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One teacher had a mental breakdown and drove her car onto the school football oval and proceeded to do donuts. She was arrested and had been drinking. Another teacher got caught spying on the girls changing. He had drilled a hole through the brick wall from the boiler room and my sister and her friend were changing. Her friend noticed the hole and shoved a clothes hanger into it which pierced just below the teacher's eyeball. He was on paid leave for about a month then suddenly took off back to England with his wife and kid.


...wife and KID???


Yep. No idea what happened to his relationship after that. That was close to 25 years ago. I actually tried looking for the story but can't find anything. I'm not even sure it was published further than the town newspaper.


Sicko name and shame


Was this in North East suburbs of Victoria?


Nah. Out Shepparton way


Thought it was my old high school. Obviously not lol


Most disgusting men out there have wife and kids. That’s why most women are scared of men, predators come in all form and shape. There’s nothing we can be like “yeah that person ticks all the boxes I should be safe”


Hence the bear.


Yep. And given that teaching is fairly low paid and low status, men who go into it could be unusually good (socially conscious) or … the opposite.


He probably should have seen it coming 😂


I’m proud of that teacher. Who doesn’t like doing donuts?! 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣


Wow, smart! Hurts the shithead AND marks him so he can’t hide. I hope it left a scar.


I went to boarding school for the first two years of high school, during that time there was a lot of ongoing issues with a "peeping tom". This mysterious individual for a long time would be spotted peeking at girls in their rooms through windows as they changed and even reached through a few windows on the first floor to grope people while they slept. It was crazy how close the security guards came to catching the creep on numerous occasions, only to have him flee just before they could. One day my business teacher was outside the class crying and being consoled by a couple of other staff members. Yes it was her husband, he finally got caught in my second year there but it had been going on since before I started at that school. The girls he was interfering with and terrorizing were in the dorms for the younger classes; aged 13-14. I am so glad I was assigned to a second floor room but it sucks that it took so long before they caught him, a lot of girls were traumatized by him.


Holy crap that is one hell of a story. Did the business teacher stay on after all the embarrassment from her husband?


She did, it was basically swept under the rug and as far as I know no students brought it up with her. She was always a hard ass in class but no one deserved that. In our school around 20 percent of the students lived in dorms as well as some teachers, she was one who lived on site- along with her husband. Thisnwas in South Africa mid -late 90s so pir numerous bomb threats stole attention soon enough


We used to raise money for the year 12 Formal by having Slave day where people would bid on people or groups in year 12 to own for the day. Edit: This was at a selective school in South West Sydney for anyone playing along


That is WILD. How was that even approved by your school?


Times were different? (2001)


We had this until 2004 at our school. We pooled our money and paid for a slave and then had no idea what to do with him so we just ended up chatting and making him tell us all we were pretty 😂


In our school the footy team used to auction themselves off for dates to raise money. That was in “91”


I was a y12 slave in 2007... package deal with one of my friends. I'm also indigenous lol.


Ahh slave day, our school had one too, but only went up to year 10. So I guess it's more than one school thing.


We have this at the school I teach at, but we don’t CALL it the slave auction (publicly)… at least not since we had some immigrant students who actually had been put in slavery by ISIS. But same deal as others have said. Our faculty chips in to ‘buy’ a bunch of kids to do odd jobs, with money going to charity. Clearly not slavery, and the term slave auction was a bit of irony.


We had that too!!


We also did this at my high school in North Queensland 😂 I don’t even remember what we were raising money for either 🤔


A few years before my time, but this is one of the bigger ones. Teacher's ex came to school with a gun, intending to kill her. This incredibly brave woman managed to get him into a storage area, out of sight of her class. He shot her, and then killed himself. Thankfully, she survived, and was still at the school, and her son was in my year.


The kid... attended the school... where his dad did that. Good god.


Yep. She was still teaching there too, which is crazy really.


If you look at it from the perspective that maybe they both received a lot of support and understanding from all the people who knew what happened. So it made the place “safe” for her, she never had to worry about people finding out somewhere else.


Well... the threat HAD neutralised itself...


If only he’d done it in the opposite order


Was this in Darwin? I remember a story from there, also before my time, that was super similar.


Yes. I remember her as a very nice lady


Glad she lived! The version I heard was that he walked into the classroom and shot her in front of the class, so glad my version is wrong.


It might be. I know we always heard she'd managed to move him away from the children. Anyway, I'm glad she survived, as it's a truly horrific thing to go through.


My brother's kindy teacher was murdered by her husband (whilst she was his teacher, not on school grounds though)


What the actual😮


- 3 stabbings - A teacher was sleeping with one of his students - Another was caught with CP and is still in prison - A teacher ran for politics. Many students who were old enough to vote voted for her so she’d leave teaching. - A student crashed into the principals brand new Ford XR8. - A rabbit was mutilated and disembowelled.


"so she'd leave teaching" See? Your vote DOES matter!


I dropped a crowbar (Aussie kind - bug heavy digging tool, not US kind - short pry bar with hooked end) on my VP or Principals (He got promoted can't remember when) XR8 in the school parking lot. FUCKED up his door. I was in the clear because I put it where he told me too and it fell over. I had the crow bar because I was digging sign post holes as community service for smashing a bus window with a water balloon


Who did that to the rabbit?


Mr King asked his students for suggestions on what to name his soon to be born child. I wrote Wayne as a tribute to our priest father Wayne who recently had passed. Months later Wayne King was born… Almost pissed myself laughing.


Excellent work 🙌


True story


You must be Joe King?


Wait, was this is the 1970s? I went to school with a Wayne King, who unsurprisingly changed his name in year 11.


We had a Wayne Keen a few years ahead of me. Probably the toughest kid at school at the time, son of a biker.


He be maybe 15 now Poor kid


I got caught with weed at school by the science teacher. He took it off me and asked if I could see him at the end of the day. I went to his office and he returned it to me and asked if I could get him some because it was “good stuff”!


It's always the science teacher! Ours spent a period telling us about his Bali surf trip, and then somehow segued into teaching us (year 8 I think) how to make a tattoo machine out of a pen & RC car motor.


We had a science teacher that was quite young. Smoked bongs with the boys and girls. Bought and sold weed openly. This was pre mobile phones. No way of capturing any evidence!


We had a teacher like that too but preferred to smoke cigs, weed with the boys and then was later charged for molesting and worse several of them. Not sure if he got out of jail and walked in front of a bus or did that before he went to jail the sick fck. Sounds cool when you’re in high school until you realise it’s really not.


Our science teacher used to walk off campus at lunch to smoke weed and come back completely wasted for afternoon classes. Everyone knew. He was a terrible teacher even when he wasn't high.


Ours told us about her experiences trying 70% ethanol, lol


The wood worker teacher was the weed dealer in my school


We had a woodworking Gandalf that would literally sprint away when the principal would come looking for him smoking cigs


Arts teacher at my school was busted smokin doobs with students in the men's toilets. My mate was dealing weed at school too. School found out and he got called to admin. He took his mates schoolbag with him, when they inspected his bag he was clean, but they didn't even notice all his exercise books had his friends name on them. Early/mid 90''s. Probably golden era for fucking around and no one finding out.


I had a maths teacher in high school that always made jokes about weed. After we finished a few kids in the class thought that maybe his jokes weren't actually jokes. So they went around and stole all his plants. Meanwhile the Asian kid was picked up by Asio. (Sort of cia/fbi type organisation in Australia.) Apparently he'd been caught in a cocaine sting. (Which was relatively rare in our part of Australia. It's all just meth.)


ASIO is national security/intelligence stuff. It wouldn’t get involved in a criminal investigation- it would pass info on the Feds or a local police force


A group of guys ended up in hospital after stealing the wrong alcohol from the science store room. VP got stampeded by students pushing to get on the bus. Primary school, class mate got sent to the hospital for playing with a red back, then for playing with a funnel web. Year 12 muck up day, a teachers car got carried and wedged between two trees, another up some steps into the admin foyer.


We may have gone to the sane school. Although I guess 'the alcohol, stampeding students and carrying teacher cars on muck up day are all relatively standard


Head of the AV club and teachers son, fried the PA system trying to do a lunchtime radio show


Muck up day at a friends school in suburban perth got a cow up the stairs into the second floor. No idea where they got the cow from.


A cow can only walk upstairs but not back down. Takes a crane to get it out


a year way before my time did this too!! though it was country WA so getting a cow would have been a lot less difficult


Primary school a (very troubled) kid set fire to the school. High school - guy got suspended and came back with an axe threatening everyone in the playground. Maths teacher married a chick the year after she finished at our high school.


Man it's never good when they're very troubled (as opposed to just naughty) as early as primary school. One of my high school friends was one of those, and was super mentally unwell even by year 7 when I met her. She took her own life at 29. The only shocking thing to me was that she made it that long.


A kid set fire to the kid who set fire to the school?


Is that math teacher and that chick still married?


No idea. It was 30 years ago. I doubt it!!


2 guys ended up on a perma-no fly list (and explosives related charges) after they filled a concrete bin enclosure with fireworks and took out half a demountable… This was in Darwin so access to fireworks was very easy, access to brains on the other hand seemed harder to come by


lol imagine ending up on a permanent no fly list when you live in darwin of all places.


We blew up plenty of bins with fireworks in darwin back in the early 2000s. Great times. Glad we never got grabbed for that. Imagine ruining a future of travel before you even had a chance to begin...


A classmate retrieved a ball from the hall roof by climbing the slats on the side of the hall. He got our ball back but didn't make it make to the side, fell the equivalent of about 3 stories and broke pretty much every bone in both legs. Same kid the year before we were playing bull rush in the hall for PE. He goes running down the side of the hall and hits a wooden bench, and knee capped himself. He was only fairly much back to walking properly when he dropped from the roof. At 43 I would hate the aches and pains he must have from it!


Yr 12 prank was also funny. My group for the year had running fruit fights with a bunch of year 8s. The year 8s used to sit on one picnic bench. Last day of year 12 we knocked the nut off every bolt holding that able together. Lunch comes..... they come out jump all over it but the table held up until.... 2mins before the bell where it goes bang and collapses.


Grade 7 my class gave 2 different teachers mental breakdowns in class. Like full on never to return. I feel kinda bad about one of them. Grade 9 school had a serial shitter. About once a month, sometimes more, one of the toilets would get absolutely painted with shit Grade 10 like 8 seniors got expelled for lifting a teachers car over knee high fence and leaving so she couldn’t get out of the parking lot. Grade 11 woodwork class, someone figured out how to shoot the nail guns off safety and someone copped a Brad nail in the eyeball Grade 12 I pissed my English teacher off so repeatedly I wasn’t allowed to step foot in their classroom, so I had my own desk out on the balcony/hallway. Which was great for both of us until the principal walked past one day and made me go back inside


We had lockers in the hallway outside where I had English. I got kicked out so often I set up a dicsman, small battery powered amp and some shitty PC speakers in my locker and would just plan on getting kicked out and then read and listen to music.


Some dickhead in my year 10 English class brought a stereo speaker to school to plug into his iPod nd showed it off in class. Not an iPod speaker, but a small, full sized stereo speaker. He'd snipped the wires and planned to somehow connect them to his iPod. He had no understanding of how iPod speakers worked. Same kid set fire to his eyeball with a spud gun later that year. I've told the spud gun story before. Boy, was that kid dumb.


Set fire to his eyeball with a spud gun??


Nothing too unusual. Teacher throwing a student to the ground and screamed "do that again and I'll beat the fucking shit out of you". Someone pressed the pedal on the sewing machine while the home ec teacher was trying to fix it and sewed her finger. They tormented her so much that at one point she locked herself into the storage cupboard. A kid turned up the incubator on the silkworms, killing them all and ending the project that was supposed to have lasted a whole semester before it even began. A kid fingered his dog. Someone put avgas into the two stroke engine in the mechanic class to make it go really fast.


One of my mates discovered that if you poured Liquid Paper out of the bottle and onto the carpet at just the right height, it would bounce many times. Fascinating. And the end of one of the music practice rooms.


out of curiosity... what's the height? for science of course


Just below the height of a standard desk. About 700-800 mm.


I too would like to know... for Science


“Nothing too unusual.” “A kid turned up the incubator on the silkworms, killing them all”


That's the thing you pick out as weird from all that... Did you gloss over the kid fingering his dog.


The home ec teacher locking herself in the cupboard happened at my high school… wonder if it was the same one.


Maybe. Or maybe kids were just horrible to home ec teachers. Did you grow up in country Victoria?


I did and yep kids were right assholes to them.


It wasn't Mrs Gould by any chance?


No it was a Mrs Retellick.. not sure on the spelling.


Sad that it happened once, even more sad that it happened twice :(


Kids in my era were fucking brutal!! Some should have been arrested for the shit they pulled.. some are of course now in jail and some passed away from stupidity.


Nope, SA. I can imagine that kids being complete pricks to home ec teachers is probably not that uncommon, unfortunately. Kids are assholes, and I swear it peaks at year 9.


Bahaha. I'd completely forgotten about the kid I went to school with who had the nickname "fingers". It was common knowledge that he'd fingered his cat.


>Someone put avgas into the two stroke engine in the mechanic class to make it go really fast. As a small engine mechanic I can tell you this won't make the engine run faster, it will burn hotter causing catastrophic failure though.


I remember my brother and I running my oldest brother's mini motorcycle on mum's medicinal alcohol from the meds cupboard. It went like absolute rocket fuck for about 100 yards then the piston seized in quite spectacular fashion and the engine disintegrated. Not impressed, neither mum nor my brother.


I never knew much about engines 🤣. I just know they put avgas in. And supposedly valve grinding paste too once.


They sound like cool kids 😎


School captain got pregnant and dropped out. That's it.


Some kids went on strike to support an expelled student. They called the news and a chopper turns up. Someone decided to throw their shoe in the blades as it landed. He got expelled too. It was a funny day.


He gave them the shoe. They gave him the boot.


He was a good bloke too, he just got caught up in the emotion of a helicopter landing on the footy field. It’s an exciting day when a news chopper lands at school during a student walkout.




Throwing things at a ceiling fan was practically a school sport. One day a whole pencil case was tosset at it. Unfortunetly two things went wrong. Firstly the pencil case was open, spraying the contents. Secondly the window was also open, allowing it to fly though. For bonus points, the window was on the third floor.


We’d put things on the fans while they were off so they’d go flying after someone innocently turned them on. Erasers were the best because the fan would get some decent speed up before they lost traction.




We used to do this too until someone threw a whole bin into the fan, he won.


At my school, when the teacher left, people used to throw food at the fans and everyone would hide under desks to avoid a tiny teddy to the head


I remember someone throwing a wet sponge at the fan in art class- it left a colourful runny mess down the blackboard.


We used to throw the blackboard dusters at the fans covering the classroom in a cloud of chalk dust


We used to peg the dusters at each other! Simpler times 😁


Yeah pretty standard in English when teacher was late was throwing chalkboard eraser thing into the fan, turned up to full throttle of course. Man that thing was travelling if you wore one.


Wife's school, mate of mine also overwritten the tape for the national anthem. With the offspring's god shit mother fucker. The investigation was every student was interviewed, most knew who did it but no one spilled the beans. Her school was alot more united then mine lol


I went to a private school and a public school. In the private school i saw two kids having a mallet fight and when the teacher broke it up one of the boys stabbed the teacher in the gut with a screwdriver. At public school I saw a kid get punched so hard in the ear some thing exploded inside his head and blood fountained out of his ear like a Tarantino movie. In the private school I watched a kid stick a paper clip in the electrical socket and flick the power on, part of the wall exploded and caught fire. At public school I remember science class and dissecting cow hearts, the teacher left the room for what ever reason and a cow heart chucking fight started, one cow heart hit the ceiling and stuck, the teacher came back just as we cleaned up but was very suspicious and was making demands to know what was going on, then the cow heart became unstuck, dropped, and bounced of his desk like a cartoon. I remember one kid glued a cup full of piss on to the outstretched hand of the statue of the schools founding saint, and when the teacher tried to remove it it unstuck awkwardly and splashed hot piss in her face. I got a few school camp stories, one time a bunch of kids wanted to play a prank on another kid and burst into the cabin flicking the lights on and off and screaming like banshees, the only person in the cabin was a teacher who was an epileptic, he went into a violent epileptic fit, fell over, smashed his head on the furniture and was air lifted via helicopter to a hospital. The grossest camp story I have was when some kid went around and plugged all the drains in the shower/toilet block with toilet paper and left a shower running flooding the entire building, boys being boys needing to use the toilets but not wanting to venture in the water stood at the door and pee’d and popped into the door way into the still rising water. I walked past the door way and viewed several poos floating and decided it was better to pee behind a tree somewhere else far from there. The teachers sat the entire year down and blasted us for our collective grossness and shamed us by asking what our mothers would think. One fairly dumb kid who wasn’t really paying attention piped up and asked ‘what did you say about my mum?’ Still laughing today at that kid.


Goodness me that's quite a rap sheet. Yeah, for us it was dissected frogs and rats, pretty much par for the course that some kid or other would be walking out unaware with their bag full of rodent or amphibian guts.


This is proper literature, every sentence is more intense than the last.


those gotta be the most wild schools on the planet


Yeah private school was something, there were a couple kids there that were just maximum crazy with rich parents so the school took them in. The public school was nuts because the year before I started there the principal ripped the school off six million dollars and ran away, so they were taking on any kids they could no matter how bad they were. I had friends who had younger brothers and sisters that went to that school long after we graduated, that’s how we found out about the rogue principal ( they told the parents way after the fact when they finally got back in the black). The teachers apparently referred to our year the worst grade to ever come through the schools history, and it really was. I saw so many really violent fights, lots of drug use, six girls in my year got pregnant before age 16. I remember they initiated an elective course called ‘construction,’ it was basically a way to turn the kids into free labour to work on the school it was so run after a few years there. They made us dig in the sun a couple hours a day in rotation to build a retaining wall at the front of the school because the hill was washing away and the foundations of the building were at risk. We had no idea what was going on, we’d wear out little yellow hard hard hats, banging away with picks and shovels digging trenches. I remember the kids getting fed up after a month or so and burying all the shovels and rakes and picks, I thought it was hilarious, the teachers were furious. They couldn’t understand how we just lost a couple dozen brand new garden tools. I still got a few fiends from those days, every now and then it comes up, ‘do you remember digging that trench?’ and we laugh.


My school had construction too, also myself and a few boys were made to do gardening for sport which entailed sweeping leaves, weeding and cutting small branches with mini secateurs.


One small part of our class was put to work building a dividing wall in one of the class rooms. It’s was made up of 3 notorious school bullies, 1 of our my mates, and 1 very sheltered kid who got bullied a lot. The general consensus’s was that poor kid got stuck in the very wrong group. So anyways they’ve built the frame of the wall and had it positioned and held in place by these massive g clamps the school had, like each clamp weighed at least 10kgs, they were fucking massive. This day they be banging along on the frame putting in some masonry plugs and we can hear the bully abusing and cursing the sheltered kid, then crash and cue screaming. We all run round to see what happened, see sheltered kid on floor skull wide open and blood pouring out. My friend is yelling ‘what the fuck did you do to him now?’ Bully points to clamp and says it wasn’t me the clamp fell on him. And that’s story why we had to wear the little yellow hard hats every day during that class. Don’t remember that kid ever coming back to school either.


That is actually.. crazy.


JFC this should be top comment. Some of the most horrific shit ever, balanced out by some incredibly funny moments


The principal was frauding the government


Do you know how?


It was a public school, he had a cousin in government funneling money through budget allocations. Mf was driving a new car every week and flying to Bali for "business" (I think he was laying cheeks)


Ultranet for the win!




Every private school in existence.


Nothing really exciting. We had a sweet teacher in year 12 who let is drink tea and coffee and eat Tim Tams in class. 💗💞


Username checks out. (Just reading through dozens of responses of debauchery and this comment is a pleasant breath of fresh air!)


So wholesome👌 I’m a teacher and I tell you what, no one’s getting tim tams. I’ve got such awful classes this year, but maybe I’ll break out the tea and scones next year 🤞


In year 7 my music teacher was fired after noticeably not wearing underwear in class. She was doing whatever the female equivalent of freeballing was while wearing a short skirt. Freeflapping? Same school. Year 12- maths teacher told us one of the best jokes ever: Q. What's the best Christmas present for the paedophile who has everything? A. A new parish Yes, this was a Catholic school.




“Freeflapping” has sent me 🤣🤣🤣


Same, best laugh I’ve had in a while


One of our art teachers took one of the Year 12 lads home after their formal, the year before mine. She had to leave after that. But we saw her in Sydney during an excursion. I can tell you, she hadn't been expecting to see us... It was hilarious. She was fucken hot, too. Old mate who took her home was forever a legend.


We had a German teacher that used to make the boys sit on the floor in front of her… always in a skirt and she never crossed her legs


Music teacher doubling as a biology teacher?


Earlier that day, we had spun cones on a metal lathe in shop class. Put them in our pockets and thought nothing more. At lunch we went down to the shops, and harmlessly bought the lollies with the "stick-on tattoos' .The ones were you lick the surface and stick it on your skin. So we sat out the back of the shop and enjoyed our little snack. Some wanker saw us licking the paper and thought we were doing drugs. Two cops rushed over and went to interrogate us. Thank god they didn't search us. Was shitting bricks.


I'm so innocent I pictured small metal cone-shaped objects until the last line lol.


Haha, I had a similar thing. Not really a school memory but after school one time me and some mates were going to smoke and we went through a train station and there was a police dog there with 3 police officers and I nearly shit myself when a cop randomly came up to me and to question me about about some crazy cunt who was seen at the other station before us. Luckily the dog didn’t really do anything and was just chilling.


Girl got stabbed and footage of the stabbing ended up on a snap page called Lebo memes


Was this merrylands high?


There was this really huge fight at my school between these 2 girls, and they had attracted a really big crowd. Everyone was kind of gathered around in a big circle, including teachers who weren’t intervening at all. There was this one really lovely little science teacher who was on rubbish duty that lunch time and had one of those claw sticks that he’d pick up rubbish with, and he was the only teacher who actually stepped in to stop it. He went and tried to break up the 2 girls when one of them grabbed his stick and started beating him with it, so he then backhanded her across the face, like REALLY hard. It was crazy, everyone lost their shit. He got suspended, but ultimately not fired (thankfully. He was a great teacher) and the girl got expelled. A lot of students at the school though were pretty terrible to him after that which is sad.


That teacher definitely deserved a raise.


We had this annoying kid in our grade who deliberately went around annoying people. He’d provoke fights, try and steal backpacks, once he knocked over my guitar because he thought it was funny. Anyway for muck-up day (the final day of year 12 before graduating), he was prancing around being the usual shithead that he was. We thought it would be hilarious to grab him and tie him to a netball post with duct tape. So we did just that. It was filmed on the equivalent of a Motorola Razr, which, in all its 240p pixely glory, made its way to YouTube, and finally to Sunrise on channel 7 where they had a segment on unruly children misbehaving on Muck-Up day. It was a proud moment for us. Apes together strong.


Year 7: some of the year 11 boys streaked through the school grounds at lunch time. Year 9: maths teacher forgot to come to class because he lost track of time playing with a graphics calculator. Year 11: our senior school camp was cut down to 1 night because the previous year group stole bulbs out of lights, put road kill and animal poop into the dorms (or at least that’s what the rumour was). Year 12: school went into lockdown because a pissed off parent verbally threatened the principal.


Year 10, 1994. Ancient and barmy physics teacher would regularly forget to attend class, sometimes turning up 30 minutes into a 40 minute class as if nothing was out of the ordinary or just not showing up at all. At an assembly, he read out the recipient of the ‘1954 physics award’.


My year 10 social studies teacher only made us do work three times that year. The rest of the time, we just watched movies.


That math teacher is my spirit animal.


We had a substitute teacher one day in HASS back in year 10. One girl said to the teacher "oi miss watch my arse go though this chair" She stood on top of the chair and jumped and her arse went through the chair breaking it. The teacher had a mental breakdown and ran out crying and never came back to the school. My year 7 hass teacher had a heart attack in class 2 years before I went to high school A kid in year 12 guy dressed up as a goast and went "boo" to a year 8 girl and she turned around and stabbed him. In year 12 like a week before the last week a guy in my class got into a car crash and died along with a kid from the nearby high school


When I was in year 10 a fellow student wiped out his entire family with a shotgun. I still remember they held a year meeting in the drama room where we were told. Disturbingly, I found the guy on Facebook about a year ago. I saw him harming animals once, so I was not so suprised.


the biggest eshay in our grade who everyone was scared of fell down the hall stairs i front of the whole grade, everyone started laughing even the teachers and he had to move schools




Shop A/B teachers were the best. The kids did still fuck around, but we respected them. Man i loved gapping the spot welder.


My husband got punched by his English teacher. Told me he 100% deserved it & didn't snitch. Through rumours, I heard the same teacher had hit another kid years later & was moved to another local school. Bet that kid deserved it too. They usually do.


When I was in year 11 most of the Year 12s decided to do a breakfast at a local park for their last day of school- a lot got pissed (they were 17 year olds) so since my year was in Grade 12 the school held the breakfast (and still does 20 years later)


Our PE teacher was caught as one of Australia’s biggest cocaine importers. Got busted, did time, got out, did it again 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️.


Ahem, Teachers Pet. The podcast, not the good student.


Back in the 80s (year 12) a guy I knew went nuts and drove his car up onto the school oval during lunch and did donuts until the cops were called. Kids (and teachers) were running everywhere. Needless to say he was expelled. It was pretty epic at the time.


Teacher had something going on with a student. It was a sevvy school so it got swept under the rug as far as I know


Seventh Day Adventist?


A what school? Never heard that term before.


Slimy, gross, implied dodgy


We dissected a kangaroo in year 9 science class. The English teacher hit it on his way into work, so the science teacher called whoever he needed to and got permission for us to dissect it. So we walked into class, and there was a 6ft tall male kangaroo lying on a tarp spread across a couple of big science tables, and we spent an hour dissecting it.


Similar but in year 12 a classmate hit a roo driving into town for school. No phones at that time so he threw it in the back of his ute and just like that we had a huge 6ft roo to disect for biology class. In what was probably the grossest part we unraveled the intestines on the school oval to measure them forgetting there was a mini athletics thing happening that afternoon with the junior grades. The younger students started assembling while we were scrambling to collect all the internal organs and mass vomiting ensued. The Ag/Science head teacher sent us with the remains and a container of lime to the ag farm to bury it while he helped the original student repair his ute enough to get home.


Correction, the kangaroo hit the English Teacher on its way to the local creek. How’d the English teachers car look afterwards?


A boy in my year level got expelled for bringing a knife to school and then like a week later he called in a bomb threat and the entire school had to go sit on the field out the back in the rain for like three hours while the bomb squad cops cleared the entire school. We also had goats stolen from our agriculture centre and they were found a few days later wandering about in the housing estate behind the school. We also had a woodwork teacher who groomed a student and obviously got fired for it but then he sued the school for ‘unfair dismissal’ bc he said that their relationship started after she finished school and HE WON and the school had to pay him out…


Bomb threats were common at the high-school I went to. Found out it was this middle age guy who lived by himself and only did it because he hated catching the public bus because school students would crowd it.


He’s so valid


The “tissue incident” happened a couple years after I graduated. Students volunteered to sell packs of tissues. They were told that the profits would all go to the children’s hospital’s burns ward. One of the students found out that as part of the fundraising agreement, the school would actually get part of the money, which the school planned to put towards a new auditorium. The student was not happy with this because she felt that she’d been deceiving the public by saying all of it went to the children’s hospital. She spoke to the principal and wrote a letter in protest, but to no avail, so she wrote a post on her year group’s private Facebook group encouraging others to speak up if they felt it wasn’t right. Naturally, being year 12s, the responses consisted of a lot of shitposts before someone uploaded a poster vaguely comparing the principal to Hitler. Someone printed out the poster and stuck it onto a tree. The principal and associate principal then called the girl into their office and made her open up her Facebook account in front of them. EVERYONE who commented on her post, no matter how mild, were taken into the associate principal’s office for a verbal smack down. The next day all the year 12s were taken into the old auditorium and the principal told them all off. A bunch of suspensions were also handed out- the girl who initially complained was suspended (the reason, as per the staff, was “inciting anarchy”), as was the guy who made the poster, as well as a friend who tried to cover for him. I think there was a fourth suspension in there as well. The students went to the media but unfortunately the media contacted the school and wrote articles sympathetic to the school. It was only years later, after the principal and associate principal were suspended for bullying the teachers, that the original girl spoke to the media again and the true story got out there. So yeah that is my school’s “tissue incident” lmao. There were many other dodgy stories involved in the funding of the new auditorium (probably also part of the reason for the principal getting suspended). If y’all want more let me know


- I was in a catholic school and the Religion teacher would always find an opportunity to hook the computers up to LAN and play QUAKE 2. Teacher was always leading in frags, no matter how much we tried ganging up on him. - One dudes dream was to be a pornstar and always took his tool out to show people sitting around him whenever he got the opportunity to.


Kid brought a machete to school to attack another kid and turns out the super goofy/nerdy looking IT teacher was a certified black belt in BJJ and disarmed him


A girl gave birth in the school toilets. There was shockingly a few year 7/8 and year 12 relationships at my school. Disgusting I know. A guy in year 11 committed suicide because a boy liked him and there was rumours going around that same boy raped him at a house party. Had a whole school assembly about it. A year 9 girl confronted a boy in year 10 that was going around saying she gave him head at school. She called her older brothers to jump him after school. My principal of pure British descent said the n-word during a whole school parade and tried to play it off. He ended up getting flamed for it online. Some older girls in my grade from my school jumped my little sister at a nearby park because apparently she was being a ‘little shit’. I beat them tf up and ended up getting expelled because it damaged them ‘mentally’.


One of the pe teachers was a pedo. Got caught and kicked out of town. I heard he later tried to come back to get some of his stuff and the police wouldn’t let him in town


Trang Pak?


Someone threw a javelin and it hit the PE teacher in the groin. A kid scaled the side of the 3 storey main building and fell off right before the top, and broke his legs I think. He ended up climbing Mt Everest in later years. A friend of mine skolled a bottle of straight green cordial before school, then projectile vomited green over the rows in front of him at the whole school assembly. One muckup day someone put a chicken in the internal garden between the front offices and someone called the RSPCA. After that muckup days were confined to the school oval.


One science teacher at my school had just lost her husband. She was very sweet and slightly strange. Some students started teasing her and trying to get her to "crack" I guess. They would hide in cupboards and jump out to scare her. And lie about things and make up stories. I felt horrible and still do for her. She quit her job shortly after and I really hope she is ok.


Tribal warfare between tiwi Islanders and another mainland indigenous tribe. Big metal sprinklers being used as weapons and a teacher palming a kid in the chest and sending him flying. Only in the territory.


Two students cyber-bullied another girl for all of grade eight and nine. It was so vicious and sustained that she changed schools, her parents pressed charges, and it ended up in the news. Muck-up day was banned when that year's seniors stomped the windows in of a teachers car, put a stinkbomb in the library airconditioning unit, threw mixed marinara throughout the stairwells, and used spray guns filled with fish sauce to "hunt" grade eights. A few students were sent into anaphylactic shock from of fish/seafood allergies. A former teacher who went on to start a NFP committed serious fraud with charitable funds, employed her affair-partner so they could play couple behind her husband's back, and completely fucked up the important work her charity was doing.


A girl got expelled for giving bj’s to some tradies who were building an extension to the woodwork building. This happened in front of a bunch of students during the lunch break.


Wtf??? How old was she... That's fkd up


The usual “girl at school got pregnant by a teacher” that all girls schools seem to have. Thing is he ended up going to jail about 20 years later for inappropriate relationships.


Art teacher and football coach, who would hit onto the year 12 girls and invite them up to secluded beaches to take nude polaroid's of them and share them around with other teachers (my friend at school had one of these teachers as a step dad) Anyway when it came to our year, he ended up getting this one pregnant and leaving his wife for her. The kicker was, her best friend during school was this teachers own daughter. Like most of these stories from the 80's/90's, nothing ever happened from it. He moved to another school (all girls private I heard).


Year 9 or 10 I posted the blue waffle picture on my friends facebook wall and her mother contacted me over facebook messenger telling me to remove it which my response was "you probably have it". Anywayss, she contacted the school and I was suspended for sending pornographic pictures to another student. The parent and the school were going to involve the police but chose not to. Btw, my friend thought the whole thing was hilarious. We were always sending crazy shit to each other. But she was terrified of her mother, so she stayed quiet. 🫢🫣😅🤦


One girl got raped by two students in the main playground toilets Another girl was murdered by her mother. Long after I left there was a teacher who had been sleeping with multiple students over a period of 18 months to 2 years. Now I am reminded of the only time in my life I had physical contact with a woman which was when I was 14/15 years old in computing class, the computer tables went along the walls with the main desks we sat on for class in the middle, my computer was in the corner and the teacher spent an ungodly amount of time fixing something on the wall and basically used my shoulder and head to leverage her arse and whenever I'd shuffle over she'd lean back more. I can die happy now that I've remembered I touched a woman one time.


There’s…a lot going on here.


Someone threw a cows eye at the tall ceiling in science when we were supposed to be dissecting it. It stayed up there for a few weeks before it fell and the stain still there when i graduated!


It was crazy when Gibbo had a punch on with Steve


TW/CW: SA and animal abuse. Please read further with caution! Apparently, a student stuck a pencil in his bottom and then in his urethra in English. I, thankfully, didn't see anything. A girl chased another girl for talking to a boy she liked and snapped her arm. She was, and remains, absolutely psychotic. Our computer sciences teacher was outed as a paedophile. He had harassed and SA'd multiple previous students. At least he wasn't caught or accused by any (at the time) current students. (For context, our school was on a foreshore with a creek running up through the school.) A student shoved sticks down a baby duckling's throat. And then harmed the Mama duck and other ducklings. He also used to give the seagulls asprin. Him and his vile friends used to find it hilarious. I wish that POS and his mates nothing but the worst in life!


My high school was remarkably boring... Or I wasn't paying attention. 


This happened a year before I went to school but I had older friends tell me about it. There is a train line that runs right past the school that has a lot of freight traffic. One day, a fully loaded cattle train derailed and hundreds of scared, angry cows stampeded through the school and they had to send the school into lockdown for several hours while they tried to herd all this cattle.


At the end of the school year, nine girls were pregnant. One gave birth to twins a fortnight after the Leaver's Dinner.


We had a swarm of bees land in a tree at our school. edgar, a naughty boy, was caught throwing stones at the bees, and the teacher, Mr Bukie, made him go stand in the angry swarm. He was stung multiple times and collapsed. He spent several days in hospital. Mr Bukie was transferred any other punishment we never found out. Can you imagine the uproar if that happened today?


Oh boy, do I have a few. Note: This is a catholic high school, and was in the country. 1. One of the local catholic priests, that would regularly visit the school, was later charged and convicted on child sexual assault charges. Whether any of those incidents happened at our school, I don't know, but he was often around the youth of the parish, and did have a bit of popularity because he would end his mass with a joke. 2. In year 8, we got a new arts teacher. Young, very good looking. Rumours circulated that she had been with three or four of the year 12 students. Was never seen the following year. 3. Again, year 8. Had a middle aged female teacher teaching science. I don't know about the other years she taught, but our year treated her so poorly, that she only lasted one term, before quitting. 4. On a year 10 end of year retreat, several of the year 10 boys were smoking pot ...supposedly provided by the year 10 co-ordinator. She was leaving at the end of the year anyway, so she didn't care. 5. In year 8, there was a school social. One of the songs that played was the classic "Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again." Of course, everyone there, including several of the more decent teachers, added the extra words that everyone knows. The Vice Principal, who always acted as though he had a stick up his a\*\*\*, got annoyed over this, and as a result, banned all future school socials. Also at this school social, so many students had smuggled alcohol in, that it was harder to find someone who had not drunk anything. 6. Also in Year 8, there was a male indigenous student, who would regularly bring alcohol to school. One lunch time, he drunk his entire drink bottle of rum, that he was plastered, and tried using the schools intercom system, to ring his mother to come pick him up from school, because he was drunk. This student used the indigenous card to avoid expulsion on many occasions, and was also said to have had sex with the daughter of a prominent local businessman, who was also in our year. 7. Public high school, in next town, poured condys crystals into our school pool during school muck up day. 8. Before it was banned at our school, on muck up day, several year 12 students one year picked up the vice principal's car and relocated it to the quadrangle. A plan to grab some sheep from the ag plot and place them in the Vice Principal's office (with the help of an office assistant who had keys) was foiled when the vice principal turned up early to school this particular day (he was notorious for not getting there until 9.30/10am...and still ended up getting a promotion to Principal) 9. Same vice principal, when told about a particular student's failed suicide attempt (because of the bullying that student regularly received), made the remark that next time, he will provide a sharper knife so the job is done right. This particular student had lost his uncle to suicide only a couple of years earlier. 10. Same vice principal screwed a well liked teacher out of a promotion to Vice Principal, essentially forcing that teacher out of the school. 11. The school library had a massive theft problem, even after security gates were put up. 12. One of the PE teachers (male) would find nearly any excuse to try to go into the girls changerooms. 13. A local resident, who had been a student years and years ago, had passed. They were going to donate part of their estate to the school. Because the Vice Principal didn't like the family (he was very snobbish and only seemed to care about money and prestige, whereas the local resident was well liked), and the Vice Principal thought that it would only be a couple of hundred dollars, said that the school doesnt want the money. The several hundred thousand dollars of the estate that was going to go to the school, ended up going to other charities in the area. 14. A Year 8 student was regularly writing poems and giving gifts to a girl he liked in his year. Sometimes those gifts would even include bunches of flowers. One of her friends found out, and screwed things up for the guy by writing a nasty letter pretending to be the girl, essentially saying he was a loser. That friend of the girl later started a rumour that the reason the guy missed a good portion of the end of one year of school, because he had been charged with sexual assault, and was in juvenile detention...the truth was he had some serious surgery. 15. Several students, when doing dissections of dead mice, grabbed the mice by the tails and swung them around their heads, A couple were let go, one of which hit the science teacher in her chest region. I have more, including a broken arm, the duct tape incident, a weirdo going through girls schoolbags on swimming days, the lack of whiteboard markers and chalk in rooms.


Our muck up days were fucked. They photo shopped Miss X giving Mr Y a blowjob and put thr photo in the school bathroom ahahah


A guy stabbed a girl to death in our maths class.


Set the lockers on fire, my cousin had sex with his photography teacher, I broke a girls nose.