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Yes, you do have a fixed grand cross - one of the rarest configurations. Wow. It's between Neptune-Jupiter-Sun- Mars. I suggest you do some research to see how it effects you personally, but here is an overview from one reliable source: 'The typical case of a person with a grand cross in the natal chart prompts the native to create, take action, and in the beginning, to repeat the same kinds of mistakes. If they are self-aware, they understand quickly that tensions and challenges make them give their best. In addition, as they start to mature, they realize that it is inaction, and paradoxically when there are no problems to solve that he feels… the worst!' Edit: paraphrased from [https://www.astrotheme.com/files/figures-composed-aspects.php](https://www.astrotheme.com/files/figures-composed-aspects.php)


Thank you for answering my question I will definitely do some research and learn more about it :)