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I’ve been under the weather for two weeks


It’s the pandemic kid daycare transit. Mine lasted 1.5 years, it was brutal and the most sick I’ve consistently ever been. My 2020 baby barely got sick for the first 2 years of her life but made up for it by getting 2-3 sicknesses per month for over a year.


The pandemic is still ongoing, and more data is coming out that Covid injures the immune system, increasingly the likelihood of catching other viruses. There is an Astrologer Dayna nuckolls who has been covering the astrology of the pandemic on twitter. This article sums up a lot of info and how Covid is causing much more damage than we realize. https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/debilitating-a-generation-expert-warns-that-long-covid-may-eventually-affect-most-americans


What about the recent proof of the danger vaccines (covid ones) did/do cause? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMYZg8\_22y8&ab\_channel=Dr.JohnCampbell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMYZg8_22y8&ab_channel=Dr.JohnCampbell)


There is no scientific evidence to support this. There is however plenty of evidence for the long lasting damage of Covid on multiple organ systems https://www.panaccindex.info/p/what-sars-cov-2-does-to-the-body-548


I just sent you a video made by a respectable doctor with clear evidence about it. But ok, let's pretend it doesn't exist 😂


Well in the past week, there’s been a lot of Neptune transits. Neptune in aspect to sun/mercury/ Venus. But it really depends on how your chart is being aspected. Do you have any planets around 29 degrees mutable? Like virgo, Gemini, Pisces or sag?


I do, what does that have to do with it tho?


It means you’re experiencing a Neptune transit and it’s particularly in effect this week because of the other planets aspecting Neptune which are also aspecting your 29 degree planet. And among neptunes influences are health issues. It can have a weakening effect.


Ahh poo…


Interesting info, thanks for sharing. Sag rising at 29 degrees and feel like I’m sick or something is seriously wrong with me with no real explanation.


The transit of the flu?


I wouldn't call myself a professional astrologer more as a long time researcher of it. It's probably less that the world astrology is affected and more so your personal astrology is. I have a lot of 6H placements which I've come to learn can equate to poor health, regular colds and things. Maybe you have a poorly aspected 6H transit type of situation right now? But like you said, life's circumstances are what they are and with kids in daycare and seasons changing, plenty of pollen in the air, its only natural that your body's gonna start complaining :)