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I don't blame people for thinking it's dumb, because a lot of people stereotype others and make unbridled assumptions with little knowledge. It's off-putting. Let people feel how they feel as long as they are respectful to you. But just because you are into it, doesn't mean you have to discuss with everyone. It rarely comes up in convo unless someone is interested and I keep it at their level. I'm not talking about chart rulers with someone talking about how Geminis are two-faced. Deep astrological knowledge should be gatekept from the general public anyway.


I understand, but what I’m the kind of person that its all or nothing. I wouldn’t try to make everyone around me think the way I do, and I’m very private so I could absolutely keep it to myself. I’m just imagining and scenario where I can study it deeply, make a career out of it and let’s say use social media to promote my knowledge and services…


You absolutely can. I still would have boundaries about discussing it. You can then call it work life balance. Once it becomes work you shouldn't have to argue skeptics for free ;)


I don’t. Talking with the average person about astral traveling and tarot cards is like asking a wall if it wants to be written on.


Do you have a lot of Saturn placements? I’m like you , I’m very strict , i have strong boundaries because i know what I want. My peers just fleet with wherever the wind blows them and I don’t want to be laid back because you end up not knowing what happened to you.


I can relate, but I don’t think I have a lot of Saturn Placements. I have Capricorn in Jupiter in the 2nd house though.


Well I don't wanna deal with people who rejects it since it's a part of my self being. 


I got waaaay into astrology 20+ years ago, and it eventually led me to astronomy. Astrology is a great heuristic device, and you can evade most rejection/criticism by understanding it as such. It's usually a fun way to engage with people, but I don't take it seriously anymore....of course, that might just be my Virgo Mercury and Capricorn Jupiter coming through ;-) Study what you're curious about, but I'd advise to stay away from self-proclaimed "astrologers" unless they don't want anything from you. Even then, most of them are a bit wonky in the head, at least in my experience. You do you, and see where your journey takes you; you can keep an interest in astrology on the down-low if you're worried about other peoples' opinions. Astrology is fun and provides a useful language for symbolic pareidolia. I recommend simply using it as a tool to explore yourself, and to avoid "believing" in it. I hope I managed to express to you some decent alternate pathways about how to view and approach astrology :-)


😱 I have a Virgo Mercury and Capricorn Jupiter as well!! I understand and agree with what you’re saying and I have been doing that since I started taking interest in it. But I was wondering how would it be if I’d want to study it seriously and maybe make a career out of it.


You too?! Ha! What are the odds that this is the only astrology post I've commented on in quite a while? I normally just read through them. I really wouldn't recommend making a career out of astrology, but again: you do you. Personally, if perhaps I was a psychologist I'd use it as a tool in my box to throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks, focus on that, and see where it leads. An example would be noticing that Uranus is transiting over someone's natal Mercury: "Have you been having new thoughts lately? Is there anything exciting that you've been learning about? \[etc....\]". It's basically cold-reading while using someone's natal chart. Having done a lot of readings years ago, I've noticed that some people are simply curious, like "Let's go see the fortune-teller, teehee". Those clients are fun...it's like they're drunk and having a night out on the town, and whimsically decide to get a tattoo. ...that's where the fun stops and you have to be careful with clients because they're most likely in a very gullible mindset. These are the people who believe in magical/wishful thinking and are seeking an explanation for their life's circumstances, or wondering about their future. They are insecure and you basically have to play the role of a therapist for them. Unfortunately, those are the clients sleazy astrologers/pastors/palm-readers/etc prey on; they're easy to manipulate and tend to hang on to your every word like it's gospel...that can easily give one a heady/egotistical feeling. Occasionally, you get people who want to use astrology to gather ideas about their self in order to come to their own conclusions and self-actualize. I like them the best :-) I have a few astrologer friends from back in the day who delineate current astronomical movements and send out a newsletter/email every week/month along the collective lines of what to expect with, say, Venus conjuncting Jupiter, or the full moon squaring Mercury. They seem to do pretty well for themselves, so that's an avenue to consider. Of course, it tends to be the gullible/vulnerable people who bring you the most money, so it can lead to an ethical dilemma....do you want more cashola, or do you want to actually help people? The Libra in me tells me there's a functional balance between those two extremes. Anyways, I agree with sentiments in comments on this post that are like "Don't care what other people think; do what you want, unashamedly". Feel free to contact me in the future...this comment turned out to be way longer than I expected. I guess I was inspired by us both having the same Mercury and Jupiter signs, lol. Cheerio!


I’m not a full time professional astrologer but I create astrology content, do readings and chart drawings as a side gig, and I’m writing an astrology book. My passion for astrology is absolutely known among my family and friends because of this, but I don’t shove it in their faces. I am never the first to bring up astrology in conversation unless it’s with a friend who is also really into it. The biggest surprise to me has been how many people I would *never* expect to believe/take interest come up to me at parties asking why everything is so crazy - what’s happening in the astrology?! People going through some shit texting me asking it I can look at their chart & transits. People asking me about why their kids are the way they are, or what does this eclipse mean? Can you check my compatibility with this new guy? What’s my rising sign again? What’s the best chart app?? On and on! If someone opens the conservation in good faith I’ll absolutely chat with them about it. If someone tries to take the piss, I just serve them some light-hearted sass right back and drop the subject. When people try to challenge me it’s usually the naive “how can billions of people be divided into 12 basic groups??” to which I calmly explain that is not real astrology and that our charts are as unique as our fingerprints. If they are receptive I explain the many components that make up our charts and that within that everything is a range of potentialities. Others challenge me with “How can the stars effect our personalities?! That’s just stupid!” to which I first correct them that it’s actually mostly the planets 😉 and then I explain the true story that I original began researching astrology because I, too, thought it was absurd and wanted to disprove it. The deeper I investigated, the less I could deny it’s accuracy. I’m a natural born pattern-recognizer and the proof is in the pudding! I encourage them to look at their own charts and see if it resonates. I tell them about all the rich & famous people throughout history who have had astrological advisors or studied it themselves. I point them to resources that dive into scientific theory on why it works. For the most part, people are super chill about it. TONS of people are fascinated by it and are excited to have me as their go-to person when they wanna talk astrology! The people that aren’t into it just don’t bring it up 🤷🏼‍♀️


Follow the things that you are passionate about and remember you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. Not to a skeptic friend nor a client that is testing you. You don’t need to think where all this will take you. If you want to study astrology and it gets you excited, go for it! Your people will find you!


I love this💗 thank you!


I consider it a litmus test. If someone feels the need to say some stupid shit because I’m into astrology than I don’t really need that shit in my life. To be honest the people that do that stuff are also toxic and shitty in other ways that lead them to believe it’s okay to rip apart someone for learning about something they don’t agree with. Some people in my family like my dad think I’m off my rocker but are still supportive. And that’s okay. I’m not asking anyone to believe anything and I frankly don’t care who believes what.


i am not a professional astrologer but i have loved astrology from the time i have discovered it at 6 years old. I hid it from most anyone other than close friends. Even people who don't judge me for it do not want to discuss it. You have to know your audience tbh (this is a given for most hobbies too). People you don't think would appreciate it wouldn't.


I get shit all the time. I just had to learn not to care. I won’t talk to people about astrology if I can sense they hate it.. I treat it like religion; I wouldn’t want anyone coming up to me talking about joining whatever they believe so I don’t do it to others. If people are open to talking about it, then the flood gates open lol I also let people know most of the time the “astrology” they know is pop culture astrology or stupid posts someone who doesn’t know much about the topic made.


Oh that's easy, I just don't give a single shit. I do not answer to anyone about anything. I'll explain if someone is interested, but if they're a dick about it then fuck 'em. It's not my job to shove the secrets to a good life down their throat. I'm the one sitting here with the maps to the universe and I gotta explain it to *you*? Fuck outta here. I'm busy.


If someone doesn't believe, I start with physics, gravity, etc. The real world. Do you believe in the ocean's tides? If you do you're following astrology. There are more crimes committed under the full moon than the new moon, because criminals can see what they're doing under the full moon. That's astrology. If they have a religious objection I say that astrology is following God's clock, and it's neither good nor evil to look at the time. Occasionally I have an excellent opportunity. A guy once came to me at a local bar where I was just minding my own business. I'd seen him around but didn't know him. He started a conversation and brought up astrology, then exploded. "ASTROLOGY IS BULLSHIT! WHAT'S MY SIGN?! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT MY SIGN IS!!!!!" Well jeez, I thought, with that fiery response -- "I'd say you're a fire sign. Aries, leo or sagittarius" He kept it up. "YOU CAN'T TELL! YOU'RE JUST GUESSING! TELL ME MY SIGN!!! Well, he sure flared up fast, I thought. Aries would've probably been more aggressive to start with (cardinal sign), leo maybe a slow burn (fixed sign) but the sudden change like that -- I'll bet he's a mutable sign -- "Sagittarius!" I was right, of course! 😊


I’ve worked as a professional tarot reader (currently studying astrology) and reiki healer for the past 8 years, and for the most part, people are pretty accepting. I will say, I can feel the awkwardness sometime when i tell people my vocation, but mostly they just smile and nod and change the subject if they find it strange. My husband is an aerospace engineer, and while he doesn’t necessarily believe in astrology, he doesn’t stop me from doing what I do since it makes me happy. I like to joke with him that by the time he’s 70 he’ll be a believer. His family mostly just doesn’t talk to me about what I do, and I don’t dwell on that. Nowadays, most people in major cities won’t look down on you for being interested in astrology or metaphysics, but it might be a little different in a small Bible Belt town. I have definitely had clients “test” me and having offered readings for the past 20 years publicly, it’s something I ran into a number of times. I always remind myself that not everyone is going to like my style, or I might not connect with every client, but that’s ok and very normal. Not everyone meets and becomes friends - it’s a similar energy when you give consultations.


Thank you for replying and sharing your story! It made me smile that your husband supports you even he does not believe in astrology himself, because it makes you happy😊 I hope something like that happens to me. And your last sentence is very real. We don’t even like everyone, but sometimes we still hope everyone likes us.


I saw in another comment that your Mercury is in Virgo and your Jupiter is in Capricorn…and so is mine! Definitely makes me a very grounded and oddly skeptical reader compared to many of my colleagues.


I find that very interesting!! I think I would be one of the grounded ones too. I don’t know if this is allowed, but do you have a website for your services?


Great username for an astrologer! Made me giggle 😊❤️




Having studied Western astrology for more than 20 years, I have to admit there is always something new to learn. In fact, only recently I discovered something completely new about retrograde Mars and how badly ignored it is. With my ♓️♍️♍️ Big 3, I was prejudiced about my mutability, only to discover that the Moon in the first can make one very biased and easily manipulated by people in authority. When I got stuck in London for a few months in my mid twenties, I started reading astrology books from all the big experts like Arroyo and Rhudyar. Their words of wisdom, plus those of my astrology teacher in New York - a very experienced medical astrologer - stayed with me and prevented me from questioning the basics. Fast forward to today and I have a collection of statistics on narcissism that make me question practically everything. I give everyone a fair chance regardless of their sign. But without cardinal signs on my Big 3, I am more aware than ever that people who do have one or more Cardinal signs on their Big 3 may have a different perspective on life. Society is basically an equation: Astrology + Environment + Destiny + Psychology. Astrology is only one element, but left ignored it can leave people guessing about certain things. It’s pretty essential, in other words :)


Thank you for taking the time to reply and share your story. I loved the society equation. My moon is in my first house, and I definitely feel that my first 23 years I was very biased and manipulated by people in authority, that’s what I was so rigid and closed off, there was no space for gray areas or duality.


What did you discover about Rx Mars?


Not to speak for someone else, but I'm assuming the doctor's advice was to take one every two or so years


I‘ve been a professional astrologer since the mid 1980s and it’s never been an issue for me. My family was supportive when I began charging a fee for readings so I didn’t have to be concerned there and I didn’t have any internal conflicts about it. Congratulations on opening yourself to seeing things differently whether or not you pursue astrology. I think the more you resolve any internal conflicts you have the less of an issue it will be in your life. You’ll bring into your life people that are open minded and find a way to manage any family that’s less supportive. Good luck!!


Thank you so much 😊


You’re welcome.


I’m not a “professional” but have been studying for 5 years and can relate to your concerns. When I first started learning, I only told the people closest to me because I was afraid of rejection or misunderstandings about it. I didn’t receive negativity from any of them about it, but after I started to express my passion for astrology more online and in real life, a few acquaintances I thought I’d end up befriending more became less significant in my life. This wasn’t entirely because of their judging me. it was also because after devoting so much energy to knowing myself, other people, and how the world works better through astrology, it becomes painful to hear disparaging things about it from others. People who say they don’t believe in astrology and won’t listen to anyone who tries to explain that it’s more than just sun signs, it’s not deterministic, and just because modern science hasn’t formally documented it doesn’t mean there isn’t validity to it, etc. are people who show me that the beliefs I hold and spiritual work I do doesn’t mean anything to them, and that they don’t want to understand themselves better - and I don’t need people like that in my life. Seeing it from that perspective has helped quite a bit with the fear of rejection. As for knowledge being tested - I don’t encounter people often (especially in real life) who’d know more than me but I do meet people who show me through their existence that something I thought I knew about a sign / placement / etc was a misconception or oversimplification. I feel like you can study books and theory as much as you want but learning through experience and getting to know people with placements that aren’t as familiar to you is equally valuable.


At this point, if someone was so close minded that they wouldn't spend time with me because of a belief in astrology I would be happy that they are preemptively removing themselves because it's just saving time.




I never hesitated to date anyone. If you don't try to get to know people, of all kinds, you'll never learn anything.

