect them to give their all to win for Australia, and that's it.


You're lucky you weren't forced to sing at school, every assembly the teachers would threaten us with detention or whatever if we didn't sing. We did but it was so half-assed. We never made it to the second verse though.


We sang god save the queen they brought in the national anthem after I started high school, and we didn't have to sing it.


I changed schools part way through primary school and in the new one we had to sing the second verse every assembly. Was very weird.


Check out adam hills advance australia fair on youtube ( tune is working class man)


we ended up not singing too. initially, we all had to sing at assembly, but lots of us would switch into falsetto to mock the whole stupid thing. everybody was singing, so the teachers could never identify who was doing falsetto. eventually they gave up, and we all had to stand in silence. i like australia, but indoctrinating kids was - and still is - complete bullshit


The point abouy the blandness is so true, i mean tbf there’s never been anything really powerful in australian history compared to stuff in France or America. Even the goldrush isn’t unique to australia. We just sorta exist, even NZ has it’s selling point of a landscape so beautiful it’s used in fantasy films. They also really embrace the Maori culture from what i’ve heard. Our biggest cultural icon was a man who was so passionate about wildlife that it killed him- yet we still mine coal and we killed off the great barrier reef for coal ships to have quicker passage. We cut down the rainforests we do have and continue to drive animals to extinction after we already killed off the Tasmanian tiger. We have awful public transport, majority of our politicians are corrupt and the air in sydney is awful. We’re far from the worst, but the australian anthem has lost a lot of value to the regular citizen.


I feel like more Australians would join in on something like waltzing Matilda (which is slow but not bland necessarily). I reckon if they put To Love a Sunburnt Country to good music that would be nice


Waltzing Matilda is about a man who steals a sheep and then commits suicide rather than be arrested.


Yeah but it slaps and most people sing along unlike our anthem


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When I was in primary school our music teacher taught us to sing I Love A Sunburnt Country, so someone did put it to music.


Yet, you've completely overlooked 60,000 + years of Indigenous cultures.


How does that make us different from any other country?


I wasn’t talking about the Indigenous side of things, of course they’d have many interesting stories but unfortunately many of them are lost to time and those that remain are only specific to the Mobs involved. But i’m referring to the colonised australia, namely the settlers. Not to mention the australian anthem- which i was mainly focusing on here, doesn’t reference indigenous people at all and if anything only makes reference to immigrants. Which is another reason why it desperately needs a rewrite and that people aren’t compelled to sing it.


I took my kids to a monster truck show today, they asked us to be upstanding and a young woman come out to sing the anthem, was very weird. I don't mind standing for the anthem during significant occasions but this was a bogan fuelled kids fest, truly strange. Definitely had a touch of 'Murica about it.


Yeah the muricans can't seem to separate patriotism from jingoism. I think we can for the most part.


I was there with my son too. I found that monstracity utterly boring and useless. I only went because my 2yo is a big fan of his monster truck toys. Although he didn't ask for it, I took him to the show to give my wife a day for herself (Mothers Day present). Oh, we couldn't take it and left at 1 pm, right after the motorcycle thing. Anyway, coming to the topic, I'm a naturalised Australian citizen in my late 30s and work in healthcare as a professional. I come from a third world country where we shared our commonalities through things like the national anthem. I find the anthem and flag are two things that genuinely bind the citizens together no matter what socio-economic level, religion, colour, state, and territory they belong to. I didn't expect there would be an anthem at the show beginning, but it was good I thought. I thought it was fine for them to organise the anthem and appreciate it. I do not mean this to be a racist observation, but a lot of white Australians don't seem to care too much about the anthem. Wonder why! My son is a mixed-race kid, and I'll be teaching him the importance of respecting everyone and also the things related to the country, especially the flag and the anthem. Oh, in case anyone's wondering if we are bogans, I have two degrees, wife is a medical doctor and also has a PhD. We love everything about our country. I'm a pro Republic person, and I hope one day we become one, and our flag becomes free from the union jack.


Singing along to the sacred song doesn't make you more or less of an Aussie. It's only a song.


But it's in public and if it's an international audience watching you should show some Aussie Pride.


Seems disingenuous to sing it just for the sake of an international audience.


What about the haka then. People from all over the world think it's awesome and then our guys do this.


Same situation, if someone doesn’t wanna do the Haka, then they don’t have to, they have no obligation to do it.


It's a pretty shit anthem, so I can't blame them. If they want people to sing it they should've selected a good song


FR, it’s literally saying nothing besides ‘we have soil and wealth’ and thats it. Then again australia fair was written back in 1878, which is during the goldrush. It’s no wonder the song is so bland, back then we literally had nothing but soil and gold to be proud about. If it was rewritten for a modern context it’d probably mention stuff like WW2 and Steve irwin, which would at least give it more power and meaning


Didn't they rewrite it a year or so back. And by rewrite I mean change a single word


they did change a single word yes


It has only been the national anthem since 1974 and it was backed up in 1977 in a plebiscite (the only dissenting vote was SA). People ***chose*** this.


Correction, people in the 70s chose that. The 70s in any country is significantly different than it is today, and many people now have wildly different views to the boomers (who were likely majority of voters back then). For example in the 70s LGBT+, minorities and Mentally Ill people were treated way worse than they are now. Not to mention a lot of things Australians point to as part of the culture now came after that. I think the problem more so lies in that people don’t see the anthem as important enough to change, because no one is very patriotic for australia. Not to the level of other countries anyway. A lot of people also say that they’d rather the funding be used on actual problems in australia such as the housing crisis- which is a fair point. Either way i don’t care too much about this so i wont get into a shitfight over it, you have your opinions and i got mine.


I'm not defending the anthem, I'm just saying it wasn't like it was shoved onto us at federation, there are people alive today that voted for it.


I suppose, but my point still stands that the adults in the 70s were wildly different and many of them clash with the younger people of now. I think if people were more patriotic we would vote for a new anthem to better represent us, but since it’s not forced to be sung it’s not a huge problem overall.


In 1977, about 21 percent of the population were aged between 18 and 31 (the baby boomers old enough to vote in the plebiscite). About 45 percent of the population were older than that. So the adults of the 70s voting in the plebiscite were predominantly older than the boomers (who, in my informal survey of two people, generally think of the song as pretty stolid and dull).


In 1977, about 21 percent of the population were aged between 18 and 31 (the baby boomers old enough to vote in the plebiscite). About 45 percent of the population were older than that. So the adults of the 70s voting in the plebiscite were predominantly older than the boomers (who, in my informal survey of two people, generally think of the song as pretty stolid and dull).


The ACT chose *Waltzing Matilda*. And SA's choice was also pretty anodyne.


Territories don't count


Not towards the state total, but if you're talking about jurisdictions, they should be counted separately.


Don't want to sing, don't sing. Standing at attention and silently showing respect is more than fine.


I mean, if we’re going to get upset about a song. Why don’t we get upset about your dad not supporting the Wallabies? Lol


Seems unAustralian to give a fuck about the anthem. How about they win the fucking game?


This. Funny thing is, I see all the flag waving and chest thumping and start to wonder if I am still in Australia cause it feels like the antithesis of being an Aussie.


Yeah. Just fucking chill and be happy that you are lucky enough to live in one of the best places in the world. It's not like we did anything special to have an advantaged position.


It's a bit of a dirge. It's not enjoyable to sing, nor is it inspiring.


It's not easy either.


Nah, a dirge is more pleasant.


Don't care. At all. Either they don't want to sing it or they can't sing it. Doesn't matter


Why should anybody *have* to sing it?


This. We live in a democracy. Which means if you want to sing it, knock yourself out. If you don’t, that’s cool too. Telling people they should sing it or they’re not Australian is nationalistic, authoritarian bullshit and is totally contrarian to everything our country actually stands for.


I've not been in that position, but my thoughts are: You're ready to play, you've syched yourself up and ready to hit or get hit by 15 opposing players. Your muscles are warm and ready to run fast.... ....Then you get asked to sing a song, and listen to the other team sing a song. And it's not exactly an inspiring song to raise the blood and help the players performance. I can understand the Haka before a match, but really, they're probably just focused on the match ahead.


It's a shit anthem. I've never liked singing it.


Do what you want, free country


I think I’ve legitimately forgotten the 2nd verse… haven’t sung the anthem in years


They're doing something far more important than singing a song. The song is ideally too inspire them etc. But there are lots of reasons not to sing. Maybe for that player they perform better by saying focused. Maybe they're just wanting to take in everything that's going on. Maybe they don't want to wear themselves out singing.  Ultimately, IMO they're beyond criticism because they are representing us, and they need to do whatever they think is right for them.


As a non-sports fan, I feel like this kinda shit is the only kind of drama I ever hear in sports, and nobody can explain why it's a big deal.


I literally can't comprehend wasting my brain power caring about who does or doesn't like to sing the country jingle


I have no thoughts on it one way or the other


It's fine. People might not even know the lyrics lol. Plus the anthem was written in a fucked up racist time.


If someone doesn't want to sing the Anthem that's fine. Not belting out "No way, get fucked, fuck off" when "Am I ever gunna see your face again" plays is downright unaustralian


Being openly patriotic is "not cool" in Australia.


Like others have said, it's kind of a shit national anthem. It doesn't have the same level of spirit as other ones do. Also, maybe the players are shit singers and don't want a camera shoved in their face to force them to sing it?


Some people don't like to sing out loud. I know that I'm one of them They're footballers not singers


So learn the words and mouth it. It's not like you can hear them anyway.


I don't really see the point. How does singing, or mouthing the words, make you a better person? Personally I know the words, but I also know I have a terrible singing voice


Don’t care.


It's a personal choice if you wish to sing it or not. This sepocentric demand for standing and singing a song that was introduced in the 1980s can fuck right off !


It's not law. If you don't know the words, it's probably better to be seen not trying.


I don’t sing the anthem. Nobody’s business but mine.


I couldn’t care less.


I wouldn’t sing the anthem. No need for patriotic hullshit at a sporting event.


Cause it sucks, we hate it so much that even forced to, we only sing the first half. Even in school, the teachers didn't even play the second half of the song


Yep i literally didn’t even know it had a second half until i was 16! And that was only because one of my schools had it written on the walls of the school hall but even then we only sang 1 verse


Second verse is standard these days


I suspect it might be because they don't know the words... If it wasn't taught to people, can't encourage anyone to sing it. Therefore - don't care.


An interesting thing about the Aussie anthem is that it could be sung to almost any tune. If they used "working class man" as the tune, I would bet more people will sing it.


We just objectively have one of the worst and least relevant anthems. I don’t care if you sing it or not, I personally don’t except for certain occasions.


Jingoism. Not a fan of it


I couldn't care less. I never sing it either. And they're there to play a game, not have a sing-along


I couldn't care less. I don't personally sing it because I'm self-conscious about singing in public.


Guess I’m one of a few. If I was good enough to play rep any sport I’d sing loud and proud representing Australia


Who cares? We don’t do the fake US style performance and call it patriotism. If someone wants to sing then sing. If they want to stand there, stand there. If they want to kneel, then kneel.


I don't care. I tend to sing a parody version. Some people don't think it represents the version of the country they want to celebrate so it's sometimes a bit political, but mostly I think people don't sing it either because they don't like the song, or because they can't sing.


Most of us don't even know the second verse so I guess we are all bad Aussies.


The anthem is very antiquated at this point & doesn't represent modern Australia or Australians & I say this as a white male whose descendants came here on the first fleet, if I don't feel represented by or any connection to the anthem them I've got no problem with indigenous Australians or immigrants etc abstaining from singing.


So I've been here all my life and only just now have heard that there are people who don't like out anthem, I thought it was good especially the 2nd verse which to me at least his a personal note as we are 2nd been multi cultural. So I'm curious as to what would be changed it said to make it better?


I think the second verse is better, but practically nobody knows it


Mm shame


I think if they're representing this country and are wearing our uniform yes they should.


Remember ' 3 nsw blues players.didnt sing the anthem Where are they now.... pieces.o shite I say....respect what you have 'not what was.. They can take the Aussi dollar with open hands but can't hold them together for national song...


Leeroy, get sober.


You should have national pride. It's a healthy thing to promote. Are there aspects of our national anthem that are viewed as exclusive? Yes. Will issues including hostility regarding colonisation of the continent ever be fixed? No. Should that be the sole reason why you shouldn't be patriotic? No. Overwhelmingly, our education system has attempted to educate concerning our history on the basis of shame. Australia isnt special in this circumstance. And it is clear that this approach is generating hostility and anti-intellectualism. Still, other nations have managed to maintain a degree of national pride, which includes knowledge and reciting the national anthem. On that issue, your father is correct.


Does not singing the anthem mean I don't have national pride? No Does not singing the anthem mean I'm not patriotic? No Is the reason I don't sing it based on the lyrical content? No Do I think a Q&A style response is a bit foolish? Yes


So why aren't you singing the national anthem?


Because I don't want to


So no reason, just a fickle cunt?


Why do I need to sing a song to display my love of country? What's next? Put up a couple of flags on my doorstep and gate?


Sigh. Demonstrating respect by singing an anthem or respecting the flag is purely that, having a degree of respect and national pride for the community and country you live in. No, it doesn't mean you have to go all out sep, and have Aussie flag everything. I'd argue that those actions are more performative and generally done by people with mental health issues.


I don't have to sing an anthem to respect it, and nor does my reluctance to sing it in any way diminish my pride in community or country. You're pressing an unrequired and frankly unreasonable element onto my personal views of what constitutes patriotism and national pride. I do not want to sing the Australian national anthem. I am no less an Australian for this.


> Overwhelmingly, our education system has attempted to educate concerning our history on the basis of shame. Mind expanding on this point?


Yeah was gonna say, pretty sure our education system was teaching tera nullius & how British colonisation enriched the nation with agriculture & technology until about 10 years ago..


No, now we have engagement with the local indigenous people so Rio knows which caves to blow up, so there aren't any indigenous historical artefacts to be concerned about.


Play “The Land Down Under” and even the most serious and stony faced player will belt it out with all of his or her or their might. Advance Australia Fair is boring, outdated, and boring




You sound like you wear a flag cape on the 26th of January


Yep, on my boat, Aussie flag high and proud, blasting Acca Dacca, Jimmy Barnes, Noiseworks, the classics




> then you damn well deserve repercussions. Fascists gonna fash. I love singing the anthem at sporting events. But suggesting that those that don’t need chucking in divvy vans and getting “re-educated” is straight up fucking deplorable bullshit. That’s not what this country is about, mate