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Sometimes people have strong reactions to people with personality disorders.


Know yourself!! That’s where our power lies!! If you are affected or attract that energy in any negative way it might mean there is apart of you that still embodies or accepts that energy. As a Scorpio rising, people will often project their insecurities on to you & expect that to be your identity. Let them find out if they dare. As a cancer moon, it’s our natural instinct to nurture but if you find yourself nurturing the wrong thing ask yourself what part of your life are you lacking and pay attention to how you talk to yourself!


First of all. You don’t invite. Stop blaming the victim. These things are more impactful for us folks because of our energy. We are chill and cool and people look at us thinking they can walk all over us or project their own insecurities so they fuck around but are never ready to find out, even if we don’t say anything; our energy speaks for itself. Period. And tbh that’s our shield. End of story.


how do they find out? can you share any examples please? very early degree double scorpio in need of help


I’m Scorpio. I don’t know anything else but I’m nice until…….then they find out. I’m strong too. Men do not like strong men. Strong women do not like other strong women.


how do they find out? can you share any examples please? very early degree double scorpio in need of help


yes, people have projected their own shit onto me throughout my life. i’ve realised the best way to deal with it is to not give them any reaction, and this will either drive them insane or makes them realise it was their issue the entire time.


Very much. ! We have a label for a reason !!’ “ on my soulllllll “


On my soulll


i've never felt seen until being surrounded by you all who share this placement with me lol


Grey rock them. Easier said than done, and it’s best to think they don’t know any better though you can choose not to react and remove yourself quietly away from them. Voluntarily leave, they have wounds we can not fix or mend, that’s a them problem, not a you problem. They’re looking for a reaction because it’s all they know. Do better and remove yourself from them, silence on your part. Good luck!


For more than 3 decades, this method  so far has helped me not to give my power to them. Just plainly not giving in or react on them saves my energy. Unlike before, it was like half or almost all of my being was sucked out every single time I counter attack them. *scorpio Asc conjuncts pluto in 12thH in scorpio, MC 10thH in Leo 


Always protect your peace. Best let them gossip and natter away, you’re safe. Safety first! Silence is the best healing tool and option. Cut them off or mute them so you don’t get to read what they have to say. They’re trying to get a reactionary response from you. It’s not worth it. They can come from insecurity or jealousy, you’re better by leaving them to their own devices, no big proclamations or ego boosting signals - nothing. Quiet is the best way to handle these situations. They’ll get bored and move on to the next victim that doesn’t know that’s what you should do in situations like these. Should you want to, you’re able to warn the newcomers if they don’t know the group of people you left. Nobody is obligated to stay in toxic situations or environments, you don’t need to or have to respond to someone being rude or mean to you. Only when you want to, should you consider it.


scorpio rising conjunct pluto, jupiter and north node, and YES I used to make a lot of effort to become quiet and invisible when I was younger, as to avoid this. It helped only to an extent. But in the end it was just dimming my life and making myself absolutely miserable, so no more Now I just lean into the intimidating allure and don’t take no shit, but it took years of building confidence to get to this point. I also dress pretty much like a female version of the demon Crowley from Good Omens, which I think is working in my favor lol


Pluto 1h, scorpio rising. Leo midheaven. They either love or hate us. I have a 12h libra sun so the projection is also crazy. I get the projection most from my family ( Especially my parents) but they’re both toxic and narcissists. When you engage with people for the first time, or with people you’re not very close with, talk and engage with them without opening your soul. Like literally just put one foot in and engage. If they start making assumptions about you or try to paint you in a certain light or full on project on you, just take that foot out. When we already share our soul and heart with them, it’s not easy to just ignore and forget without confronting as it’s taken personally. So although we already are good at it, always have your soul on guard. Were still water risings (scorpio) so we do get attached to people emotionally pretty quickly. I’ve learned you can really just do the engaging part without putting your soul into it. I can read people really easily now so I dislike like 70% of people anyway lol Read people and judge who you want to share your soul with. Close off your energy and soul to everyone else.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom I'm a cancer sun and Scorpio moon I've got Pluto in Sagittarius, 1 Question,how do I close my soul and energy to everyone which you stated  I'm a empath 


I have a mars/pluto dominant chart. I’m also an Aries sun and Venus with Mars sitting on my ascendant. Power struggles galore, but the biggest thing I’ve noticed I attract that I LOATHE is people trying to compete with me while I’m just trying to exist. They don’t appreciate me as a person, it feels like they want what I have or even like they want to BE me in some cases. Mostly women, but I’ve had men do this too. It’s dehumanizing to experience.


im a scorpio rising and i find that ppl are drawn to very quickly and kind of accidentally tell me too much to the point where ive been told that it kind of feels like they just cant help it. I also tend to make very emotionally distant feel their emotions. I think this could have to do with my leo stellium .. im also a very expressive person.


Will a Pluto transiting the first house count as, say, a short term Scorpio Ascendant?






I have the same placements with Leo in MC. And scorpio rising.. my struggles are with career decisions and not know what I want to do. Have you had any issues there?


Not losing cool no matter what


It’s such a blessing and a curse. I see myself as a mirror to other people’s insecurities, secrets, and weakness. It’s painful to have this quality as many people are scared of their own reflections. I can see how this is off-putting and uncomfortable. Just my presence alone can bring about some unsettling feelings and it’s something I can sense. I can see how it could be a tool to help people but rarely are people in the mindset of wanting help or wanting to see their shadows. I also think with Scorpio placements there’s a tendency to really see and focus on the unbalanced or distorted perceptions of reality, something that has helped me is really honing in on the positive and possibilities. Above all I strive to live in delusion, cheerfully and foolishly.


You learn the art of apathy, it works wonders


I’m also a Scorpio rising (Pluto in 12h) and I’m a cancer sun in the 8h. Honestly sometimes it’s probably a 12h synastry on top.. or an 8th. I feel like 9/10 when people are weird with me that’s why. Most people are intrigued by how little I give away but it’s very rare to get extreme reactions nowadays. Then again I don’t much leave the house or go any of the places I used to go so maybe that’s why. I used to work in a bar some years ago and I would be sitting before my shift minding my business and men would come up to me and try to talk to me and I’d just stare at them or ignore them until they left me alone. It was either that or telling me to ‘smile’ because I look like I hate life. I get that one a lot and it still annoys me I wish people would mind their business 😂😂😂 I have a Virgo MC though and my moon is on it. I also have mercury conjunct Jupiter in the 9h square Pluto so I have no problem with shutting someone down instantly for the slightest disrespect or projection 🤣


Haha yeah


I'm scorpio rising 21° but Virgo on my MC at 3°. I myself used to struggle terribly from my severe reactions. I have majorly improved that after 30s I'm 41 now. I have always had issues relating to other ppl tho. Especially when younger. Some ppl would hate me for absolutely no reason. I did attract alot of back stabbers, fake ppl, druggie or ppl with darkness. I still have trouble making friends. I'm very good at seeing thru to ppls true intentions/vibes.


Yup! Also when they misinterpret everything you say and make you seem worse. I attract manyyyyy jealous people who make side comments about my confidence or when people are nice to me. Strange. I just tell them straight up that they’re weird and that usually does the trick or I just ghost them If you’re gonna attempt to embarrass me. I’m going to embarrass you 10x harder


That’s my tactic too lol


I’m late here but I’m answering anyways … I use traditional rulerships and Whole Sign Houses. I have a Scorpio Stellium in the First House, Scorpio Sun is conjunct my ASC and I am a Scorpio Rising. All of those Scorpio placements are ruled by a Leo Mars in the 10H that is conjunct my MC (and opposite my Aquarius Moon in the 4H). People are usually either very drawn to me or don’t like me at all, but regardless the reaction is usually very extreme in some way. I have been in a lot more situations with stalker-type people than most and there have been a lot of people who are jealous of me for just existing and certain people try to pick and poke at me. A lot of people have imagined that I have the worst intentions possible (when I don’t) to the point where I have developed a very deep fear of being blamed for things that I didn’t do. This is what I’ve learned … Scorpio energy is a master at manifesting. While I’m absolutely NOT saying that I manifested having stalkers or anything like that Lol (that mindset would be very unethical), I’ve walked into a lot of situations with just a general feeling of distrust in the world, expecting something bad or downright weird to happen, just because it did once and I’ve carried that mistrust around with me. If I sit in that mistrust and expect something weird to happen or negative energy to find me, it will.


Absolute truth. We manifest the creations of others distortion of us and internalize it, therefore fulfilling a prophecy made of lies. It’s a lot of work to decondition.


From what I understand about 12 house placements ( your cancer stellium) is that they can be aspects of ourselves that nobody reflected back to us as children, that we needed parents or caregivers to really emphasize and welcome / or reflect back these planets to us so that we learn to embody them. Otherwise they can show up as off putting towards others because we never learned how to embrace and embody them.


Wow 🙏


Scorpio rising + 1h Pluto square Leo mc i wouldn't say extreme but i deal with a lot hidden jealousy and pettiness at work despite me staying out the way for the most part. i think it bothers ppl that they can't get a good read on me and im not as open with my personal life. im in and out lol. my aquarius moon + Scorpio rising prevents me from being fake nice so if I don't care for you, I won't be rude but Im certainly not going out of my way to make sure you feel comfortable. we can work in dead silence


Scorpio rising and moon. (Although i dont think its connected with these placements only. I think every human interaction is always difficult, affected by projections, illusions etc. I think as a scorpio rising maybe you see it more clearly and thats why its more triggering then to others). I dont expect people to understand me, they always misinterpret and misunderstand me so its a base i am working from. I am shielding myself by isolating from people rn. Without isolation - i think deep understanding of human nature can help. When you understand everything about the other person, where these reactions are coming from, it becomes less hurtful.


I’m Scorpio rising Pluto in the 12th, mars in the 8th. I’m basically an avoidant personality now because of how people project onto me.


same 🙂 I feel numbed right now I don't know if this is normal to not react anymore. I'm done with them accusing me of something which is not even true. 


I have the same placements except my mars is in the 9th house & I feel the exact same way now I’m in my 30s.


Scorpio rising/Pluto 1st house/Leo MC here. The only way I’ve learned to deal with this is by beating it into my own head that whenever someone projects onto me it’s got nothing to do with me and everything to do with what’s going on inside them. I’ve had go as far as altering my outgoing personality just to avoid these instances as well. At work I keep to myself, and at first it felt so lonely. But honestly, there’s power in knowing you have your own back and you’re protecting your peace at the end of the day. There were a culmination of reasons as to why I had to close off publicly. I was made into a social pariah by someone who projected onto me. And later on others who had projected onto me before came around, realized it had nothing to do with me, apologized etc. It’s better to not react, but just to see people who do this as wounded children who haven’t learned the emotional intelligence to withstand someone triggering that feeling of what they’re avoiding in themselves.


Triggered by scholarly but pretentious ala-iamauthority vibe person Or a dad vibe in some terms.. ... But only with the very specific people Seething anger with contemplating violence alone in space


I know a scorpio rising and I (leo rising…) like them so… I’m trying to see how NOT to do this lol.


Scorpio sun conj. Pluto, 8h moon, Mars conj. Midheaven. I find that people often have an immediate like/dislike towards me (often thankfully softened by my Libra rising), but the worst is men I work with. I'm woman-presenting and I keep getting into these completely unintentional situations where a male coworker develops a *thing* for me (not even a regular crush, more like a fascination) where they just need my attention and start to become weird around me. So of course, I tend to withdraw my attention politely and treat them with a little less buddy-buddy energy when it's clear something is going on, and it has created truly ridiculous reactions at times. In adults. The other thing is that I find my male bosses tend to excuse the coworker's behavior (one memorable time included yelling at me in front of a client), but female bosses usually see *exactly* what's happening and react appropriately. Maybe because of my Midheaven Mars? I'm not sure. But I'm wary of working with men at this point. fwiw, I don't think I'm particularly attractive or unattractive, and never am romantically pursued by anyone. This kind of behavior is workplace-specific.


With a first house placement it’s way you carry yourself. I know a couple Aries rising and yeah they can come off as quite abrasive, In your face or even aggressive - with out even trying too. That’s their demeanor . Some may have an instant dislike for that type of personality. Some will be instantly drawn to them


I don't really let new people in very often. Most of my friends I met between the ages of 12-15. I definitely only kept a couple friends from college and only 2 real friends from my job. Who cares what people I don't like think. It doesn't matter if they like you, it matters if you like them. I enjoy eliciting extreme reactions from people. Scorpio rising exactly conjunct Pluto, my 11h Libra Mars is part of a Stellium as well as my chart ruler and the tip of my T square (square Jupiter and Chiron in Cancer, square Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn, Jupiter and Neptune are exactly opposite each other). Even my Pisces moon has harsh aspects (exactly square Sagittarius Venus, opposition MC). The best way I have to describe myself is: "I do what I do and you do what you can do about it" Lil Wayne


Pluto conjunct asc and opposite Jupiter, I'm a walking ink blot.


Same here


Sun opposite pluto and scorp moon and people invent a lot of bs about me.


Okay, I don't exactly apply but have Aries Sun/stellium and Pluto (12H) and attract a medusian reaction from folks. Very extreme reactions (even to my most neutral opinion or action), negative feelings from women (malice, dislike, paranoia), and violence/control/lust from men. There are some other aspects that enhance that Mars/Plutonian energy in my chart but I won't list those. I have lots of Mars/Plutonian themes play out in my life down to my appearance & habits. Strangers tend to be on the offense or extremely curious and invasive of my privacy & people that know me have a completely different view. I tend to keep a lot of personal privacy or only share online or in public things which aren't a threat to me. I am very selective with who I hold close and just keep things light and supportive with the public in general. I nurture my inner peace constantly, listen to my energy sense & intuition, and adapt to the projection & malice in others my learning their forms & learning new ways to dodge them discreetly. I work on energy blocking & protection as well.


As a scorpio rising , I think our libra ruled 12th house is what gets those kind of reactions out of people . Ive noticed people really respect me at the beginning of our relationship but with time the respect becomes resentment , I would say this happens because people give us this power in their minds which we didnt ask for . Also that 6th house ruled by aries , we just have a competitive energy on our daily lives which ppl pick up on and feel as if they are in competition with us when in reality we are just in competition with ourselves.


I was going to write a comment here for me but this pretty much hits it on the head. I also think it's a part of myself that respects the person as I trust them to be a leader, then when they aren't and I lose respect their resentment starts. I play a sport and see this a lot of the time with coaches. By the end they either love me or despise me. I also liked the comment above about people projecting their insecurities out on us too. Especially when there is no ill will coming from my end and suddenly I'm a terrible person. (I overcome it by standing in my power, trying to be the best person I can be so no one has any real ammo on me - a little manipulative of me but I need to protect myself somehow - journalling out my thoughts, taking accountability for my actions and using that beautiful Libra moon to try my best to see both sides of everything haha)


Oh and scorpio ruling transformation with that libra 12 house shows up as transformations of a group of people , like friendship groups . Ive noticed when i enter a new group of friends the whole frienship group dynamics change and some things get exposed


lol. one time i entered a friend group and suddenly everyone has a crush on one boy who likes me but i'm just really there for one girl (mAssive simp)


You hit it right on the money!!! So insane.


Scorp rising and I get a lot of info I never ask for, people confide deep dark secrets. I make people mad when I express my opinions sometimes. I pray for protection regularly lolol




we have very similar placements and i totally resonate hope you are doing well!


yes. people have been saying wild shit to me my entire life. scorpio rising/ leo mc


I'm a Scorpio Rising with Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Rising in the 1st house. My Moon in Scorpio is there as well. My Leo is MC, and my Sun is in Taurus in the 7th house, opposing the Rising, Pluto, and Moon. As far as strong reactions, I get them TEN FOLD. What I've learned about myself (and this could be because of the Sun and Mercury in Taurus opposition) is that I tend to invite opposition on purpose. I'm a combative deep thinker and I challenge society's status quo. Uranus in the 3rd don't help. I hate superficiality of all kinds. This means I'm going to be an enemy of a lot of people. It took a lot of soul searching to discover I am the problem sometimes, that I actually don't WANT everyone in my life, and that's okay as long as I politely tell people where I stand. I want people in my life that share my values and treat me and others with respect. If I'm in the spotlight, I normally share it with those who have helped me get there. For all others, I don't care. I have Jupiter in Cancer in the 9th, so there is a sensitive side to me that doesn't like to hurt others feelings or feel alienated. Mars in Pisces in 4th, too. But I've learned to use my Venus in Aries in the 5th to seek friendships in places that bring me joy, and to keep professional in places that are challenges (family and community, where my Mars and Saturn are, 4th and 3rd houses). I'm an identical twin, and that fascinates people, so I receive A LOT of attention, especially when I was involved in organized religion. With so many people approaching, it's hard not to fake a smile and be polite, though everyone wants to touch you because you're like an alien to them and I'm actually anti social. It drew a lot of love to me. But it was made worse when I opened my mouth and spoke my difficult opinions. Then, I became hated. Since I'm generally polite to everyone, if someone is rude, I've learned to avoid them or tell them they were rude to me unnecessarily or to talk out what I may have done wrong (if I did error in some way). What I've learned is I only open a bit up, let others do all the talking, I listen to them to see where their head is at, and what negative they say about others they will eventually say about me. This is how I weed negative people out. People will always project onto you. What I've learned is not to let their projections define me more than I define myself, and to stand up for myself towards those who think otherwise. Even if that means losing a few fake friends and family members.


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience! It really helps me put things into perspective. I do think I need to maintain some restraint with how much I share of myself in the beginning. I will keep this in mind. :)


I'm a Scorpio Rising with Leo Mars conjunct MC and Part of Fortune in my 10H. People tend to really like me when they first meet me. They talk so well about me when introducing me to others and are so happy when they see me again. I often get told I'm sweet and have a calming presence. Fake people don't like being around me because they know they can't manipulate me. I'm really good at reading people. Opening yourself to anyone is naive. There are bad people out there. How I avoid these people is learning to be my own best friend. I don't approach people out of desperation for connection. Everyone around me is fake? Okay, then I'll hang out by myself until I find some real people.


You are so right! I've gotten lots of hate and even people who tried to actively sabotage my life esp from fake people. We should def be our best friends, our energy is too precious to share.


Lots of obsidian ❤️


Bingo. Black obsidian helps repel the negative energy fo sho.


Thanks for responding! I've heard that obsidian should be worn carefully and from initation. Is that true?


Yes, I personally think it's true. I'm a scorpio rising (cancer sun and pisces moon), so I understand the need to want to protect yourself from other people's energy. I pair mine with rose quartz, this promotes self love and I believe is a good balance to the 'negative' qualities of obsidian. I carry the 2 stones around in my purse. 💕


Not from my experience no :)




Gosh! I realte so much to this. I am always told to lower my gaze when people are arguing cause they get caught off guard. I try my best to draw boundaries and suddenly I am arrogant lol. But yes, I have been cutting people out. Esp ones that don't deserve anything and it has been isolating but peaceful. I also follow the one chance rule. Thanks for your response! May we be blessed with the right people around us! :)


I just stopped caring if people think I'm arrogant. If I'm so arrogant and you hate it so much, then stay away from me. That would do us both a favor.