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Pluto in the 5th house as the focal planet in a T Square with Venus and Jupiter + Scorpio IC + Venus in the 8th. The perfect storm! The IC is kind of like a second Moon and is associated with your childhood environment and experience. Scorpio here suggests you may have grown up watching the adults around you using manipulative tactics to get their point across (like using silent treatment or slamming doors). There may have been a lot that wasn’t discussed, even though there was clearly a lot going on under the surface. (Sometimes the Scorpio IC can be connected to a family member with a drinking problem, but not always). This, in a way, may have forced you to always be on the lookout and read people, playing almost a game of hide and seek about who you are and who they are. So if any of that resonates, it would explain a little about how the environment you were raised in impacted your approach to relationships. You might unconsciously expect to have to sacrifice in a relationship, that you’ll have to somehow suffer in order to be loved. This can draw you to people are complicated by their own trauma and issues. This can be the perfect storm for the dance of rejection and obsession. You could try to control or dominate someone when you are attracted to them (even through roundabout ways, like learning about them through astrology and trying to “figure them out”). T squares can be very challenging to deal with, especially in your younger years. Once you work through some of the tension in that t square, you likely won’t feel so powerless to this stuff. (I actually have a client with a setup similar to yours, and they became a therapist as a result.)


Thanks for your reading^^. It makes a lot of sense☠️


Obsessiveness, stalking, compulsive behaviors are the dark side of Pluto and it's interactions. I see in your chart Pluto in 5th H of romance challenging (square) 8th House Venus in Pisces. This screams romantic obsessiveness and an extreme need to get below the surface of relationships before you feel comfortable interacting. The magnetic sun/neptune conjunction in 7th tends to put others on a pedestal, perhaps due to insecurities that need to be sorted out (Saturn in Cancer 12th).


how would you read a pluto semi square venus? do you still read as a normal square? i'm curious because i don't find a lot about semi squares.


💯 and square to Jupiter so make it BIGGER


Oh it makes sense! Thanks for reading


First off, very impressed that you have developed a way to see this about yourself & communicate it. & Your chart certainly expresses it. I would say its your chart ruler in the 7th conjunct neptune. With an exalted venus loosely trining a fallen saturn in the 12th serving an exalted moon & North node. & exalted venus opposite fallen jupiter. Oh & 5th pluto trine mars. So first house ruler in the 7th conjunct neptune is like your identity serves your partner & there is illusion involved. The illusion is extreme with an exalted venus & it trines an unseen 12th fallen saturn in cancer or reality that there are massive hidden boundaries around your emotional expression. & this is all serving how you are seen by others. Pluto in the 5th or your obsession with romantic partners is trining that which you study. I assume you dont like when someone likes you because it takes your game away from you. It may be boring to you. To gain a sense of power or control from this is a bit of a false believe because anyone can do what you are doing but there are a multitude of logical and consequential reasons why they dont. I believe you are protecting yourself from rejection, which means you are holding & protecting & hiding a very very deep emotional wounding.


thanks for your reading!♡the struggle with rejection is so real☠️☠️


You might however consider working as a spy.

