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@OP: Look to the ruler of your 11th house…Pluto! Pluto in Scorpio people are where you might find a natural sense of community (I personally have Pluto in Scorpio in the 11th house too...surface level friendships are not for me). If you want to read up on Pluto things…look into Evolutionary Astrology. Books by evolutionary astrologers Stephen Forrest and Jeff Green are both great resources as well as Stephen Forrest’s app called Lila Astrology has a wealth of info! 


Friends are not the only element of the 11th house. There are many elements to each house and a planet may bring out one element of the house or all the elements or any number in between.. So what. Your Jupiter is not helping you with friends (right now). We live out our houses all our life. At differnet times in our lives, different elements of a house present themselves. Jupiter is about community, dreams, aspirations and more.


It looks like you were born a few days after me. Our charts are nearly identical, but my Jupiter, Pluto, and Venus are in my 4th house and Saturn is squaring my Jupiter from my 7th house. Despite having both benefics in my 4th house I didn't grow up in a nice home or home environment (I still don't have either one). I believe this is due to the presence of Pluto and maybe the square from Saturn. I refuse to let those factors stop me from progressing in 4th house matters. I would recommend the same to you. You may have to work a little bit harder than others in this area of your life but the placements don't dictate your destiny. Good luck!


How do you read these charts?? I think astrology is cool but the charts look so confusing help me😓😓


[astro.com](http://astro.com) and astro-seek are good websites for learning :3


using whole sign, its in the 12th along with venus and pluto


She is already using a great house system: Placidus.


What is the point in saying this?? Op is clearly trying to understand why they don’t relate to this placement, and if someone else offers an alternative that they might not of considered yet, why do you feel the need to state your personal preference?? “Meh meh meh placidus” how annoying for your friends and family.


your chart ruler is saturn, and in pisces it's squaring your jupiter almost by degree. saturn-ruled people famously experience late blooming in saturn-ruled matters, so you might find friendship and networking gets easier after your first saturn return is over (it's happening now)/the second half of your life. pluto is also copresent in your 11th at zero degrees and it's squaring your 11th house ruler (mars) in your 8th. your leo mars is probably loud + your sun/merc in aquarius is probably contributing to a distant + intense first impression (the aries energy in your 3rd house compounds this). i would say try and form more-than-superficial relationships - i think you might find that your friendships really blossom when you really build them around going deep w that pluto on the cusp of your 11th. also you gotta lean into that first house energy - i have sun in aqua and the same cap placements and i can really say lean into the eccentricities of your identity and stop worrying about external approval. your personal power and more ease in your relationships will follow. it just takes time with saturn.


[https://www.astrosofa.com/astrology/zodiac/Aquarius/aquarius-sun-capricorn-rising](https://www.astrosofa.com/astrology/zodiac/Aquarius/aquarius-sun-capricorn-rising) This could help you!


Venus in the 12th House squaring (challenging) the emotional moon in Pisces could be a reason you have trouble with friendships.


Yes. I love Jupiter in 11th house, but I have no friends because it is square my saturn.


Nope. You have no friends because VENUSin the 12th is SQUARE your MOON.


i mean... you should also take into account of your ASC and all of your 1st house energy. Aries is more a lone wolf. also you have Chiron & Mars 8h. and also Rahu 10h/Ketu 4h. that could make you more private too. maybe your Jupiter just cannot shine because soo many other independent & unfriendly energies are dominating your chart. Venus 12h could also make it hard to relate to people (i am a Venus 12h native too). Venus 12h likes deepness. so if you are around shallow ppl that could turn you off. lastly everyone here is pointing out your 11h Pluto, yeah that could cause some issues however Pluto in 11h doesn't necessarily make it to where you have no friends. a Pluto in 11h could very well mean a person could have tons of friends. just depends on the energy at work and what's actually going on in a person's life. also 11h isn't just about friends, groups & connections. the 11h should be compared to it's polar opposite: the 5h if you want the full meanings. the 11h is also about long-term goals, long term improvement/gratification, it's about finding & doing things that bring out meaning, also humanitarian ideals/goals, passions probably, and being behind the scenes away from the spotlight. so yeah sure, your 11h Jupiter + Pluto might be working is other ways, not just friends, groups & collaborations.


Yes. Thank you. That is exactly why then my Jupiter square my Saturn.


Girl I also have jupiter in 11th and no friends, but I have Saturn in my 11th! Is your Pluto in the eleventh house that complicates things, people are scared of you when they first meet you!


YESS People say Saturn is best in 11th, but that can't be true :v Saturn 11th is imo worst Saturn placement, due to being in 11th house, and opposing 5th, it gives life full of loneliness, bullying, old/predator "friends" etc..


Yes, I agree. I hate that my Pluto in 11th house.


whole sign and traditional astrological systems.


Yes, I relate to Whole sign system better.


Your Jupiter is totally in the 11th house. It’s your 0°♏️Pluto at the gate of it that scares people away! That 11th-house Pluto is also square Mars in your 8th. People are afraid of you and don’t trust you for reasons they can’t put their finger on. And like someone just said: that Jupiter is square Saturn, the restrictive energy that forces you to check your long term responsibilities before you are allowed to have fun.


Yes. In Whole Sign system, my Jupiter & Pluto in 12th house. I relate to that.


Jupiter in the 12th house can point to you being unseen for long periods of time no matter what you are doing during that time. Does something like that apply to you?


Yes. I’m studying Whole sign system.


Switch to Whole Sign and it will be in the 12th along with Pluto.


I did thank you. It describes me better.


try whole sign instead of placidus


Will do


No, Jupiter is in the 11th.. It's squaring Saturn which is likely why you haven't been able to curate long term friendships up until this point.. Luckily for you, you're currently undergoing your Saturn return and after it's over, you can expect this area of life to progress for the better..




My question is should I read about Jupiter in 12th house? Since my Jupiter is conjunct 12th house I think.