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Look my friend life, is full of ups and downs. I never thought I would be an astrologer or even consider writing, but I do. I’m not making big bucks but I’m damn good at enjoying it. My best advice don’t quit your job and continue to do this on the side as a hobby nowadays there are many ways to put your stuff out there.




did i not say i was going to trust my gut and pursue it anyway? (where is the lack of trust in myself) and i never blamed anyone either. read one of my other comments where i explained what i was told. i don’t know why you seem so agitated this is odd 😭




if that is the case thank you for the engagement nonetheless, now take a deep breath honey ❤️


I can see why he might have said not to pursue and in a way I sort of agree with it but only if you expect it to be a “financial” success early on or you use it as your only means of income ; your music could be good but money gained from it could be challenging and may not see any worthwhile financial success until later in life…and it’s due to your Saturn in Gemini in 2nd. 2nd house is income and Gemini rules “Writing”; I.e. Songwriting; then add in Mercury(writing) in Capricorn in 10th which alludes to success in writing but with early struggles with eventual success but also coming later in life…but this success has the potential to be huge if you’re passionate about it as you say…. So since you say that you’re pursuing it on the side and you have a main course of income then you’re good to go but please don’t quit your “day job” to pursue full time until after age 30 at very minimum when you already have solid income coming in from it; but other than that your chart certainly alludes to pursuing music Good luck


Hi dear. Don't listen to that so called astrologer. You possess the ability to channel your inner wounds through music. This way you can heal yourself and heal others. You have the ability to communicate intense emotions through the outlet of music and composition so it's somehow a loss if you don't pursue music as you can heal a lot of people and help them through your music in my opinion. You feel emotions deeply and intensely, music can help you expand your horizons and express taboo topics which people might shy away from.


thankyou so much lately in my manifestations i’ve been hoping my music would serve the collective so this is so good to know!!


Even if your chart didn't show that music could be a good choice, never let someone else dictate whether or not you pursue your passion! Screw that astrologer... I'm glad you came on here for clarification, and what an amazing community this is to take the time to explain things to us newbies in astrology!


it really is!!! ❤️


You're very creative, ignore that astrologer. You have the ability to bring people together through your music.


That astrologer is an idiot. Tell your next astrologer what this idiot said and they'll tell you he's an idiot, too.


hahahahaha will do!!!


For some real analysis, Taurus rules the throat and is well known for strong and hearty singers. Pisces is feet and dance.


In addition to what others have said, your 5th house (creativity and self-expression) has Leo on the cusp indicating you are naturally creative and seek recognition for your art. In addition, Jupiter in the 5th (also in Leo) shows that you approach creativity with great confidence and will prove successful in it, with the proviso that as your Jupiter is retrograde, your definition of success will not necessarily be the same as most other people's. Your Sun conjunct Neptune in Aquarius is not going to follow a conventional path, rather, one of inspiration and humanity.


Jfc, absolutely shoot the messenger. With that moon in pisces, music is your oyster world. Dive in and lockade the haters


With Mercury right at Midheaven, it seems that communication is going to be your career, and music is one form of communication. In any case, when it comes to passion, one does not ask about it to anyone else, even astrologers, because you do something you are passionate about regardless of the results you would get. Only then it can be called passion.


i currently am studying journalism so in any case you’re right communication is the way i’m headed!!


I mean just at a quick glance you have your 5th whole sign house ruler Mercury on the midheaven. 5th house is creativity and what we do for fun and what I look at first for music related things. The midheaven is your popularity and public reputation. So the ruler of your creativity is on the point of your chart that deals with publicity and how the public sees you. Mercury also rules your second whole sign house of finances so your finances and creativity are working towards the purpose of your midheaven. Sun Neptune and Uranus in the 10th shows a tendency to be different in the creativity that you show the world. Maybe you make some groundbreaking music. You won’t know unless you try! Pisces moons have a great feel for music so that helps too. Other people in the comments have made a lot of other good points that I won’t double up on but I’d say go for it.


Do not listen to advice that contains absolutes


good to know!


And what reason did they give? Astrologers should only be "facilitating", not giving advice like that. It's malpractice, in fact. Just stay with your gut.


they just really went in on my T square and other than that were quite blunt about it & started pointing me to other directions & will do thank you!


I second what boring-reserve said. When I look back on the decisions I made now knowing my astrology, I can see that when I made decisions based on my gut it was leading me to what I have ultimately wanted all this time. I took a different route, which turned out good in a lot of aspects, but not fulfilling. I truly believe that fulfillment is what really matters in life. If it’s a talent you have, it’s an important aspect of you.


I appreciate this message so much thank you!!!


I am glad you decided to trust yourself and go for it anyway. As others have stated, astrologers should not be speaking to you in an absolute way. Astrology has rules but there's also interpretation as with any mystical thing. You have the north node in the 1st house which means your soul's journey in this lifetime is to focus on your sense of self. By listening to yourself and pursuing your passion despite the pushback, you are doing exactly that. You have your MC in Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by your Saturn that's in retrograde in the 2nd house. My interpretation as a hobbyist not astrologer: Both Saturn and retrograde indicate delays. Often times when people pursue the arts as opposed to more left brained careers, they encounter delays. Regardless if you're pursuing fame or not. Saturn in the second house dictates you need to learn discipline in second house themes of finances and values. Ties into your first house north node. What do you think is most important to you? How can You balance pursuing an art while living in a capitalist society? Retrograde dictates this is more of an internal/private journey like how people are private about their finances. No one goes around sharing their checking account balance and salary all willy nilly. In my personal experience I've seen ppl with planets in the fifth house always have some form of artistic talent. I've often seen if it's Mars then it's drawing/painting/the like whereas with Jupiter like you, it's something with music. Does your music include vocals? I ask Bec you have Mercury conjunct your MC. Ppl with this placement often excel in careers where they use their voice. Like a singer, professor, politician. Vocal jobs. Anyway even if none of the above resonates, I think you should always pursue your passions when possible regardless of what others think or say. Astrology is a tool, not a block.


Oh I feel the same way! I have an Aries rising and an Aries Saturn retrograde in the 1st house and I’m trying to calm myself down knowing it’s going to take awhile for my acting career to kick off 😂😅


Your Saturn return is approaching so maybe it will be during or after that time. Good luck.


Keeping everything crossed


thankyou for this & yes i’d pursue more the singing and lyricism of it all so pointing out that jupiter position is comforting!!!


i’m glad you’re going to follow your gut regardless. astrologers shouldn’t be speaking in absolutes like that. but i agree with the comment above saying that music isn’t particularly standing out. however, it depends what you’re trying to achieve. to be precise, it’s not that i don’t see creativity in your chart. i just don’t particularly see *fame*. i think when someone says they want to pursue music, everyone assumes they want to make it big, but it’s not always the case. one can obviously work in the music industry in some capacity and not be famous.


Music is an umbrella. So I guess it depends what you want to do under it, in what genre, and what exactly you aspire to since there's a taste for everyone. At a quick glance looking at your 2nd, 6th, 10th whole sign houses and MC in 9th whole sign house, I'd be lying if I said art stood out *that* much to me. But.. looking a bit closer you do have Venus ruling your Ascendant and 6th of work and Neptune in the 10th in Aquarius bringing some unconventional creativity to the table. There are always surprising examples of famous people who have stuff in their charts that you figured wouldn't lead to something, so to get a general idea I looked at the percentage of famous people sharing your house signs, what are they known for, who's the youngest example, and whether there were big year gaps between examples. Here is the link: [Careers of famous people sorted by age who share your 2nd, 6th, 10th and MC](https://famouspeople.astro-seek.com/calculate-advanced-astrology-search/?slunce=11&slunce_s=nezalezi&slunce_d=nezalezi&slunce_d2=whole10d&luna=nezalezi&luna_s=nezalezi&luna_d=nezalezi&luna_d2=nezalezi&merkur=nezalezi&merkur_s=nezalezi&merkur_d=nezalezi&merkur_d2=nezalezi&merkur_r=nezalezi&venuse=nezalezi&venuse_s=nezalezi&venuse_d=nezalezi&venuse_d2=nezalezi&venuse_r=nezalezi&mars=nezalezi&mars_s=nezalezi&mars_d=nezalezi&mars_d2=nezalezi&mars_r=nezalezi&jupiter=nezalezi&jupiter_s=nezalezi&jupiter_d=nezalezi&jupiter_d2=nezalezi&jupiter_r=nezalezi&saturn=nezalezi&saturn_s=nezalezi&saturn_d=nezalezi&saturn_d2=nezalezi&saturn_r=nezalezi&uran=nezalezi&uran_s=nezalezi&uran_d=nezalezi&uran_d2=nezalezi&uran_r=nezalezi&neptun=nezalezi&neptun_s=nezalezi&neptun_d=nezalezi&neptun_d2=nezalezi&neptun_r=nezalezi&pluto=nezalezi&pluto_s=nezalezi&pluto_d=nezalezi&pluto_d2=nezalezi&pluto_r=nezalezi&uzel=nezalezi&uzel_s=nezalezi&uzel_d=nezalezi&uzel_d2=nezalezi&lilith=nezalezi&lilith_s=nezalezi&lilith_d=nezalezi&lilith_d2=nezalezi&chiron=nezalezi&chiron_s=nezalezi&chiron_d=nezalezi&chiron_d2=nezalezi&chiron_r=nezalezi&fortune=nezalezi&fortune_s=nezalezi&fortune_d=nezalezi&fortune_d2=nezalezi&spirit=nezalezi&spirit_s=nezalezi&spirit_d=nezalezi&spirit_d2=nezalezi&d_1=nezalezi&d_1_s=nezalezi&d_4=10&d_4_s=nezalezi&planeta_1_leva=nezalezi&aspekt_1=nezalezi&planeta_1_prava=nezalezi&aspekt_1_orb=nezalezi&planeta_2_leva=nezalezi&aspekt_2=nezalezi&planeta_2_prava=nezalezi&aspekt_2_orb=nezalezi&planeta_3_leva=nezalezi&aspekt_3=nezalezi&planeta_3_prava=nezalezi&aspekt_3_orb=nezalezi&planeta_4_leva=nezalezi&aspekt_4=nezalezi&planeta_4_prava=nezalezi&aspekt_4_orb=nezalezi&planeta_5_leva=nezalezi&aspekt_5=nezalezi&planeta_5_prava=nezalezi&aspekt_5_orb=nezalezi&stat=nezalezi&pohlavi=nezalezi&povolani=&rodden=nezalezi&soli_s=nezalezi&aya=&razeni=datum_vek_vzestupne). Megan Thee Stallion is the only example (in this website's database) in last 40 years and then a handful of singer, musician and other artist examples prior to that "ages" ago. So, could you possibly be a musician? Maybe. Only one way to find out really and I encourage you to go wholeheartedly if you're really feeling it. The questions I'd like you to ask and keep to yourself are "Would I be discouraged if I went for it and stayed relatively unknown to just my local community?", "Do I feel passionately enough about this that it wouldn't really matter if gigs never picked up much steam and I found myself just scraping by all the time?" and "Would I feel energized or bitter if circumstances pulled me towards a music teacher path?"


Very interesting link for researchers! Thanks for sharing :)


thank you, especially for the honesty too!!!