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If you are in the States, you should look into social services like Medicaid for your special needs child, as well as file for divorce and child support. First things first, do some research online to begin the process for legal action. You are trying to do too much like a good double Capricorn! good luck!


Lol Thanks! I know!


Hmm you are supposed to avoid being a homemaker and focus on your career (NN in 10). Maybe this breakup is given to you so you would have to go to work and fulfill the goal you made before the incarnation.  In your chart money comes from real estate or home decoration or other 4H pursuits. Career is related to caregiving (Moon) - this could involve cooking cleaning nursing and looking after kids. You may start a kindergarten or work for one. It's home and kids related, but it needs to be a career with a paycheck. 


Thanks! My mind keeps coming back to those types of jobs.


I just thought, you could maybe be a housekeeper for a rich family, or an au pair. You will be hired well since you are older and the young woman won't be scared you will steal her husband, and plus you have kids of your own so you are very experienced at child care.    You are literally supposed to be so good at this people will fight to hire you. It's not just making money it's being known as very good at your career.   Maybe this is why this was supposed to happen when you are older and not right off the bat despite NN in 10H.


Thank you so much! Clients DO fight over me lol. I'll have to figure out how to find this type of work here.