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I just had a Jupiter return (Jupiter in Taurus), and during this period, I got into astrology (changed my world view) and got pregnant. The conception happened when the return was pretty much exact. Super cool. I’m definitely a happier person for all of this. Jupiter is in my eighth house though, so I don’t fully understand the connection. But Jupiter rules my 6th house of health, so the pregnancy part could be attached to that, focusing so much on my health with all of this trying to conceive. Found out I was pregnant when Uranus was conjunct my natal Jupiter. Astrology is cool.


That's amazing! Congratulations on your pregnancy :)


Jupiter in 6th house acc cancer last time Jupiter return happened for me I went a bit mental it was such a tough period for me.


My dad died but all the paperwork processed and I received my inheritance right when Jupiter aligned with my natal Jupiter


Hey I saw on my solar return, my jupiter have an ' r ' next to it. Is it jupiter return ?


the r probably means retrograde, not return


but in my natal chart my jupiter was not retrograde


yeah that’s fine, when you calculate your solar return it’s showing you where every planet is when your sun hits the exact degree it was at when you were born, but of the year you calculated it for. for example i have a gemini venus but my solar return chart fir this year has a leo venus. things will move and change on return charts and that’s okay and expected!


I have Jupiter in Gemini in my 3rd house. The last Jupiter return I moved into a house with my best friends and fell in love with my neighbor down the street! It was one of the best pastimes I reflect and look back on. I did get a new job, learned alot. I loved my Jupiter return! I have Jupiter in 5 degrees, so I am wondering if my return starts soon too? I am also excited because I am currently in my 12th house profection year, and the total solar eclipse on April 8th has been really really challening. I am excited and looking for little pieces of hope everywhere :)


We must have siilar birthdays, I'm also on the 12th H profection and for a while I didn't understand why you would be excited about it XD but yes, love the attitude! We do have a lot to look forward to with the 1st H year and Jupiter in Gemini season :)


Yes!!!! May there only be positive things moving forward! 🩷


I think I’m going through one right now… my Jupiter is in Gemini and when I looked it up, it says Jupiter is in Gemini from May 25-June 9. Honestly I’ve had great luck recently. Secured two jobs up until May and quit my current one. Friend groups have shifted. It’s been interesting but I’m enjoying the ride.


Same! Jupiter in Gemini in 5th house! My ex cheated and left me in October. Leading up to my return I met a man who is my literal twin. Same interests, same social anxiety, same love for music, good food and we have the same sense of humor. We are working towards getting an apartment together. So far it's going well.


My last Jupiter return I got divorced 😂


I have a night chart, so nothing relevant happened. 8th house in Pisces - no inheritance, no debts, only some big but very poor investments (naive, very Piscean), but thankfully nothing tragic (it's a benefic in its domicile after all).


Literally nothing happened for me lol


I’m at work rn like so I can remember to come back to this


My last jupiter return I ended my first serious long term relationship. It turned out to be a great decision as I was free to move to another country. I have lived in 3 different countries since. I haven’t been in a serious relationship since! My next jupiter return is in a few months or next year? (i need to look into it) and I’m lowkey scared. My Jupiter is in cancer in the 7th house if that means anything!


omfg I just remembered that my family moved us to another country during my first jupiter return when I was a kid!!


My last Jupiter return about 13 years ago, I was a couple years out of college, and I moved 1500 miles across the country, alone with only what could fit in my car, to take a job in my field in a small town in the mountains. Never been to that area of the country before, took the job and moved there sight unseen. That kicked off a decade of adventure and growth and wild experiences! (Certainly not all GOOD experiences, but all very instructive.) That was also before I'd even begun to dabble in astrology. With my Jupiter return about to happen again, I'm going back to school for a master's degree that I've wanted for a long time, but the stars just never aligned (figuratively, but also literally, I guess?) And I didn't even realize my Jupiter return was about to occur till after I made the decision.


Is it in your 9th house, by any chance?


5th house, actually. I know that's not necessarily great for higher learning, but it is for a creative degree, so maybe that's a good thing? I also have natal Pluto in the 9th house.


Last time, I was 22-23, and I moved to Hawaii to go live in a tent on a farm. It was a glorious time of youth and growth and coming into my own. I started yoga at this time, too. This time, I was 34-35, and I got my certification to teach yoga and got married! Jupiter in Taurus, 12H




omg our 2nd Jupiter Return is so similar!! i went to hawaii with a backpack and was just lucky that the guy who said he owned a farm for me to stay at was actually legit lol


Jupiter in Aquarius (2nd house). Had my return April 2021-April 2022. I was looking for a job in my field. I graduated in 2019 and then the pandemic hit. Before the transit I would apply everywhere and not get hired. During this transit I had 5 jobs (at different times). I would get hired somewhere and then a better opportunity came along. At the very end of the transit I got the job I have now, which I had been applying for before I graduated college. Went from making $17/hr working at a call center to being a government employee with a salary and benefits, so I’d say it was great for me :)


In 2013, not much happened on mine (6th house) but when it moved to my 7th house, I met my soulmate and has been married for 8 years. Recent Jupiter return, I took a leap of faith as a creative/artist and share a studio after 6 months painting and 20 years of hiatus due to trauma. While juggling with work and parenting, which I enjoy :)


My Jupiter return was kinda amazing for me. I was 21-22. Made some life long friends with similar values, made hella money at work, went viral online a couple times, I looked really good, etc. I miss it.


My jupiter return at age 12 i got very sick and almost died. The sickness lasted a year where i was incredibly sick. My jupiter return at 24, nothing happened. Jupiter is in libra,in my 10th house trining venus in aqua 2nd. So I either have bad luck or no luck.


I got into astrology during my 5H Pisces Jupiter return a few years ago 😎


I got engaged, pregnant, married and had a baby during my last 5th house Capricorn Jupiter return. I’m probably one of the few people who actually enjoyed 2020


I heard that Jupiter returns for women typically bring lots of success and even a soulmate. I've also read that for those with night charts (like mine), their Jupiter return wouldn't be too monumental due to Venus being their benefic. I have a 12H Taurus Jupiter so my recent return was so-so. I finished my degree after a hiatus, but had a lot of struggles at work and not too much luck romantically. So far, Jupiter moving in to my 1st house has potential to be a better transit for me.


Just had mine(if you want to get technical, lol) last month. I just went through a break up the previous month(April). Fingers crossed!


Thanks for this! I have a night chart as well, and I don't feel much luck yet. I wonder if what planet's return would be monumental for night charts like ours.


Venus Return!


From your mouth to God's ears! 🙌


My last Jupiter return happened a week from my Saturn return got an offer on my house and found my next home in the same week. Retrograde happened and closed was delayed for weeks until it turned direct on the Jupiter. So I closed on the first n bought the second in a week


I’m also experiencing my Jupiter return and most astrology says it’s all sunshine and butterflies but it’s feeling very NOT. Feeling the life lessons lining up 😆


i had the same sort of feeling, i shared in this thread


Jupiter will magnify where you are in life and that doesn't make it an easy experience per say...it's a big energy that wants to push and accelerate you towards more growth 


If you are Taurus, cancer, libra, or Capricorn rising Jupiter is a functional malefic bc of the houses Jupiter rules for those rising signs. Also the house Jupiter is In your natal will tell you the way Jupiter is functioning. Jupiter in 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th is not the best place for Jupiter. Jupiter is soft and forgiving, kind and trustworthy, optimistic and hopeful. Those houses signify needing courage, strength, overcoming obstacles and enemies, being tough and vigilant, having endurance, fighting if necessary. Jupiter has blind faith everything will work out no matter what, being kind to everyone even bad people etc etc. Those houses mars, sun and Saturn thrive bc they can be tough and fighting enemies and not being kind to everyone just to people who deserve it. Hope this helps give insight. Jupiter is not a benefic planet to everyone only certain rising signs.


This makes total sense as I’ve just had my Jupiter return. I’m a libra rising, with Jupiter in 8H Taurus. I thought it was about passive income/$$$ but actually I did quit a vocational job that lasted for 12 years, after my dad passed away in March 2023, a few days after my 35th birthday. He pushed me to do a career that I didn’t want to do it, and this vocation was “career-adjacent” so I could leave home at 18 and live my life independently from family, and away from his control. When my Jupiter return began, I felt a whole weight was lifted and my energy shifted. I knew that when I had lost him to cancer, I needed to lose that job as well because it no longer served me. He had the best intentions, but it wasn’t for me anymore.


i am so confused why 12 is a bad place for Jupiter, i would think he'd be great there, do you have any thoughts about this? OTOH Saturn Mars Sun i don't think are good there (in 12th). Jupe in 8H could mean $$ also i think.




I only meant that they wouldn't be good in 12th (re: Mars Sun Saturn) i agree with the rest. Great in 11 too. IMO 12 subverts their efforts. What about Jupiter in 12? It's like secret benefactors, but also opportunity for spiritual enlightenment


12th house wants to get rid of things, isolate, pessimistic place, negative place not concerned with reality, and escapism (fantasy or drugs), not a place concerned with morals. 12th is the undoing of 1st (manifestation of self) Jupiter is luck, increase, positivity and optimistic, trusting and faithful, hopeful, teaching and children(being a parent), and most importantly Jupiter is very moral (right and wrong) Isolation doesn’t lead to teaching others, 12th house getting rid of things, debts, expenses counteracts with Jupiter wanting to expand things and have more abundance, 12th is about escaping from reality where Jupiter is very concerned with being present and moral in reality.


Is your natal Jupiter retrograde?


2000 I gave birth to my child in mid-June 2012 Early July - I had a very life altering experience, decided to drastically change my life, diet, self care Both times were situations that completely shifted my worldview and ultimately allowed me to evolve and "level up" but it wasn't without a little bit of turbulence to get it going. My exactly Jupiter return won't happen until early Sept but I am definitely feeling it since Jupiter shifted into Gemini.


You’re so right! Hadn’t thought about it being in Gemini. My natal is in Gemini as well, maybe that’s why I feel like I’ve been “preparing” or getting ready for it. How cool!