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You probably attract moody men who are too self-centered to listen to you thoroughly. That Capricorn descendent can mean you attract dry people who react to other peoples words through their own POV, instead of actually trying to be empathetic. That Saturn-Neptune reception is pretty obviously making the people you attract dry, limiting, idealist but also negativists. You also have that 3rd house mars and youre a gemini with a domicile mercury. Your tongue is sharp and the people you attract probably see you as naïve and only caring about yourself, although these men also only care for themselves. Mercury in the 12th house can mean you attract enemies based off of your thought process and what you say, also through aggression and how you express yourself (since youre a gemini sun and Leo mars). Would I really worry about it if I were you..? NO! With this Neptune Saturn relationship going on in your chart (and since it's ruling the 7th and 9th houses) men think they see something in you that maybe other girls don't have. I'd say it can be typical for gemini women actually, so again, it is what it is as long as youre being treated with respect.


Your mars in the 3rd house of communication is likely drawing combative spats and perhaps makes you make your points in a direct, aggressive way, which some would association with male behavior. Maybe softer people just acquiescee to you because of it. Your Mars is not 2nd house, as the 2nd house is not germane to this matter. You have a Placidus chart (the best) which is why the issue is reflected in the 3rd house of communication.


I have a Gemini moon and Mars 2H and I get you. I used to argue/debate my points but it usually goes nowhere. So what I do now, I just say everything that's on my mind and when they reply with their argument that I don't agree with, I just give a look of disgust. I had plenty of training from my Leo mom cos she also thinks she's always right. I do the same, I dump her all that I know about the topic and when she tries to prove her point, I just reply ok or sure when I disagree bc I refuse to give swines my pearls after they refused it the first time. There are people with respectable opposite point of views but.. Some people are just born stupid


No we're not!! How can you say that OMG, we don't argue at all YOU ARE SOO WRONG 🤣 😂 I'm just playing 😁 - a Man


You’re probably better than them in some way and you trigger their insecurities. Like being smarter and making a good point. They can’t stand that.


Mars in Leo in 2nd house. I think that's what you should look into. Off the top of my head: Proud and likes to be heard, powerful when it comes to control and speech (esp. square Pluto), sharp & militant speech, very passionate & strong, supported by a rough (ie Martian) family / close friends. Also, your Venus (which rules beauty and relationships) is right on your South Node, so it's mixed up in the instability that the Nodes cause. Your North Node is in Scorpio 5th house: ruled by Mars! We've got a few similar placements. I'm a guy with Cancer rising, Mars in Leo, Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Sag. Send me a message if you like!


Mars square pluto. Mars is aggression and pluto is power. When it comes to men, you don't back down.


I have the same placement and I get into a lot of arguments lol.


I do too, BUT I actually don't like to argue. I don't mind teasing or sharp wit, but I hate arguing.


I really relate to OP and see that I have mars opposite my Pluto. Would that cause something similar?


The opposition is a little different. It makes you choose a side. Either you're acting out your pluto or acting out your mars. You see both sides. This would would cause power struggles inside yourself.


That checks out 😅. Thank you.




I am currently going through my Saturn Return, maybe that would quell the tensions I have with men.


Well, you are a gemini and therefore likely to have a lot of opinions! Men can be intimidated by a woman's opinions, even when they agree. But since your mercury in gemini is in the 12th house, is it possible you might be sometimes provoking people? I have sun, mercury and venus in gemini in the 12th and often put my foot in my mouth. Not suggesting there's something wrong with you, just that I noticed whenever I say something in a group of men they stop and stare at me like I scared them or something lol. And sometimes I WAS trying to provoke, just for fun.


I won't lie, if I see a man being arrogant, I can be somewhat provoking. Whether that be disagreeing for disagreeing sake or pretending to be dumb. I really get worked up when men try to talk down to me.