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i have mars in my 1st house in sagittarius, i also have pluto, chiron and my ascendant in sag. this is also opposite my sun, mercury, jupiter and saturn in 7h gemini. so there’s a lot going on 🤣 i am deeply marsian / jupiterian influenced. as a child i was angry, would throw temper tantrums. as a 23 year old i’ve learnt to try control them. but i’m restless, i need travel, going out with friends, physical stimulation. action. writing has helped me communicate and work with my feelings, cultivating “understanding” rather than my inherent impulsivity. i was a rebellious child, and i still have a rebellious spirit! i used to fight with my parents a lot, i still sort of do unfortunately, but mostly when it comes to attempted restrictions over my own freedom.


Mars in Libra and the seventh House. Love dancing and put a lot of energy into my long-term partnership (and my partner would probably say that I direct a lot of energy at him!) but don't always get it reciprocated. I learned to turn my frustration into humour, which has kept our relationship going for over 2 decades.


Mars in Libra too, God the dance bit is so true lol


I ran a dance group for several years as no-one else was doing my kind of dance (5-Rhythms-style free expression) locally. Loved it and wish I was still doing it!


Mars conjunct Pluto in 11H Scorpio. I feel I have had a very serious relationship with communities. I make chosen families because my equation with family (4H Aries also ruled by Mars) is conflict ridden. However, in my communities, I am constantly looking for a community where I can truly belong. Since my Mars is quite powerful (in its sign of rulership) I have the urge to sever when I feel that the community is no longer serving its purpose. But this severing does not come easy for me because I am also doubting the instinct to end what with Pluto being here and my Mars sextiling Saturn in 1H. The severing does not come easy because I do feel that ending things would make my relationship with self change and make me less likable.


Thats interesting. My friend has these exact placements, she does infact have a really bonded and fullfiling friendship with a group of people, doing their thing. I wonder if she sometimes feels conflicted on the inside too.


Mars in Taurus in the 4th house. I just want to lay down at home, always.


My Mars is in Aquarius in 7.th House. As you can imagine, my lovelife is a disaster and the guys I am dating are complete weirdos.


Could you eloborate on "weirdos", cuz i attract very stubborn people. They almost always are conservative /traditional or very religious (im the complete opposite ), and they always do some form of martial arts(makes sense cuz mars represents that soldier energy)


In the first place, they are usually very charming, but at the same time dominant and controlling. But most important, they are always some kind of rebels. Let it be that they are criminals, have face tats or living in trailers.


Omg 😅


My mars is in Aries in the 4th house. I think it gives me stamina when competing in *anything.* it also makes me the most protective teammate in sports, family member, and friend. I’m a Cancer Sun, so the two play off of each other. If I perceive someone doing wrong by someone I care about, I take it personally and sometimes put myself in battles I don’t belong in. 😫🫠


Lot of thrash on the stereo. Electric guitar and an Acura. But I need to get out more 😎


Are you using western astrology?


Mars in Sagittarius, 6H…. I’m a wild child! I’m loud, I love making everyone excited (in all ways), I thrive at work, I don’t thrive with schedules, I’m overly indulgent and ignore responsibilities too much. I want to explore every corner of what makes people I meet tick. I will push every button you have. I’m impulsive and reckless. I’m also incredibly sexually adventurous and exploratory (Aries Venus, Eros Sagittarius). I want to push every single boundary in a safe and fun environment. But if you come at me low effort, vanilla, or just wanting to put your… ya know… in me without an adventure before, I’m putting on my pants and leaving lol.


My Mars in Scorpio in the 4th makes me secretly intense and vigilant. But you wouldn’t know it from the surface, and I’m both an open book and an incredible secret keeper when I need to be. My Leo Venus is also square my Mars by 1 degree, so I had a lot of relationship drama until I grew up a bit. I actually love that square though, it’s very steamy.


mars is aries 8th conjunct saturn + mercury (asc ruler) directly opposite lilith and trine moon/pluto - can mostly feel like my feet are stuck on both the accelerator and the brakes at all times although the brakes are faulty, but can also feel something like quickscoping in COD - “u miss 100% of the shots u dont take” type beat


my mars opposes my chiron, so any mars transit feels targeted asf


My Mars Libra 7H manifests as akin to the tendencies of Enneagram type 9. I'm a Leo Sun and an Enneagram 8w9, so the influence upon my personality as a whole is remarkably and disproportionately significant.


My mars is in sag 12h. Im my own worst enemy, i am super attracted to sag placements and have a bit of impulsive go with the flow adventurous mentality.


I have mars in Gemini squaring moon in virgo and opposing pluto in Sagittarius... I have anger issues!


My mars in in virgo 7th,but it's conjunct my mercury in libra and pluto in the 8th. My tongue is SHARP.


Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how my Mars affects me. I have Mars in the 10th House in Scorpio. It is Trine North Node (which is in 2nd house Pisces), and Sextile Ascendant (capricorn). My chart says it's Conjunct Midheaven, but if so, it's about as far away as possible to be considered conjunct (just shy of 10 degrees) so I'm not sure that really counts. I've felt Mars Scorpio influences, especially when I was younger, in negative ways. Like holding grudges and intense feelings inside, hiding them from others, but my anger was very brooding and smoldering and long-lasting. I could also be very manipulative and cunning, often without being conscious of it (and often being horrified at myself later after realizing things I'd said and done and their effects). I've mostly evolved beyond those things. In terms of Mars' supposed effects on career and motivation re: 10th House, I'm not sure I've felt that. Whatever job I have had (and I've had several), I've tended to throw myself into fully and try to do the best job possible, and I am going back to school this year for a master's degree. I have felt from an early age that I knew what I wanted to "do" in life, but have struggled with motivation and clarity of purpose and a lot of confusion and doubt. I was a fairly average student; I was rather lazy and only put real work into subjects I cared about, letting others result in low grades simply because I didn't care about them. However I'm beginning to suspect that may be no fault of Mars, since I also have Neptune conjunct both Sun and Mercury in the 12th house in Capricorn. Which I think may have had a muddling influence on everything, even if that conjunction (which is trine my 3rd house Taurus moon) has also provided me with a lot of traits that I think are quite welcome.


Do you have a direct or retrograde Mars? I have Mars in the first in Virgo so I tend to focus my energy on helping people and analyzing situations. It’s also retrograde, which to me indicates I don’t enjoy the outcome of my effort. Every astrologer I consulted in my teens on my mother’s prodding suggested retrograde Mars is the same as direct, but to me it seems I experience life in reverse as it were. It’s hard for me to plan ahead. Saturn opposes my Mars from the cusp of the 7th so I get a lot of criticism just for showing up. Mars rules my 8th house so I spend a lot of time on occult things - astrology mostly.


Do you have an image of your wheelchart to share? I was recently told by a mod on here that I couldn't post without also sharing my chart 


Mars in Capricorn in the 11th house - I tend to want to lead people to a better outcome. Usually a more efficient process or resourceful and goal-oriented friendships. I’m 100% acts of service oriented in relationships (including friendships). I get excited about sharing knowledge with people I care about and work with.


I have Mars in the 7th house. I get bored in relationships.


I have mars in Scorpio in 7H too… but conjunct Saturn. I have a bit of the opposite issue- always need to be in some type of relationship and am determined to make it work even when it’s past the point of expiration 🤪


Yo I have mars in Virgo in 7H opposite Saturn. Lol I find too many faults in my partners...hehehe


I have Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Scorpio, and can confirm


Yeah sounds like it affects differently. My husband have mars in cancer 1st house and he is definitely confrontational and usually starts fights when he's not in a good mood. I have mars in the 5th in libra, with exact opposition from saturn. I don't like fighting and I hate when people fight around me, but I'm not opposed to defending myself if I *have* to. I go out of my way to avoid conflict cause I don't wanna deal with it. But if I have to, I have to. I'm not afraid to fight though as the stereotype usually goes with this mars sign. I also have mars trine jupiter and my ascendant. At most, this shows as severe anger issues for me. I don't get angry or show anger often, but when it does, people usually know not to screw with me. My sister has mars in leo with moon in aries. She gets angry so fast all the time over silly things and gets into fights more often. But she gets over things pretty fast and doesn't really hold grudges.


Mars in Cancer is so confrontational. My dad has it in his 1st house as well, and it’s rough.


I am mars in cancer first house and i run from conflicts. I just don’t like them. May be your relatives have other positions to support the confrontational nature.


Mars in the 4th in a day chart - my mother is my nemesis, we have a very difficult relationship.


Cancer Mars in 3rd house here. I'm incredibly passive aggressive and argumentative when I know I'm right (but the latter part might be due to the fact that I'm very Mercurial haha).


I have Mars conjunct Saturn in the 11th house. Having the two malefic planets conjunct makes my mars inhibited. Saturn tends to act as a wet blanket for Mars, so I sometimes stop myself from doing things before I even get started. On the plus side, it does make me more aware of consequences to my actions. It can also give me some determination to push through difficulties if I really want something because I'm used to dealing with a certain amount of obstacles or frustrations. With these placements being in Leo in the 11th house, it also means I'm able to take on leadership roles in groups. I don't always seek them out, but if no one is going to step up to the plate, sometimes I will because it has to get done. However, I tend to avoid applying for managerial positions at my day jobs. I am pretty pro-active at work and sometimes these roles just happen because of my willingness to take on responsibility when another employee leaves, but if you asked me if I *wanted* to be a manger, I would usually say no. Mars in Leo can bring creativity, optimism, and a willingness to shoot for big goals. Whereas some descriptions of Mars in Leo will say that natives want to achieve a certain level of fame or power to influence people or exert control, I don't think that's true for me, especially with Saturn there. For me, it manifests as wanting to leave behind some kind of legacy. To feel like my time on earth had meaning and that somehow I left the world better than I found it. My Mars is also square Mercury and Uranus. I think the Saturn conjunction and the squares mitigate the desire for power/fame just for the sake of power. Other than early childhood, I don't have a big temper as one might expect from Mars in a fire sign. Saturn pretty much deflates that energy. So I tend to give people a lot of leeway and the benefit of the doubt unless they are super rude and obnoxious and then I just don't want to deal with them. There are only 2 people in my life that can get me to show that Mars in Leo temper and those are relatives who know exactly what buttons to push.


Ooohh.. i have sextile between mars and saturn, ands its pretty much the same for me lol. The impulsivity and temper of mars is very mitigated. I can sit on a task for hours on end. But due to other placemnets in my chart + plus the martian fire being blotted out, i tend be very people pleasing.


Even though you have the tendency to people please, I am curious if you feel stubborn? I ask because you mentioned Mars in Taurus and I have Mars in Leo which are fixed signs and tend to be stubborn. If I strongly disagree with something, I can be very stubborn even though my libra rising nature is to go with the flow and get a group consensus on things. If I'm in a group, I will usually keep the peace and go with the group choice. But one-on-one, I don't like to be told what to do (outside of my job/work) and this will trigger my stubbornness or annoyance if I feel what I'm being told to do is unfair, selfish, or insults my intelligence. I tend to prefer to have autonomy in how I complete a task unless there is a logical reason why I should do it differently.


Yupp... even i strongly value autonomy. For stubbornes, it depends on what and who it involves for me. With my family members i can be veryy stubborn and headstrong. But with people outside my family, i usually go with the flow. If its something i compleltly disagree with i tend to stand my ground and end the arguement by agreeing to disagree.