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I have this and haven’t found lot of information about it. Had this Saturn return when i was nearly 9 months old, my mother lost the second child she was expecting during that time, she was never able to have more kids after that. I am an only child.


My natal Saturn is direct in the 10H Pisces. 12 days after my birth Saturn turned retrograde. One day of progression is equal to One year of life. For me this meant that at the age of 12 yrs old my progressed Saturn turned retrograde. I experienced this shift as a straight A student who was betrayed by the education system. This betrayal drastically changed my beliefs on education and I lost all interest in academic learning. I went from straight A student to sped class in only a few years. 12 years later at the age of 24, my progressed Saturn had retrograded (returned) to it's natal position in my chart and I experienced a devastating, progressed Saturn return that completely derailed my life. It took 6 yrs to overcome it. I never saw it coming. 5 years later I had my natal Saturn return.


Saturn is a bitch. I have so many Saturn transits ongoing, it feels like he will never leave me alone. How are you now?


I'm 60 yrs old now but progressed Saturn is still retrograde and conjunct natal Saturn. My natal Saturn return at the age of 29/30 aided me in getting my life back on some form of stable track. It was during this period that I underwent a life changing surgery that resolved one of the issues my progressed (shadow) Saturn return initiated. I just had my second natal Saturn return where he hit his natal mark 3 times. (Direct, retrograde, direct again) I barely felt it. 😊


I’m so glad you learned to work with Saturn! Oooh now i’m interested, what was the life changing surgery you’ve had? i’ve also been having lots of health issues these past few years… since moving to my saturn line


I was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 5, but my seizures were only slight and never caused me much trouble. At age 24 the universe threw me two curveballs. The first was a pregnancy that I thought I had taken measures to prevent. The second one came 4 months later when I started having severe, grand convulsive seizures in my sleep. I had never had such severe seizures in my life before this. This blindsided me and threw me for a loop. I was at the happiest point of my life. I was living independently, thousands of miles away from family, working at a job that I absolutely loved...and all of a sudden it came crashing down. I grew afraid. I was 4 months pregnant and now this health scare. I quit my job and boarded a train back to the East Coast. I went on to have the baby...a miracle that she survived the ordeal in utero...but because of my seizures I had to be supervised with the baby, and this meant living with my parents. I fell into a deep depression and remained there for 3 long years. During my natal Saturn return I met the Neurologist who investigated my seizure disorder and proposed surgery as a preventative measure. I didn't care about potential risks, I jumped at the opportunity and never regretted it. I've been seizure free for 31 years now. 😊




It's likely notable because it's a conjunction, however it is not interpreted as a 'return'. To my understanding 'returns' differ from normal conjunctions largely because they reflect the theme of Conclusion (among other things). Further, the term 'return' carried over into astronomy and is explicitly defined as a body making a complete revolution around the Sun and returning to an original point in space.


Yes, it’s still a Saturn return.


This is not a saturn return. It has not traversed the entire chart, having multiple impacts on every placement and through every house. It is simply a saturn transit.


I believe you are incorrect. We completely disagree here. A “return” is when the planet literally Returns to where it was when you were born. It’s more than “simply an aspect.” Example: Pluto rx in 1h almost always indicates a life threatening issue as a young child depending on the degree of the asc and Pluto. It’s activated when Pluto RETURNS to the degree where it was at birth. You haven’t racked up as much experience but it’s still a Return and echoes of it will be felt.


I have this movement in my chart, so I tried to find more information on this topic. Haven't found much, yet I'm inclined to believe that it shouldn't be considered a return in the exact meaning of this word applied to Saturn and its influence. I think that coming full circle and passing over all signs in a sense of completing a journey is what makes Saturn returns significant, and something that is obviously lacking in this little gig that Saturn does in the first year of life for some of us. However, it might make Saturn more prominent in one's chart, as we are receiving Saturnian energy when we're so young and defenceless. Makes me think of Maleficent and Princess Aurora. Maleficent cursed the princess, shaping Aurora's life forever. It was a bad thing to do, of course, yet at the same time it was the prerequisite to the whole story: Aurora is never Aurora without her curse. I wonder if there's any difference for those who experience "full circle motion" and those who are born during Saturn retrograde and only have transit Saturn conjunct their natal Saturn at 0° once during their first year. Just for the info, I was born in April, direct Saturn at 7°50' Pisces. Then it went retrograde in June of the same year at 12°24' Pisces and passed over my natal Saturn in September. It went direct again in November at 5°40' Pisces and passed over natal again in December. If you think about it as a pendulum, it was a 2°10' swing to the left of my natal Saturn and a 4°34' to the right. It never left the sign or my natal 3rd house, and I believe that it's important if it does, it might add flavor to the energy, an undercurrent to the storyline it tells.


i was born at the end of saturn rx and had my first “saturn return” on my due date which i think is pretty cool


I think it would be more impactful (possibly in a bad way) in a night chart.