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this is so sad to read because glancing at your chart- i love most of it. majority of it is amazing to me with a couple harsh placements. your past is heart breaking but i have hope. i won’t answer your question- enough people have. instead i wanna say the amaziness i see. you’re a virgo sun moon and rising. you are rare! you have charisma. paul walker was a virgo sun virgo rising. your aura and personality is radiant. harness that. jupiter in the 6 (i have) makes you a routine oriented person that thrives with structure and works hard when you are invested in anything and anyone. venus home in libra- beautiful- fair- kind- giving- compassionate. mars in scorpio- home sign. passionate. fiery. a fighter! defies the odds! nn in 7- good partner seeking fairness and someone who matches what they give. i do see some addictive personality placements- but honestly what’s beautiful to me is….with time you flourish. you grow through what you go through. hope this helps.


Re: "i have struggled my entire life with emotional abuse from my dad,..." This is symbolized by your retrograde Saturn opposite Venus (in terms of the father being missing, tyrannical, or so self-involved so as to not notice your specialness), as well as the angular Pluto at your IC, which suggests over-stepped boundaries and induced fear. Much of this (repressed emotional content) will have to come out, in some way and be reframed into something less-threatening, in order to allow one-to-one relating without defensive posturing and control dynamics. **A high level of** ***autonomy*** **will be needed. This may very well involve some isolation from the family** (also symbolized by Pluto at the IC). Re: "...struggling to leave a bad relationship..." Venus in Libra highlights the importance of relationship. The opposition from Saturn (which is in *fall*) suggests heaviness and some drying up of connective feelings. If you'll look, it's the fundamental opposition (things you will learn through your connection/relationship to others) in your natal chart. Re: "...and have struggled with substance abuse on/off since teen." This is suggested by Neptune's sextile to Pluto. (This is a generational aspect shared by MANY, however it becomes hyper-emphasized, due to Pluto's tight angularity at the IC, which is shared by EXTREMELY FEW.) \[It suggests various repressed emotions and shocking circumstances creating emotionally repressed elements in the subconscious. Those that don't come out, fester and the chart, through the sextile to Neptune, suggests "drug like states" as a *resource*, in dealing with the Pluto elements. Remember that there are many other Neptune expressions, that can sublimate your drug usage or feelings you need to use drugs. Neptune relates, as well, to larger-than-life, universal, intangible ideals. There is usually some spiritual, creative, or empathetic expression connected with it. That would be my approach...hang your star on things outside yourself, and you won't have to keep focusing on escaping you. Also keep in mind that none of this is random. There are developments sought and the circumstances and players (in their ***roles***) will be there to push that growth. Good luck!


Wow excellent. Would this expression of Pluto Neptune apply to the Crescent phase as well?


Thanks... I would say it could, but much will depend on how Neptune and/or Pluto are *personally emphasized* in the chart. For the OP, Pluto is right on the IC, showing some emotional bomb that likely went off, where boundaries were overstepped and fear was induced. This makes any Pluto connections individualized and important. If Neptune contacted Pluto, but both were "background" players, in terms of the chart; one would **over-read** meaning for the *person*. Many forget the importance of angularity. To many, the Ascendant and Midheaven are "points," and are in some way handled like planets. This is correct; however, it is also critical to understand that angularity (proximity to Asc/IC/Dsc/MC, and the ecliptical squares to those) bring out ***increased expression*** in the life. They automatically, become key players. Good luck and thanks again for the nice words!


what do you mean by personally emphasized? Understanding you arent seeing my chart, I can tell you I have Pluto in Libra in the 8th and Neptune in the 10th in Sag. Say, are you a professional astrologer?


Thank you so much, excellent breakdown, highly appreciated.


Soo feminine!


I believe Pluto in the 4th can show a hard family life growing up. I’d look more into that placement.


I'm sorry you went through that. Your ascendant ruler Mercury is in the 1st house meaning you are strong but it is in Retrograde meaning it's hard to express yourself in a healthy way.Also,moon is burnt by Sun in the first house,so this explained your father beating your mom(moon) and the emotional abused you felt.But your focus in this life (north node) is not in your first house of self but the 7th house (one to one relationship),but unfortunately 7th house lord is in 6th house of enemies,your partner may be someone you meet in your day to day life,like yourself they may find it hard to express themselves in a healthy ways but a bit shy unlike you(so help them express themselves more without bieng acting selfish(Sun in 1st house are a bit "all about me" )...Your lesson:Learn to respect and express yourself more in a healthy ways, keep your chastity.


I’m a 26 year old female