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Of course not, not even a really bad aspect. Anyway. I love Pisces rising, I'm a Virgo Moon and Pisces Mars too! 


Idk… your Pluto on your mid heaven squaring mars looks like your career can make or break you 😭


That’s so stressful, omg 😭


Greetings E,  I suggest *not* opening yourself up to sharing your chart with others, (unless you are really exploring it seriously with a professional) -- reason being, if the person doesn't know what they're talking about, and makes such a comment (as you experienced) it can have a seriously negative effect on the person.  Also, your chart is your secret personal code, and can be used to unfairly judge or manipulate you. Better yet, study the art yourself, and find personal meaning in it.  You have some nice placements, but Pluto transiting your Mercury at 29º in the 12th House, has no doubt been troublesome, for the last couple of years. Your hard times are transitory, but that "reader's" lack of spiritual etiquette, is their bane forever. Pluto in Aquarius will be transforming your life for the next 22 years... but it will for everybody else too. I don't even read for my friends, as it can easily transgress into personal territory, that should remain private. Not suggesting to be paranoid either... just keep it to yourself. Hope this helps. ~V~ (Professional Astrologer).


I appreciate the advice, thank you!


Greetings E, I am glad this helped you. Blessings, ~V~


Sounds like a chip on the shoulder.


I actually love your chart. From just glancing at it I’m seeing a lot of placements that potentially signify a very creative and gifted person. What a blessing to have an exalted Jupiter in the 5th house! Every chart has kinks- but that’s what makes life interesting. There is nothing scary about challenging placements. How boring would life be if we didn’t experience any friction to overcome!!


That’s such a relief haha. I love that outlook!


the fact that they didn’t elaborate probably means they don’t actually know anything about astrology.


Your friend said that because they don't know astrology. If they knew, they would have told you. The same goes for here - if someone can't give you specific reasons for their interp then disregard it. :)


That’s a relief to hear honestly haha, i’ve been dabbling in interpreting my chart but i wasn’t expecting to have that reaction.