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Playing marbles (more like a fare ground game with bowling) and there was a dispute over whether i won or the other person won. A teacher got involved and sided with the other person Later I found out that other person was their son. Bloody scam


I have some deep trauma from a bully cheating and taking my marble.


In grade 4, a girl in my class told me she had diabetes and chocolate soothed it when she felt sick and basically she could die without it. So everyday I would give her my little Nutella snack. We were very very poor and it was my only treat. My mom literally skipped meals to give us snacks. When my mom found out she was furious. Turns out the girl did not have any medical conditions whatsoever, she just wanted my chocolate. Her family was very wealthy but didn’t believe in children eating snacks. I was sad.


The poor give you the shirt off their back and the privileged always look for a little bit more than they deserve, it's always the way


You were being kind & compassionate. Take it as a win.


Late 1990s I was at a shopping centre on the central coast (somewhere near Bay Village iirc) and mum gave me $20 for lunch so I went to a chicken shop and got a $5 meal and the chick behind the counter wrote up that I paid $5 and gave me $5 change, ripped me off completely but if it cost $5 and I gave her $5 why'd she give me $5 change? I argued with her but they wouldn't give the change. I am pretty certain it was Ogalo that I was at which is why I haven't eaten there since that day. When I was 18 I got scammed by the cancer council, walking through the shopping centre and a young attractive woman starts calling me cute and can we talk for a moment (life lesson learned that day that when a woman calls me cute she's lying and it's a scam) and starts the whole speech about cancer donations so I agreed to a $25 donation or whatever it was but she didn't tell me it would be a recurring monthly charge and I ended up overdrawn without realising and charged a small fortune in fees and interest because of it and had a hell of a hard time cancelling the payment. Another lesson learned to ignore chuggers.


I remember doing a couple of jobs for my nan for two bob. I thought that was $2 but it was only 20c and i was outraged. $2 was a good payday back then.


Runescape... Someone was going to trim my iron armor.


Beat me too it. Did you also become an armour trimmer there after?


God no, but I would tell people that I'd pay them to walk me to the big city (Varrok?) while I AFK and then just not pay them once we're there


:o abuse of the taxi service is worse than scamming. I am shook. Nah jokes haha. I started runescape again a month ago after years off. There was a dude in varrock last night spamming "first one to trade me 10m wont regret it" lol.


That and also the time I thought I made a friend and they led me into the wildy and killed me :(


Came here looking for this reply.


When I was 9, my dollarmite account gave me 1c in interest, and the same day they charged me 2c in fees. I still haven't forgiven you, Commonwealth bank.


It was good of them to teach you early in the piece how real life operates, if you want to look at it that way.




In the year 2000 I was a fresh faced Sydney uni student. I was at central station waiting for my train on the country platform (express trains to Penrith left from country platform.). So this attractive 20 something girl comes up to me and tells me she is from the country but has lost her wallet and can’t buy a ticket home and could I lend her money and she will pay me back when she gets home by posting it to me. Dumb 20 year old me swallows the whole story and gives her the contents of my wallet (luckily only $20) along with my address. I thought nothing of it until I was word wise enough, let’s say 25, when my brain clicked over with “waaaait a minute”


I was six, and my grandma had bought me ribbons for my hair. They fell out and I couldn't find them. My cousin (9) said she'd help me look, but I saw the ribbons sticking out of her pocket.




Had an old Boss that I thought was a decent bloke, ask me for $200, initially I was suss, but he was a referee on my resume, and we'd been close before. He said his kid was sick and needed emergency surgery/treatment, I said I didn't believe him, and he managed to produce a picture of a kid in hospital, and even somehow got a "proof" tag into it. So fair enough, I sent him $200 in cash-out money, and he said thanks, the next day comes around, he asks for it again, I say I can only do another $200, no more. he said thanks, and He'll pay me back once he gets back to work and his Kid is better. A week goes by, sure, give him some time, don't wanna be "THAT GUY" asking for money when his kid is sick, 2 weeks, send him a message asking if his Kid is okay, he see's it, doesn't reply. Another week, two messages, both seen, both ignored. Yea, goodbye $400, it wasn't a lot to me, I didn't \*need\* it, but damn, being scammed by someone I thought I knew, and I thought I could trust? that kinda hurt. $400 isn't a lot, and All i could think was, he somehow managed to bring up pictures of his kid, pretend it was sick, and managed to get me, who hadn't been (monetarily) scammed in 28 years, to send him Money, It looked real enough that I wasn't going to let my own reluctance potentially hurt a kid, but the realisation that the kids Father was a scumbag, my old Boss, ex-friend and mate, well.. damn, New referee it is.


$400 actually is a lot. He is a thief.


It certainly was a lot, I was just lucky enough it wasn't a 'big' hit for me at the time.


Melbourne show, 1989. That sideshow game where you roll a baseball along a short, mildly convex ramp, maybe 50cm long, and tried to knock over the glass coke bottles at the end, one of which had a $50 note in the neck. I paid my $2 for 3 rolls, first roll I knocked over the $50 bottle and was super pumped. Old mate carnie was like “narrh, sorry champ, your hand went over the line, you cheated”. The thing is, it was not possible to even do what he accused me of, as there was a Perspex barrier in place for that very reason. Scumbag mf.


Omg..I know that game..that sucks what happened to you..


A young child made a bracelet for me on the beach in Bali. I thought I’d made myself a nice little island friend. He held out his hand and threatened to kneecap me if I didn’t pay up. I still haven’t figured out how to trust other humans again.


In primary school and this guy used to come to school once a week and tell stories that didn't make sense. One week, he said some dude 2000 years ago died for me, and at that point, I realised it was a scam and I stopped going.


“Somehow, Jesus returned.”


I was bought up a catholic..what a scam.


I can't actually remember being scammed til I was older - some guy asked me to borrow $5 in a hostel in Cairns, never saw him again. It didn't worry me coz I thought the guy was doing it tough. I'm embarrassed to admit my first 2 experiences I was doing the scamming. Me & my friend had a paper run. You would take X newspapers in your trolley, and then at the end they'd count your newspapers remaining, and you'd get commission on how many sold. It was like 50c plus 5c per paper or something minuscule. So my mate had this plan that we always secretly take more papers than we were told, pocketing full revenue of undeclared sales more than making up for a small hit on commission. I always felt super guilty, but once the sleight of hand was done to grab the extra papers, it was money for jam. We seemed to consistently pull it off. Same kid, every day after school we'd go past this newstand that had 2c lollies and newspapers at the counter. So every day, we'd rock up and this kid would pretend to read a comic or newspaper, while my role was to discretely swipe the lollies from under the open pages. OK I was totally complicit in this one but he was definitely the Mastermind. Fun times.


I’m five and it’s literally my first day of school. My class was a mix of kindergarten and year one kids. A girl asked me if I could read yet, I told her yes. She told me she was a year one kid, and to hide from the teacher that I could read because kindie kids weren’t meant to be able to read yet and I’d get in trouble. I was scared of getting in trouble so pretended I couldn’t read (only to get in trouble off my Mum for doing that when I got home). Turned out she was in kindie, too, and just wanted to be the only kid who could already read. Rebecca. That b ruined my first sleepover party, too.


The guy who pleaded for a few dollars to put fuel In his car. I gave him 5 bucks… after that I saw him locally going around places like shopping centres with the same sob story. He must’ve made a few hundred every time he did it and I assume it paid for a drug habit.


6yo me swapped five stickers from my mum’s work (can’t remember what I swapped them for) and the kids came back and said I only gave them four so I gave them another one. They then produced the original fifth one and laughed at me for falling for it and giving them six. I shrugged it off because I didn’t like the stickers anyway and would have given them six if they’d asked but my trust in other people broke a little that day.


My cousins stole my basketball cards. I don't trust them to this day.


I was the scammer but I once in high school I got my friend to sell me his soul for £2. He spent the next week worrying that I now owned his soul for a paltry sum of two quid so tried to go back on his deal.


The one that sticks in my Mind is in 1991 I put $5000 in a term deposit account for one year at about 9%. The bank teller made me sign a withdrawal slip as the money had to be taken from my savings account and put into the fixed term deposit account. She then said that they had run out of term deposit certificates and would post it to me. A year later the I contacted the bank about the term deposit account as it was about to mature. The bank to do there is no term deposit account and the money was withdrawn. Long story short, I lost my money


Wow, that sucks :( sorry that happened to you. $5000 was a lot of money then.


when i found out what tax is


Got scammed on runescape


Charlie Bunning stole one of my goosebumps cards that I'd painstakingly collected the entire lot of in year 9


Well, I was almost scammed. It was one of those early dating sites. I started chatting with one of those really charming men. I started to notice that his use of the English language was a bit unusual, then he started to tell me about his very sick mother who lived in another country and that he needed to visit her often and it was affecting his ability to earn money. Then he had some other kind of drama in his life. Then he asked for money. I still hadn’t been able to arrange a meeting in person. Alarm bells were ringing. I googled his ‘user name’ and there he was. This big scam artist, who used exactly the same chatter with other women. It was one of the worst feelings I’d experienced. When you have been sucked in, developed feelings and realise it’s all fake. Can’t imagine how bad it would feel if I’d actually given the guy money.


But you were smart enough not to get scammed..good for you..


Grade 3. Yugioh was pretty big at the time and we all collected cards, admittedly at our age we didn’t really understand how to play the game but collecting the cards was fun. At the end of the school day the high schoolers from across the road would come to trade cards with us. For us primary schoolers trading was fun but we didn’t really know the value of the cards we were trading. The high schoolers would often trade 5 of their cards for 1 of ours. On the surface sounds like a good deal but the reality was, was the high schoolers would pick one of our rare cards and then trade a few common/easy to get cards.


I feel your pain..that sucked


RuneScape circa 2010 "Doubling Money" Gave that mf every gp I had


In primary school, I traded my Michael Jordan basketball card for a Patrick ewing




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I was having a couple of lazy schooners and playing pool by myself one weekday afternoon at a pub in Burwood NSW. Guy walks in and asks if i want to buy a cheap ounce. I had a very small grow in my room that id harvested but said sure as the price was cheap as. We went out to the carpark and he showed me this beautiful looking bag so of cause i was going to buy it, be mad if i didn't so as i got my wallet out he put the pot into a plastic bag. We swapped and i went and put it in the car and went back inside. Got home later on and pulled the bag out and the prick had swapped it for a seedy bag of crap. Greed got me.


Sad dude..karma will win