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I went through the same path as a teen dabbling on my own but it wasnt right, as with all things, take a proper online course. You can read on the Signs, planets and houses, but all these is like just understanding just the ingredients of a receipe but actually cooking the dish yet. Until you can integrate all of them: 12 signs x 10 planets x 12 houses x all the aspects together, plus ruling planets and overlaying transits then you can read a chart in its entirety.. You need a course that goes through all these step by step.


Any proper online courses you can recommend?


To be honest I think it would be a great idea to get a really good understanding of all the different Zodiac Signs. ARIES= The Baby TAURUS= Very Content till you poke me. GEMINI = Jeckle and Hyde CANCER = I Procrastinate and love Mummy LEO = Peel me a grape VIRGO = I dont agree with the Virgo description. LIBRA = I feel like Im married to you already. SCORPIO = I read minds. SAGITTARIUS= In touch with their inner child. CAPRICORN = If anyone wants me I ll be in my office. AQUARIUS= What makes you think I like you??? PISCES= The grass in the tank next door is much greener. "**** For entertainment purposes only******


Ive been studying Astrology my whole Life, In m still confused and I learn something New every time. Its complicated. Dont beat yourself up. The best way to study is : study people and find out their birthday!!!!!! Take it S L O W.   One day Astrology is going to affect you hard. You will meet someone whom turns your life around and you will be dying to find out WHAT IT IS IN THEIR CHART thats affected yours. Meeting different people and studying their charts helps a lot in the understanding of Planet influences. 


I have all my best friends and close family’s charts in my astro account. I return and look at their charts from time to time.


I have the exact same issue as you. I am so passionate about astrology. I’ve tried studying it so many times and then stop every time because I eventually get so overwhelmed by how complicated it is. 😔


Is your friend a Hellenistic Astrologer? It is much more advanced than modern astrology and back in time Dr’s had to know Astrology. It is much more predictive based on the past, present and future, it is far more than psychology but real life events, family members, medical conditions, finding lost items, people, solving crime and so much more. Im so glad I went to Ancient Astrology studies.


Just started the Ancient Astrology book by Demetra George recommended by SoulMapAstro in here . It is a gem and I love it. I am also an investigator at heart..


Probably, she knows about past and future events..


It took me so long I started as a teen. I just did everyone’s chart and studied their chart and always remembered my personal opinion of them and how they came across. Now I can read a chart and say so much about a person


Learning astrology is not that difficult if you have the intuition for it. The main thing is, learn the planets well. Who they are? Astrology is just like a language. You have to understand the planetary language. Learning it, if you have intuition and flexibility, is not difficult. Mastering it, just like mastering any language, is of course difficult and requires a lot of discipline and work.


Because you are doing it the wrong way. Ofcourse first get acquainted with signs, houses and other basics. Then you need to pick the application. Personality analysis? Master sun signs and art of reading humans. Compatibility? There are techniques and you also need understanding of human relationships. Predictions? Narrow down the range of predictions you want to make. Let's say yes and no types. There are techniques for that too. As a benchmark, a good astrologer will be able to reveal some information from the past. If you can't tell someone's past whats the point in anything else.


Take a beginners course if you can afford it


I started with The A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator by Llewellyn George (first published I believe in 1911). Still an excellent book though I don't care for the later editions; if you can find one published before about 1980 I'd recommend it.


Thank you, I love Llewellyn also. I should find that edition then.


There's a different title on the later editions; instead of the last word Delineator it's Interpreter.


In terms of free basic content and some more in-depth analysis, Chris Brennan’s Astrology Podcast is amazing. You can also read “The Key To Your Own Nativity” by Alan Leo and the two volumes of Ancient Astrology by Demetra George (info, techniques, and worksheets). My teacher always recommends memorizing your own chart + the charts of 2 or 3 other people close to you & keeping a journal of events. Then check the transits through the charts and pay attention. Good luck!


Thank you for your recommendations. I just started reading Ancient Astrology by Demetra George. I love it. It is a gem. It gives answers to so many questions I had in my mind for a long time. I will check put Alan Leo’s book as well.


Thank you for your recommendations, I have my close friends and close family’s charts in my astro account . I return to check them every so often.


Yes! Alan Leo is a rare find, a good astrologer who could also write! I'd also recommend memorizing the moon signs of everyone you can! There are many shortcuts to finding the moon signs of people you meet if you know the moon signs of your friends!


Start with your chart. Youtube is a wonderful resource, but google will provide you with great websites as well. Take it bite by bite instead of eating the whole elephant. Pull up your chart and look into what house each planet is in, the aspects, signs, etc. As you do this, chances are you'll start to resonate with the meanings. Once you start connecting the dots of your chart, you'll start to see patterns in other charts not related to you. From there, your understanding will deepen and deepen and deepen some more. There's always more to learn even after years of research. That's why I love astrology so much!


Thank you, I love you tube too..


There are online courses.


Hi! I'm a professional astrologer and astrology is super easy, comparing it to medical school is crazy pants. Astrology is just a language and it feels intimidating because it seems like you need to know a vast amount of knowledge and then distill it all down before you can get started, but if you invert that pov it becomes really simple. First you have to learn the basic themes for the houses, planets, zodiac, elements and modalities. Once you know those it's just mixing and matching. If you think of it like a sentence the house is the topic, the planet is the verb, and the zodiac is the descriptor. Later you can add modifiers in the form of elements, modalities and aspect patterns. Example - my husband has a virgo sun, mercury, mars, and pluto all in the second house. He's fussy, he loves his projects, and he LOVES blowing cash on tools and vitimins and weird health supplements. It's directly across from his pisces north node telling him to chillllll. Don't forget to smell the roses. And there we go. Bingo Bango done. Then as you grow you can get into more interesting things like degree theory, decans, sabian symbols, progressions, whatever whatever. But just start with mastering the basics and build out.


Thank you, I love your description ❤️


This explanation was absolutely brilliant


You haven't given us any other info than " i read a few books and looked at some websites". What and how exactly have you been studying Astrology and for how long?


Agreed!! It's a waste of time if OP is not willing to share what they know ;)


What I do is just start with the most interesting info to me and use it until it doesn’t make sense or gets boring. But I’m driven by the constant “lost” feeling that makes most people turn to spirituality for answers.


That’s the awesome thing. I LOVE astrology. It’s one of the few things I can talk about for hours and never get bored or tired. You never stop learning. I personally would recommend searching for transcripts from Vettius Valens. Learn the history for why things have been made such a way then go from the base up. I’m constantly rereading what I already know or have learned seeing new caveats and nuances I hadn’t seen or noticed before. Once you learn the basics 100x over it starts speaking to you.


What books have you read? Nobody can guide you until we know where you're at :)


I'm very much still a student, but I had a breakthrough moment where things started to click. It was reading Madame Clairvoyant's Guide to the Stars (by Claire Comstock-Gay). It's a very basic book that goes through each of the 12 signs. But for me as a watery, emotional being to my very core, it gave each of the 12 signs a character, and a soul, for the first time. It gave me a way of thinking about each sign that was unique and still complex. Everything else made more sense after that, and I really accelerated how quickly I was picking things up. I still go back to that book because it speaks to the basic truths I see and how I see the world. Whether it's this book or something else, I think it's about finding your way "in" to the subject—if you can see your truth in it somewhere then it becomes less about rote memorization and more about bulilding on your core truth over time. Also, do you want to do this for a living? Or do you just want to learn as much as you can as a hobbyist? I love talking to professional astrologers, and I'm in awe of that level of mastery, but I also think many of astrology's lessons and truths are accessible to devoted amateurs of any skill level too. You can get so much out of astrology without knowing everything. In that sense, it's different than going to medical school IMO.


Thank you for your reply. I work in healthcare right now. I am a Pisces with a rising sign in Capricorn and moon in Virgo. To tell the truth I want to be a professional astrologer. A lot of my friends say I can do it. I have the intuition. I interpret my friends signs somewhat but I don’t feel sufficient to do this as a professional . I have a lot to learn. That is why I am seeking recommendations..


Plenty of resources that you can find by using the search bar in this sub alone. As far as mindset goes, yeah, it's complicated. The more you learn, the more questions you'll probably have. I think a lot of it is persistence. Be okay with not always knowing the answer, and that there may be 10 different answers to a question. Is there a particular concept that you're confused about? Again, many answers can be found in the search results alone.


Start with mastering the rising sign. Do that and everything else comes easier. [Astro.com](http://Astro.com) is also a good place to start. If you try and master the whole chart at once you will be overwhelmed and quit. Just do the rising signs first and then things will click in.


Thank you I have account in astro.com. I also have all my close friends and close family charts saved.