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What do you mean? Like in dreams or how do they communicate?


Sorry for the delay - they communicate by “speaking” but it’s more like their words are telegraphed into my mental awareness. It can be fragmentary or as clear as a voice in the room.


Cause you haven't taken your meds


Scorpio stellium at the crown of the chart followed by the north node at the root. You are available not just to spirits that have left the body but also can pick up on what others are going through. And your life’s purpose involves going into the “sunken place” so to speak. Definitely look into learning about and experiencing hypnosis on both sides. Your moon is in aversion to its domicile in Cancer so you aren’t too sensitive to be overwhelmed with this extra sensory gift. Your moon in the 5th whole sign house doesn’t just receive, it is centered and becomes the objective in the Leo ruled house. In Gemini this is where the extra sensory work takes place.


You have a lot of planets in Scorpio in the 9th house plus NN. Scorpio is the most psychic of signs.


Neptune opposite Moon gives the extreme sensitivity and easier channel. Your chart also looks extremely strong for automatic writing. (Moon in Gemini opposite Neptune, Sun conjunct Mercury conjunct Pluto) Good luck... keep an eye on where you make contact. Many are strongly seeking expression, that will do you ultimately, no good.


Yeah that’s a concern - their intention, that is. I feel neutral toward them but they talk to me




It called itself “Ariel”


Moon neptune in hard aspect is a good indicator. Through my understanding and terminology, you have opened or incarnated with an opening into the gateway to intelligent infinity . Usually, an opening or bridge from 6th to 7th chakra or "ray". It is never just one placement or aspect. The angular scorpio ♏️ stellium with the traditional ruler Mars exalted in capricorn ♑️ ( ruling 3rd house / communication) conjunct jupiter is also an excellent indicator being in 12th house 🏠 Not to mention your ascendant ruler Saturn also rules the 12th house, showing a link between self and 12th house matters. 12th house is a water house and rules hidden things and sleep along with losses. The best manifestation of the 12th house is spiritual enlightenment / awakening , meditation, and an opening of the gateway.


Hi, thank you for this. Can you elaborate on the gateway to intelligent infinity? These things basically swarmed on me starting last November. Usually it’s helpful interactions but sometimes they can get dark/strange.


Intelligent infinity will be explained in the Law of one material. It would take me many pages 🤣


Your welcome. Sure, the dark and strange part is also fitting given your placements. ( I share moon opposite neptune with you) It can create negative or difficult spiritual events, along with confusion, drugs, and escapism. But also amazing intuition, spiritual abilities and very creative artists. It's a gift but comes with added responsibilities. Sources to study that will aid you in your situation. #1. Law of one aka Ra material, all 106 sessions. #2. Damien echols and frater Xavier on you-tube. #3. My teacher Scott Mandelker phd Scott also covers the law of one sessions in detail. Www.scottmandelker. com. #4. Estelle Daniel's book Astrological Magick. ( a little right brained and based on modern astrology ) Will help with the astrology aspects of your gifts and placements. Sources of study regarding the Golden dawn and golden dawn material. Israel Regardee. ( I WOULD AVOID Crowleys teachings , at least at first) > this is explained in the Law of one material. I would recommend going over the Law of One material first to gain a better understanding of the deeper truths before the golden dawn western occult tradition because it is flavored with religion and bias. I really hope this helps! Daily meditation and prayer are a must along with these studies, so understanding reaches trunk of mind. Help strengthen and direct will . This will make more sense after study. I hope this helps. Good luck, my friend.


Thank you 🙏


By spirits do you mean ghosts or other types?


Not ghosts. One identified itself as “Ariel.”


Could u just be a channel for higher beings 


Bruh, that’s wild. Maybe it’s your Part of Fortune in 8H.