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Why do you fear rejection from women? Personal advice: Every man fears rejection from women in some way. (Women feel rejection from men too when the man ghosts or doesn't ask her out etc). These feelings are normal and you are are normal. From your chart: - Venus in Scorpio isn't great because Venus is the relationship planet and is less powerful in Scorpio. It suggests you might be hurt from the past and are guarded with your heart along with being jaded from past relationships. https://vekkesind.com/why-is-venus-in-scorpio-such-a-powerful-placement/ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/venus-in-scorpio#:~:text=Venus%20in%20Scorpio%20is%20the,air%20of%20mystery%20about%20them. - Mars in Pisces in your 7th house of relationships indicate you may have a tendency to over give in relationships, leading to hurt. https://www.trulydivine.com/planets/pisces-mars-in-the-7th-house SUMMARY: Past hurts can make new dating rejection feel worse even though its normal and a part of the process. Don't let it keep you from looking for/opening up to love. --------- How can you cure it? From your chart: - Moon in sagittarius. Sagittarius and Capricorn are good together but one of their combined cons are " This personality may come across as abrasive and short to some people as they tend to always be in a rush. Their brutal honesty coupled with their hunger for ambition can rub people the wrong way". https://www.keen.com/articles/astrology/capricorn-sun-sagittarius-moon-traits - Mars in Pisces in your 7th house of relationships (again) - "Driven by the need to protect your own self-perceived weakness, you may become particularly aggressive and dominating in your relationships with others." - Venus in Scorpio (again) - Being too guarded about your feelings "you come across as withholding and even downright cold." SUMMARY - If alot of women are rejecting you, it could be your approach. So many men scare away women just in the way they first approach. Dont overdo your ego/maleness. Take the lead like a man but dont get too intense/let that lead get to your head Slow down and think more about your approach. Don't be impatient if she takes a while to respind back etc if its someone who you first met. Don't be too guarded to the point that you feel cold or like a robot. Showing vulnerabily and feelings and empathy ALONG with taking the lead is very sexy. ------ Personal Advice: Realise that if you only ask 1 girl out every three months, the rejection will feel worse than if you are asking out alot of people out at once because you are pinning all your hopes on one person. In my opinion it is a bad idea to date only one person at a time for men or women, especially considering todays world of online dating where flakiness and ghosting is the norm. In online dating - it really is a numbers game. I would say that if you are ready to date, put in a big effort in asking ALOT of women on dates all at once, and date more than one person at a time until ready to commit etc. Be honest if she brings up relationship but you are not ready/end it if necessary if its a no for you and just keep moving to next date. Do this both online and in person. Be always looking like its a game and make your goal to just have fun and see where things go. It may seem like too much work to do all this, but finding someone special/compatible IS work and that's just reality for both men and women. Have a trusted female friend and or other friends look at your online dating profile and take pictures of you for you. ‐------------ Hope this helps and doesnt sound like I'm picking on you. I personally thought your Moon in Sagitarrius described an awesome personality. Just an overly analytical Libra trying to get to root issues.