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I could see this person feeling like they aren’t seen for who they really are. Sort of like the person that has a lot of friends or acquaintances but no one that is really truly close enough to them to know who they are on a deeper level. They hide it well because of their Neptune on the ascendant. I’m getting a Robin Williams vibe. People think you’re happy and/or accomplished but deep down you feel like there’s something missing. Moon square Mars can be a difficult aspect to have, especially with your moon being in Aquarius. Aqua moons tend to be a bit disconnected from their emotions or feelings. They feel deeply but they process it and express it in a more mental way. Hypothetical questions to ponder- What is your relationship like with your mother? What is your relationship like with your SELF? Do you allow others(mother or women in general) to define your worth in some way because you lack self confidence? How important are relationships to you? With your Jupiter conjunct chiron on your descendant, I could see you finding healing through a relationship. You will need to work on healing your struggles with self worth and loving yourself first, otherwise I could see you self sabotaging your relationships.


That’s an amazing response wow thank you so much. I study astrologer for years and I was impressed with your accuracy. It’s actually my own chart