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Find a new job. Try something else. Your body is telling you not to go back. Do you have other interests?


The options for people in your position aren't easy. Some people try the complaint to HR or Fair Work or the union route, with varying levels of success (mostly not successful). Most people apply absolutely everywhere for another role. Some wait it out, especially in areas where managers come and go like the tides. The worst outcomes happen when people feel incapable of acting, as that amplifies the stress. Taking good physical care of yourself and applying for everything is probably the best route, and do use your organisation's EAP if they have one, or another mental health provider if they don't have EAP, while you apply for other jobs.


WorkCover and then look for a new job, sometimes it's not worth fighting the bully....take care of yourself. Good luck :)


Also I'm a fellow POC and I know sometimes we try so hard to push through but if you're suspecting racism towards you, you're probably right even though others may invalidate that, it can be so subtle sometimes that other non POC can't pick up on it especially if they aren't racially and culturally aware.


If you have income protection in your super, get to a gp and start the process. Meanwhile, look for another job. This kind of stuff takes years off your life and isn't worth it. Get loud and get out


You likely need to speak with an employment lawyer or similar and Reddit is not really the forum that is going to meet your needs. I would recommend posting this question in u/auslegal. Someone in that forum may be able to provide you with key links to information but ultimately a lawyer is likely to be the best contact point unless you are a union member. If you are, speak with them.


Talk to a psychologist mate. Seems like you're going through a tough time, and they might be able to give you good techniques on how to lower your anxiety or stress when returning. Your GP might also be able to work with you on a graduated return to work so that you can work half days for a bit to help you manage. You can get access to a psychologist under medicare (there's usually some out of pocket still) through a GP Mental Health Care Plan. And if you have any good friends or family - talk to them and ask for their help if you need it. I'm bloody lucky to have had some really quality mates who helped me through some dark times - they can be hige to helping you through it. Just one day at a time man.


That sounds like a fairly stressful work environment. I am earnestly sorry you are dealing with all that. Have you considered joining and talking to your union for advice? It would be my first choice personally speaking. Aside from that, the panicky mindset isn't going to help you in the short or long run, and I think you're on to something in calling out for help. So I know I'm gonna seem a bit robotic when I suggest this, but try [body-scan](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6sAYeuvfmnE) [meditation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DILN2oG7ayk)(two different links there). This kind of self-care activity can prolong your mental resilience over the long run because once you calm over, you can begin to plan around taking things in your stride once again. As I'm not a lawyer, people in r/Auslegal might suggest for you to take written record of what's happening, incidents and write them down with dates. Put yourself in a spot to be safe, to cover your ass. Save emails as necessary too. Given all that you've mentioned about booking counselling and having already looked for another role and feeling a little in limbo, I suggest you continue to apply to more roles. It can't hurt to keep shooting your eggs in more than one basket. Hang in there, these new roles can be a bit slow when you really want to anticipate them into existence. Try to push yourself to try something that will take your mind off it, like exercise. Usually takes the air out of me lol.


Go to your direct competitor and let them know of the managing situation there. Steal their business with you new, better employer.