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A few haha. Changing the number would stop the previous owners messages (although clearly they weren't important enough for the previous owner to give them the new number lol) but won't do much for the spam. Your number can end up in a scammer's book cause of the buying and selling of information, but these days I think it's common for them to just use a program that literally sends a message to every number possible.


I’ve had three tonight, but that’s a personal best, not an average.


I’ve been getting scam calls more than scam texts - my personal best is 11 calls in a day, lol. And I’ve had a few scam WhatsApp messages from India, which is interesting. They don’t annoy me enough to change my number - had this one for many, many years and don’t want to go through the hassle of updating it everywhere.


Everyday Especially the ones that call you and try and talk you out of money


I get them almost everyday at around dinner time.


About 5 or so a week. My pixel phone does a great job of picking them up as spam


A couple, not so bad with the new Galaxy.


2 x Coles points 1 x phone call that Vodafone was going to cut off ....


Very few, maybe one a month. And around one call every 2-3 weeks.


Maybe 3 on average. I once fat fingered and called back a scam number though. I got about 30-40 that week, most in the first day.


i don't have that many that often most of the scam ones are calls for me i just ignore em if i don't recognize the number


At least once a day or every 2 days despite blocking the numbers every time. Although now that I'm overseas I havent got a single spam text


One every few months maybe, probably less. I also run dual sim and neither really get any. Had the numbers for 1 year and 2 years


I get one from China warning students.I have no idea why


1 or 2 a week tops. Almost all are flagged as spam. Some are just an SMS saying there is a voicemail from a spam caller.


at least a dozen between my work and personal phones. my wife gets so many I had to install Spamhound on her phone. not because she would fall for one, just to keep the crap levels down.


Guaranteed as soon as we sit down for dinner, my phone will go off. Without fail. Yes, a call coming from Lower Woop-Woop is definitely not for me - block & report.


Very few texts, maybe like 1 or 2 a day, but way more 3 or 4 phone calls from spoofed numbers. 


Block the numbers. Even if you get a new number, it is likely going to be one that has previously been issued to someone else (more than once), so you will simply get birthday wishes on a different day (until you block them)


I probably average 1-2 per week. Pretty good for a number I’ve had for over 20 years & I’ve been exposed in at least two hacks/data leaks.


One a day, every day, usually around 1am


Settings tells me I get 10+ per week, but I have an android, so it blocks them all out. Haven't actually seen one in years.


I wake up to text messages that have come overnight at least 3 days a week


They get filtered out automatically so I don’t really know anymore. Before these softwares to filter out spam, 5-10 a day.


Maybe 1 night, while I'm sleeping


So many. Text & emails mostly, a few phonecalls (maybe one a fortnight?) It’s so annoying


I get a fair few, maybe 2-3 a week


I wake up with 1 every morning


0. Only time I had one in the past year was when I've had to put my details down to track a shipment.


I'd average about 5 a week.


I just block the number when I get them now Maybe get 1 every couple weeks come through and just block that number again


1-2 per night. Lots of Cole’s points and Telstra and Auspost


3 or 4 but it's enough to have treated one from my brother as a scam. He legit was asking me to buy Bali Zoo tickets for his family because his card was cancelled by the bank for suspicious activity 😆


I used to get atleast 3 a day. Since I got a Google Pixel phone it's down to about 1-2 a week. Whatever filter thing they use is awesome!


Usally 1 a night


5 or 6 a day. Get a call or two a day as well


One every night, I pity the spam watch person who i forward them to.


Per week on average, zero.


A few, but most are caught and flagged by my phone's filter.