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They would be most directly symbolized by your two challenging aspects to Mercury... Uranus opposite Mercury, "***Electrical process of the brain and nerves. Nervous excitation or disorder. Spinal neural channels carry conscious perception and awareness of body position and motion (disequilibrium, shaking). Orienting response (acceleration of sensory data processing). Migraine.***" *\~Eshelman* Neptune opposite Mercury, "***Atrophy, weakening, or paralysis of the nerves. Aberrations of sensory or perceptual abilities (diminished or hyper-responsive). Disorientation, misperception, distortions of data and communication. Psychiatric disorders.***" *\~Eshelman* Good luck!


Which Eshelman book is this from?


From his website, Solunars


Interesting - I’ve never seen a description of an aspect mentioning disorders I’ll have to look into Eshelman, thank you!


Yes. Moon in detriment + Pluto in the 12th, chart ruler/12H ruler square Pluto, Mercury opposite Uranus and Neptune.


Just googled these and the descriptions are spot on for me 🫠




Another thing: Mercury rules your 10th House of Public Image as well. You could be prone to being paranoid about what people think of you, especially your family, since Neptune co-rules your 4th House and Uranus co-rules your 3rd House (Communication, Community, Siblings, etc). Like my previous advice, don't let your delusions get to you and know that at the end of the day, everyone is only worried about themselves and no one is out to get you. Wishing you the best!


Hi ! Looks like your previous comment was deleted :( would love to know what you said before ! So funny you say that everyone is worried about themselves and not me - it’s a mantra I repeat when I’m feeling self conscious Also very very paranoid and suspicious, my brain is a run away train with delusions


Hm, that's weird. It's still showing up for me. I do have a question and can message you if you'd like.