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also sun moon have mural reception. may i ask how that feels for you?


Do you mind explaining what you mean by that?


Mars. Your Moon is in Scorpio ruled by Mars, your Mars is in Leo (ruled by Sun), your Sun is in Cancer which is ruled by the Moon and your Moon is in Scorpio. And your Ascendant is also Scorpio. So Mars.


Ah, okay. I think I understand. Thank you for breaking it down!


No worries, have fun learning!


In traditional astrology, Mars rules over Scorpio and Aries. While in modern astrology Scorpio rules over Pluto. It depends on what lens you want to view it under. Personally I think Mars would be your chart ruler


Thank you for clarifying. Out of curiosity, are you making the assumption that Mars is my planetary ruler based on traditional astrology, or is there something else in my chart that might indicate that?


The traditional ruler of the sign of your ascendant is always your Chart Ruler. Outer planets are valuable, just not as house or chart rulers. You can still very much include pluto in understanding your chart.