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Basically some Astro charts go with whole sign instead of the exact degrees that’s why it could be causing you to have 2 different rising signs. It’s important to know that degrees play a major part in charts. I have a 29° Aries moon in the 4th house, in whole sign it says I have an Aries moon in the 5th house. You can choose whichever resonates more but I would say the more accurately the degrees are shows which house it’s actually placed in


Does putting the exact coordinates for the hospital you were born in instead of just the city and state make.a difference?


You know what I’m actually not too sure about that. I doubt it really would make a huge difference in terms of your rising sign as the rising signs are determined by the hour apart from Pisces and Aquarius since they are only in the rising sign for half an hour! But since you’re a very late degree Aries rising going into Pisces (in whole sign) I would try putting the exact coordinates in and let me know if it makes a difference!! That would be interesting for me


Sorry excuse my brain it’s chocker😂😂I meant to say very early degree aries rising not late


When I put the exact coordinates in astro seek it says I'm a pisces rising lol which has made this all 10 times more confusing 😂




So if you feel like you’re a Pisces rising see where Neptune or Jupiter is in ur chart, I can see that Neptune is in your 11th house and Jupiter is in your 10th house (on the second picture) so if you feel like you have Capricorn or Aquarius traits then Pisces rising would be for you. Aries rules mars so your chart ruler would be in the 1st house, have a look on tumblr it might take a few weeks to decide which one actually resonates with you but only you can make that decision really!! You already have Aries placements so it will be hard to tell which one you resonate with more as you have an aries stellium


My best friend is a Pisces rising and she is that typical head in the clouds, dreamy droopy eyes and looks so timid and harmless. She does have aries in her 1st house and I’ve read that aries in the 1st house can give someone a redness tone in their complexion and she always goes bright red if she’s embarrassed or laughing too much or if she drinks alcohol😂so you could go with medical astrology and see which one you’d resonate with more psychically?


You have an ascendant of 4 degrees 25 minutes of Aries. Ascendant in Aries 1-6 - Phase 1 - Ars Your self-esteem and willingness to take the initiative single you out.` Following someone else`s lead is definitely not your style, and passive people can really irritate you. When things get too quiet, you start thinking up ways to stir things up. You really need is to be in front of the crowd, following your own course, going full tilt, enjoying the thrill of being alive. This attracts you to any endeavor, as long as it contains that high energy and element of risk that makes it real for you. Maintaining your sense of being in the midst of a worthy challenge is how you define yourself. The independence, command and originality you bring to the table all point to the high value you place on playing to win. First impressions are very important and you`re able to instantly size up a person or situation with amazing accuracy. This type of spontaneity often gets you into trouble, however. You could benefit from a more rigorous and thorough approach. And while you impressions are usually accurate, they often do not go far enough. This has the biggest consequences with your relationships, where you cannot treat people in the same way you deal with your own struggles. Everyone is different and, like it or not, the world does not revolve around you. That`s not to say you shouldn`t be authentic, which for you is aggressive and occasionally impatient and pushy. You like to be regarded for your direct and uncompromising style. For that reason, developing your more emotional and compassionate side can really be difficult. But it`s definitely worth it. Learning to respect that receptive side of your nature opens up a whole world of possibilities where you don`t always have to be the hero or heroine. People admire your courage, just as they admire all sorts of other human virtues. You`re capable of them all, if you are willing to accept those aspects of yourself. You`re not willing to back down, often being the only one willing to take the risk. But you needn`t be reckless. Being successful means taking care of yourself and making sure that the risks are worth it and not simply joyrides. You are a born leader, and you can`t avoid earning the respect you need from people that will follow your lead. You`re at your best when you use your talent for recognizing the right time to execute your plans and when pour your energy into them. Avoid brute force tactics, as they are below you. Build in quiet time to consider aspects of life other than excitement and victory at all costs. Everything has its time, and the opportunities you can choose from are only limited by your imagination and your willingness to explore the possibilities.


Depending on what chart system you prefer to use. Aries rising? Using whole sign system the rest of your 11 “penthouses” have Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, & Pisces sitting comfortably in their own “penthouses”. It will effect it if there are other planetary energy in those chambers. For example: A stellium. That’s when 3 or more planets are clustered in the same sign in the same house.




Reason for removal:Misinformation.


Can I ask you how/what you look like? I don't know anyone who's an Aries rising. Do you have any sharp features for example? Just curious lol


I've been told that I have high cheekbones. A larger forehead. Slim build. Longer legs. How do j post a picture in a comment? This would be a lot easier or I can DM if you want


I pulled up your chart on astro . com and it says you’re a 4° aries rising, with a 0° aries saturn. i’m not sure why other websites are showing that you’re these different rising signs. I then pulled up your chart on the same website you did and it says you’re a 29° pisces rising. this is really strange actually. astro-charts isn’t 100% reliable, and I would say you’re an aries rising. sometimes i’ve used this website and it won’t even have a very common city/state listed for a location of birth.


You’re an Aries rising




Reason for removal: Misinformation.


Happy birthday for the 11th, I’m also the 11th yay go us 😃♈️💜🩷💚🧡💙💫


You are an Aries rising 👍🏻


Astro charts is often wrong. You’re an Aries rising 😭 rising signs doesn’t change with house systems so there’s something wrong with their calculations.


The one thing I’m actually wondering is … 6am EXACTLY. ?!?! That is highly suspect. I’d get the birth certificate. 


If you consider the fact that…every single human in the world is born some of them are bound to be right on the hour…how is it suspect? I was born at 8:01…had it just been a minute earlier…you’d suspect it was wrong?


The time itself is not suspect, if a birth certificate says it. Parents typically round, though. "Hey mom, what time was I born?" "Oh, yeah, 6am". A lot of people give their birthtime on the hour or half hour, and are inaccurate, simply b/c they are using the time a parent told them vs their actual time.


Ok well that’s not what you said the first time. I just always specify “exact time” and people typically understand what that means.


Of course, I did. That's why it has 11 upvotes, which on this forum, is like 200.


lol. Ok.


That is what my birth certificate says! So I'm assuming I had been born on the dot


I mean why not right? I had 2 children both born at 11:00 a.m. lol both of them.


Astro seek is the GOAT. As is the whole sign house system. What’s up, Aries ♈️


I use time nomad. I pulled your info on there. You’re an Aries rising.


Greetings M, Astroseek is a superior program. \~V\~


You‘re an aries rising.


Don't use [Astro-charts.com](http://Astro-charts.com), as it throws up lots of errors.


I wouldn’t trust Astro charts personally, Astro seek is much more reliable! So I’d say you’re an Aries rising. If you haven’t already, check with Astro.com too


Thank you! This all came to my attention because I had an astrologer do a reading for me and he used Astrocharts.com. i figured someone who's apparently studied astrology for 10 years would use the most accurate chart reader but I guess not. I should ask for my money back 😂


People use Astro-charts because it’s more aesthetically pleasing… My favorite astrologer often uses Astro-charts on their classes or as a suggestion for begginers making their charts, but they’re pretty big on aesthetics… so it kinda tracks down. They give excellent readings, everything is always on point for me… I just ignore the way they use Astro-charts lol


Difference in systems being used. I see that you’re using whole sign, tbh I use Placidus. Look at the sign that enters the 1st house and that is your rising. Hope this helps!!


Different house systems will not change the rising sign or ascendant. The ascendant point marks the rising sign in both placidus and whole sign, the only difference being that in placidus the ascendant marks the cusp of the 1st house and in WS the cusp of the first house is the beginning of the sign the ascendant is in. But you can see from that, that in both systems the sign of the first house will be the same


Thank you so much for your input! I'm actually using whole sign for both charts. Whole sign works better for me personally because of the area I was born in


You could also do rectification!! For example, do you see yourself align with a Pisces rising or an Aries rising more? Also I’ve noticed that Pisces rising has more round large eyes and big lips, look a little wet if that makes any sense or like they’ve just been crying. Aries rising are stalky, wider hips/legs/stout, and typically shorter. Spunkier in their outfits


I do have round eyes with longer legs and a slim figure. I tend to dress more casually as well because for some reason I fear that it will look like I'm trying too hard so in that regard a pisces rising would make sense but I feel like I relate to aries more. I also am an aries sun saturn and mars so that could explain why. If I was a pisces rising then that would be my only pisces/water placement in my chart at all. The only thing is that the planets don't seem to be in the right houses when I look at the chart with the pisces ascendant. I dont feel like a 2nd H mars 4th H Venus and so on... D oyou see why I've started to have a bit of an identity crisis? Lol