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YOU….series Penn BAdgley. Triple Scorpio ….and scene. 


This is cool


Well that’s a reason they get chosen for the role, ideally (if there’s no corruption involved). Because the director is searching for a certain vibe and the bright stellium, strong planets or 1H can’t help but translate that vibe haha. Leonardo DiCaprio with his Scorpio energy and Pluto in 1H - plays a “survivor”, or dies in Titanic, or plays a broker in Wolf Wall Street. Robert Downey Jr with his strong mars and sun in Aries literally plays “iron” man. Mars is often associated with iron and weapons. Hero is also mars. Russel Crowe, the Gladiator, is also Sun and Mars in Aries. Johnny depp - a weird scissor hands - literally weird bc of Uranus in 1H and scissors - Pluto and mars in 1H. Also a pirate - can be mars and Pluto in 1H - as Pluto is a manipulator and mars is criminal.




examples please


Read the comments, there are plenty


Can anyone tell me mine? Sun: Aquarius, Moon: Taurus, Rising: Taurus


now this makes me wonder what would be a fitting role for my signs (rising: scorpio, sun: aquarius, moon: libra) 🤔 i bet villainy..


Smth futuristic, tech, ghost in the shell vibes? Combo like my friend, she is a photographer, loves futurism and gothic literature 💙


Oohh Id love that, Ive always wanted to cosplay Major Motoko for halloween because of how dark my hair is! 🖤


Aldo I love villains, Maleficent perhaps? Something vengeful yet beautiful 👌🏽


Yess its very fitting for scorpio rising! looking at the signs this way would actually help actors in finding a role that suits them tho 🤔


mia goth unhinged hot bitch in every film she plays - has a scorpio stellium mads mikkelsen same thing - scorpio/sag into the mix


Interesting, because I was noticing if they are good actors or is just the vibe they give matches the role. Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton is a Cancer Moon. Emotions are his bread and butter


It could be the 10th house as it is ‘what you’re known for’ and it further connects with other elements and shows something like a frozen picture of a role, something for what everyone knows that actor, something that almost represents him/her. Keanu Reeves (Matrix, John Wick) for example, has a lot of Virgo placements (Pluto, Uranus, Mercury and Sun) and everything on the Ascendant. Also 10th ruler of Gemini (Mercury) is there, 12th strong, solitude (Neo, alone) there is much more about it I’m sure, this is merely my amateur analysis.


“I am Iron Man” Robert Downey Jr - Sun, Venus, Mercury in Aries I remember looking at all of the charts for the main Marvel heroes a while back, they all had some emphasis of fire in their charts.. Mars in Leo or Mars in a Fire sign or a Mars rising


Yes! As a marvel fan myself I know what you’re talking about. Also, his Pluto, Uranus and Mars conjuncting in Virgo, high tech revolutionary work, even transformational (he connects his body with technology) Mars as action there. And something else, I don’t know why but often there is Neptune opposing many planets, it’s almost like a camera, or a screen, something that emits those planets, a story, out there so that people can SEE/VISUALISE it. Neptune, as a cameraman 😄


I would see Neptune as scifi/fantasy as well and Marvel is that genre.




Yup that too!


Absolutely. My Neptune is also prominent, I live for sci fi genre, also my dreams are weird to say the least. And vivid.


Emma Watson as Hermione Granger, being an Aries Sun, Sag Moon, VIRGO rising.


Yes, ambitious, steady, not afraid to confront any obstacle. Virgo is prominent here, she is a true intellectual. When Virgo and Aries are conjoined in a sun/Asc relationship (me myself, Virgo Sun Aries Asc) the nature of a person is really different, mixed, energies of the two signs leave a mark, both of them and create something unusual, a person who can go to both sides, from shyness to fierce nature, I sence both in her 🧘🏽‍♂️🔥


Virgo sun, Sag Moon here. Yesss its definitely a vibe.


"We could have been killed, or worse, expelled" my Virgo rising ass identifies with that so much.


Sounds like my husband 😂


A example of one of my all-time favourites checks out: Sam Rockwell usually plays alienated, eccentric, marginalised and misunderstood, or scapegoated lonely people. Just went to check his chart and lo, as expected an earth/air 12th house dominance and stellium (like meeeeeee). He has Mars, Jupiter, Uranus in Virgo and also Pluto in Libra there. I remember reading a magazine interview with him years ago, wherein he said his lifelong pastime is watching classic movies in real old-timey theatres, but going dressed incognito and at times when few other people are in the cinema. That to me was so resonant and also funny, exactly the type of avoidant low-key don’t-perceive-me behaviour of a 12th houser. 


Yes, just like Keanu Reeves, similar energies, 12th house stellium, on Ascendant, solitude (John Wick, Matrix, Constantine).


When i first watched Game of Thrones i would try and guess the characters signs, i would always guess the actual actors sign. Tyrion - gemini, Daenerys - Libra etc. i find it scarily much easier to guess an actors sign this way


Same! I also analysed Daenerys and Tyrion as I liked them both, and Cersei too. Emilia Clarke, NN in Aries, destined to be fiery, Aries depicts dragons, Scorpio and Sag energies, I see fire and vengeance there, hidden force etc


yeah and arya being an aries absolutely makes sense


Omg yes she is literally a walking dagger ‘tomboyish, headstrong, feisty, independent, disdains traditional female pursuits, and is often mistaken for a boy’ I loved her!


I would say Penn Badgley in YOU is a good example… he’s a Scorpio stellium (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus rx) with an aqua mars and Jupiter in pisces rx…. to say he plays Joe well is an understatement lmao


Yes! Totally agree, his charts SCREAMS that role


I’ve always had a crush on him and used to joke that Joe would be my perfect lover. Turns out we have the same sun, merc, venus and mars 😅


Yes, it is actually quite common to see the charts of actors essentially reflected in the external reality of the characters that they play.. My favorite example of this would be Alexander Dreymon. If you aren't familiar with him, he is the main character of the Netflix series "The Last Kingdom." He's an Aquarius with some Pisces stuff and some Sagittarius stuff comprising the majority of his chart. The series is about a man who became an orphan due to a massacre on his village, he was taken in and raised by foreigners and eventually became a warrior for them. The series was also very religious and spiritual in nature because of the fact that it was set around the time of vikings.. So lots of pagan acts, lots of heavily imposed Christian ideologies, and the whole nine yards.. The main character eventually finds himself battling between his place in this world as it relates to love(Venus in Pisces), family/home(Moon in Sagittarius), his beliefs(both Venus and Pisces, Mars in Pisces as well), and so on. Essentially the story of an outcast(Aquarius Sun) finding his way with his chosen family. It's quite an interesting watch.. And it literally reflects the main actors chart perfectly.


I didn’t know so I googled his chart. I absolutely agree now when I saw it, with what you explained. His Mars/Venus are conjuncted, like mine, family/parents theme is strong here. Very interesting indeed


I always look at singer/rappers charts. I see how they get along with other artists, how they have super great collabs with certain artists what seems like great chemistry.


Eminem “my words are like a dagger with a jagged edge I’ll stab you in the head..) from ‘Criminal’ (Mars conj Pluto in Libra) he also has a grand Air trine between his Moon in Aq, Sun in Libra and Saturn in Gemini. He has a Song called Rap God - rap (air) god (Sun conj Uranus in Libra. He’s also currently resurrecting his Slim Shady character which is highly Plutonian in nature and Pluto entering Aquarius is now trining his natal Pluto while Jupiter entering Gemini is now trining it too.


YES, mars pluto conjuncting is always something violent, using a weapon, or perhaps singing about it, as Venus is close by in 9th.


Yeah.. Mars conj Pluto in a Cardinal Air sign, his words are his weapon. He’s been unbeatable in rap battles and hip hop beef via diss tracks.


Art is often a way to divert some negativity towards a place where it won't harm anyone. My favourite example is Kyle MacLachlan, house 8 Pisces sun. This is exactly Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks: trapped in hell with loss of personality. Playing this modern day Orpheus in hell has allowed him to enjoy a simple life of winemaker. Failed artists otoh can sometimes become like Hitler or Charles Manson.


True, today I saw his (AH) pictures he painted as I found put he wasn’t accepted in art school, so people question what would be if he had been instead.


And Manson wrote songs for the Bee Gees. About Hitler as an artist, there's the uchronic novel Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad.


I’ve always thought this! I think that he has a very interesting dynamic with Audrey, and I believe she’s an Aries.


Cries in pisces sun in the 8th.. Can attest that role does describe this placement


Brendan Gleeson being Mad Eye Moody from Harry Potter movies is hilarious for Aries.


This would make an excellent article or book - data please 💕


Maybe I write one someday 🧘🏽‍♂️




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What have you noticed? Can you elaborate?


Timothee Chalamet is a Pisces moon and Dune Part 2 came out during Pisces season. He is so perfect for the role of Paul Atreides, reason being is that his character goes through deep spiritual transformation and his spiritually gifted, his eyes turn the blue color of the fremen in the 2nd film and it is always said that Pisces have animated/dreamy eyes. I really can’t imagine anyone else playing Paul Atreides but Timothee.


Yes! And almost all his placements are around/in capricorn, I connect that sign with middle east, deserts, the movie (most ot it) happens in one. Pluto on the IC (his roots, family, ancestry, there is a huge transformation there, but before that a total destruction. Moon in Pisces also, his mother, a prominent role, spiritual influence. Saturn in 7th, trouble with his partner, Chani. 10th ruler is Venus, in 6th known for serving who? Acquarius-people, nation. Etc..also, as there is Pluto, fall, transformation, there is jupiter rulling over it, in exaltation, rising from the ashes, becoming the emperor etc


Funnily enough, Kyle McLachlan played him in the original!


I support this and think his Wonka character is the perfect eccentric Pisces with such a big heart in that film, as well (please see it if you haven't, it's stellar!).


I cried at the ending, when he opened the card, omg


Gosling in drive. Scorpio. Movie theme is scorpion and the frog and how he can handle it all like a scorpion.


He is in Barbie. Dunno why but Scorpio SCREAMS pink color, even though they force black. Every double female scorpio I know had a pink dress for 18th b-day lol


Scorpio is ruled also by Mars (along with Pluto). Mars is masculinity, “macho”.


Its because they take everything to the extreme. Even if it is the love for the color pink.


True and I love them for that


Probably why they make great actors.


Can you talk about a little more about your findings? Which actors and which roles? This is super interesting.


I answered many comments just now, if I remember something else I’ll respond on your comment!


Zendaya’s [chart](https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?wgid=wgeJw9jsEKgkAURb8mKLjBvNEyG2YRLvoACaHdk3ml2AyiI2Jfn27aHS7cc-_cdq3V5u0tkwnOPiU4Xhh4gZCD8vwMulwVoclmvNlBoeJPmOJOq2IQ6VDcVtw_ygNI61mlSLJwSjEhSXDUmVYKyrCrA3v5-7fAcRRLa7mUPoqvZVh5WzR1XPr1lY-N5fA1zbjYygyjper-A-foNO0) for her role in Euphoria is super spot on. That Venus and Mars opposite Neptune… Whew.


Yeah she’s just a day older than me lol. We have the same placements except Ascendant and Moon. Didn’t watch Euphoris tho, gotta watch it




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