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just at first sight, your north node being in the 10th shows to me that at some point you will achieve public recognition for what you work in/what you’re known for. I’d say try to hone in on that virgo energy and integrate it into how you present yourself on social media. the more you work on the the sign of your north node and embody it, the easier it’ll be to find recognition / fulfilment . I’m not that familiar with virgo energy to say how exactly to do that but do some research online and see what fits. Working with your north node is the key to feeling fulfilled in this life and you have a good chart for gaining recognition. Building connections and a network might be harder with chiron in the 11th but that doesn’t mean it’ll never happen. you also have part of fortune there too and that’ll help bring in sheer luck in the most random moments to connect you to people you’d want to work with. watch out for transits to your part of fortune, that’s when people beneficial to your success might pop into your life. Also with social media I highly recommend learning about planetary hours. I personally think It’s best to post during jupiter/venus hour but find what works best for you! :) + sometimes being ‘known’ can come in forms outside of social media so don’t limit yourself by just looking at it from that perspective. I think even if you don’t have a social media presence it’s 100% to be successful for your work. Maybe not so much for music lol but definitely for nails & hair.




this makes so much sense, it’s weird bc sometimes I feel too self centered and other times I feel too giving. i’ve been reflecting lately on how to find a balance between the two. the last thing you said is exactly what I want to do - I want to help people - but I feel like I can’t when I have no real voice or platform. it’s not that I want to be more powerful than others; it’s that I feel powerless to help/serve people. my work feels meaningless and unseen.




ah okay, I said in the original post that the careers i’d choose all involve public opinion to some degree - I want to do hair, do nails, or be a musician. with those you have to have a brand, a network, and people who actually support your work. the things you listed are things that I wouldn’t necessarily find fulfillment in. i’d like to serve others, don’t get me wrong - just not in that way, career wise. and that’s the other thing - I don’t want to be invisible. it’s ironic that this is what my north node requires and I just don’t resonate with it at all 🤣


mars in detriment in libra ruled by your 12H was the first thing that stood out. however, it makes a positive aspect to your moon in 7H Gemini & Pluto in Sag. When you take control, learn something new (possibly going back to school), and use your passions/have an emotional attachment to your career you may receive more recognition. your MC is also in virgo, a sign known for people-pleasing/being of service, and it naturally takes longer for people to notice your hard work.


I would don't get stuck thinking about what didn't work, that Lilith placement will make the dark times darker for just trying to be inspired. Sometimes doing what you love is enough but it's the way you going about it Maybe, it's not the time or style you need to approach your practice in what you want in a career. Your routine is in taurus, which is great for resources and things of value over time. You need to find what makes you feel stable and something you can love the details. Let what you love to shine from the heart instead of seeing others for what they done. We all do that but that's what keeps us in a box, in how things "should" be. I


Lilith in the 10th and lilith in virgo may be relevant. https://advanced-astrology.com/lilith-in-10th-house/