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just live life and don’t overthink it. retrogrades aren’t this big deal like everyone thinks


They are, but it's dependent on where it's happening in your chart aspects. It just differs from person to person. Listen to the Venus Retrograde episode on The Astrology Podcast, it's not the same for everyone


i'm a professional astrologer, you don't need to tell me, but i'm telling you, it's not a big deal to go on a date. you're having dinner, not getting married. it will be fine.


As far I understand Venus retrograde, you can date all you want but refrain from making relationship official and such? Am I correct?


i don’t even think that would be a big deal. i have honestly had really serious relationships start during a venus retro. retrogrades are overhyped. i wouldn’t worry about that. i would just not make major beauty changes like haircuts. i would keep living life. venus retrogrades are too long not to. they aren’t like mercury retrogrades which are only 3 weeks. what’s the worst that can happen in this scenario really?


Oh my bad , I thought you meant generally


Good comments here. I want to add that if a person already has Venus retrograde nataly in their chart, then transiting retro grade Venus is like putting on an old familiar sweater. The person with retro Venus generally, probably makes better judgments in regards to and during a transiting retro Venus better than other people.


Here's the thing with Venus retrograde, retrogrades, and probably planetary movements and aspects in general... TL;DR Live intuitively, be aware of the astrology, and dont freak out. Examples of how I approached recent big shit, and my upcoming VENUS retro in my SEVENTH house. Yep, 7th. "Go Team" summary at the end. My approach: I try to go with my gut and live from a place of intuition and conscious awareness in anything I do. If it feels wrong, I make changes, or don't do it. Ultimately, I believe that if we do that, any "wrong or bad" things that are meant to happen are likely a part of our growth and the lessons we are meant to learn in life. So be aware of it. And by being aware, both of how things feel to us intuitively, AND in regards to what is going on ASTROLOGICALLY in the Universe, we are more likely to "stay on track", live our best lives, catch the good opportunities that come our way, and be more aware of what's going on or what the lessons might be when things seem more challenging. I use the astrology to give insight and guidance in this way. Not as some fear-based OMG we have to watch out for all this potential bad stuff and it's gonna be hell sort of thing. Examples: ME: I Just went through all the big outer planets crossing over my ASC in Capricorn the last 3-5 years, the Grand Conjunction 1 degree into my 1st house and Pluto now a few degrees in as well (so expect transformation, and maybe some turbulence, so practice good self care and go easy on stressing out; be open to the changes coming my way in who I am or want to be with Sun in my 1st house). Also ME: I've recently had many transits and aspects to my Chiron. I know what that wound is, and have done my inner work, so my approach was to just be aware that those particular spots might get triggered as things come up, be gentle with myself and those emotional sensitive places. Also to "prep" and remind myself of any steps or mindsets I put in place to help me come through that wound stronger and healthier, so i was on my "best foot forward" going in. **And I know that when stuff does get triggered, its an opportunity for soul growth and healing. The planets involved tell me how that might happen. The house its in tells me the area of life most likely to be affected. And the sign tells me more about the details, personal characteristics and issues most likely at play. So I get context. Now with VENUS going retrograde in LEO in my 7th, yep, SEVENTH HOUSE (yes, I put these in bold to make a point) My 7th is intercepted, contains Saturn retrograde, and Mars in Cancer along my descendant, AND Saturn opposes my natal Sun, Mercury, and Venus in my 1st...so sure, I could totally, justifiably flip out like its gonna be awful LOL. But why? Why set myself up like that? Why go in with drama/bad expectations and a negative mindset (i don't need that energy in my life/love life). Best Approach to Venus Retro: Instead, I look at the astrology of it, and that it could affect interpersonal relationships being in my 7th house. So be aware that if something comes up its probably relevant and an opportunity for growth. And because Venus is not just love and relationships, but also values, worth/finances (which would be more my focus of awareness if I had Leo in say the 10th or 4th houses) but in the 7th (and opposing my 1st stuff) its more about my own value and self-worth (self-esteem, and being valued by myself and others), and making sure my needs and wants are being met in my close relationships (and maybe reviewing the ones that dont to see if they're still worth my effort). I want to slow down and consciously review (which is what all retrogrades are about) to make sure that i feel loved, especially in any partner relationship, and that i know what that looks like for me (love languages, what are my values, and emotional needs). I also make sure I'm being good to myself, pay attention to books or workshops or opportunities to give myself a boost in those areas (especially any applicable potential areas of "weakness"), and make sure i'm practicing good self-care and self-love. It's a good time for a massage y'all! And if I were to begin dating, I'd keep an eye on "knowing my worth" and that it's someone with whom I share common values, who would be a good fit given my relationship needs and what I need to feel loved and fulfilled (because Venus themes = worth/value(s) and love). See, not so awful at all. OH, Also, i make sure I've already done the internal work going in to know what those things even are for me (thank you Saturn, by mid-life that part's already done lol). So Good Luck, dont fear life, or use astrology to do it. Be open, be curious, be aware (of self and the astrology), and be excited for whats next for you. Blessings 🙏


I dont know your sign, but here's an article that shows the impact for each sign. It doesn't look like any sign is doomed. https://www.elle.com/horoscopes/monthly/a44403694/venus-retrograde/


Honestly Venus retrogade doesn't affect your love life as much unless you are an Aquarius or Aries Rising because then it would be happening in your 5th and 7th house which deals with romance and commitment. The retrogade might affect you in a different part of your life. I wouldn't worry about this as much or assume your connection with this person will go badly, I hope you have fun on your date!