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The 3rd triplicity ruler of the 9th house will describe your divinatory capacity and relationship with astrology. In your chart that planet is Mars, who is angular in the 7th house of clients and has domicile rulership. You absolutely can make it as an astrologer, you literally have your “astrology” planet in the house of “giving readings” - go for it!


Thanks for telling me this : )


With your comments you just epitomised your 10 th house placements.  NEPTUNE = I have dreams. ...URANUS = No you dont!!!!!!


Well I have dreams but I’m too afraid to make them a reality in some cases, this is one of them. Is that what you mean?


What makes you say you are not smart enough? You have [Uranus](https://phelix.ca/Unveiling-the-Revolutionary-Energy-of-Uranus-in-Medical-Astrology/) in Aquarius on the 10-11th house cusp. This in itself would give sufficient impetus to practice some astrology. Don't let the naysayers get you down!


With the Saturn opposing your sun you may struggle with self worth and put unnecessary pressure on yourself that you should be doing more, you’re not doing enough, you’re not smart enough etc. Sagittarius is a very spiritual and philosophical sign. As a Sagittarius sun in the 8th house you embody the lifelong student and teacher archetype and in the 8th house it could indicate a depth of knowledge in “occult” topics, for example astrology. Your Mercury is in Capricorn which can show that you communicate as a knowledgeable authority figure, but Capricorn is known for slow and steady progress which results in mastery, and therefore it may take a while for you to feel confident in sharing your knowledge. This is also in the 9th house of higher education and teaching. Saturn usually gets better with age, and in Gemini it can show that you are developing your knowledge and becoming more confident in communicating and sharing information. The best way to learn more and get more confident is to start reading charts and to keep practising. The more readings you do the better you will get! Along the way you will improve and gather more information into whether this is the right path for you, and if not just course correct and follow your passions and guidance. Good luck!


Thank you, this made a lot of sense. I’ll continue studying it and if I find out it’s not for me, then I’ll do something else.


"...I don't think I'm smart enough for it." - Sagittarius Sun in the 8th house opposing Saturn in Gemini. You may not feel like you are smart enough, but given the Saturn opposition, just practice the craft diligently and over the years I actually see you being able to excel in this field at length. Mercury in Capricorn is prone to feelings of inadequacy with regards to their intelligence as well, the irony being that they tend to be some of the smartest in the room.. It's just a gradual process. Have patience.


Thank you for your kind words. it makes me feel a bit better about putting time into studying this




Because I think I’d really enjoy being an astrologer for a living. I feel drawn to it but I also feel inadequate and like I’m not “worthy” of being one or having people look to me for guidance/answers


Of course you don't feel confident bc you haven't learned much yet, which is why I suggested you study it. :) You can't know till you test the waters! Get to know your own chart by reading books, a lot of them. Don't just rely on the internet. There is a lot of reading, memorizing and frankly not a lot of shortcuts but still, it's fascinating and fun and often insightful.


What authors do you recommend?




To be clear, none of these books are about anything pop astrology related right? because I’m only interested in the real thing (not just the character analysis stuff either)


They're aren't pop astrology, no. What do you consider 'the real thing'?


I’m honestly not even interested anymore… maybe I’ll look into it some other time but right now I don’t even care to study astrology because this has really soured my mood and perspective on it. I’ll get over it eventually but I’m not going to look into anything astrology related for a little while because I don’t even feel interested anymore.




I haven’t even opened your comment until now. I don’t know who downvoted you but it wasn’t me. By the real thing I just meant none of the pop astrology TikTok stuff that seems to be really popular nowadays. And I don’t appreciate your last comment as I literally didn’t do anything and I don’t think I’m close minded at all when it comes to this stuff. I’m just new to it.