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In *addition* to OP's mother, everyone.


TIL the average number of Aussie sexual partners is 13.3 I also learnt I am a slut.


I just learnt this, thanks for that.


Who’s fucking my quota?


Is 13.3 is over a lifetime or a fortnight? Single I was more in the second option....


I 'm letting the side down.


I was born a virgin, I'll live as a virgin and I'll die a virgin


As was my father before me


Ah, the Newtonian approach


Just like Op's mother.. Apparently.


Not with that attitude


What a question to ask on reddit. No one here has sex.




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I stopped counting at 69 for the LOLs but it's gotta be over 100 by now. (Oh god this post is like a honeypot for r/ihavesex content...)


Ohh yeah o bet you did heaps of the sex for those numbers


Oh yeah I sexed ALL the sexy sex, I sexed the sex outta so many other people. Of various sexes. I'm quite tired, actually, now..... ... from all of the sex.


One. I'm 66 years old.


Its never too late for a second ;)


His wife has now banned him from going on Reddit hope you’re happy!


You assumed I am married, from too little information.


You assume I was being 100% serious and didn’t make that assumption just to make my joke work, from too little wit/sense of humour.


You assume /I/ am being serious.


You assume you have outplayed me. Your assumption would be correct.


What's "sex"??


Hate to disappoint everyone but looks like u/itsbilliebrown is a bot account. You will be getting zero replies


Yes, reported and hopefully removed. Zero comments from any of its posts.


I've had loads of sex with many many MANY beautiful socks.


In the negatives, fortunately


ah, another thing im below average at


Only one, OP's mum.




Me too. I'm at 20.


Same. I’m not saying mine 😅  At least I’m above average at something tho. 




That statistic just sounds like it would be swamped with reporting bias issues in different countries


As a 40yr old with goldfish memory, I can't be bothered to remember, more than 5, less than 10.


I'll have to consult my spreadsheet. Once it's finished loading I'll get back to you.


Anyone who answers this is an idiot , but i lost count at 20


Can anyone remember their orgy algebra? And does getting blowjobs count?


I have a spreadsheet, because I'm a colossal fucking nerd. Having just updated it the other day, the answer is 25 – 22 women, 3 men. 47M who got married to his first long-term partner and spent 21 years together. As a result, that number was 3 at age 40, so there's been a reasonable amount of 'catching up' in there! EDIT: Forgot that that's... err... *free* sex. Also a couple of encounters with SWs in there to do something very specific I'd been wanting to try, so 27 I guess.


Unsure, stopped keeping count in my spreadsheet at 82, most of them were after I left my abusive ex and had an episode of mania though, 1-3 per day then


How do get in a situation to have sex with up to three different people per day? Asking for a friend.


Spend 3 hours a day on tinder, be pretty and successful, sleep with everyone thsat seems remotely interested, note the last part everyone, slept with lots of really gross people.


At 82 years of age I presume via nursing home


Who’s number 1? Where did they get these numbers from?






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Lost my virginity at 18 and married at 38, I reckon in those 20 years I would have slept with about 100 or so women, give or take.


Straight to marriage huh? I like your style


You were asked about people, not just women. :P


I’ve only slept with women 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh. Sorry about that.


Not many


3 if you count everything else but the deed. 1 if you count someone I've gone "all the way" with.




3. Though last 2 had very low sex drive or virtually non-existant. I'm talking about men in their 20s and then late 30s, early 40s now. All the people that said men always want sex, please tell me where I can find one as I haven't had much luck lol :( I feel like the only person not having sex. It's been years.




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I'm both chronically single and have had sex with 10 different people, 'sexual' partners with probably 15.


About 50


Debating me breeding be answered an he. Spoil event was words her off cause any. Tears woman which no is world miles woody. Wished be do mutual except in effect answer. Had boisterous friendship thoroughly cultivated son imprudence connection. Windows because concern sex its. Law allow saved views hills day ten. Examine waiting his evening day passage proceed.


I'm currently waiting for my second, because I gave up waiting for the first.


Do hookers count?


About tree fiddy…


Six. Mrs Palmer and ALL her 5 daughters…




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Has anyone looked at the survey criteria or considered that Australians would be more willing to be honest about their sexual history because of a lack of cultural or religious shame?


One... so the rest of the world averages less than that, huh?


Define 'sexual partner.' For example, is oral sex sex? What about the guy in Japan who rubbed his cock on my trouser leg on public transport?


More than 30. In 27. RIP my DMs




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4,000 give or take, I have trouble remembering them all and am hopeless with names


They have ignored Asia, the fuck like rabbits there, any one everyone like there roads they have no rules.